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Medicine Nos.

1. Allos
2. Antim Tart
3. Arnica
4. Arsenic Alb
5. Belladonna
6. Broyonia
7. Calcaria Carb
8. Chomomilla
9. Colocinth
10. Drocera 1.
11. Hepar Suph a. Calendula
12. Ipecac b.Graphitis
13. Kalibitch
14. Lycopodium
15. Magnesia Phos a. Cantharis
16. Erc Sol b. Rhus Tox
17. Netrum Sulph
18. Netrum Mur a.Calendula
19. Nux Vomica b. Drona
20. Podophyllum c. Echinicia
21. Pulsatilla d.Ledampal
22. RHus Tox e. Acconitum Nap
23. Silica
24. Tuja
Vector Born Deceases
Japanese Encyphillatis
Chicun Gunya Fever
Swine Flu H1N1
Dengue Fever

Respiratory Problems
Problem Pg Problem Pg

Normal Cold 7 Syca(problem of over eating) 13

Sinus 7 Not Feeling hungry 13
Dry Cough 8 Nausea , vomiting 13
Diptheria 8 Bloating of stomach/stomach ache 13,14
Asthama 9 Jaundice 14
Eye problems 9 Mums 15
Ear Ache 10 Rashes on skin 15
Pus from Ear 10 Boils with pus 15
bleeding from nose 11 Warts 16
problems related teeth and mouth 11 Rashes(due to pyth) 16
Tonsils 12 Serp (on fore head & on eyes) 16
First Aid 20
Respiratory Problems
Normal cold and related problems
If it is Normal cold running nose from one side or both sides. Like watery or may be phlem or
pus or blood.
Cold Ist Stage :
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Running nose, tickling sensation or itching sensation (4) Arsenic Alb
and sneezing (Depends on severity one
dose every 3 hrs.)
2 If watery thing (cold in the head) thickens Nasal (19) Nux Vomica
Congestion. Sounds from nostrils (One dose every 3 hrs.)

Cold II Stage : If Watery substance thickens White or yellow or green

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Mucus thickens & turns yellow or green and sticky (13) Kali Bich(Kali Bicrom)
(one dose every 3 hrs.)
2 If nose is leaking with yellow/green substance ,phlegm is (21) Pulsatilla
coming out , don’t feel like having any food (One dose every 3 hrs.)

Sinusitis : Severe pain in sinus/head ache . Blockage in one or both nostrils. Phlegm blocks the
nasal passage. Greenish phlegm . sweating in palms.
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Initial stage (5) Belladonna, (16) Merc Sol
(Both alternatively one dose every 2 hrs.)
2 If you have head ache or not sinus are with cold , (13) Kali Bich(Kali Bicrom)
blood scars in phlegm (One dose every 3 hrs.)
3 Feeling uneasy with cold breeze , Tying cloth on (23) Silica
head and suffering (One dose every 3 hrs.)
DRY CAUGH: Cough is sudden coming from lungs to throat. It may be loud or slow. Cough may
be dry or with sound Khal khal.
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Initial stage nose or above nose cold with cough (5) Belladonna, (16) Merc Sol
(Both alternatively one dose every 2 hrs.)
2 Nose leak drop by drop (16) Merc Sol
(One dose every 2 hrs.)
Caugh related to Trachea
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Intermittent cough ,sneezing with loud noise (12) Ipecac
(one dose every 4 hrs.)
2 Cough with low sound with difficulty (2) Antim Tart
(One dose every 3 hrs.)
Whooping Cough
Once you become infected with whooping cough, it takes about seven to 10 days for signs and
symptoms to appear, though it can sometimes take longer. They're usually mild at first and
resemble those of a common cold:
Running nose, Nasal congestion, Red, watery eyes, Fever, Cough after a week or two, signs and
symptoms worsen. Thick mucus accumulates inside your airways, causing uncontrollable coughing.
Severe and prolonged coughing attacks may provoke vomiting, result in a red or blue face, cause
extreme fatigue end with a high-pitched "whoop" sound during the next breath of air.

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines

1 Initial Stage (10) Drosera
(3 doses )
2 Vomitings n not sustaining food (12) Ipecac
(one dose every 3 hrs.)

Asthma attack signs and symptoms include:

Coughing that sometimes wakes you up at night.
Wheezing, or a whistling sound when you breathe. You may hear it more when you breathe out. It
can start as a low-sounding whistle and get higher.
Breathing problems that includes having shortness of breath, feeling like you are out of breath,
gasping for air, having trouble breathing out, or breathing faster than normal. When breathing gets
very difficult, the skin of your chest and neck may suck inward.

