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Report Writing

Candidate’s Data:
2. Programme: B.Tech
3. Medium of Instruction: 14
4. No of Years of language learning: ENGLISH
5. Which aspect of writing skills do you feel difficult? Organisation
6. How are you going to improve?
By gaining knowledge about different words and their meanings, studying various
examples where a wide variety of word usage is present, knowing synonyms ,
using new words , reading everyday ,writing everyday, keeping a journal, asking
for feedback are few methods which can help me in improving my vocabulary.
7.Do you appreciate if you get feedback from your tutors and if they use this for
reflection/learning/research purposes? Yes
Feedback helps in knowing the positives and negatives of our performance.

Evidence of learning
In this part you are required to produce what you learnt during the course.
What is your understanding of a report? Write about the importance, types, format
and structure of a report. Why do people prepare reports? Before you started to
write your report, how did you prepare yourself for the task? What are the sources
that you are going to access and refer?
Reports are vital tools for the communicative needs for all types of organizations. They
contribute to the decision making levels at all organizational levels. Writing reports
encompasses in every phase of our professional life. Report writing is a flexible tool for
A report is a description of an event or an analysis of factual information. The facts must be
classified, examined, evaluated, arranged, interpreted and recorded logically. They are finally
arranged in the form of a report
Reports are extremely important means of communication within an organization. The ideas
that are expressed in reports are often used in making decisions. Report play a vital role in the
management of modern business. The process of writing of reports depends on its use at the
workplace. Generally, professionals use reports for the following functions.
• To monitor and control operations
• To implement policies and procedures
• To document the research work
• To guide the decisions
• To initiate proper action
• For understanding a particular problem and to find its solution
• To get current planning
• To evaluate manpower and material sources efficiently and
• To compare with other similar organizations.
Report writing seeks to help the writer to develop his analytical, discriminative, organizational
and communicational abilities. Writing reports effectively helps to perform functions of
planning and evaluating resources. It is an essential skill for running an industry or an business
There are various types of reports such as
• Oral reports -Reports can be either written or oral. An oral report is a piece of face to
face communication about something seen , observed or investigated. While receiving
an oral report reporters cannot control the pace of the presentation. Therefore , the
speaker is expected to select a simple language.
• Written reports - the purpose , content , structure, degree of formality and length
seem to be the main criteria for the classification of written reports .written reports are
classified into formal reports and informal reports
• Informal reports - informal reports are quite brief running from a page to four or five

pages. Construction , length of sentences and paragraphs are same as that of formal
reports. The writing style is usually informal , positive, personal and conversational.
Informal reports contain less data.
• Formal reports - formal reports are classified into three categories
1. Informational
2. Interpretive
3. Routine
• Informational reports - if a report merely presents data or information that is related
to an issue in an organized form it is informative. Informative reports are generally
written to explain the issue clearly and directly. These are useful for monitoring and
controlling operations, statement of policies and procedures.
• Interpretative reports - they are usually written to respond to special circumstances.
They are designed to persuade readers to accept certain conclusions . information plays
an important role in interpretative reports.
• Routine reports - routine reports are also called as form reports and are written in a
prescribed form. The main purpose of this report is to record the progress of a project ,
to assess the quality of performance , to record the reading of an experiment etc.
• Lab reports - the results which are done in the laboratory are reported in the form of
lab reports. It presents findings and conclusions of an experiment in a logical form.
• Progress report - a progress report is a report on the progress of some project. The
status of a particular project is informed in this report. Therefore, in some
organizations this report is also called as the status report.
Report consists of front matter(report preliminaries) , body and back matter(report
Front matter – front matter consists of
• Cover
• Frontispiece
• Title page
• Copyright notice
• Forwarding letter
• Preface
• Acknowledgements
• Table of contents
• List of illustrations
• Abstract and summary

• Introduction
• Discussion of description
• Conclusions
• Recommendations

• Appendix
• List of references
• Bibliography
• Glossary
• Index

Reports are prepared in order to give information and advice on what’s happening
around the world.
Before starting my report I gathered all the information that is required for writing the
report. I went through various websites and read few books about the topic of my report. I
collected the information and sorted them according to the structure of the report. I also
referred few surveys and questionnaires that are required to complete my report.

Max 1000words​ Word length:

Part -2
What did you discuss with your mentor regarding your project? Present his ideas ,
suggestions and the gist of the interaction here.

Report topic: ANDROID.

Though the topic is theoretical but it involves some facts and data analysis.

