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L&T Interview


String s1="Deepak"

String s2=new String("Deepak")

s1.hashcode() and s2.hashcode();

2-How You have used Encapsulation and Abstraction in your project

3-How to findout repeatation of a perticular word in how many times in a file in


4-final ArrayList a1=new ArrayList();Shall we able to add or update in the


5-How to create Mutable class in java

6- How to create Imutable class in Java?

7- How Hashmap works?

8-What is static in java?

9- How muti threading is affected in static and non static variable?

10-In a array of 1-100 ,how to findout the missing numbers

11- How you will configure struts in your web application?

12-How to iterate through Hashmap?

13- In method overloading return type scenario?

14- Flow of static block ,non-static block ,constructors in Inheritance

15-Local variable assignment issue?

16- In struts is ActionForm,Action Class ,Action Servlet Singleton?

17- How Hashmap stores key and value

18- How to make Hashmap allows only unique key?

19- What is the use of static method in java?

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