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The scene opes with a boy tracing something with his hand. We
see his pencil flow around his hand and then he lifts his
hand to draw some feet. He moves to the face to draw the eyes
and snood, finishing off with the beak. Lastly, the boy
writes something in the bottom corner and hears a voice in
the background calling for him. He drops the pencil and it
rolls as the screen fade to black.


The scene fades in to a person with their palms towards the

audience. It cuts to another person with their hands out and
then to another. It keeps cutting between people until it
looks like stop motion. The stop motion people slowly move
their left hand down to a table. The people trace their hand
to make a hand turkey. As they add in the face and beak, the
stop motion cuts start to slow down but the drawings are not
revealed. It cuts back to the first person again with their
palms out. It starts to cut to different people again and
they have their hands out as if they are measuring something.
They snap their fingers and their drawing appear. It keep
going for all the people until that last one which stops and
goes dark.


It fades in with the opening scene but the drawing is

revealed and the pencil is moving a bit to show that the boy
from the beginning just left. In the bottom right corner
there is the words "Hand Turkey - Evan Knudsen" which is
moved to the middle of the screen and then everything fades
away ending the film.

Created using Celtx

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