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Nerve Agents

Mahdi Balali-Mood, Beeta Balali-Mood, and Kia Balali-Mood

Contents Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Decontamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
History of the Use of Nerve Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Experimental Antidotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Relevant Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pretreatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Antidotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Diazepam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Mechanism of Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Gacyclidine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Biochemical Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Serum Alkalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Drug Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Toxicokinetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hemoperfusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Clinical Presentation and Complications . . . . . . . . . . 7 Special Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Clinical Manifestations by Routes of Exposure . . . . . . 7 Pediatric Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Life-Threatening Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Pregnant Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Intermediate Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Elderly Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Delayed Neuropathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Rescue Staff and Hospital Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Course and Prognosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Experience in War and Terrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Diagnostic Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Toxicologic Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Biochemical and Hematologic Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Grading System for Levels of Evidence
Other Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Supporting Recommendations in Critical Care
Severity Grading of Intoxication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Toxicology, 2nd Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Causes of Death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

M. Balali-Mood (*)
Medical Toxicology Research Centre, Faculty of
Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,
Mashhad, Iran
B. Balali-Mood (*)
MoodBioPharm, London, UK
K. Balali-Mood (*)
Workstream Lead, Medical Business Intelligence at
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma, London, UK

# Springer International Publishing AG 2016 1

J. Brent et al. (eds.), Critical Care Toxicology,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20790-2_73-1
2 M. Balali-Mood et al.

History of the Use of Nerve Agents A presumed terrorist attack with sarin occurred
in a residential area of the city of Matsumoto,
Nerve agents are organophosphate (OP) com- Japan, on June 27, 1994. About 600 residents
pounds, similar to OP pesticides, and are a group and rescue staff were poisoned; 58 were admitted
of potentially lethal chemical warfare agents to hospitals, and 7 died [6]. On March 20, 1995,
(CWA). They are extremely potent inhibitors of terrorists released sarin at several points in the
the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), a key reg- Tokyo subway, killing 11 and poisoning more
ulator of cholinergic neurotransmission. Early than 5500 people [7]. United Nation has con-
attempts in the synthesis of OP were made by Von firmed that sarin was used on 21 August 2013 in
Hofman, who developed methylphosphor chloride Ghouta area of Damascus, Syria [8].
in 1873. Michaelis in 1903 introduced a compound
with P – CN bond, which led to the synthesis of
many OP compounds, including the nerve agent Relevant Chemistry
tabun. Lang and Von Kreuger synthesized com-
pounds with P – F linkage in 1932. Schrader devel- Nerve agents are divided into two groups of G
oped sarin and tabun in 1937; in 1944, Germans (comes from Germany) and V (abbreviated from
developed soman. British scientists developed VX Victory, as the British who first synthesized after
in 1952 [1]. the World War I victory, named it) agents. The G
Exposure of nerve agents to humans was agents (except for tabun, which is a cyanide deriv-
restricted to one prospective study with VX and ative) are fluorinated OP compounds. The V
sarin and to case reports of treatment of accidental agents are sulfur-containing OP compounds. The
exposure to sarin and soman [2]. The first reported principal G agents, GA, GB, and GD, have the
use of nerve agents in a war occurred in February common names of tabun, sarin, and soman,
1984 in Majnoon Island, by the Iraqi army against respectively. The other G agents and V agents do
the Iranian troops. The nerve agent tabun was not have common names. The oldest and most
found in the environmental samples and in the common V agent is called VX. The names and
postmortem examination of the patients who chemical structures of all nerve agents are sum-
died soon after exposure. More than 300 patients marized in Table 1.
died within 30 min of exposure in the field, and Although both G and V agents are commonly
several thousands were poisoned by tabun called nerve gases, they exist under temperate
[3]. Toxicologic analyses of the blood, urine, conditions as clear, colorless, viscous liquids
skin, and gastric juice of the chemical war gas with high boiling points. They become aerosol-
victims revealed tabun and sulfur mustard ized when dispersed by spraying or by an explo-
[4]. Later in 1987 and 1988, particularly during sive blast from a shell or bomb. The G agents are
the Halabjah massacre, another nerve agent only moderately volatile (vapor pressure of
(sarin) also was identified [5]. <2 mmHg at 20  C), but owing to their great

Table 1 Names and chemical structures of nerve agents

Short name Common name Synonym Chemical name
GA Tabun mLe-100 Ethyl dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate
GB Sarin Zarin Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate
GD Soman Zoman Pinacolyl methylfluorophosphonate
GE – – Isopropyl ethylphosphonofluoridate
GF – – Cyclohexyl Methylphosphonofluoridate
VX – – O-Ethyl-S-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl)methylphosphonothioate
VE – – O-Ethyl-S-(2-diethylaminoethyl)ethylphosphonothioate
VG – – O,O-Diethyl-S-(2-diethylaminoethyl)phosphonothioate
VM – – O-Ethyl-S-(2-diethylaminoethyl)methylphosphonothioate
Nerve Agents 3

toxicity, the vapors pose a significant inhalational Pathophysiology

hazard. Vapor pressure of the G agents is suffi-
ciently high for the vapor to be disseminated Mechanism of Action
rapidly. GB (sarin) is mainly a vapor hazard. VX
is less volatile and is normally a liquid contact The well-known mechanism of action of OP com-
hazard. Delivery systems of nerve agents include pounds is the inhibition of cholinesterases. Two
bombs, missiles, cluster spray, and spray tanks. G types of cholinesterase are involved:
agents spread rapidly on surfaces such as skin and
in the lungs. They are dispersed within hours and
are described as nonpersistent agents, whereas 1. AChE is a specific enzyme useful for the diag-
VX spreads slowly and remains in the place for nosis of OP poisoning; it also is called true
weeks or longer after exposure and is thus called a cholinesterase. It usually is estimated in red
persistent nerve agent. Clothing releases G agents blood cells and called RBC AChE or erythro-
for about 30 min after contact with vapor [9]. If G cyte AChE.
agents are released into the air, they are degraded 2. Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) is less specific
rapidly by reaction with photochemically pro- but more sensitive than AChE for the diagnosis
duced hydroxyl radicals and have an estimated of OP poisoning. It also is called pseudocho-
half-life of 10 h. linesterase. BChE is usually estimated in
Nerve agents are four to six times more dense plasma and is so-called plasma cholinesterase.
than air. As a result, they tend to remain close to
the ground and pose a risk particularly to people in The reaction between OP compounds and
low areas and below-ground shelters. The nerve AChE occurs in three steps, as shown in Fig. 1
agents are soluble in water, organic solvents, and [10]. The toxic manifestations and lethality after
fat. After contact with water, they are hydrolyzed nerve agent exposure seem to follow the irrevers-
to products that are less toxic than the parent ible phosphorylation of the serine-containing
compounds [10]. active site of AChE. BChE also is inhibited. Peo-
ple with BChE genetic variation deficiencies may

Fig. 1 Three-step reaction

mechanism for the
inactivation of
(AChE) by an
compound. Step 1 depicts
the formation of a reversible
complex between a serine
residue in the AChE active
site and the
organophosphate. Step
2 shows the elimination of
the organophosphate
leaving group (X ). In step
3, the aging of the AChE is
completed, forming a
phosphorylated AChE
4 M. Balali-Mood et al.

be at risk. The clinically most important variant is thromboplastin time, fibrinogen) were observed
atypical (D70G) BChE because people with this after soman poisoning in rabbits [16]. Significant
variation have 2 h of apnea after receiving a dose increases in creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehy-
of succinylcholine that is intended to paralyze drogenase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate ami-
muscle for 3–5 min [11]. notransferase, and serum potassium, associated
Different aging mechanisms are involved. with damage to striated muscle and metabolic aci-
Tabun and butyl-tabun seem to be accommodated dosis, occurred 2 days after GF poisoning in
similarly in the active center, as suggested by 20 male rhesus monkeys [17].
molecular modeling via kinetic studies of phos-
phorylation and aging with a series of HuAChE
mutants (E202Q, F338A, F295A, F297A, and Toxicity
F295L/F297V) [12]. A variety of proteolytic
enzymes (e.g., chymotrypsin, trypsin) also may be The vapor pressure of the three G agents (GA,
inhibited by OP nerve agents. Soman and sarin are GB, and GD) makes them significant inhalational
detoxified in part via a two-step pathway involving hazards, especially at warmer temperatures or
bioactivation of the parent compound by the cyto- when droplets are created by explosion or spray.
chrome P-450 system, then hydrolysis of the Based on information from animal studies, the
resulting oxygenating metabolite (oxon) by serum lethal inhaled dose of G agents in humans may
and liver paraoxygenase (PON1). Serum PON1 has be about 1 mg. The G agents also represent a skin
been shown to be polymorphic in humans [13]. contact hazard, particularly when evaporation is
minimized and contact is prolonged by contami-
nation of clothing. The percutaneous absorption
Biochemical Changes of G agents is much less rapid and complete,
however, than the inhalational form [9].
Acetylcholine accumulation is involved in the cal- VX does not pose a major inhalational hazard
cium flux into skeletal muscle fibers during OP under usual circumstances, but it is well absorbed
poisoning [14]. Bright and coworkers (1990) [15] through the skin [9]. The relative lethality as
reported a histochemical demonstration of sarin- determined in animal studies is VX > soman >
induced calcium influx in mouse diaphragm, sarin > tabun [18]. Acute toxic values of nerve
which may be linked with OP-induced myopathy. agents in humans are summarized in Table 2.
Sarin may induce myonecrosis. Significant increase The acute toxicity of nerve agents is due primar-
in alkaline phosphatase and creatine phosphokinase ily to irreversible inactivation of AChE leading to an
activity and minor changes in coagulation parame- accumulation of toxic levels of acetylcholine. Sim-
ters (prothrombin time, activated partial ilar to other OP compounds, these agents act by