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines

1 When children have this and vomiting or gasping for air (12) Ipecac
(One dose every 2 hrs.)
2 If asthama increases after midnight (4) Arsenic Alb
(One dose every 2 hrs.)
Eye Problems:
Eye problems, including eye pain or redness .pain in eye ball, spreads the pain to head , not able to
see light, dry eyes fever etc
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Eye pain or redness not able to see light (5) Belladonna
(One dose every 2 hrs.)
2 Yellow discharge, pain in the eye (5) Belladonna
(One dose every 1 hr.)
3 Severe pain during night with yellow discharge (21) Pulsatilla
(One dose every 3 hrs.)
4 In children pain in white layer problem (8) Chomomilla
(One dose every 3 hrs.)
Ear Problems :
Earache can be constant or it may come and go. It can feel like a burning sensation or a sharp, or dull, pain
It may cause pain in teeth. It may increase in the inner ear.
increases with cool breeze.
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Ear pain with cold , mucus symptoms (5) Belladonna, (16) Merc Sol
(Both alternatively one dose every
1 hr.)
2 Severe ear ache with fever (5) Belladonna, (16) Merc Sol
(Both alternatively one dose every
1 hr,2 hrs,3 hrs. depends on
3 Severe ear ache during nights especially in (8) Chomomilla
children crying holding breathe (One dose every one or two hrs.)
4 Suffering with sever ear ache during nights (21) Pulsatilla
(One dose every one or two hrs.)

Pus From Ears:

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 In winter due to cold breeze pus forms (23) Silica
(Daily 4 doses.)
2 Due to cold breeze even if pain is not there and dark (21) Pulsatilla
green colour pus forms (Daily 3 doses)
3 If it doesn’t subside with above medicines (16) Merc Sol
(Daily 3 doses)
4 Due to cold breeze ear pain/ache and not able to sleep (11) Hepar Sulph
that side which ear pains (Dialy three doses three times)
5. Blockage of ears and not able to hear (above nose, (16) Merc Sol
nerve connecting ear and throat damage) (Each dose every 2 hrs, 4hrs )

Nose Problems:
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Due to dry weather if nose bleeds (6) Brayonia
Every 6 hrs one dose
2 Bleeding due to injury or severe coughing (3) Arnica
Till bleeding arrests every one
hr one dose
Mouth And Teeth problems:
1. Mouth ulcers/boils/blisters/would
2. Bleeding gums ,bad smell in mouth, pus in the gums. Swelling in gums. Feeling thirsty even if
the mouth is wet, tonsils
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Ulcers in the mouth , sticky saliva (16) Merc Sol
(Each dose every 12 hrs )
2 Dripping saliva from gums (16) Merc Sol
(Each dose every 2 hrs)
sufficient c vitamin should be

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines

1 Sensitivity in the gums, swelling gums pus in the gums, (5) Belladonna, (16) Merc Sol
small boils on gums. woulds in the mouth , pains when (Both alternatively one dose
hot things touches and pains with pressure every 2 hrs.)
2 When touching cold water body severely pains (23) Silica
(One dose every 2 hrs.)
3 When hot food touches severe un bearable pain in the (8) Chomomilla
teeth and patient gets irritated. (One dose every two hrs.)
4 Controlling bleeding before and after extracting teeth, (3) Arnica
to heal fast, uneasiness due to artificial teeth Before extracting one dose and
after every 4 hrs

Throat Related problems: Common tonsillitis symptoms include sore throat, visibly red and swollen
tonsils, white patches on the tonsils, fever, headache, difficulty swallowing, stomach pain, loss of
voice, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and jaw, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and coughing. Viral
tonsillitis will usually result in cold-like symptoms, whereas bacterial tonsillitis usually results in sudden
and severe fever along with swollen lymph nodes and without cold-like symptoms
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 High fever with throat pain (5) Belladonna
(One dose every 1 hr.)

Digestive System Problems:

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Lack of appetite , indigestion, low digestion power, no (7) Calcaria carb
taste, not able to relish food One dose in 15 days
(19) Nux Vomica
daily 3 times 3 doses
2 After having tasty food , having ice creams and cakes if (21) Pulsatilla
digestion slows down Every six hrs one dose

Naucea and vomiting:

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Vomiting sensation and vomiting (12) Ipecac
Every 2 hrs one dose)
2 If Ipecac doesn’t work and feeling thirsty (4) Arsenic Alb
Every 2 hrs one dose)
3 Pain in intestines, gastro enteritis symptoms, vomiting, (4) Arsenic Alb
motions(diarrhea) (12) Ipecac
Alternatively one to three hrs
gaps one dose depends on
4 Vomitings after eating spicy food (19) Nux Vomica
every 2 hrs one dose

Stomach Ache
Stomach pain, colic pain, intermittent pain, constipation, bloating
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Suffering from Bloating, feeling better when you (9) Colocinth
bend and folding legs Every one dose hrly till relief
2 Putting pressure on stomach or fementation (15) Magnesium Phos
Half an hrly one dose
3 Belchings and pain in Lowar stomach (14) Lycopodium
One dose every half an hour
4 Stomach pain due to excess eating, rich food and the (19) Nux Vomica
above medicine doesn’t work Every one or two hrs one dose
5 Small children stomach pain (9) colocynth every half an
hour or one hr
6 After having above medicines if pain doesn’t subside (15) Magnesium Phos.
for small children In water 4 pills every 10 mnts
till it subsides
7 Children suffering with gas pain (8) Chomomilla Every one hr
one dose

Symptoms: Outer side body parts like eyes,body,face, nails looks yellow in colour. Urine turns
yellow.stools will be in mud colour or white.
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Initial stage except vomiting and nausea no other (4) Arsenic Alb
symptoms will be noticed. (12) Ipecac
Alternatively every 2 hrs one
2 Too much saliva , feeling very cold , skin irritation. (16) Merc Sol
(should not take fat foods. More liquids, green (Each dose every 3 hrs)
vegetables, fruits should be taken. Salt intake should
be stopped.

MUMS: Due to virus in saliva glands in the mouth.saliva Glands near ear is enlarged
or swollen.
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 If mums forms with above symptoms (5) Belladonna
(21) Pulsatilla
(One dose alternatively every 2
to 4hrs gap)

Skin Problems: Boils/heat boils,

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines

1 Thick boils with skin turns red (3) Arnica
Every four hr one dose
2 Boils looks red and swelling (5) Belladonna
(One dose every 3 hr.)
3 When touches severe pain (11) Hepar Sulph
Every 2 to 4 hrs one dose
4 Even after taking above medicine if the boils increase (23) Silica
in size and becomes hard (One dose every 3 hrs.)

Eczima: Slight discharge , seve itching. Top layer slight pain.Reddish skin swelling.
Skin becomes thick and severe itching.
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Watery bubbles red in colour and slight swelling. (22) Rhus Tox
During night and when it is cold problem increases. One dose every 6 hrs.

Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 If they are on the skin (24) Tuja
One dose weekly once
Skin Rash : pinkish color or pale . feel like itching. May be little or more.
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Sudden itching and turns red (5) Belladonna
(One dose every 2 to 4 hrs depends
on severity)
2 If the pain increases due to cold breeze (22) Rhus Tox
After one dose
(4) Arsenic Alb
Every 2 hrs one dose
(23) Silica
(One dose every 3 hrs.)
HERPS(Sarpi): Due to bacteria or virus this occurs. Tingling, itching, or burning: Before
the blisters appear, the skin may tingle, itch, or burn for a day or so. Sores: One or more
painful, fluid-filled blisters may appear. Flu-like symptoms also will be there.
Sl.No Symptoms Medicines
1 Burns during night and relief outside (4) Arsenic Alb
Every 2 to 4 hrs one dose

2 Muscles around this pains and big blisters with (22) Rhus Tox
redness around forms and not able to bear One dose every 2 to 4 hrs.
3 Feel like sitting at one place and gets relief when lie (6) Brayonia
down on the side of herpes Every 2 to 4 dose

Encephalitis: This is caused due to virus.Encephalitis frequently begins with a ‘flu-like' illness or
headache. Typically more serious symptoms follow hours to days later. The most
serious finding is an alteration in level of consciousness. This can range from mild
confusion or drowsiness, to loss of consciousness and coma.Mostly occurs in children
below 15 years.
Medicines:Euphrasia daily one dose for 3 days. Calcaria Carb one dose on 10th day. TuberCulinum
one dose on 25th day

Malaria: 1. Arsenic Alb: Weakness ,thirst in small intervals, irritability, fever dring after noon and
mid night.
2. China Ars: First fever. Then feels hot n sweating. No fever during night. Long time
decease .
3. Natrum Mur: Fever between 9am to 11am. As fever increases thirst increases. In
shivering body gets cool. Weakness, constipation, apetite loss .
chikungunya: Most people infected with chiken gunya virus will develop some symptoms. Symptoms
usually begin 3–7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.The most common symptoms are
fever and joint pain.Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash.
Medicine: Euphatorium pers daily one dose 3 days .

SWINE FLU: Symptoms of H1N1 swine flu are like regular flu symptoms and include fever, cough,
sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Many people with
swine flu have had diarrhea and vomiting.
Medicine: Influenzinum 1M one dose . Arsenic Alb, Gelsimium, Rhus Tox depends on the

Dengue:Dengue fever facts. Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are
transmitted by mosquitoes. Symptoms include as severe joint and muscle pain, swollen
lymph nodes, headache, fever, exhaustion, and rash. Mild bleeding (such a nose bleed,
bleeding gums, or easy bruising) Dengue is prevalent throughout the tropics and subtropics.

Medicines: Arsenic Alb,Broyonia,Ipecac, Nux Vomica, Rhus tox

First Aid:
a.Calendula: Cracks on foot and handsor any skin problem
b. Graphitis: wounds,rashes,eczema,ring worm,
a. Cantharis: any type of burns daily 2 times on burns.
b. Rhus tox: Sprains, leg painsor any other pains massage 10 drops of oil
Mother Tincture:
a. Calendula: Apply on Wounds
b. Drona: Insect bites like snake,scorpio,dog bite, cat bite
c. Echinicia: monkey bite, rat bite every half an hour drink ten drops in half glass water . Also appy
on bite every one hour.
d. Ledumpal: When we step on nail or iron things three days daily one dose
e. