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Unit 12

Topic: Collocations make, do, have and take

Look at the information in the table for a couple of minutes and try to remember the words. Then click
below to hide the information and try to answer the questions at the bottom.

make do have take

a mistake
a profit/loss a look a photo
the ironing
money/millions dinner advantage of sb
the housework
a fortune a headache care of sb
your homework
friends a party place
war a picnic sth into account
a noise a barbecue your time
sth wrong/right
a mess an appointment time
your best
fun of someone fun no notice of sth
a phone call trouble part in sth
sb a favour
progress sth in common the opportunity
a difference

Make is also used with most nouns for ways of speaking/planning. For example, you make a complaint, a
promise, an offer, a threat, a speech, an apology, a point, a confession, an accusation, a suggestion, an
arrangement, a decision, a plan, an appointment.
But, have is used with most nouns which involve a two-way discussion. For example, you have a
conversation, a chat, a discussion, an argument, a fight, a row, a meeting, an interview.
We also often use have + a + verb (where the verb and the noun are the same). For example, have a look, a
rest, a sleep, a drink, a walk, a go.

Do someone a favour – Hacerle un favor a alguien.
 Would you please do me a favour and take this letter to the post office?
Do your hair -Peinarse.

 Do you have a cousin who can do your hair as well as any professional salon?
Do the shopping – Hacer la compra.
 You’re now able to do the shopping over the Internet without even going out to the shops.
Do your best – Hacerlo lo mejor posible, dar lo mejor de ti.
 Do your best, and remember that nobody is perfect.
Do your homework – Hacer los deberes.
 Do your homework before having dinner.
Do the dishes – Lavar los platos.
 Do you need rock music to do the dishes?

Have a baby – Tener un bebé.
 She wanted to get married and have a baby like her cousin.
Have fun – Divertirse.
 Go have fun with your friends, and let me have fun.
Have a rest – Descansar.
 You should go to your room and have a rest.
Have a shower – Ducharse.
 I’m going to have a shower and then we’ll go to the rehearsal.
Have a problem – Tener un problema.
 The European Union does not have a problem with the systematic violation of human rights.
Have dinner – Cenar.
 I was hoping that I could have dinner with you tonight.
Have a chat – Charlar o conversar.
 I thought we might have a chat about the movie.
Have a party – Tener una fiesta.
 We’ll have a party and get completely smashed.
Have a relationship -Tener una relación.
 It is nice to have a relationship with your girlfriend built on trust.

Make a cake – Hacer una tarta.
 You can make a cake with flour, milk and an egg.
Make a mess – Liarla, hacer un lío.

 If you make a mess you will get fired.

Make money – Ganar dinero.
 Teach them how to do that kind of stuff and make money.
Make lunch – Hacer la comida.
 Morning class ends at 12:30, then I go home and make lunch for mom.
Make progress – Progresar.
 We must take advantage of the current opportunity to make progress.
Make a difference – Diferenciar.
 Together we can make a difference for the benefit of the citizens of Europe.
Make an effort – Hacer un esfuerzo.
 The international community needs to make an effort to do something.
Make time – Hacer tiempo.
 I can always make time for an old friend.
Make trouble – Causar un problema.
I tell them what happens to their parents if they make trouble.

Take a photo/picture – Echar/tomar una foto.
 Make the dish and take a photo of the finished product.
Take a break – Descansar durante unos minutos.
 I think now’s a good time to take a break.
Take a chance – Probar suerte/fortuna.
 Somebody had to take a chance… and I’m chicken.
Take a taxi – Tomar/coger un taxi.
 Take a taxi. It will arrive in five minutes.
Take your time – Tómate tu tiempo.
 Do not look for the easiest solution for yourself; take your time.
Take notes – Pillar/anotar apuntes.
 Although you take notes, you need handouts and books for further study.
Take a risk – Arriesgarse.
 Sometimes when you’re dealing with extraordinary people, you need to take a risk.
Take a look – Echar un vistazo.
 Take a look at the trailer for this movie on YouTube.