Table 2 Summary of available acute toxic values of nerve agents in humans

Term Unit Route Tabun Sarin Soman VX
LD50 mg/kg PC 28
LD50 mg/m3 Inhale 70
LCLo μg/kg PC 86
LDLo mg/kg PC 23 18
LDLo mg/m3 Inhale 150 70
TDLo μg/kg IV 14 2 1.5
TDLo μg/kg Oral 30
TDLo μg/kg SC 3.2
IV intravenous, LCLo lethal concentration at the lowest dose, LD50 median lethal dose, LDLo lethal dose at the lowest
concentration, PC percutaneous, SC subcutaneous, TDLo toxic dose at the lowest concentration
Based on Dunn and Sidell [9]; Sidell and Borak [10]
Nerve Agents 5

binding to a serine residue at the active site of a OPIDN, particularly after diisopropylfluoro-
cholinesterase molecule, forming a phosphorylated phosphate, has been reported [22]. Nerve agents
protein that is inactive and incapable of breaking also bind quickly to cardiac muscarinic (M2) recep-
down acetylcholine. The stable phosphoryl enzyme tors at higher than physiologic concentrations, but
complex can undergo one of two possible processes: whether this contributes to cardiac toxicity is
a. Reactivation: The use of an appropriate nucleo- unknown [23]. They also interact with the nicotinic
phile can trigger hydrolysis of the phosphoryl acetylcholine receptor–ion channel complexes, but
enzyme which can lead to reactivation of the only at tissue concentrations of 10–100 times
enzyme [19]. greater than the concentrations fully inhibiting
b. Aging: Cleavage of the PO-C bond of the AChE. Sarin, soman, and tabun are partial agonists
phosphorylated protein and the subsequent release of these channel complexes, whereas VX acts as an
of an alkyl carbenium ion is a process that is referred antagonist [24]. There also is evidence that nerve
to as aging. In this case, the enzyme can no longer be agents affect noncholinergic mechanisms in the
reactivated even with the aid of a nucleophile. central nervous system at a dose approaching
In addition to the classical definition of aging LD50 [25]. Antagonistic effects of γ-aminobutyric
of AChE described above, other definitions have acid (GABA)–ergic systems may explain convul-
also been proposed. One example involves the sive activity after OP poisoning. Effects of soman
breakage of the P-N bond (as opposed to the and tabun on the uptake and release of GABA and
PO-C bond) [12]. glutamate in the synaptosomes of guinea pig cere-
The reactivation of the aged AChE in many cases bral cortex did not support the previous belief that
is not feasible, and the inhibition of the enzyme is nerve agents cause convulsions by affecting the
considered irreversible. This is in part due to the uptake or release of GABA or glutamine. Indirect
negative charge at the active site of the enzyme, evidence that soman and tabun inhibit catabolism of
which makes any nucleophilic attack difficult [20]. GABA and glutamine was obtained, however [26].
The accumulation of toxic levels of acetylcho- Acute exposure to tabun, sarin, or soman
line at the synapse initially stimulates, then para- increases brain levels of cyclic adenosine
lyzes cholinergic synaptic transmission (Fig. 2). monophosphate and decreases cyclic guanosine
Cholinergic synapses are found in the central ner- monophosphate as a result of stimulation of
vous system, at the termination of somatic nerves, adenylyl cyclase and phosphodiesterase systems
in the ganglionic synapses of autonomic nerves, [6, 27]. VX at concentration of 10 μM produced a
and at the parasynaptic nerve endings, such as significant reduction in cell metabolism within
those in the sweat glands [10]. 2 min as measured by changes in the acidification
The rate of aging varies greatly among the rate of medium culture after 4 h of exposure. Two
nerve agents. The half-time of aging is within alkali degradation products of VX produced no
minutes after soman exposure, about 5 h after cytotoxicity [28].
sarin exposure, and more than 40 h after exposure
to tabun and VX [18].
OP compounds also bind to other esterases and Toxicokinetics
cholinergic receptors. Inactivation of neurotoxin
esterase by some OP pesticides can lead to delayed As the OP nerve agents are lipophilic, they are
peripheral naturopathic effects known as organo- absorbed rapidly following inhalation or inges-
phosphate-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN). tion. Dermal absorption is slow, but severe poi-
At many times the median lethal dose (LD50), the soning may still ensue if exposure is prolonged.
nerve agents inhibit neurotoxin esterase to some Following absorption, OP nerve agents accumu-
extent, although the activity of VX is much less late in fat, liver, kidneys, and salivary glands. Shih
than that of G agents [21]. Possible involvement of and co-workers (1994) studied toxicokinetics of
neurotrophic factor (growth-related enzyme orni- GB, GD, and GF in rats. They had collected urine,
thine decarboxylase) during early stages of blood, and lung tissue from rats dosed
6 M. Balali-Mood et al.

Fig. 2 Cholinergic signaling in neurons and bronchial ACh synthesis. In BEC, as for neurons, ChAT is utilized
epithelial cells. (a) In neurons, choline for ACh synthesis for ACh synthesis, though since there are multiple
is transported by the choline high-affinity transporter isoforms of ChAT, different splicing products may be
(CHT1). ACh is then synthesized by the action of choline utilized in different cell types. Since CHT1 is not required,
acetyltransferase (ChAT) and packaged into synaptic ves- and BEC do not have synaptic vesicles, the role of VAChT
icles by the action of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter and CHT1 in ACh secretion is unknown, though both are
(VAChT) and CHT1. ACh is then secreted by the complex expressed in BEC. ACh released by BEC is inactivated by
processes that control synaptic release. Released ACh then the same cholinesterases as expressed in neurons. A key
interacts with postsynaptic nAChR and mAChR as well as difference is that released ACh is not limited just to syn-
presynaptic receptors. Signaling is terminated by acetyl- aptic communication, but can also signal multiple neigh-
cholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). boring cells as a paracrine factor or more distal cells as a
Key signal transduction events lead to the generation of hormone (From Muscarinic Receptors: Handbook of
action potentials, opening of membrane and internal ion Experimental Pharmacology 208, 2012. Fryer AD,
channels, muscle contraction, and kinase activation. (b) In Christopoulos A, and Nathanson NM, eds, Springer, with
bronchial epithelial cells (BEC), though CHT1 is present, permission)
CHT1 does not appear necessary for choline transport for

subcutaneously at 75 μg kg 1. Urinary excretion The metabolism of nerve agents results in the

of the metabolite was the major elimination route formation of inactive phosphonic acids, which are
for these three nerve agents. The major differences excreted via kidneys [30–32]. Experimental stud-
between them were primarily the extent and rate ies reveal that the elimination half-life of G agents
of excretion. Alkylmethylphosphonic acid is the was less than 1 h which is shorter than VX, which
single major metabolite formed and excreted in persists for several hours following intravenous
urine by a nonsaturable mechanism. Nearly total administration and even longer after percutaneous
recoveries of the given doses for GB and GF in exposure [33].
metabolite form were obtained from the urine. Oxidation and hydrolysis are principal meta-
The terminal elimination half-lives in urine were bolic inactivation pathways, which occur mainly
3.7x  0.1 and 9.9  0.8 h for GB and GF, by reaction with glutathione and also by
respectively. GD metabolite showed a biphasic glucuronidation and demethylation. Tabun causes
elimination curve with terminal half-lives of the largest number of degradation products among
18.5  2.7 and 3.6  2.2 h. GD was excreted at the G agents. Detoxification of tabun takes place
a slower rate with a recovery of only 62 %. Lung slowly, by di-isopropyl-fluorophosphatase, for-
was the major organ of accumulation for this merly termed tabunase. There are sparse toxicity
nerve agent. The toxic G agents were concentrated data available for the subset of tabun degradation
more in red blood cells than in plasma [29]. products. Ethyl-dimethylaminophosphoric acid is
Nerve Agents 7

