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RESEARCH REVIEWS 11: 52–60 (2005)



Lilly Dubowitz,1 Daniela Ricci,2 and Eugenio Mercuri1,2*

Department of Paediatrics, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College, London UK,
Child Neurology Unit, Department of Paediatrics, Catholic University, Rome, Italy

In an ideal world, each neonate should have a comprehensive neu- neurological impairment and recovery, a number of the items
rological examination but in practice this is often difficult. In this review we were found difficult to elicit, while others, although easily
will describe what a routine neurological evaluation in the full-term neonate
should consist of and how the Dubowitz examination is performed. The elicited, proved to be relatively superfluous [Dubowitz et al.,
examination has been used for over 20 years and can be easily performed in 1999]. By using the examination as part of an integrated ap-
a short time as the recording sheet provides simple instructions together proach with neuroimaging, we also found that other items, such
with simple diagrams to make the recording and the scoring easier. We will as those assessing relative distribution of tone, can be very useful
also indicate how the examination can be used to identify infants with
neurological abnormalities, describing clinical signs which can help to dif-
to identify infants with severe neurological abnormalities. Fol-
ferentiate infants with peripheral neuromuscular disorders from those with lowing these changes the proforma has been generally restruc-
central nervous system involvement. The correlation between clinical and tured. The revised version of the examination, published in
imaging findings in infants with neonatal brain lesions will also be reported. 1999, includes 34 items subdivided into 6 categories (tone, tone
Finally we will briefly describe how and when to apply an optimality scoring patterns, reflexes, movements, abnormal signs, and behavior).
system in a research setting. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
MRDD Research Reviews 2005;11:52– 60.
Key Words: neonatal examination; preterm infants; perinatal brain le-
The full examination and its recording should not take
sions; optimality score longer than 10 to 15 minutes.

We have found that no formal training is required as the

t the time when we developed our examination in 1981,
most current examinations focused on specific aspects of examination has been easily performed even by inexperienced
neurological function. The French school mainly as- people by following the instructions included in the recording
sessed tone and primitive reflexes [Andre-Thomas et al., 1960; proforma.
Saint-Anne Dargassies, 1977; Amiel-Tison and Grenier, 1980], The test has been designed using a format that makes it
while others concentrated more on various aspects of behavior easy to perform and record. It is presented in a recording sheet
[Brazelton, 1973; Prechtl, 1977; Casaer, 1979; Prechtl et al., (proforma) in which simple instructions for each item are given
1997]. Another problem has been that, although these methods together with some simple diagrams to make the scoring easier.
have brought considerable advance to the assessment of the The proforma is easily scored by circling the description or the
newborn, they required experienced staff with special training figure that best fits the infant’s state.
and often took a considerable time to perform and thus were In practice, it is often easy to eliminate the obviously
poorly suited for routine use. Our aim was to develop a more inappropriate descriptions so that one is left with a choice
general examination w ich would encompass various aspects of between two possibilities. If it is still difficult to decide between
neurological function, such as behavioral states, tone, primitive the two choices, it may be appropriate to ring both. If the
reflexes, motility, and some aspects of behavior. We aimed for findings cannot easily be matched to a diagram, the nearest
our examination to be quick and practical, easy to perform and appropriate figure can be circled. If a deviation is observed, a
to record, and applicable in the first few days of life even to drawing of it can be superimposed on the figure. With some
preterm infants in an incubator. This would mean that it could items, such as posture and type of mobility, which are not static
be easily used as a component of the routine clinical evaluation but constantly changing, we try to record the predominant status
of both preterm and full-term newborn infants. during the examination.
The assessment has been used for over 20 years in both
clinical and research settings and has recently been updated *Correspondence to: E. Mercuri, Department of Pediatrics, Hammersmith Hospital,
according to the experience collected during those years Du Cane Road, London W12 OHN, United Kingdom. E-mail: e.mercuri@ic.ac.uk
[Dubowitz et al., 1998, 1999]. While we found that the basic Received 9 December 2004; Accepted 16 December 2004
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
scheme proved to be very successful, in particular in relating DOI: 10.1002/mrdd.20048
lesions to neurological patterns and documenting longitudinal
© 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Fig. 1. Item assessing posture.

