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The body may compensate for the loss of a true metaphysics.

He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker.

I'd rather be a bird than a fish.

The river stole the gods.

I really want to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.

He told us a very exciting adventure story.

She did her best to help him.

When I was little, I had a car door slammed shut on my hand. I still remember it quite vividly.

Please wait outside of the house.

I currently have 4 windows open… and I don’t know why.

The waves were crashing on the shore; it was a lovely sight.

A glittering gem is not enough.

Italy is my favorite country; in fact, I plan to spend two weeks there next year.

Let me help you with your baggage.

If you like tuna and tomato sauce- try combining the two. It’s not as bad as it sounds.

What was the person thinking when they discovered cow’s milk was fine for human consumption… and
why did they do it in the first place!?

She was too short to see over the fence.

The memory we used to share is no longer coherent.

The stranger officiates the meal.

Should we start class now, or should we wait for everyone to get here?

The stranger officiates the meal.

She always speaks to him in a loud voice.

We have a lot of rain in June.

She did not cheat on the test, for it was not the right thing to do.

She was too short to see over the fence.

She works two jobs to make ends meet; at least, that was her reason for not having time to join us.

I am never at home on Sundays.

I would have gotten the promotion, but my attendance wasn’t good enough.

Italy is my favorite country; in fact, I plan to spend two weeks there next year.

The sky is clear; the stars are twinkling.

 piously
 modulus
 agacles
 sidroth
 ungross
 locusta
 enwound
 bottler
 pietist
 iredell

 waggish
 sandhog
 piastre
 seismal
 whitish
 higgler
 created
 pulsing
 mitered
 marilee

 unlearn
 cornual
 bansela
 bonjour
 eyewash
 hackbut
 brutely
 judaean
 sapporo
 tardier

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