the main product of tabun dimethylamine, which Clinical Presentation and

is also produced by hydrolysis of tabun. Complications
Dimethylamine causes human irritation in the
respiratory tracts [34]. The nerve agents cause toxic effects mainly by
Isopropyl-methylphosphonic acid (IMPA) is a interfering with cholinergic synaptic function. This
metabolite of sarin which subsequently hydroly- effect occurs at cholinergic neuroeffector functions
ses to the high stable methylphosphonic acid (muscarinic effects), at the skeletal myoneural junc-
(MPA) which mildly irritates rabbit skin and tions and autonomic ganglia (nicotinic effects), and
human skin and eyes [35]. in the central nervous system. The signs and symp-
In rats, 10 min after intravenous sarin, around toms of nerve agent poisoning are classified
70 % of the plasma was bound to large protein according to whether they are due to overstimulation
molecules similar to carboxylesterase [36]. The of muscarinic, nicotinic, or central nervous system
toxicity of sarin enhanced 6–8 times when the receptors [42–53]. Nerve agents also cause long
rats were pretreated with triorthocresyl phosphate, term and late complications [54–57].
which is a weak anti-ChE OP with irreversible Muscarinic effects of acetylcholine stimulation
blocking carboxylesterase activity [37]. include miosis; blurred vision; eye pain;
In a report of Little et al. (1986) who injected hypersecretion by salivary, sweat, lachrymal, and
80 μg/kg of sarin intravenously to mice, sarin bronchial glands; bronchoconstriction; cough; cya-
concentration was at the highest in the kidney, nosis; pulmonary edema; nausea; vomiting; diar-
liver, and plasma within one minute. Over the rhea; crampy abdominal pains; tenesmus; urinary
first minute, about half of the labeled sarin was and fecal incontinence; hypotension; and bradycar-
associated with the major sarin metabolite; IMPA dia (see ▶ Anticholinergic Syndrome chapter). Nic-
and the kidneys contained the highest concentra- otinic effects include easy fatigue, weakness, muscle
tion of sarin and its metabolites. Much lower cramping, fasciculations, skeletal muscle twitching,
hepatic concentrations after 24 h suggest a pri- convulsions, and flaccid paralysis. Nicotinic stimu-
mary role of the kidneys in detoxification of sarin lation also can obscure muscarinic parasympathetic
[38]. In another experiment of Little et al. (1988) effects and produce mydriasis, tachycardia, and
with the same method, hypothalamus contained hypertension by stimulation of the adrenal medulla.
concentrations of both sarin and the metabolites Central nervous system effects include irritability;
2–5 times greater than those in other brain areas. nervousness; giddiness; ataxia; fatigue; generalized
This finding suggests that the hypothalamus is weakness; depression of respiratory and circulatory
more important with respect to central effects of centers with dyspnea, cyanosis, hypoventilation,
nerve agents [39]. In 4 of 12 patients of and hypotension; lethargy; impairment of memory;
Matsumoto with sarin exposure who underwent confusion; convulsions; coma; and respiratory
the study, the levels of IMPA and MPA correlated depression [6, 7, 10, 42, 51–53]. The main toxic
with clinical manifestations [40]. effects of nerve agents at various sites in the body
Pinacolyl methylphosphonic acid is the pre- are summarized in Table 3.
dominant hydrolytic product of soman [41].
A two-compartment model, with a biologic
half-life of 1–1.5 min, described toxicokinetics Clinical Manifestations by Routes
of the four stereoisomers of soman in atropinized of Exposure
rats. The extremely toxic C() P( ) isomers
could be followed in rat blood samples for more The effects of nerve agent exposure occur via inha-
than 4 and 2 h at doses of 6 and 3 LD50 (82 μg/kg). lation, contact with skin and the eyes, and, rarely,
The toxicokinetics of P( ) isomers was described ingestion. Most often, exposure is to vapor (inhala-
with a three-compartment model, with terminal tion) or liquid (percutaneous). After small-to-mod-
half-lives of 40–64 min and 16–22 min at doses erate doses, initial effects and their time of onset are
of 6 and 3 LD50, respectively [41]. determined by the route of exposure [47, 58–63]. In
8 M. Balali-Mood et al.

contrast, large doses cause similar effects by all ambient temperature. VX was absorbed nearly
exposure routes, although the time of onset varies eight times more rapidly from facial skin than it
[10]. Gastrointestinal absorption rarely may occur was from the volar forearm, and absorption
through ingestion of contaminated food. increased markedly as surrounding temperature
increased from 18  C to 46  C [27]. Initial local
Inhalation effects of liquid, which seldom are noticed,
Exposure to low vapor concentrations may affect include muscular fasciculations and sweating at
only the eyes, nose, and airways. Miosis, visual the contamination site. A large droplet also may
disturbances, rhinorrhea, and some degree of dys- cause gastrointestinal effects and complaints of
pnea develop within seconds to several minutes. malaise and weakness. Droplets containing near-
The severity of dyspnea is dose dependent. Usu- lethal or lethal doses cause loss of consciousness,
ally, these effects do not progress significantly seizures, flaccid paralysis, and apnea. The onset of
when the patient is removed from contamination. these effects is sudden, usually after a symptom-
After inhalation of high vapor concentrations, atic interval of 10–30 min [10, 42].
victims lose consciousness within 1 or 2 min,
then have seizures, flaccid paralysis, and apnea. Eyes
Other early effects of high vapor concentrations Miosis rapidly occurs after splash exposure or eye
include miosis and copious secretions. Involun- contact with vapor and later, if at all, after systemic
tary micturition and defecation also may occur. poisoning. Unilateral miosis can occur if only one
Unless medical assistance is immediate, victims eye has been exposed. Miosis may be accompanied
may die within 30 min [43–46]. by deep aching eye pain, conjunctival irritation, and
visual disturbances. Dim vision may be due to
Skin Absorption constricted pupils or inhalation of cholinergic fibers
Percutaneous absorption of nerve agents varies of the retina or central nervous system. The miotic
according to the body site exposed and the pupil may improve vision (the pinhole effect),

Table 3 Main Toxic Effects and Clinical Manifestations of Nerve Agent Poisoning
Receptor Target organ Symptoms and signs
Muscarinic Glands
Nasal mucosa Rhinorrhea, nasal hyperemia
Bronchial Bronchorrhea
Sweat Sweating
Lacrimal Lacrimation
Salivary Salivation
Smooth muscle
Iris Miosis, blurred vision, decreased eye field
Ciliary muscle Failure of accommodation, eye pain
Bronchial tree Breathing difficulties, tightness of breath, bronchospasm (wheezing)
Stomach Nausea and vomiting
Gut Abdominal cramp, diarrhea
Bladder Frequency, involuntary micturition
Heart Bradycardia, hypotension
Nicotinic Autonomic Sympathetic effects, pallor, tachycardia, hypertension, mydriasis
Skeletal muscle Weakness, fasciculation, muscle twitching, convulsions, muscle paralysis, flaccid
Central Central nervous Giddiness, anxiety, restlessness, headache, tremor, confusion, failure to
system concentrate, convulsions, respiratory depression, cyanosis, coma, apnea, death
Nerve Agents 9

although complaints of blurred vision are common nerve palsies that occurs 1–4 days after acute
[58]. Direct installation of diluted nerve agent into poisoning. This syndrome, which was observed
the eyes does not produce tissue damage [10]. after certain OP pesticides poisoning [63], has not
been reported yet after OP nerve agent poisoning.
Intermediate syndrome may be a consequence of
Life-Threatening Complications cholinergic overactivity at the neuromuscular
junction, and a connection has been made
The most life-threatening complication is respira- between the intermediate syndrome and
tory failure, which is due mainly to the effect of the OP-induced myopathy or undertreatment. Myop-
nerve agents on the central nervous system [59, 60], athy has been observed histologically in experi-
although in one animal experiment with sarin, mental animals with the nerve agents tabun,
respiratory paralysis could be purely central, soman, and sarin [14, 15]. It can be anticipated
peripheral, or both, depending on the doses of that the intermediate syndrome occurs in some
sarin and atropine antidote employed [61]. Hypoxia cases of nerve agent poisoning (Fig. 5).
also is a major problem in the nerve agent poison-
ing, as it may cause cerebral edema and convulsions
and may induce histopathologic brain damage. Delayed Neuropathy
Cardiovascular complications sometimes are
severe and life-threatening [47, 62] (See Figs. 3 Organophosphorus pesticides-induced delayed
and 4). The nerve agents tabun, sarin, soman, or neuropathy is a symmetric sensorimotor
VX at 5–10 times the LD50 administered to guinea axonopathy, tending to be most severe in long
pigs induced circulatory arrest a few minutes after axons and occurring 7–14 days after exposure.
apnea in nontreated animals. Antidote treatment by In severe cases, it is an extremely disabling con-
atropine (10 mg/kg) and HI-6 or HLo-7 (30 mg/kg) dition [64]. Inhibition of neuropathy target ester-
2 min later rapidly restored heart rate and arterial ase seems to be necessary for OPIDN to develop.
pressure and respiratory function to various Other mechanisms may be involved, however.
degrees. The nerve agent injection caused marked The trophic factor ornithine decarboxylase, a
sinus bradycardia and a subsequent complete atrio- growth-related enzyme, was decreased in the spi-
ventricular block within 1–2 min. In guinea pigs nal cord after the naturopathic agent diisopropyl-
with depressed respiratory function (<50 %), inter- fluorophosphate [22]. Although OPIDN was not
mittent ST-T wave alterations and second-degree observed after nerve agent poisoning in experi-
atrioventricular heart block were observed mental studies [65, 66] and in accidental nerve
[47]. Other reported electrocardiogram abnormali- agent poisoning, a case of sensory
ties in animal experiments and in humans exposed polyneuropathy 7 months after sarin poisoning
to nerve agents include torsades de pointes, atria has been reported [67].
fibrillation, idioventricular dysrhythmias, complete Temporary psychological effects, such as
heart block, and ventricular fibrillation [6, 10, 47, depression, fatigue, insomnia, irritability, ner-
62]. Histopathologic changes compatible with toxic vousness, and impairment of memory, have
myocarditis were observed after sarin and soman in been described after nerve agent exposure
animal experiments [47], but myocarditis has not [57]. Electroencephalography in a person who
been reported in humans. was severely intoxicated with sarin showed
marked slowing with bursts of high-voltage
waves at a rate of five per second [42]. Epilep-
Intermediate Syndrome tic-type changes of the electroencephalography
were observed after sarin poisoning 11 months
The intermediate syndrome consists of marked after exposure [6].
weakness of the proximal skeletal musculature
(including the muscles of respiration) and cranial
10 M. Balali-Mood et al.