bottom n (container, ocean: deepest part) fondo nm

He found the toy at the bottom of the box.
Encontró el juguete en el fondo de la caja.
bottom n (thing, place: lowest part) final nm
The bathroom is at the bottom of the stairs.
El baño está al final de la escalera.
bottom n informal (buttocks) (formal) nalgas nfpl
trasero nm
(figurado) rabadilla nf
(AR, ES, coloquial) culo nm
The angry mother spanked her child's bottom.
La madre enfadada le dio al niño una palmada en las nalgas.
La madre enfadada le dio al niño una palmada en el trasero.
La madre enfadada le dio al niño una palmada en la rabadilla.
La madre enfadada le dio al niño una palmada en el culo.
bottom n (lowest rank) desde abajo loc adv
último lugar adj + nm
He started at the bottom and ended up as CEO.
Empezó desde abajo y término como director ejecutivo.
bottom n (lowest priority) final nm
That chore is at the bottom of my list.
Esa tarea está al final de mi lista.

complaint n (grievance) queja nf

If you have any complaints about the process, voice them now.
complaint n (written statement of dissatisfaction) (legal) querella nf
(legal) denuncia nf
reclamación nf
demanda nf
Someone submitted a complaint about poor customer service to the store's corporate headquarters.
complaint n (illness, ailment) enfermedad nf
dolor nm
molestia nf
afección nf
Grandpa has been suffering from a chest complaint lately.

speech n uncountable (oral communication) expresión nf

Free speech is a necessity in a democracy.
La libertad de expresión es una necesidad dentro de una democracia.
speech n uncountable (pronunciation) pronunciación nf
habla nf
People tend to have slurred speech after a few beers.
La gente tiende a tener problemas de pronunciación después de algunas cervezas.
La gente tiende a tener problemas de habla después de algunas cervezas.
speech n uncountable (way of speaking) habla nf
forma de hablar, manera de
hablar grupo nom
Most young people's speech is full of slang.
El habla de la mayoría de los jóvenes contiene jerga.
La forma de hablar de la mayoría de los jóvenes contiene jerga.

meeting n (assembly of people) reunión nf

junta nf
The community meeting lasted for two hours.
La reunión de la comunidad tuvo una duración de dos horas.
La junta de la comunidad duró dos horas.
meeting n (business discussion) junta nf
reunión nf
The meeting about the new project is at four o'clock.
La junta para hablar del nuevo proyecto empezará a las cuatro de la tarde.
meeting n (encounter) encuentro nm
The chance meeting between his new wife and his ex-girlfriend made him nervous.
El encuentro casual entre su nueva esposa y su ex novia lo puso nervioso.
Unit 12
Topic: example formal and informal email
Follow these five simple steps to make sure your English emails are perfectly professional.

1. Begin with a greeting

2. Thank the recipient
3. State your purpose
4. Add your closing remarks
5. End with a closing

1. Begin with a greeting

Always open your email with a greeting, such as “Dear Lillian”. If your relationship with the reader
is formal, use their family name (eg. “Dear Mrs. Price”). If the relationship is more casual, you can
simply say, “Hi Kelly”. If you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, use: “To whom
it may concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.

2. Thank the recipient

If you are replying to a client’s inquiry, you should begin with a line of thanks. For example, if someone
has a question about your company, you can say, “Thank you for contacting ABC Company”. If
someone has replied to one of your emails, be sure to say, “Thank you for your prompt
reply” or “Thanks for getting back to me”. Thanking the reader puts him or her at ease, and it will
make you appear more polite.

3. State your purpose

If you are starting the email communication, it may be impossible to include a line of thanks. Instead,
begin by stating your purpose. For example, “I am writing to enquire about …” or “I am writing
in reference to …”.

Make your purpose clear early on in the email, and then move into the main text of your email.
Remember, people want to read emails quickly, so keep your sentences short and clear. You’ll also
need to pay careful attention to grammar, spelling and punctuation so that you present a professional
image of yourself and your company.

4. Add your closing remarks

Before you end your email, it’s polite to thank your reader one more time and add some polite closing
remarks. You might start with “Thank you for your patience and cooperation” or “Thank you for
your consideration” and then follow up with, “If you have any questions or concerns, don’t
hesitate to let me know” and “I look forward to hearing from you”.

5. End with a closing

The last step is to include an appropriate closing with your name. “Best regards”, “Sincerely”,
and “Thank you” are all professional. Avoid closings such as “Best wishes” or “Cheers” unless you
are good friends with the reader. Finally, before you hit the send button, review and spell check your
email one more time to make sure it’s truly perfect!

