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1. What evidence do scientists have that large of land are moving?

-(I think it’s earthquakes but I'm not sure.)-->

-(I was wrong, but I have now learned that the evidence is that they have proven that it
happens because hot rocks rise)->

Scientists can measure the changes in the location of the plates.

2. What are some names of the major plates of land?

-(I think it’s all of the continents like, North America, south America, Europe, Africa,
Asia/Oceana but I'm not completely sure.)->
-(I was right about how there were plates in different continents but now know that there
are more plates than I expected like the Eurasian plate, the Indian plate, the Arabian plate
and many, many more. )->

North American plate, Eurasian plate, Australian plate, African plate, Caribbean plate, Cocos
plate, Antarctic plate.

3. What are some ways that tectonic plates can interact with each other?

-(If they collide sometimes it can create earthquakes)->

-(I was right but they can also converge.)->

Push into each other (convergent zone), slide past each other (transform boundary), spread
apart (divergent zone), slide under (subduction zone).

4. How can land forms provide evidence for scientists to determine plate boundaries?

-(I think one of them could be the Grand Canyon because it’s a big drop and the plates
could be different)->

-(I was not correct. But I have now learned that the evidence is that the ocean basin is
exposed marking their original plate boundries.)->

Land forms show where plates are interacting like a mountain range might show where a
plate was melting and rising (ex, Mount Reiner)

5. How does the theory of plate tectonics relate to mountains and volcanoes?

-(I think landsildes on mountains have something to do with plate tectonics and volcano
erupption could have the plates slip and the lava blows out.)->
-(I wasn’t correct, now I know that when 2 continents collide, the plates converge and the
crust in=s pushed upwards but it takes a long time.)->

Plate tectonics tell us how volcanoes are formed and where they should occur

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