b1 AC M2
αs αi bY
bY bY αi
P ase
Tnl SR


Ca2+ Na+

Fig. 3 Muscarinic signaling pathways in supraventricular synthesis by directly activating all isoforms of adenylyl
(sinoatrial, atrial, and atrioventricular) myocytes. Acetyl- cyclase (AC) via the a subunit (as) of the stimulatory G
choline (ACh) acts through M2 receptors to regulate protein Gs. Changes in cAMP affect targets of protein
ACh-activated K channels via a membrane-delimited kinase A (PKA)-dependent phosphorylation such as tropo-
mechanism involving direct activation by the bg subunits nin I (TnI), phospholamban (PLN), and the L-type Ca2þ
of the inhibitory G protein Gi. ACh also acts through M2 channel. Changes in cAMP also directly regulate pace-
receptors to inhibit adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity via the a maker channels, which are permeable to both Na and K
subunit (ai) of Gi, resulting in a decrease in cAMP produc- (From Muscarinic Receptors: Handbook of Experimental
tion. This may occur in the absence or presence of agonists Pharmacology 208, 2012. Fryer AD, Christopoulos A, and
that stimulate cAMP production. Norepinephrine (NEPi) Nathanson NM, eds, Springer, with permission)
acts through b1-adrenergic receptors to stimulate cAMP

Course and Prognosis unlikely that nerve agents possess the potential to
give rise to OPIDN [45].
Victims with heavy exposure to nerve agents may Soldiers who are caught unaware and who are
die within a few minutes in the field. Persons with exposed to large amounts of nerve agent before
physical and chemical protection (pyridostigmine) donning respirators and other protective clothing
who remain in a heavily contaminated area may and who rapidly develop severe symptoms and
become intoxicated after 30 min. A patient with signs are unlikely to survive. Soldiers who rapidly
moderate-to-severe intoxication who receives first develop respiratory failure and who become inca-
aid and emergency medical treatment may survive pable of self-administrating their own autoinjector
for a few days to a few weeks, according to the devices also have a poor prognosis, unless emer-
severity of intoxication and type of treatment gency medical treatment is provided rapidly [44]
[44]. Death, however, is common.
Hypoxia, coma, convulsions, and respiratory Late Complications
failure are signs of a poor prognosis. Patients who The nerve agents are less likely to cause chronic
remain severely hypoxic and cyanotic may diseases in comparison with sulfur mustard poi-
develop cardiac arrhythmias and die quickly. soning. However, hypoxic encephalopathy is
Patients who develop apnea and do not receive reported as one of the most remarkable long-
assisted ventilation immediately may incur brain term neurologic toxic effects of the nerve agents
damage and either die or become vegetative. It is [46]. Cardiomyopathy has been reported in soman
Nerve Agents 11


b1 5/6 M2 b1
αs αi b Y 4/7 αs

bY bY αi




Cl− Ca2+ K+

Fig. 4 Muscarinic signaling pathways in ventricular inhibitory G protein Gi. ACh acting through M2 receptors
myocytes. Responses to M2 receptor activation are only can also stimulate AC4/7 activity via the bg subunits of
observed in the presence of agonists that stimulate cAMP Gi. Changes in cAMP affect targets of protein kinase A
production. Norepinephrine (NEPi) acts through (PKA)-dependent phosphorylation such as troponin I
b1-adrenergic receptors to stimulate cAMP synthesis by (TnI), phospholamban (PLN), as well as L-type Ca2+,
directly activating all isoforms of adenylyl cyclase delayed rectifier K+, and CFTR Cl channels (From Mus-
(AC) via the a subunit (as) of the stimulatory G protein carinic Receptors: Handbook of Experimental Pharmacol-
Gs. Acetylcholine (ACh) acts through M2 receptors to ogy 208, 2012. Fryer AD, Christopoulos A, and Nathanson
inhibit AC5/6 activity via the a subunit (ai) of the NM, eds, Springer, with permission)

and sarin intoxicated rats, which may be a cause of [52]. Fullerton and co-authors (1990) on a review of
death; however, it is not reported in human cases article mentioned temporary psychological effects
yet [47]. Neurological assessment of 43 Iranian such as depression, insomnia, fatigue, nervousness,
veterans 22–27 years post exposure revealed irritability, and memory impairment as long-term
fatigue, paraesthesia, and headache as the most complication of exposure to NAs [53]. Page (2003)
common symptoms and sensory nerve impair- on a telephone survey of 4,022 sarin exposed
ments as the most common observed clinical com- patients 28 years post exposure reported poor con-
plication in the Iranian veterans with the nerve centration abilities and sleep disturbances in com-
agents of tabun and sarin. Sensory nerve dysfunc- parison with the controls [54]. Grauer et al. (2008)
tion is more prevalent than motor nerves, which have studied late neuronal and behavioral deficit
predominantly was a distal sensory deficit [48]. after sarin exposure in rats. The data showed long
Engel et al. (2004) reported fatigue, depression, lasting impairment of brain function after single
and chronic pain as the common clinical presenta- sarin exposure that developed with time
tions of “Gulf war syndrome” [49]. Electroenceph- [55]. There is no real evidence on carcinogenicity,
alogram (EEG) studies on sarin patients showed mutagenicity, and teratogenicity of NAs [56, 57].
significant slowing with bursts of high voltage
waves at a rate of five per second on EEG,
11 months after the exposure [50, 51]. Asthenia, Diagnostic Considerations
insomnia, fatigue, blurred vision, narrowing of the
visual field, shoulder stiffness, slight fever, and Initial diagnosis of nerve agent poisoning can be
asthenia were observed in patients who exposed to made based on the exposure history (accidental,
sarin 1 and 3 years after Tokyo subway explosion terrorism, chemical warfare attack) and clinical
12 M. Balali-Mood et al.

Fig. 5 Management of Heavy exposure NA exposure Low exposure Asymptomatic

nerve agent
(NA) poisoning. ABCs
airway, breathing, Rapid death Moderate exposure Symptomatic Discharge
circulation, ICU intensive
care unit
(Application of autoinjector containing atropine, oximes, and diazepam)

Eye damage Eye Skin Inhalation Ingestion

Decontamination Removal from No lavage


Symptoms only Signs of general intoxication Asymptomatic

Psychiatric evaluation Hospitalization Discharge

and discharge

ABCs, atropinization, cholinesterase estimation, clinical evaluation,

oximes, alkalinization, diazepam, paraclinical investigations

Complications Clinical recovery

(organ failure) Severe respiratory
Psychiatric assessment

Sequelae Monitoring, antidotes, supportive therapy Death

Paraclinical investigations

Recovery Discharge

manifestations. In low-level exposure, the route of blood sampling, or both. A biosensor, which is a
absorption may affect the clinical features, but in potentiometer enzyme electrode for direct determi-
high-level exposure, severe intoxication occurs. nation of OP nerve agent, has been developed [68].
Absorption is faster through inhalation than by A fiberoptic enzyme biosensor for the direct
skin contact. Estimation of AChE in erythrocytes measurement of OP nerve agents has been devel-
is required to confirm the anticholinesterase diagno- oped. Concentrations of 2 μM can be measured in
sis and to estimate the severity of intoxication. less than 2 min using the kinetic response. When
BChE estimation also may help, although it is not stored in buffer at 4  C, the biosensor shows long-
specific and may be low due to genetic term stability [69]. A new method for retrospec-
variations [11]. tive detection of exposure to OP nerve agents was
Diagnostic certainty of nerve agent exposure applied to estimate serum sarin concentrations of
requires toxicologic analyses of the environment, the Matsumoto incident. The concentrations
Nerve Agents 13