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Email Exchange: Formal and informal emails
The style of a business email or letter depends on the occasion for writing and the relationship with the
1. They can be formal: “Please find attached our proposal. I would be grateful if you could check it and
send us confirmation of your acceptance.”
2. They can be more conversational: “Attached is our proposal. Please check it and confirm that you are
happy with it.”
3. Emails can sometimes be in a kind of shorthand: “Pls check the attached proposal and confirm.”
Now let’s see a couple examples of both writing styles:
Example 1

Example 2

greeting n (spoken welcome: hello, etc.) saludo nm

Logan welcomed the visitor with a polite greeting.
Logan recibió a su visita con un saludo cordial.
greeting n (message in card) saludo nm
felicitación nf
Anna's mother always sent a greeting at Christmas.
La madre de Anna siempre envía saludos por Navidad.
greetings npl (message on special occasion) felicitaciones nfpl
buenos deseos loc nom mpl
enhorabuena nf
Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday greetings.

spelling n (letters used to write a word) deletreo nm

The spelling of some English words isn't very helpful when it comes to
El deletreo de algunas palabras inglesas no ayuda demasiado en lo que respecta a
su pronunciación.
spelling n (ability to spell) ortografía nf
She's got very untidy handwriting and her spelling's atrocious.
Tiene una letra muy mala y su ortografía es horrible.

prompt adj (quick) rápido adj

raudo/a adj
I had to call a plumber last week, and I was very impressed at how prompt his
response was.
Tuve que llamar a un plomero la semana pasada y me sorprendió su respuesta
tan rápida.
prompt n (theater: cue) (de un texto, teatro) pie nm
entrada nf
Mary forgot her line and needed a prompt.
Mary se olvidó las líneas y necesitaba un pie.
prompt [sb]⇒vtr (give a cue to [sb]) apuntar a vtr + prep
dar pie a loc verb
dar entrada a loc verb
When Ian forgot his line, the stage manager prompted him.
Cuando Ian olvidó sus líneas, el director lo apuntó.

hesitate⇒ vi (pause) dudar⇒ vi

vacilar⇒ vi
titubear⇒ vi
Sarah hesitated before making up her mind and accepting the job offer
Unit 12

showing n (screening of a movie) proyección nf

The theater has showings of the new movie at 7:00 and 9:30.
El cine tiene proyecciones de la nueva película a las 7:00 y a las 9:30.
showing n (exhibition) exposición nf
showing n (rank in contest) posición nf
clasificación nf
The horse's showings in the last three meets were impressive.
Las posiciones de los caballos en las tres últimas pruebas fueron impresionantes.

guess⇒ vi (estimate without knowledge) adivinar⇒ vtr

suponer⇒ vtr
He didn't know the answer, so he just guessed.
No sabía la respuesta por lo que simplemente adivinó.
No sabía la respuesta por lo que simplemente la supuso.
guess vtr (estimate without knowledge) creer⇒, pensar⇒ vtr
I guess that there are fifty people in the room.
Creo (or: pienso) que hay cincuenta personas en el salón.
guess vtr (suppose) suponer⇒, estimar⇒ vtr
I guess he wants to go camping, but I'm not sure.
Supongo (or: estimo) que quiere ir de campamento, pero no estoy seguro.

greatest, (best) el mejor loc adj

the greatest adj
el mayor loc adj
Who is the greatest opera singer of all time?
¿Quién es el mejor cantante de ópera de todos los tiempos?
greatest, (largest) el más grande loc adj
the greatest adj
el mayor loc adj
The greatest economic growth was seen in Asia last quarter.
El crecimiento económico más grande del último trimestre fue en Asia.

strange adj (unusual) extraño/a adj

One of the pastries had a strange shape.
Uno de los pastelillos tenía una forma extraña.

parachute n (fabric safety apparatus) paracaídas nm inv

For a horrible moment I thought my parachute wasn't going to work.
Por un momento horrible creí que mi paracaídas no iba a funcionar.
parachute⇒ vi (land by parachute) tirarse en paracaídas loc verb
Rescuers parachuted to the site to help the trapped victims.
Los rescatadores tuvieron que tirarse en paracaídas para llegar a las víctimas atrapadas.
built v past p (past participle of build) construido participio
This company has built many houses.
Esta compañía ha construido muchas casas
built adj slang (body: sculpted, attractive) (coloquial) bueno/a, macizo/a adj
tener un cuerpazo loc verb
She has a pretty face, and on top of that, she is built!
Tiene una cara bonita ¡y qué buena que está!
Tiene una cara bonita y además ¡qué cuerpazo tiene!

