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Ness Technology


1- Explain Struts flow and explain about data type conversion.

2- Write a java programme to implement an Arraylist?

3- Write a programme to implement Singleton class in java.

4- In which scenario you wil go for abstract class and which scenario you will go
for interface?

5- Singleton with serialization ?

6- Singletn with Clonning?

7- Externalization?

8- Why we need to override hashCode() and equals() in Hashmap?

9- Can we modify state of a singleton class?

10-What is the advantages of using connection pooling in java ?

11-What is the difference between save() and persist() in hibernate ?

12-If we save some object ,will that object we will get or not ?

13- Explain method overiding rules?

14- Can we write validation in Actionform ?

15- If we have committed certain records,can we take roll back ?

16 -What is the use of sequence ?

17-Java Programme with Validation with DB ?



1- Sort an arraylist which contains employee object by salary ?

2- Select the name of the employees with salary desending order ?

3- Select the name of the employees with reporting manager ?

4- Write a programe to create a deadlock in java ?

5- Do know file handling in java

Manager -2

1-Explain one project completely about merging?

2-Write a recursion programme for finding the factorial?

3- Write a programme to check Palindrom ?

4-Why we use group by clause in SQL ?

5- Can we have same foreign key multiple types in a table ?

ADP Interview


When shall we go for lazy loading and when shall we go for eager loading .

What is the difference between CheckedException and RuntimeException.

How can we create our own RuntimeException in java ?ArithmaticException is subclass

of whose?

Unreachable code sample.

Suppose we have a list ,what is the efficient way to store the elements in

Does unique key contains multiple null values?

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