ranged from 0.2 to 4.1 ng/mL in serum [70]. Defin- Nerve Agent Detection
itive evidence for the acute sarin poisoning of the Detection and estimation of nerve agents are
Tokyo subway was obtained by detecting sarin- easier in environmental samples than in blood
hydrolyzed products from erythrocytes of four and urine samples of patients. By using new
victims in postmortem examinations [71]. technology, such as biosensors and fiberoptic
Intravenous administration of atropine can be bioenzyme, and new methods for detection and
used as a diagnostic test for anticholinesterase determination of nerve agents (e.g., sarin) in the
poisoning, whereas oximes are used only for treat- serum and erythrocytes, identification and esti-
ment [72]. Cholinesterase activity in postmortem mation of common nerve agents are possible
blood as a screening test for OP nerve agent expo- [68–72, 75].
sure was performed in 53 nonpreserved postmor-
tem whole-blood specimens. There was a Oxime Estimation
negligible loss of cholinesterase activity by the Estimation of pralidoxime concentration in
7th day of the study. Cholinesterase activity blood may be required, although it is not neces-
could be applied as the screening test for anticho- sary for the routine management of the patient.
linesterase nerve agents [73]. To achieve a maximal therapeutic effect, how-
Diagnosis of the delayed neurotoxin effects ever, a blood pralidoxime concentration of 4 mg/
can be made by estimation of neuropathy target L should be reached. An obidoxime plasma level
esterase, although it is unlikely to occur after in the range of 10–20 μM was estimated as
nerve agent poisoning. Marked reduction of appropriate. This was achieved in 34 severely
neurotrophic factor (ornithine decarboxylase) dur- OP-poisoned patients using regimen of 250 mg
ing the early stages of neurotoxicity also may be i.v. as bolus, followed by 750 mg/24 h and was
helpful when it is possible to perform it [22]. Mea- maintained as long as reactivation was possible.
surement of nerve conduction velocity and elec- The result confirmed using this definite regimen
tromyography may be useful for the diagnosis of for adults [75].
the delayed neuropathy of OP nerve agents [74].

Biochemical and Hematologic Analyses

Toxicologic Analyses
Acid–base and electrolyte disturbances are com-
Cholinesterases and Neuropathy Target mon during severe nerve agent poisoning. Arterial
Esterase Determination blood gas analysis, estimation of serum electro-
Estimation of BChE in plasma is widely available lytes, liver and kidney function tests, amylase,
and should be performed as soon as possible. creatine phosphokinase, and lactate dehydroge-
Erythrocyte AChE is more specific, however, nase may be required for patient management.
and has more quantitative value than BChE, Hypokalemia and hyperglycemia are common
although both enzymes usually are measured and should be considered and corrected. Elevation
spectrophotometrically. Inhibition of greater than of serum amylase may reveal acute pancreatitis.
50 % activity of either enzyme confirms the diag- Transient elevation of liver enzymes, hematuria,
nosis of an anticholinesterase poisoning. leukocyturia, and proteinuria may be observed
Reactivation of BChE is relatively more rapid, during nerve agent poisoning. Blood cell count
depending on the agent, severity of intoxication, and other hematologic tests may be performed as
and use of oximes, taking 1–4 weeks. In contrast, clinically indicated. Transient leukocytosis, par-
reactivation of AChE may take up to 3 months ticularly in polymorphonuclear neutrophils, may
[6]. Neuropathy target esterase shall also be esti- be observed during severe nerve agent poisoning
mated when there are clinical features of delayed [45].
14 M. Balali-Mood et al.

Other Investigations Inhibition of Cholinesterases

Patients with nerve agent poisoning may be
Chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, electroencephalo- divided into three groups according to cholines-
gram, electromyogram, nerve conduction veloc- terase activities (Table 5).
ity, spirometry, computed tomography, magnetic
resonance imaging, and other investigations may Atropine Dose
be performed in nerve agent poisoning as clini- Patients with OP nerve agent poisoning can be
cally indicated [44]. divided into three groups according to the initial
atropine dose required for atropinization:

Severity Grading of Intoxication 1. Mild: less than 2 mg

2. Moderate: 2–10 mg
Severity grading of nerve agent poisoning can be 3. Severe: greater than 10 mg [45]
done based on clinical manifestations, cholines-
terase activity, and initial atropine dose required
for atropinization. Causes of Death

Clinical Symptoms and Signs Death after nerve agent exposure is mainly due to
Patients with OP nerve agent poisoning can be respiratory failure resulting from depression of the
divided into four groups – mild, moderate, severe, respiratory center, paralysis of respiratory mus-
and fatal – according to symptoms and signs of cles, and obstruction caused by bronchospasm
poisoning (Table 4). and bronchial secretions. Some animal studies
suggest that lack of central drive is the major factor
[59, 60]. Cardiomyopathy in soman-intoxicated
and sarin-intoxicated rats has been reported [34]
and may be a contributory cause of death.

Table 4 Symptoms and signs of organophosphate nerve agent poisoning

Grade Symptoms Signs
1 – Mild Dizziness, anxiety, headache, Failure of accommodation, rhinorrhea, sweating,
nausea, weakness, tightness of salivation, coughing, lacrimation
2 – Moderate (worsening of Restlessness, confusion, Pallor, miosis, failure of concentration, tachycardia,
the above features plus the dyspnea, disorientation, hypertension, muscle twitching, fasciculation,
following) abdominal pain, diarrhea respiratory depression, bronchorrhea, loss of
consciousness, bronchospasm
3 – Severe (worsening of the – Convulsions, respiratory failure, pulmonary edema,
above features plus the flaccid paralysis, involuntary micturition/
following) defecation, cyanosis, deep coma
4 – Fatal – Coma, convulsions, miosis, hypersecretions, apnea
within a few minutes after exposure

Table 5 Cholinesterase Activitiesa

Grade Butyrylcholinesterase activity (%) Acetylcholinesterase activity (%)
1 – Mild 40–50 50–90
2 – Moderate 10–40 10–50
3 – Severe <10 <10
Butyrylcholinesterase activity has less quantitative value than acetylcholinesterase activity
Nerve Agents 15

Status epilepticus occurred in animals after Supplemental oxygen through an endotracheal

high doses of sarin, soman, or VX despite early tube with positive end-expiratory pressure is indi-
treatment with atropine and pralidoxime. cated for severely hypoxic patients. It is important
Prolonged seizures may cause anoxia and mor- to improve tissue oxygenation before atropine
phologic brain damage, which induces more mor- administration to minimize the risk of ventricular
bidity and mortality [65, 66]. fibrillation. Advanced life support, including
intravenous line placement, should be provided
to all victims with evidence of respiratory com-
Treatment promise or other signs of severe exposure [10, 44].

The first rule for managing chemical casualties is
that the emergency responders must protect them- Decontamination must be carried out at the earli-
selves from contamination, resulting from contact est opportunity to limit skin absorption of the
with casualties and the environment (Fig. 2). This agent and prevent contamination of the rescuers.
can be done by wearing personal protective equip- Thorough decontamination is essential before
ment or by thoroughly decontaminating the casualties enter an emergency department or
patient. At minimum, rescuers should wear a pro- other site of medical care to avoid contamination
tective mask (or mask containing a charcoal filter of staff and other patients.
for a self-contained breathing apparatus device,
not a surgical or similar mask) and heavy rubber Indications for ICU Admission in Nerve Agent
gloves (surgical gloves offer negligible protec- Poisoning
tion) and avoid skin contact with victims until 1. Patients with severe nerve agent intoxica-
decontamination has been carried out [9, 76]. tion (see section on “Severity Grading of
As soon as possible, victims should be Intoxication”), particularly patients with
removed from the contaminated place and decon- respiratory failure who need mechanical
tamination must be initiated. Antidotes should be ventilation, should be admitted to the inten-
given at the onset of effects as appropriate (e.g., sive care unit.
autoinjector containing atropine, obidoxime, and 2. Although intermediate syndrome has not
diazepam). For unconscious or severely intoxi- clearly been reported in nerve agent poison-
cated patients, priorities must follow the ABCs ing, it may occur in some cases. Patients
(airway, breathing, and circulation) of resuscita- with moderate-to-severe intoxication even
tion. Oxygen administration and assisted ventila- without assisted ventilation should be mon-
tion should be undertaken as soon as possible in itored, preferably in the intensive care unit,
patients with respiratory distress. Because atro- for treatment of possible sudden respiratory
pine reverses bronchoconstriction within minutes, arrest due to muscle paralysis.
one could hesitate to intubate a dyspneic, con-
scious patient who is likely to improve quickly.
If the eyes have been exposed, they should be
In a severely poisoned, unconscious, apneic
irrigated as soon as possible with running water or
patient, however, endotracheal intubation with
saline. Skin should be decontaminated by pouring
assisted ventilation should be undertaken as
on large amounts of a chlorine-liberated solution,
quickly as possible.
such as 5 % hypochlorite solution (household
Airway resistance may be high initially, caus-
bleach), followed by copious water rinsing. If
ing some mechanical ventilators to malfunction,
bleach is not available, the skin should be blotted
but this should return to normal after atropine
gently (without rubbing) with generous amounts
administration. Frequent airway suctioning may
of alkaline soap and water followed by a water
be required for copious bronchial secretions.
16 M. Balali-Mood et al.

rinse. Generous amounts of water alone can be A reactive skin decontamination lotion active
used if nothing else is available. Water dilutes and against classic nerve agents and sulfur mustard
physically washes away the nerve agents, but it was developed. The inactivation process was
does not hydrolyze them. Contaminated clothing time and agent dependent and related to the ratio
and jewelry should be removed, and the underly- of OP to reactive skin decontamination
ing skin should be decontaminated thoroughly. lotion [85].
Care should be taken to clear under the nails, the
intertriginous areas, the axillae, the groin, and the
hair [10, 45]. Pretreatment

In animal studies, pretreatment with reversible

Experimental Antidotes carbamate AChE inhibitors, such as
pyridostigmine and physostigmine, enhances the
Fetal bovine serum AChE protected mice from efficacy of postexposure treatment of soman
multiple LD50 doses of OP nerve agents exposure or soman poisoning with atropine and
[77]. BChE purified from human plasma also pralidoxime chloride and permits survival at
was effective in vitro and in vivo in mice and higher agent challenges [86]. His protection
rats as a single prophylactic antidote against the apparently is due to the fact that the more lethal
lethal effects of nerve agents [78]. Addition of the nerve agents cannot attack AChE molecules
oxime HI-6 to fetal bovine serum and AChE as a bound by carbamates. Carbamylation of
pretreatment drug amplified the efficacy of 20–40 % of the erythrocyte AChE is associated
enzyme as a scavenger of nerve agents [79]. with antidotal enhancement. Carbamate
Recombinant DNA–derived AChEs showed a pretreatment does not reduce the effects of the
great improvement over wild-type AChEs as agents and by themselves carbamates provide no
bioscavengers; they can be used to develop effec- benefit. Pretreatment is not effective against sarin
tive methods for the safe disposal and storage of and VX challenge and should not be considered a
OP nerve agents and are potential candidates for panacea for all nerve agents. It is of value for
preexposure or postexposure treatment for OP soman intoxication when agent challenge is
toxicity [80]. By the use of cell immobilization followed by atropine and an oxime. Pretreatment
technology, immobilized Escherichia coli with is ineffective unless standard therapy is adminis-
surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase tered after the exposure.
was made to detoxify nerve agents [81]. By pro- Because physostigmine is toxic at the amounts
tein engineering techniques, one BChE mutant, required, pyridostigmine is the drug of choice for
G117H, was made to hydrolyze V and G agents, pretreatment (Grade III recommendation). The
but it reacted much too slowly [82]. standard dosage is 30 mg orally every 8 h for
OP acid hydrolyses from two species of impending nerve agent attack. Because
Alteromonas were cloned and sequenced to detox- pyridostigmine does not cross the blood–brain
ify G agents, which was effective [83]. Cholines- barrier, it causes no central nervous system toxic-
terases that are covalently linked to a ity of nerve agents. Carbamates must never be
polyurethane matrix can be used effectively to used after nerve agent exposure; in that setting,
remove nerve agents from and decontaminate sur- carbamate administration worsens, rather than
face biologic areas (skin or wounds) or other areas protects from toxicity. Excessive doses cause
(clothing or medical equipments) or the environ- many of the same toxic effects as do the nerve
ment. These cholinesterases could protect medical agents, and the recommended amounts caused
personnel from secondary contamination while annoying side effects in more than half of the
attending chemical casualties and civilians population in a war zone. Eptastigmine treatment
exposed to highly toxic nerve agents [84]. given intravenously protected mice better than
physostigmine against soman exposure [87].
Nerve Agents 17

Pretreatment with a drug mixture Atropine should not be given intravenously to

(pyridostigmine, benactyzine, and a hypoxic patient. (Grade III recommendation)
trihexyphenidyl) and antidotal treatment (HI-6 Hypoxia occurs as a result of hypersecretion in
and benactyzine) were investigated in rats. This the respiratory tracts. The secretion must be
cholinergic-anticholinergic pretreatment in restor- suctioned and oxygen given to overcome hypoxia
ing respiratory and circulatory changes induced before inducing atropinization. If the patient is
by soman is important [88]. hypotensive, atropine can be given through an
endotracheal tube or intratracheally for more
rapid absorption through the peribronchial vessels
Antidotes [45]. Aerosolized atropine has also been used and
can be administered quickly by inhalation. Stud-
Available antidotes (atropine, oximes) do not pre- ies suggest that in addition to the local effects in
vent respiratory failure or incapacitation the lungs, it is absorbed systemically [91].
[89]. Early aggressive medical therapy with anti-
dotes and intensive care management are the keys, Oximes
however, to prevention of morbidity and mortality Oximes are mainly pyridinium compounds,
associated with nerve agent poisoning. which are divided into mono-pyridium and
bis-pyridium oximes. Common oximes used in
Atropine the treatment of nerve agent poisoning are
Atropine should be titrated with the goal of drying presented in Table 6. Although oximes have
secretions and resolving bronchoconstriction and been designed to reactivate the inhibited AChE,
bradycardia [90]. There is no actual dose for atro- clinical experience has indicated that they are not
pine. The dose (2 mg) of atropine available in an always effective as reactivators, and at this time,
autoinjector is not adequate for moderate-to- none of them can be regarded as a broad-spectrum
severe exposure to nerve agents. Atropine should antidote [92]. The choice of oximes based on the
be given intravenously in doses to produce mild- data presently available also may depend on fac-
to-moderate atropinization (dryness of tongue, tors other than protection against lethality, such as
oropharyngeal and bronchial tree, tachycardia, cost and availability of the oxime and its side
mydriasis, and flushing) as soon as possible. At effects. Obidoxime (Toxogonin, Merck, Ger-
least the same amount as the initial atropinization many) is likely to cause more toxic effects (hepa-
dose should be infused in 500 mL of dextrose 5 % titis after high doses) than pralidoxime and HI-6
constantly to sustain the atropinization and should [93]. HI-6 is the least toxic, but it is less stable in
be repeated as needed until the patient becomes solution and is not commercially available in
asymptomatic. Continuous infusion of atropine many parts of the world.
effectively antagonizes the muscarinic effects Pralidoxime, HI-6, and HGG-12 were used in
and some of the central nervous system effects dogs with soman and tabun poisoning.
of nerve agent poisoning, but it has no effect on Pralidoxime (in conjunction with atropine and
skeletal muscle weakness, seizures, unconscious- diazepam) showed the best protective effects in
ness, or respiratory failure [10, 44]. Large doses of soman-poisoned dogs: The protective indices
atropine require higher concentrations of atropine were 9 for pralidoxime, 6.3 for HI-6, and 3.5 for
preparation (e.g., 100 mg/10 mL made in Ger- HGG-12. None of these agents was effective
many) or at least a vast amount of atropine against tabun poisoning [94]. Efficacy of two
(10–100 mg) in dextrose 5 % solution, ready- other oximes, HLo-7 and pyrimidoxime
made for intravenous infusion in severely nerve (an analog of trimedoxime), in three times the
agent–intoxicated patients. Much lower atropine LD50 of sarin, soman, and GF and two times the
doses are required for nerve agents than for the LD50 of tabun, was tested in mice. HLo-7 pro-
severe OP pesticides poisoning. duced significant (P < 0.05) reactivation of phos-
phorylated AChE, resulting in 47 %, 38 %, 27 %,
18 M. Balali-Mood et al.

and 10 % reactivation of sarin-inhibited, treatment with diazepam enhanced the efficacy

GF-inhibited, soman-inhibited, and tabun- of HI-6 and atropine against soman [100]. The
inhibited mouse diaphragm AChE, respectively effects of common oximes in different nerve
[95]. In a comprehensive study, the order of effec- agent poisonings are summarized in Table 7.
tiveness against soman was HI-6, HLo-7, and Despite many oximes tested in animal experi-
pyrimidoxime. HLo-7 was extremely effective ments, the human experience in war or terrorism is
against tabun poisoning, whereas HI-6 and limited to pralidoxime and obidoxime.
pyrimidoxime were of moderate value. Against Pralidoxime should be administered intrave-
GF, HI-6 and HLo-7 were extremely effective, nously at a dose of 30 mg/kg initially over
obidoxime was moderately effective, and 30 min followed by a constant infusion of 8 mg/
pralidoxime and pyrimidoxime were least effec- kg/h in dextrose 5 %. Pralidoxime can be contin-
tive [96]. In soman-intoxicated guinea pigs, HI-6 ued until full recovery or until atropine is required.
was therapeutically slightly more effective than Obidoxime was hepatotoxic at high
HLo-7; HLo-7 was more effective than HI-6 recommended doses of 8 mg/kg initially and
against tabun intoxication [97]. 3 mg/kg/h [5]. It may be given at a dose of not
Pharmacokinetics and effects of HI-6 in blood more than 500 mg initially and 750 mg/day. Liver
and brain of soman-intoxicated rats were studied. function tests should be checked regularly during
High doses of HI-6 can reach the brain in suffi- obidoxime therapy [45].
cient amounts to reactivate inhibited brain AChE.
Signs of soman poisoning correlated positively to
AChE inhibition and negatively to the concentra- Diazepam
tion of inbound HI-6 in the brain, and soman
intoxication significantly decreased uptake of Behavioral efficacy of diazepam against nerve
HI-6 into the brain [98]. Reactivating potency of agents in rhesus monkeys was studied. The results
obidoxime, pralidoxime, HI-6, and HLo-7 in showed that diazepam would be an excellent
human erythrocyte AChE inhibited by soman, adjunct to traditional nerve agent therapy to facil-
sarin, cyclosarin, and VX was studied in vitro. itate behavioral recovery from nerve agent intox-
After soman, sarin, cyclosarin, and VX inhibition, ication that might be encountered by medical
the reactivating potency decreased in the follow- military personnel on the battlefield [101]. Diaze-
ing order: HLo-7 > HI-6 > obidoxime > pam was the drug of choice for treatment of con-
pralidoxime [99]. Dose–response effects of atro- vulsions in nerve agents poisoning.(Grade III
pine and HI-6 treatment in soman and tabun poi- recommendation) The initial IV doses of
sonings were studied in guinea pigs. Atropine had 0.2–0.5 mg/kg in children and 5–10 mg in adults
a large effect on the efficacy of HI-6 against both are recommended and may be repeated as
the nerve agents. They also were more effective required [102, 103].
against soman than against tabun. Adjunctive