If further help is required, more traction the arm is pulled slowly to a When examined at term age, pre-
detailed instructions and practical tips, are vertical position by the wrist. The resis- term infants tend to have less flexor tone
available in the manual [Dubowitz et al., tance and the angle of flexion at the in the limbs than full-term infants. The
1999], where the test procedures and its elbow is noted when the shoulder lifts range of scores is lower both on traction
application are more fully described. from the surface. Leg traction is elicited and recoil, expecially in the upper limbs.
by raising the leg into vertical position by The assessment of head control in the
INTERRATER RELIABILITY gentle traction on the ankle. The resis- sitting posture shows less extensor tone in
The examination can be easily per- tance to this maneuver and the angle of the neck compared to full-term infants
formed following the instructions. The flexion at the knee are noted when the [Mercuri et al., 2003].
interrater reliability is above 96% even buttock becomes elevated. Both arm and
with inexperienced staff [Dubowitz et al., leg traction are tested separately in each Assessment of tone patterns
1999; McGready et al., 2000]. limb. It is important that the items as-
Trunk and neck tone are evaluated by sessing tone are evaluated not only in-
DESCRIPTION OF TEST assessing (a) head control in the sitting po- dividually but also compared to each
PROCEDURE sition, (b) head lag while the infant is other in order to identify possible pat-
The assessment is best performed pulled to the sitting position, and (c) the terns of distribution of tone (Fig. 4).
two-thirds of the way between feeds posture of the head and trunk in ventral sus- This will help to establish, for example,
when the infants are more likely to be in pension (Fig. 3). whether the infant has generalized hy-
an optimal state. Preterm infants on con- Head control in the sitting position is potonia or only poor axial tone (re-
tinuous feeding (intravenous or alimen- elicited by placing the infant into a sitting duced trunk and head control). While
tary) can be examined at any time. position and holding it there by encir- the former may also be associated with
After uncovering the infant, the cling the infant’s chest with the examin- systemic illness, central nervous system
examination should start with a period of er’s hand, then allowing the head either (CNS) involvement, and neuromuscu-
observation. During this, the posture of to fall forward (head control 1) or back- lar disease, the latter is more often a
head, trunk, and extremities and sponta- ward (head control 2). The infant’s abil- marker of CNS involvement.
neous movements can easily be assessed. ity to raise the head to vertical is noted. In the revised version of the ex-
The observation should also include any Head lag is elicited by grasping the amination we included four new items
abnormal pattern of movements of the infant’s wrists and gently pulling the in- assessing differential tone in order to
respiratory muscles and the possible pres- fant from the supine toward the sitting highlight some aspects that, in our ex-
ence of joint contractures. At this stage position. The response of the head to this perience, are very different in full-term
the infant should also be inspected for the maneuver is noted. and preterm infants with brain lesions
evidence of any trauma or malforma- Posture of the head and trunk in ven- compared to the normal infant and
tions. These findings should be listed as tral suspension is tested by suspending the hence are very important to assess
“other signs” at the end of the proforma. infant in the prone position by a hand [Mercuri et al., 1999].
Head circumference and size of the fon- under the chest. Posture of the head in
tanel should be also noted on the pro- relation to the trunk is scored and the Predominance of extensor tone compared to
forma. amount of flexion in the arms is also flexor tone. This is assessed comparing
noted. The diagram most resembling the ventral suspension and head lag or neck
Posture and Tone position of the trunk should be circled flexor and extensor muscles in the two
and any deviation of head or limb posture items assessing head control.
Posture from the diagram in the proforma should Relative increase in the neck ex-
After gently uncovering the infant be drawn on the diagram. tensor muscles compared to the flexor
and taking off or loosening the diaper ones is often associated with hypoxic–
while the infant is lying in the supine ischemic lesions, meningitis, or increased
position, head in midline, the predomi- Maturation of tone intraventricular pressure.
nant posture in a quiet state should be Posture and tone are age depen-
recorded (Fig. 1). dent, reflecting the increase in flexor Differential distribution of tone in upper and
Limb tone is assessed by noting the tone in the limbs and in axial tone with lower limbs. This is assessed comparing
tone of the limbs in the supine position increasing maturity. Flexor tone of the tone of upper and lower limbs (Fig. 5).
and in ventral suspension and by the re- neck muscles can be demonstrated from Abnormal patterns of leg tone are
sponse to traction of the upper and lower about 28 weeks’ gestation onward but often observed in infants with breech
limb with the infant lying in the supine, good extensor tone in the neck muscles presentation or in normal crying in-
head in the midline (Fig. 2). To elicit arm often cannot be demonstrated until term. fants. If noted in a quiet infant at any
Fig. 2. Items assessing limb tone.