boss n (manager) jefe, jefa nm

gerente n común
If you want to take a break, ask the boss.
Si necesitas un descanso, pídeselo al jefe.
boss n informal (dominating person) (coloquial, figurado) el que lleva los pantalones, la que
lleva los pantalones grupo nom
el que manda, la que manda grupo
His wife is his boss.
Su mujer es la que lleva los pantalones.
Su mujer es la que manda.
boss adj slang (excellent) (figurado) soberbio/a adj
excelente adj
His new car is so boss!
¡Su coche nuevo está soberbio!

mistake n (error) error nm

I'm sorry but I made a mistake. The correct number is four.
Lo siento pero cometí un error, el número correcto es cuatro.
mistake n (wrong act or decision) equivocarse⇒ v prnl
I should have given him the job: I made a mistake there.
Debí darle el trabajo: me equivoqué.
mistake [sb]for [sb] else⇒vtr (identify wrongly) confundir⇒ vtr
I didn't recognize her voice and mistook her for Jenny.
No reconocí su voz y la confundí con Jenny.

housework n uncountable (housekeeping chores) quehaceres domésticos loc nom mpl

tareas domésticas loc nom fpl
tareas del hogar loc nom fpl
I'll go shopping when I've finished the housework.
Iré a comprar cuando termine los quehaceres domésticos.

least, (lowest possible) mínimo/a adj

the least adj
menos adj
ⓘ ¿Cuál es el pago mínimo por esto?
least adv (to the smallest degree) lo mínimo loc adv
menos adv
She laughed least. This is our least popular ice cream.
ⓘ Ella comió lo mínimo posible.

kind adj (friendly) amable adj mf

atento/a adj
She is so kind. She took the time to help me with my homework.
Es tan amable que dedicó su tiempo a ayudarme con los deberes.
kind to [sb] adj (benevolent) condescendiente con adj mf + prep
+ prep
The king was kind to the people of his country and was well liked.
El rey era condescendiente con sus súbditos y era querido por todos.
kind adj (warm, compassionate) cálido/a adj
She has a kind heart and welcomes everyone.

guide⇒ vtr (lead) guiar⇒ vtr

We need someone to guide us around the sights of Paris.
Necesitamos a alguien que nos guíe por los sitios interesantes de París.
guide n (leader: tour) (invariable masc y fem) guía n común
She was employed as a guide in the museum.
Fue empleada como guía en el museo.

ever adv (at any time) alguna vez loc adv

Have you ever been to New York?
¿Alguna vez has estado en Nueva York?
ever adv (of all time, in history) de todos los tiempos loc adv
The Beatles were one of the most successful bands ever.
Los Beatles fueron una de las bandas más exitosas de todos los tiempos.
ever adv (emphatic: never) nunca adv
I have never, ever, been to Paris.
Yo nunca, nunca, he estado en París.
ever adv informal (emphatic) sin duda loc adv
Did the audience like her? Did they ever!
¿Le gustó al público? ¡Sin duda!
ever adv UK, informal (with such, so: very) tan adv
He's ever so clever.
Es tan inteligente.
ever adv literary (always) siempre adv
They were ever mournful of that tragic day.
Estuvieron siempre tristes por ese trágico día.
journey n (extended travel) travesía nf
viaje nm
We went on a journey around South America.
Hicimos una travesía por Suramérica.
journey n (distance) trayecto nm
(AmL) tramo nm
It is a five hundred km. journey to the next large city.
Es un trayecto de quinientos kilómetros hasta la próxima ciudad grande.

whale n (large sea mammal) ballena nf

Whales live in the ocean.
Las ballenas viven en el océano.

flown adj (ceramics: of blended colour) fluido adj

fly⇒ viappp (move through the air) volar⇒ vi
You can see the birds flying every day.
Puedes ver volar a los pájaros todos los días.

appear⇒ vi (come into view) aparecer⇒ vi

At last, they appeared at the far end of the beach.
Al fin aparecieron a lo lejos, a la otra punta de la playa.
appear that vtr (seem) parecer que vi + conj
It appears you were correct after all.
Parece que tú tenías razón, después de todo.

lake n (body of water) lago nm

Mark went fishing at the lake last weekend.
Mark fue a pescar al lago el fin de semana pasado.
path n (trail) vereda nf
camino nm
This path through the woods gets muddy on occasion.
Esta vereda a través del bosque a veces se torna fangosa.
El camino se vuelve prácticamente intransitable en algunos tramos.
path n figurative (way) (figurado) ruta nf
camino nm
The path to success has many potholes.
La ruta al éxito tiene muchos baches.
El camino hacia el éxito está lleno de dificultades.