Table 6 Common oximes used in the treatment of organophosphate nerve agent poisoning
Type of oxime Generic name Trade name SUPPLIER/COUNTRY
Monopyridinium Pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM) Protopam Ayerst/U.S./Canada
Pralidoxime methylsulfate Contrathion SERB/France
Pralidoxime methanesulfonate P2S U.K. government
Bispyridinium Trimedoxime TMB-4
Obidoxime Toxogonin Merck/Germany
Nerve Agents 19

Table 7 Relative effects of oximes in organophosphate nerve agent poisoning

Oximes GA (Sarin) GB (Soman) GD (Tabun) GF VX
Pralidoximea +++b ++ + + +++
Pyrimidoxime ++ ++ ++ + ++
Obidoxime ++ +++ ++ ++ +++
HI-6 +++ ++++ ++ ++++ +++
Hlo-7 ++++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++
HGG-12 NA +++ + NA NA
proPAM, the tertiary amine analog of pralidoxime, penetrates the central nervous system more readily than pralidoxime.
Consequently, proPAM would be expected to have greater beneficial effect in nerve agent poisoning than pralidoxime.
This expectation has not in general been realized in experimental studies
Key: + = least effective; ++ = partially effective; +++ = moderately effective; ++++ = most effective
NA no data available

Diazepam has not only symptomatic anticon- Gacyclidine prevents the mortality observed
vulsant effect but also has more specific effect on after early administration of the aforementioned
cholinergic and GABAergic systems [104]. In classic emergency medications. (Grade III recom-
severe cases of nerve agents poisoning, convul- mendation) Electroencephalogram recordings and
sion starts within seconds after losing conscious- clinical observations revealed that gacyclidine
ness. It may persist for several minutes until the prevented soman-induced seizures and motor con-
victim becomes flaccid and apneic. In these cases, vulsions. It also markedly accelerated clinical
diazepam must be administered promptly [103]. recovery of soman-challenged primates.
Other anticonvulsant benzodiazepines, such as Gacyclidine prevented the neuropathology
lorazepam and midazolam, are effective in stop- observed 3 weeks after soman exposure in animals
ping seizures in acute nerve agents poisoning [72]. In a case of severe nerve agent poisoning,
[105–108]. (Grade III evidence) Midazolam, gacyclidine represented a promising adjuvant ther-
however, is more potent and more rapid than apy to the currently available polymedication to
diazepam in treatment of seizure in nerve agents ensure optimal management of OP nerve agent
poisoning. It is thus recommended that poisoning in humans. Administration of
midazolam replace diazepam as an urgent anti- gacyclidine at zero to 30 min after intoxication
convulsant treatment for the nerve agents-induced obtains optimal neuropathological protection [109].
seizures. (Grade III recommendation) Barbitu-
rates, phenytoin, and other anticonvulsants are
not effective against seizure in nerve agents poi- Serum Alkalization
soning [102]. Fast acting barbiturates may be
effective, but they have more CNS depressive Effects of sodium bicarbonate in OP pesticide
than the benzodiazepines. Propofol may be used poisoning were investigated in patients with
in OP-induced grand mal convulsions if the moderate-to-severe intoxication. The goal of the
response to benzodiazepines was not satisfactory. investigation was to make an alkalization to reach
and sustain the arterial blood pH between 7.45 and
7.55. Sodium bicarbonate was administered intra-
Gacyclidine venously first to correct the metabolic acidosis,
then as a constant infusion of 3–5 mg/kg/24 h until
Gacyclidine is an antiglutaminergic compound recovery or until atropine was required. Arterial
that was studied as a complement to the available blood gas analysis was performed at certain inter-
emergency therapy in OP poisoning. It was used vals to adjust the dosing [104, 105, 110,
in conjunction with atropine, pralidoxime, and 111]. Esteratic portion of OP molecules are hydro-
diazepam in nerve agent poisoning in primates. lyzed in alkaline solution. Increasing one unit of
20 M. Balali-Mood et al.

pH is accompanied by a 10-fold increase in OP anesthetized dogs after intoxication by two to six

nerve agent hydrolysis. The arterial pH of >7.50 times the LD50 of VX and another four dogs after
makes the OP hydrolysis faster particularly the intoxication by two to three times the LD50 of sarin.
nerve agents and their metabolites that are weak Hemoperfusion therapy prevented the development
acids [112, 113]. However, it should be adminis- of serious signs of intoxication, provided that the
tered carefully to avoid severe metabolic alkalo- dose of both nerve agents was only two times the
sis. Administration of sodium bicarbonate helps to LD50. It was concluded that hemoperfusion therapy
control the cardiotoxicity as judged by electrocar- in poisoning by the nerve agents sarin and VX is
diogram [114] (Grade III evidence). only partially successful [45].
Yokoyama et al. (1995) reported a 45-year-old
Magnesium Sulfate woman who was severely intoxicated by sarin
IVadministration of magnesium sulfate (4 g) in the during Tokyo subway attack. She had been treated
first day after admission would decrease the hospi- with atropine, 2-PAM, and respiratory support,
talization period and improve outcomes in patients while she received hemofiltration and
with OP pesticides poisoning [115] (Grade II-3 hemoperfusion because of an insufficient response
evidence). Magnesium sulfate may reduce ACh to treatment. When she regained consciousness,
release by blocking calcium channels [116]. It her pupils were dilated, cholinesterase activity had
also reduces CNS overstimulation and reversed increased, and the patient survived [119].
the neuroelectrophysiological defects from OP tox- Based on the first author’s clinical experience,
icity [117]. Additionally, magnesium sulfate has a charcoal hemoperfusion may be used in severely
bronchodilating effect in mild to severe asthmatic intoxicated OP nerve agent patients, as the OPs
patients, and it may relieve bronchoconstriction in and some of their metabolites are lipid-soluble
a dose-dependent manner [118]. Magnesium sul- organic compounds and can be absorbed by
fate has recently been administered up to 16 g per charcoal.
day in OP pesticides poisoning in the Mashhad
Toxicology center without serious side effects. Intravenous Lipid Emulsion
However, applying magnesium sulfate in nerve Following the introduction of intravenous lipid
agents poisoning needs further study. emulsion in the treatment of human poisoning
with lipophilic drugs [120], some authors express
a hypothesis that the combination of intravenous
Drug Interactions lipid emulsions can apply to treating severe OP
poisoning [121]. However, in a study on mice, it
Drugs reported as contraindicated in severe OP showed no significant effect of intravenous lipid
nerve agent poisoning are morphine and its deriv- emulsion against OP toxicity [122]. Whether lipid
atives, aminophylline, theophylline, and chlor- emulsion is beneficial is unknown. For a severely
promazine. Morphine derivatives and poisoned patient in extremis, it may be potentially
chlorpromazine potentiate the drowsiness and beneficial.
coma. Aminophylline and theophylline may
potentiate nicotinic syndrome. Drugs known to
be hydrolyzed by the enzyme cholinesterase, Special Populations
such as suxamethonium (succinylcholine) and
procaine, may have sustained effects [104]. Pediatric Patients