My mentor explained me clearly the idea of android development asked me to develop ideas
about it. After my discussion with my mentor I got a clarity that this topic is mainly theoretical
which involves some of the data analysis and has much to do with operating systems. Android
development is one of the fastest growing technology in today's era. The goal of Android is
creating a reliable product that provides services to end user. Android software development is
the process to use for a new application created for devices running on android application
system with use Android software development kit. Applications usually develop in Java
language. Android is an open source and Linux based operating system to use a mobile
application created for mobile devices such as the tablet, smartphones rather than computer,
Laptop. Android is more popular than other mobile application development software.
Therefore the topic involves surveying and interviews which is individually collected data,
past and present information.

In this part you have to present about your study.

What is the main idea of your report? Is it a problem -solving, compare and
contrast, cause and effect, describing a personal event/description report? Why did
you choose so? What is the purpose of this study? How important and to whom is
this project useful? How are you going to start your project? Present a timeline for
this in the form of a table.

The main idea is to present the description of the android development. My mentor opinion is
Android development is best way to learn technology from many aspects. Every mobile
technology provides way to learn different areas of software development like UI
development, Business logic implementation etc. It’s so interesting that we always something
really new all the time, fall in love with android again and again the research we do most. It
has many uses like it can be used for doing many things apart from just mobile so
development. Android had entered into many different areas of mobile development like
watches, Auto, TV so as a developer our canvas is expanding. There are also some con's
like-No standard device configuration defined. Every manufacturer come with their own
device configuration and features. It's difficult for developer to support all these configuration
and development time also increases in making changes to support different configurations
and testing them against devices. Android software development is the process to use for a
new application created for devices running on android application system with use Android
software development kit. Applications usually develop in Java language. Android is an open
source and Linux based operating system to use a mobile application created for mobile
devices such as the tablet, smartphones rather than computer, Laptop. Android is more popular
than other mobile application development software. The goal of Android is creating a reliable
product that provides services to end user. Before I start my project I went through the topic on
the internet, gathered information from the various books in library. Later under the full
guidance of my mentor I sorted out all my doubts and started to organise my points in such a
way that the reader get a clear cut idea of what my report consists. Then I took help of google
and quora to find out different synonyms of a given word to make my report more effective.
After writing my report I submitted my report to the mentor so that he can correct in various
aspects such as concept the way in which it is organized the grammar and the conclusion that I
got after writing my report. My mentor gone through my report and asked me to make changes
wherever required

Max 100 words Word length:

Part -3
In this section you need to present an extended abstract. You have to cover, the
main objective, tools, research design (Whether qualitative or quantitative),
research procedure, subjects if any, research outcomes of this project.
Abstract The main objective of this report is all about android software
system. Android Is a software for mobile devices that includes a operative
system, middleware and key application. Android is software platform and
operating system for mobile devices based on the Linux operating system and
developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to
write managed code in a Java-like language that utilizes Google-developed Java
libraries, but does not support programs developed in native code. The unveiling
of the Android platform on 5 November 2007 was announced with the founding
of the Open Handset Alliance, A consortium of 34 hardware ,software and
telecom companies devoted to Advancing open standards for mobile devices.
when released in 2008, Most of the android platform will be made available
under the Apache free-software and open-source licence.
Keywords: Operating system, middleware, Open handset Allience

Max words:300-500 Word Length:

Part -4
In this section you have to cover the following aspects while you present the
Brief Introduction, objectives, research design, tools, procedure, field study,
measures, analysis, results, implications, scope for further study and conclusion.
Firstly, I would like to mention a small company Android Inc. based on the
software development for mobile phones, which was acquired by Google for
unknown amount of money on July 2005. As the experienced team started to
work hardly in Google Campus, it was a first serious sign about Google entering
mobile phone market. In 2007, the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) was created to
develop open standards for mobile devices. It consisted of 34 grand members,
such as Google itself, NVIDIA, Intel, Motorola, TMobile and other mobile
operators, handset manufacturers, software and other companies. As OHA stands
for open mobile platform, a great race has started between OHA and main
competitors Apple, Microsoft, Symbian and others. Microsoft launched
Windows Mobile 6.0 version with full updated Office Mobile and other features.
Symbian with over 110 million smartphones released OSv.9.5, and Apple
stroked market with iPhone. The entire world was waiting for the response from
Google with visionary Gphone, a single mobile device which could compete
with iPhone and other mobile phones. OHA came with better solution – Google
Android – first truly open mobile phone platform based on Linux, with clear and
simple user interface and applications, created in Java. This strategy, which is
about to declare not a single Gphone, but to put Android into existing and new
mobiles devices and to make thousands of Gphones, gives mobile operators and
device manufacturers significant freedom and flexibility to design products. As
Google Android will be truly released in 2008 with its source code, at this
moment Google announced Android SDK together with competition, which
provides 10 million dollars in awards for Android developers. This idea seems to
be quit clear and logical, in order to speed up and boost Java developers, but
actually the contest slowed down the knowledge integration. The contest has
effectively caused developers not to share their code to others. Therefore, I found
a lack of answering to questions and other support on Android groups over the
internet. Nevertheless, I believe there will be plenty of code available to help
inexperienced developers make ideas come to life.