tram n UK (streetcar: public vehicle on rails) tranvía nm

I used to take a tram to work in the City.
Solía tomar un tranvía para ir a trabajar a la ciudad.
tram n UK (wagon used in mine) vagoneta nf
Ponies were once used to pull the trams.
Los ponis alguna vez se usaron para tirar las vagonetas.

way n (preferred method) forma nf

manera nf
modo nm
This is the way to do it.
Ésta es la forma de hacerlo.
way to do [sth]n (means) forma nf
manera nf
modo nm
The way to accelerate the project is to add staff.
La forma de acelerar el proyecto es incorporando personal.
way n (direction) camino nm
dirección nf
Which way did you go to get here?
¿Qué camino tomaste para llegar aquí?
way n often plural (divisions, parts) porción nf
trozo nm
We divided the dessert three ways.
Dividimos el postre en tres porciones.
way n (street name) vía nf
The street I live on is called Artren Way.
La calle en la que vivo se llama Vía Artren.
way n (route) camino nm
There is a way through the mountains ten kilometres south of here.
Hay un camino a través de las montañas a diez kilómetros al sur de aquí.
the way n (preferred, recognised route) camino nm
I don't know the way to the pharmacy.
No conozco el camino hasta la farmacia.

environment n (a local subsection of the natural world) ambiente nm

The environment of the Amazon can be difficult for humans.
El ambiente del Amazonas puede ser riguroso para los humanos.
environment n (physical surroundings) ambiente nm
entorno nm
The environment in many cities is noisy.
En muchas ciudades el ambiente es ruidoso.

hill n (geography) colina nf

montaña nf
cerro nm
She stood on a hill and looked down on the town.
Contemplaba la ciudad desde arriba de una colina.
hill n (slope) cuesta nf
He walked up the long hill to the town.
Caminó cuesta arriba el largo trayecto hasta la ciudad.

safety, uncountable (freedom from risk) seguridad nf

safeness n
Everything is designed to maximize safety on the construction site.
Todo está diseñado para extremar las medidas de seguridad en la construcción.
safety n (device: guard or locking) seguro nm
The gun had a safety to keep people from firing it accidentally.
La pistola tenía un seguro para evitar que se disparase por accidente.

path n (trail) vereda nf

camino nm
This path through the woods gets muddy on occasion.
Esta vereda a través del bosque a veces se torna fangosa.
El camino se vuelve prácticamente intransitable en algunos tramos.

deejay n informal (DJ, disc jockey) pinchadiscos n común inv

(voz inglesa) DJ n común
disc-jockey n común

apply [sth]⇒vtr (spread [sth] on) (coloquial) ponerse⇒ v prnl

(formal) aplicarse⇒ v prnl
Please apply sunscreen before going outside.
Por favor, póngase la crema solar antes de salir a la calle.
apply [sth] to [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (spread [sth] on [sth/sb]) aplicar⇒ vtr
Apply the moisturizer liberally to your face and neck.
Aplique el humectante generosamente en cara y manos.

somewhere, (in an unspecified place) en algún lugar loc adv

also US:
someplace adv
en algún sitio loc adv
en algún lado loc adv
Robert was hiding somewhere in the house. I put my passport someplace, but I can't
remember where.
Roberto se estaba escondiendo en algún lugar de la casa.

guidebook, (book of tourist information) guía turística grupo nom

guide book,
guide-book n
Michelin and Lonely Planet are two famous companies that publish guidebooks for travelers.
The guidebook recommended taking a boat to Kew Gardens.
Michelin y Lonely Planet son dos famosas empresas que publican guías turísticas.
guía nf
Michelin y Lonely Planet son dos famosas empresas que publican guías turísticas

a bit of [sth] n (small amount) pizca nf

poquito nm
(informal) poquitín nm
I added a bit of cinnamon to the recipe.
Añadí una pizca de canela a la receta.
bit n (piece) (cantidad de algo) trozo nm
pedazo nm
There are bits of crackers at the bottom of the bag.
Hay trozos de galletas en el fondo de la bolsa.
Hay pedazos de galletas en el fondo de la bolsa.
bit n (part, section: of text, show, etc.) (voz inglesa) sketch nm
(AmL) rutina nf
número nm
The comedy bit about the elevator was really funny.
El sketch del ascensor fue muy gracioso.
La rutina del ascensor fue muy graciosa.
El número del ascensor fue muy gracioso.