gestation it should raise the suspicion of nent of the neurological assessment of the Moro reflex at 25–27 weeks’ post-
CNS pathology. This sign can be asso- newborn. However, in our experience, menstrual age only consists of the
ciated with a number of conditions, reflexes cannot reliably identify infants opening of the hands. With increasing
such as the onset of an intraventricular with neurological abnormalities, as ab- maturity, extension and abduction of
hemorrhage or periventricular leu- normal reflexes can be observed in nor- the upper extremity can be noted, fol-
komalacia, and is often observed in mal infants and normal reflexes can also lowed by some adduction at the shoul-
full-term infants with hypoxic–isch- be found even in grossly abnormal in- der from 33 to 34 weeks’ postmenstrual
emic encephalopathy who have severe fants. We have therefore decided to re- age. The adduction gradually becomes
basal ganglia lesions on brain MRI. tain only the reflexes that we considered stronger.
to be the most useful for our purpose Sucking reflex is already present at
Relatively tight popliteal angle compared to leg (Fig. 7) [Dubowitz et al., 1999]. 27–28 weeks’ gestation but during the
traction. This is assessed comparing pop- next few weeks it becomes more power-
liteal angle and leg traction (Fig. 6). Maturation of reflexes ful and better coordinated with swallow-
A tight popliteal angle associated Palmar grasp is present from 27 and ing. By 32–34 weeks a normal infant
with relatively poor resistance on leg 28 weeks’ postmenstrual age and be- should be able to feed orally.
traction can be observed in infants with comes much stronger with increasing
breech presentation. A disproportion- maturity. Movements
ately tight popliteal angle compared with Plantar grasp is present from 26 These are best observed with the
the rest of the leg tone is frequently weeks’ postmenstrual age and becomes infant in the supine, preferably while
found in association with germinal ma- only slightly stronger with increasing ma- awake and quiet. Observations should
trix or intraventricular hemorrhages. turity. be carried out throughout the exami-
Placing reaction can be observed nation and scored when the most suit-
Reflexes generally from 34 weeks’ postmenstrual able state is achieved. Both quality and
Eliciting primitive reflexes has age and becomes more pronounced in quantity of spontaneous movements are
been regarded as an important compo- the following 2– 4 weeks. noted (Table 1). It is also important to
Fig. 3. Items assessing axial tone.

tendency toward smooth, alternating

movements of the arms and legs.
When examined at term age, pre-
mature infants also have more jerky
movements, tremors, and startles than full-
term infants [Mercuri et al., 2003].