Children are more susceptible to OP nerve agents,

Hemoperfusion as was seen during the Sardasht and Halabjah
massacres. Mortality was higher in children than
Effects of hemoperfusion through coated resin in adults. Children have lesser mass and more
adsorbent synachrome E-5 were studied in five surface/volume ratio, more immature respiratory
Nerve Agents 21

system, and stratum corneum in the skin that mothers [104, 110]. Fetus of survived sarin poi-
facilitates dermal absorption. Besides, their neu- soned pregnant women died within a few hours
rotransmitter systems are immature that makes to a few days [104]. However, some pregnant
them more susceptible to an epileptogenic stimu- women in the second and third trimesters of
lus [105, 123]. pregnancy intoxicated with commercial OP com-
Children are more sensitive to atropine and pounds have been successfully treated with atro-
oximes [123]. Atropine administration should pine and 2-PAM and have delivered healthy
include the monitoring of vital signs, especially newborns [127].
the pulse rate. Atropine must be adjusted based on In pregnant women, administration of atropine
heart rate between 140 and 160 beat/min [104, should be with caution and at lower doses.
123] (Grade III recommendation). Loading dose Pralidoxime has potential teratogenetic properties
of pralidoxime in children should be at 25 mg/kg, in animal studies, but has not been shown in
which is infused over 15–30 min. It may continue humans and therefore should be used as clinically
by 10–20 mg/kg/h to achieve a plasma concentra- required [128]. Obstetric consultation may be nec-
tion of >4 mg/L [110, 124]. Half-life of essary. Removing of a dead fetus should be
pralidoxime in children is about twice that of performed immediately after improving the
adults [105]. mother’s clinical condition [110].
The Program for Pediatric Preparedness of the OP nerve agents may be excreted in the
National Center for Disaster Preparedness mother’s milk. It would be advisable to stop breast
(NCDP) issued the first recommendations and feeding at least for a few days after exposure [44].
treatment guidelines of pediatric disaster and ter-
rorism awareness that is nationally accepted
[125]. They recommended that the Mark 1 Auto- Elderly Patients
injector kits should be applied as first treatment of
children with severe and critical nerve agents poi- Elderly people also are more susceptible to OP
soning, especially when intravenous therapy is nerve agents. Experience with sarin poisoning
impossible or unavailable [123, 125]. In a recent during the Iran-Iraq War in Sardasht and Halabjah
experimental study, perinatal (postnatal day revealed that morbidity and mortality were higher
[PND] 7, 14 and 21) and adult (PND 70) rats among the elderly. Multiple organ failure and
were more susceptible than pubertal (PND complications were more common among the
28 and 42) rats to the lethal effects associated elderly than other adult age groups. Atropine,
with exposure to tabun, sarin, soman, and oxime, diazepam, and any other medication
cyclosarin [126]. should be administered with caution. Depending
on the age and clinical condition of the patient,
critical care therapy should be initiated more rap-
Pregnant Patients idly. Elderly patients with OP nerve agent poison-
ing should be treated in the same priority group as
OP nerve agents may cross the placenta and children [104].
induce fetal intoxication. The fetus is more sen-
sitive to OP nerve agents than the mother and
more sensitive to atropine than the mother. Fetal Rescue Staff and Hospital Personnel
intoxication may occur because OP nerve agents
cross the placenta. The sensitivity of fetus to OP Rescue staff and hospital personnel who are in
compounds and atropine is higher than their contact with victims of OP nerve agent poisoning
mothers [110]. Clinical experience on pregnant may become intoxicated due to secondary expo-
women in Sardasht and Halabjah who were sure. Among 59 rescuers and duty physicians,
exposed to sarin in the Iran-Iraq war discovered 8 had mild symptoms of sarin poisoning during
that mortality rate is higher in fetus than in the the Matsumoto incident. All the rescue activities
22 M. Balali-Mood et al.

had taken place without gas masks or decontam- adequate ventilation are the first priority. Interme-
ination procedures [108]. diate syndrome, which was described after OP
Secondary contamination of house staff that pesticide poisoning [63], has not been observed
treated victims occurred during the sarin Tokyo with nerve agent poisoning [44, 45].
subway incident. More than 20 % of the house Sulfur mustard was the most common chemi-
staff had symptoms, including ocular pain, head- cal warfare agent that was used by the Iraqi army.
ache, sore throat, dyspnea, nausea, dizziness, and Mixed poisoning by tabun and sulfur mustard also
nasal pain, but none were seriously affected was common. No exact quantitative records of the
[7]. Rescue staff and medical personnel in the nerve agent exposure are available. It has been
field, during transportation, and in the hospital estimated that greater than 2000 patients with
should protect themselves by proper gas masks, nerve agent (later on diagnosed as tabun) poison-
clothing, and thick gloves (not surgical ing were treated in March 1984. Another massive
gloves) [104]. nerve agent poisoning occurred during the
Halabjah massacre. It also was diagnosed as
sarin and mixed with sulfur mustard [68, 69].
Experience in War and Terrorism Two main terrorist attacks with sarin occurred
in Japan. The first one occurred on June 27, 1994,
Observations during the nerve gas attack of the in Matsumoto with about 600 casualties and
Iraqi army against the Iranian troops in Majnoon 7 deaths [6]. The second attack occurred on
Island revealed that the heavily exposed people March 20, 1995, in the Tokyo subway system,
died within 30 min after onset of coma, convul- killing 11 and injuring more than 5500 people
sions, hypersecretion, respiratory failure, and [7]. Diagnosis of sarin on both occasions was
apnea. Although the medical facilities were not made based on the chemical analysis of environ-
adequate in Majnoon Island, first-aid treatment mental samples similar to the diagnosis of tabun in
and decontamination were performed. The vic- Majnoon Island and sarin in Halabjah
tims with moderate-to-severe intoxication were [4]. Confirmative tests of serum sarin concentra-
transferred from the field hospital to medical tions of the Halabjah massacre, Matsumoto inci-
centers in big cities for further dent, and Tokyo subway incident [70] and
management [45]. detection of sarin hydrolysis products from eryth-
Recorded clinical manifestations include mio- rocytes of four victims of the Tokyo subway inci-
sis, hypersecretions, hypotension, nausea, dent [71] were performed after the incidents.
vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, loss of Preparation for a chemical incident resulting
consciousness, respiratory depression, cyanosis, from an accident, war, or terrorism is important
pulmonary edema, muscle twitching, and convul- in every community. Because the rescue staff and
sions. Bradycardia and hypotension were medical personnel usually are from different
observed more before treatment with atropine, departments, coordination between them is
whereas tachycardia, normal hypertension, required. Guidelines and treatment protocols
mydriasis, and dryness of the tongue were [129] should be available to all personnel. It
recorded more after atropinization. Morbidity should be updated at certain intervals to use the
and mortality were higher in patients with severe results of new research. For instance, recent clin-
respiratory distress and cyanosis who received ical studies have confirmed that midazolam is
large doses of atropine. It is vital to correct the effective when given at the onset of seizures
severe hypoxemia and cyanosis before caused by nerve agents. However, midazolam
atropinization (see section on “Treatment”). and the other benzodiazepines are less effective
Suctioning of nasooropharyngeal and bronchial at terminating seizures when given 30 min or later
secretions (clear airway) and establishing after OP nerve agents seizure onset, likely because
Nerve Agents 23

of internalization or downregulation of synapses, Conclusion

which can lead to diminished potency and seizure
recurrence [130]. Nerve agents are the deadliest CWA that need
Teaching the staff and performing a simulation immediate interventions. The Iraqi army used
exercise at certain intervals is necessary. Public nerve agents against the Iranian troops and inno-
awareness through the mass media and even writ- cent civilians in the cities of Sardasht and
ten instructions to the public are valuable and may Halabjah during the 1980s. Sarin was also used
prevent chaos during the chemical incident [45]. in terrorist actions in Matsomoto and Tokyo
Metro in 1994 and 1995, respectively. It was
Key Points in the Diagnosis and Management used in Syria civil war as well in August 2013.
of Nerve Agents In spite of the chemical weapons convention and
1. Although plasma cholinesterase activity is the active role of the Organization for Prohibition
given as percentages or U/mL, it should be of Chemical Weapons, nerve agents may be used
valued qualitatively rather than quantita- again as CWAs in a war or terrorist attack. There-
tively. Because of genetic variation in fore, health professionals should be familiar with
plasma cholinesterase, lower activity may the medical aspects of the nerve agents and pre-
be observed in 5–20 % of normal individ- pare for appropriate action as required.
uals. However, treatment is based on clini- The nerve agents are OP compounds, similar to
cal manifestations. OP pesticides, but are more toxic than the pesti-
2. Hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis, cides. Applying first aid kits, for example,
which occur during organophosphate MARK1 is important to reduce toxicity. However,
nerve agent poisoning, should be corrected atropine and oximes are the well-known antidotes
near to the upper limit of normal range. for the treatment of OP nerve agents. There are
3. Administration of atropine in single several adjuvant and additional therapies includ-
repeated doses is mentioned in other text- ing magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate,
books. Mild-to-moderate atropinization gacyclidine, benactyzine, tezampanel,
must be produced and sustained until the hemoperfusion, and bioscavengers that have
patient’s recovery. recently been used for OP nerve agents and pesti-
4. Mydriatic eye drops are not needed; mydri- cide poisoning with promising effects.
asis will be induced by intravenous
5. Aminophylline and theophylline should not Grading System for Levels of Evidence
be administered for bronchospasm during Supporting Recommendations
organophosphate nerve agent poisoning. in Critical Care Toxicology, 2nd Edition
Anticholinergic bronchodilators and β2-
agonists (salbutamol, terbutaline) should I. Evidence obtained from at least one properly
be administered instead. randomized controlled trial.
6. Although pulmonary edema is less com- II-1. Evidence obtained from well-designed con-
mon in organophosphate nerve agent poi- trolled trials without randomization.
soning than in pesticide organophosphate II-2. Evidence obtained from well-designed
poisoning, it should be treated only by atro- cohort or case–control analytic studies, pref-
pine and not by morphine, aminophylline, erably from more than one center or research
furosemide, or digoxin. Morphine and ami- group.
nophylline are contraindicated in organo- II-3. Evidence obtained from multiple time series
phosphate poisoning; furosemide might with or without the intervention. Dramatic
induce dehydration and electrolyte results in uncontrolled experiments (such as
imbalance. the results of the introduction of penicillin
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