own [sth]⇒ vtr (have) tener⇒ vtr

poseer⇒ vtr
ser dueño de loc verb
Do you own a computer?
¿Tienes un ordenador?
own adj (belonging to self) (enfático) propio/a adj
My own car is not nearly as nice as yours.
Mi propio coche no es, ni de cerca, tan bonito como el tuyo.
own adj (intensifier) (enfático) propio/a adj
I saw it with my own eyes!
¡Lo vi con mis propios ojos!
own pron (mine: with my, his, etc.) mío pron
Your car's much nicer than my own.
Tu coche es mucho más bonito que el mío.

unfit adj (not physically fit) que no está en forma loc adj
fuera de forma loc adj
Being unfit can lead to or exacerbate a host of health problems.
No estar en forma puede conducir, o exacerbar, problemas de salud.
unfit adj (not suitable) no apto loc adj
inadecuado/a adj
impropio/a adj
The court determined that he was unfit to act as the girl's father.
La corte determinó que no era apto para actuar como padre de la niña.

rich adj (wealthy) rico/a adj

The Rockefeller family is rich.
La familia Rockefeller es rica.
the rich npl (wealthy people) los ricos nmpl
Our economy would change dramatically if we'd stop letting the rich make the tax laws.
los pudientes nmpl
rich adj figurative (food: full of flavor) pesado/a adj
This dessert is rich.
El postre es muy pesado.
rich adj figurative (abounding: in [sth]) abundante adj mf
The jungle is rich in wildlife.
La jungla tiene una abundante fauna.
rich adj figurative (smell: fragrant) intenso/a adj
The perfume has a rich aroma.
El perfume tiene una intensa fragancia.
rich adj figurative (soil: nutritious) fértil adj mf
The soil in the basin is rich.
El suelo del estanque es fértil.

few adj (not many) poco/a adj

Few people know that Schumann's wife was also a gifted composer.
Pocas personas saben que la esposa de Schumann era también una compositora talentosa.

ar adj (not close to [sth]) lejos adv

Springfield is far from here.
Springfield queda lejos de aquí.
far adj (extreme) extremo/a adj
His beliefs put him on the far right of the political spectrum.
Sus ideas lo colocan en el extremo derecho del espectro político.
far adv (great distance) largo/a adj
She walked far this morning - almost ten kilometres.
Ella caminó una larga distancia esta mañana, casi diez kilómetros.

hope [sth], (expect) esperar⇒ vtr

hope that vtr
We hope that we'll be able to move house before the end of next year.
Esperamos poder mudarnos de casa antes de fin de año.
hope n (desire) esperanza nf
He has a lot of hopes for the future.
Tiene muchas esperanzas para el futuro.

building n (structure) edificio nm

construcción nf
inmueble nm
This building can withstand an earthquake.
Este edificio puede resistir un terremoto.
Esta construcción puede resistir un terremoto.


half n (50 percent) mitad nf

Half of eight is four.
La mitad de ocho es cuatro.
half, (fraction: 50 per cent)
a half,
one half n

race n (informal test of speed) carrera nf

Fred won the race around the park.
Fred ganó la carrera alrededor del parque.
race n (division of living things) clase nf
tipo nm
raza nf
The saguaro is a race of cactus.
El saguaro es una clase de cactus.
El saguaro es un tipo de cactus.
ⓘ Mi raza favorita de gatos es la persa.
race n (ethnicity) raza nf
Race is not a factor in hiring.
La raza no es un factor en la contratación.

skiing n (sport in snow) esquí nm

esquiar nm
Nathan enjoys skiing.
A Nathan le encanta el esquí.

afford [sth]⇒ vtr (have money to buy) permitirse⇒ v prnl

(sentido positivo) estar al alcance loc verb
(sentido negativo) estar fuera de alcance loc verb
however adv (by whatever means) como adv
de la manera que, de la forma
que loc adv
You can do it however you want to. Just do it!
Puedes hacerlo como quieras. ¡Sólo hazlo!
however adv (in whatever manner) independientemente de cómo adv
sin importar cómo loc adv
da igual cómo loc adv
como quiera que loc adv
He always looks good, however he dresses.
Siempre tiene buen aspecto, independientemente de cómo se vista.

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