Neurobehavioural Items
This section includes assessment of
visual and auditory orientation, which,
when abnormal, are important signs of sus-
pected CNS involvement (Fig. 8). These
items are checked when the infant is awake
or can be roused to a quiet awake state
(state 4 according to Brazelton [1973]) and
should be retested if in doubt that the re-
sponse achieved was state dependent. The
Fig. 4. Tone patterns (extensor tone).
level of alertness is not based on the infant’s
appearance but on the response to stimuli,
in particular visual stimuli.
Irritability and consolability pro-
observe the presence of antigravity Maturation of movements vide a clear reflection whether the infant
movements as this is an important sign Movements in the premature in- is unresponsive, apathetic, and difficult to
in the differential diagnosis of floppy fant often consist of stretching and twist- rouse or is overresponsive, hyperirritable,
infants. In addition, attention should be ing of the trunk and limb, often associ- and difficult to console. Either can reflect
paid to the presence of any abnormal ated with repetitive wide-amplitude an abnormal neurological state.
movements, such as abnormal eye movements of the limbs, resembling my- We have also added two other items
movement, twitching, or jitteriness, as oclonus. Both the quality and quantity of to this section: eye movements and quality
the latter ones in particular might be spontaneous movements change with of the infant’s cry, although they are not
sign of abnormalities such as convul- gestational age and there is an increase in really neurobehavioral items, they are best
sions or hypoglycemia, which might the quantity of the movements and a observed while scoring the rest of the neu-
require intervention. gradual change of their pattern with a robehavioral examination. Weak cry and
tive assessment is required. This score has
been standardized in full term infants ex-
amined in the first 48 hours following
birth [Dubowitz et al., 1998] and is based
on the distribution of the scores for each
individual item in the population of low-
risk full-term infants. Using cut- off
points of 10th and 5th centile, we have
therefore been able to define only the
most common pattern for each item. A
total optimality score can be obtained by
summating the optimality scores of indi-
vidual items. The analysis of the total
optimality scores in our low-risk popu-
lation revealed that suboptimal results on
one or two single items can be observed
in a third of this normal population while
Fig. 5. Tone patterns: increased leg extension and arm flexion. the association of four or more subopti-
mal scores was found in less than 10% of
our infants, suggesting that isolated devi-
ant signs have little diagnostic value.
The optimality score in its present
form has been only validated in full-term
infants in the first days of life and can
therefore only be used in similar cohorts
[Dubowitz et al., 1999]. We have re-
cently reported the application of the op-
timality system to a cohort of low-risk
preterm infants reaching term. We found
that the findings in preterm infants at
term age are more variable than in full-
term infants, as preterm infants at term
age have less flexor tone and overall bet-
ter response to behavioral items [Mercuri
et al., 2003].

Fig. 6. Differential tone between popliteal angle and leg traction. There are several factors that might
influence the interpretation of whether a
specific finding is normal or abnormal.
The obvious ones are illness, convul-
high pitched cry also reflect an abnormal Other Abnormal Signs sions, or medications, but others, such as
neurological state. This section includes a list of signs knowledge of the correct gestational age
that need checking as their presence is of the child and the postnatal age, have to
Maturation of behavioral items often suggestive of an underlying CNS be taken into account.
Even prior to 32 weeks’ gesta- involvement (Fig. 9). These include ab-
tion, some preterm infants can focus on normal hand or foot posture and the Infants with Neurological
a target but they are usually not yet able presence of tremors and startles. Abnormalities
to track. After 32 weeks many of them The examination can be used to
are able to track horizontally or verti- DESCRIPTION OF SCORING detect abnormal neurological signs in in-
cally and by 36 weeks many of them SYSTEM fants with lesions in the central and pe-
can track even in an arc. As part of the routine examination, ripheral nervous system. A detailed neu-
A response to an auditory stimulus each item is scored according to the cri- rological examination can help to
can be elicited from 27 to 28 weeks’ teria previously described. In every day differentiate infants with neuromuscular
postmenstrual age and becomes stronger clinical practice the pattern of the exam- disorders from those with CNS involve-
with increasing gestational age. ination on the scoring sheet will give a ment [Mercuri et al., 2001]. The exam-
When examined at term age, pre- good guide to the infant neurological ination can also document and identify
term infants have more variable responses state. Repeated examination and com- clinical signs associated with specific pat-
on items assessing visual behavior but parison of the pattern will in particular terns of lesions seen on brain imaging.
there is a higher percentage of preterm suggest improvement or deterioration.
infants who are able to follow in a full We have recently also proposed an Neuromuscular disorders
circle than in full term [Mercuri et al., optimality score to be mainly used in In newborns with neuromuscular
2003]. research settings, when a more quantita- disorders, generalized hypotonia is usu-
Fig. 7. Items assessing reflexes.

