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Writer’s Moves:

The Conversation: What Others Are Saying -

1. A number of physicists have suggested that string theory is a dead-end path that has

absorbed too many sharp minds.

2. Many people assume that time is something that has no possibility of being manipulated.

3. In conclusion, those who say that string theory is one hundred percent not a possibility is

directly contradicting themselves by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle which states that

not being able to prove something doesn’t necessarily mean that it is wrong.

The Art of Summarizing -

1. He advocates a universe that can have its outcomes measured and predicted.

2. He celebrates the fact that space and time work together to make the fabric of the cosmos:


3. Unpredictability is a fundamental part of the universe, he believes.

The Art of Quoting –

1. As the late, great physicist Albert Einstein puts it, “God does not plat dice.”

2. Einstein’s point is that the universe and its many spectacles are not the products of

random chance.

3. Hawking disagrees when he says, “Thus Einstein is doubly wrong when he said, ‘God

does not play dice’. Not only does God definitely play dice, but he sometimes confuses

us by throwing them where they can’t be seen.”

Ways of Responding to Source Material –

1. Einstein’s theory of relativity is extremely useful because it predicts with great accuracy

the more extreme phenomena of our universe and still holds up to date.

2. Though I concede that string theory in its current form does not provide the answers that

we are looking for, I still insist that it holds its usefulness due to it providing the tools

needed to further our research in this field.

3. I am of two minds when it comes to whether quantum mechanics or relativity does a

better job at explaining the universe since they, to put it one way, are on the same planet

but in different worlds.

Saying Why it Matters –

1. These ideas challenge Einstein’s idea that information cannot move faster than the speed

of light.

2. These findings have important implication for the broader domain of physics.

3. If we are right in our predictions about string theory, then the long awaited grand unified

field theory problem would finally have an answer.

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