Android Features
Application Framework​ is used to write applications for Android. Unlike other
embedded mobile environments, Android applications are all equal, for instance,
an applications which come with the phone are no different than those that any
developer writes. The framework is supported by numerous open source libraries
such as openssl, sqlite and libc. It is also supported by the Android core libraries.
From the point of security, the framework is based on UNIX file system
permissions that assure applications have only those abilities that mobile phone
owner gave them at install time.
​Dalvik virtual machine –​ it is extremely low-memory based virtual machine,
which was designed specially for Android to run on embedded systems and work
well in low power situations. It is also tuned to the CPU attributes. The Dalvik
VM creates a special file format (.DEX) that is created through build time post
processing. Conversion between Java classes and .DEX format is done by
included “dx” tool.
Integrated browser​ – in my opinion, Google made a right choice on choosing
WebKit as open source web browser. They added a two pass layout and frame
flattening. Two pass layout loads a page without waiting for blocking elements,
such as external CSS or external JavaScript and after a while renders again with
all resources downloaded to the device. Frame flattening converts founded
frames into single one and loads into the browser. These features increase speed
and usability browsing the internet via mobile phone.
​Optimized graphics​ – as Android has 2D graphics library and 3D graphics based
on OpenGL ES 1.0, possibly we will see great applications like Google Earth and
spectacular games like Second Life, which come on Linux version. At this
moment, the shooting legendary 3D game Doom was presented using Android
on the mobile phone.
​ QLite​ – extremely small (~500kb) relational database management system,
which is integrated in Android. It is based on function calls and single file, where
all definitions, tables and data are stored. This simple design is more than
suitable for a platform such as Android. There are a number of hardware
dependent features, for instance, a huge media and connections support, GPS,
improved support for Camera and simply GSM telephony. A great work was
done for the developers to start work with Android using device emulator, tools
for debugging and plugin for Eclipse IDE. Finally, as Android just started its’
journey to the mobile market, we are going to see much more features through
the developed applications.

Developing Applications
Application Building Blocks
Google provides three versions of SDK: for Windows, for Mac OSX and one for
Linux. The developer can use Android plugin for Eclipse IDE or other IDEs such
as intelliJ. First step for Android developer is to decompose the prospective
application into the components, which are supported by the platform. The major
building blocks are these:
- Intent Receiver
- Service
- Content Provider
Activity – user interface component, which corresponds to one screen at time. It
means that for the simple application like Address Book, the developer should
have one activity for displaying contacts, another activity component for
displaying more detailed information of chosen name and etc. Intent Receiver –
wakes up a predefined action through the external event. For example, for the
application like Email Inbox, the developer should have intent receiver and
register his code through XML to wake up an alarm notification, when the user
receives email. Service – a task, which is done in the background. It means that
the user can start an application from the activity window and keep the service
work, while browsing other applications. For instance, he can browse Google
Maps application while holding a call or listening music while browsing other
applications. Content Provider – a component, which allows sharing some of the
data with other processes and applications. It is the best way to communicate the
applications between each other. Secondly, a developer should predefine and list
all components, which he wants to use in the specific AndroidManifest.xml file.
It is a required file for all the applications and is located in the root folder. It is
possible to specify all global values for the package, all the components and its
classes used, intent filters, which describe where and when the certain activity
should start, permissions and instrumentation like security control and testing.
Here is an example of AndroidManifest.xml file:

In summary, with all upcoming applications and mobile services Google
Android is stepping into the next level of Mobile Internet. Android participates in
many of the successful open source projects. That is, architect the solution for
participation and the developers will not only come but will play well together.
This is notable contrast with Apple and other companies, where such architecture
of participation is clearly belated. The first Android based official devices may
well be launched sometime in the second half of 2008. Obviously, that's an age
away when it comes to handset design, and Android may well find itself
competing against the forthcoming Nokia touch screen phones and maybe even
the iPhone 2. Who knows?

As the subject is quite new and there are no books and papers published yet, I
wrote this report based on the information I found on these web pages: - Google Android official webpage - Open Handset Alliance webpage – Wikipedia
information - Official Google Blog – Gtalk code example written by Davanum

Srinivas Moreover, I found the interesting topics on Google Android browsing
Google Groups, and, of course, using Google search by itself
Max :1800-2000 words Word Count:

Mention any of the four sources like books /articles/videos, that you referred for
this study.

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