TABLE 1. Items Assessing Movements.

SPONTANEOUS no movement sporadic and short isolated frequent isolated frequent generalised continuous exaggerated
MOVEMENT movements movements movements movements
Watch infant lying
SPONTANEOUS only stretches stretches and random fluent movements but fluent alternating ● cramped synchronised;
MOVEMENT abrupt movements; some monotonous movements of ● mouthing
(quality) smooth movements arms ⫹ legs; ● jerky or other abn. mov.
Watch infant lying good variability

ally associated with muscle weakness. few changes in their movement pattern, ments in response to stimulation. Elicita-
This is best assessed by looking for the even in response to pain or when crying. tion of reflexes can also be useful; absent
presence or absence of antigravity move- In contrast, children with CNS involve- reflexes in a floppy infant strongly suggest
ments. A useful observation is that infants ment may show a similar floppy posture, a severe motoneuron disorder [Mercuri
with neuromuscular disorders will show but they have isolated antigravity move- et al., 2001].
Fig. 8. Items assessing behavior.

Fig. 9. Items assessing abnormal signs.

Other signs, such as abnormal pat- further evidence of neuromuscular in- CNS Involvement
tern of respiratory muscle activity, inabil- volvement. Hypotonia with no evident weak-
ity to suck, and inability to clear secre- Contractures, skin dimpling, and ness and normal or increased reflexes will
tion, although frequently observed in poor dermatoglyphic patterns are all suggest CNS involvement. The advent
children with some of the congenital my- indicators of poor fetal movements, of cranial ultrasonography and, lately, of
opathies, can also be a feature of central are highly suggestive of a neuromuscu- magnetic resonance imaging has enabled
involvement. In many cases the general lar disease, and are an indication for the direct correlation of clinical findings
physical examination can help to provide detailed neuromuscular investigations. with the site, size, and evolution of brain
lesions. This allowed us to recognize that ● Stage 2 can be seen with estab- spontaneously dorsiflexed. The Moro re-
certain brain lesions are often associated lished hemorrhage. There is gen- action is abnormal, consisting of forward
with specific patterns of neurological erally poor reactivity. Tone and extension only, with hardly any abduc-
signs. motility are decreased. One of tion or adduction. Frequent tremors and
the most common signs at this startles may be noted. Visual and auditory
Full-term infants with neonatal encephalopa- stage is a relatively tight popliteal functions are normal at this stage. The
thy. In full-term infants, perinatal events angle, relative to leg tone elicited pattern that can be observed, until this
are frequently associated with neonatal by traction. Tremors and startles stage, shows few or no differences be-
encephalopathy. Increased extensor tone are absent. Visual orientation is tween the infants with periventricular
in the legs and flexion in the arms or a absent and auditory responses and subcortical lesions. The clinical evo-
prevalent extensor tone in the neck and can be variable. lution is, however, different. While the
trunk muscles are usually associated with ● Stage 3 is the phase of recovery,
infants with periventricular lesions be-
diffuse lesions involving the cortex, the usually starting at the end of the
come less irritable and develop signs of
white matter, and the basal ganglia. first week. Limb tone becomes
normal first, including the pop- diplegia but maintain their vision, the
These findings are even more important
considering that these lesions are gener- liteal angle. Motility improves infants with subcortical lesions remain ir-
ally associated with the most severe mo- next. First auditory and then vi- ritable, develop severe visual impairment,
tor and global outcome [Mercuri et al., sual orientation recover. Head and frequently infantile spasms and quad-
1999]. and trunk control are the last to riplegia [Dubowitz et al., 1985; Ruther-
Other abnormal signs that are also normalize. During this phase ford; 2002].
suggestive of these brain lesions are: roving eye movements are often
noted. In infants who later show CAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS
● fisting or abnormal posture of
abnormal development a num- One of the main limitations of the
the hand or feet in absence of
ber of deviant signs may be no- examination is that it reflects the neuro-
ticeable at this stage. The dura- logical status of the infant at the time of
● abnormal body movements
tion of recovery can be quite
(tremors, clonus); the examination. Thus any of the factors
variable and some children
● convulsions; previously mentioned, such as convul-
might still show mild tremors
● abnormal eye movements; and sions, anticonvulsants, or other associated
and trunk hypotonia even when
● reduced or absent visual and au- nonneurological systemic illness, can
examined at 40 weeks’ gesta-
ditory orientation. contribute to transient abnormalities of
tional age. Interestingly, the se-
● Sucking abnormalities are not tone and responsiveness. An early neuro-
verity of the early clinical signs
specific, as poor sucking may be logical examination can therefore be ab-
does not necessarily relate to the
present in neuromuscular disor- normal even in infants who only have
extent of the hemorrhagic lesion
der and severe generalized illness rather minor lesions and thus will have a
or to later outcome.
but, if present and associated normal outcome. Because of this, the
with other signs of CNS in- examiner should be cautious and repeat
Periventricular leukomalacia. Grade I and II
volvement, is strongly suggestive the examination to confirm the persis-
leukomalacia are often associated with a
of basal ganglia or brainstem ab- tence of abnormal findings. In full-term
normal neurological examination or with
only very minor signs. In contrast, cystic infants with neonatal encephalopathy the
● Serial neurological examinations
lesions are usually associated with deviant examination performed after the second
will help to follow the evolution
signs, which can often be identified in week of life is already a reliable predictor
of clinical signs in infants with
the first weeks of life. of neurological outcome [Mercuri et al.,
the most common lesions occur-
The signs are more severe if the 1999].
ring in preterm infants. A good
insult occurred during the perinatal or The possible effect of ethnic origin
example for these follow.
neonatal period and consist of marked on the neurological state of infants has
hypotonia and lethargy. In contrast, if the often been regarded as a limiting factor.
Intraventricular haemorrhage. Performing
insult has occurred some weeks before Although in our experience African chil-
serial cranial ultrasound scans and neuro-
delivery, during fetal life, the infant dren have a slightly better tone compared
logical examinations in infants with in-
might show only mild hypotonia and to Caucasian age-matched controls, in
traventricular hemorrhage has enabled
lethargy at birth. The infants then im-
the identification of three distinct clinical other ethnic groups the variation is small.
prove and for a period of a 4 – 6 weeks
stages (Dubowitz and Dubowitz., 1981; Optimal infants in Southeast Asia differ
they may appear near normal.
Palmer et al., 1982; Dubowitz et al., little from their Caucasian counterparts.
Six to 10 weeks after the insult,
1986]: However, in those with various degrees
however, they gradually become more
● Stage 1. Preceding the ultra- and more irritable but the cry is of nor- of maternal illness and/or malnutrition,
sound evidence of hemorrhage mal pitch. They exhibit a very abnormal differences are much more marked. The
or at the time of onset, the infant tone pattern with marked increase of extent to which these are the reflection
is usually irritable. Hypertonicity flexor tone in the arms and extensor tone of the ethnic background and are the
(more marked in the arms), ex- in the legs. Marked neck extensor hyper- main contributing factors remains un-
cessive motility with tremors and tonia is usually present. Movements are solved [McGready et al., 2000, 2003].
startles may be noted. Tendon abnormal, often stereotyped or cramped. However, in these circumstances the
reflexes are brisk; the Moro re- The finger posture consists of flexion of neurological examination is often used to
sponse is exaggerated. Visual and the thumb and index finger with the compare groups of infants and thus it
auditory orientations are absent. other fingers extended. The big toe is remains a useful tool.
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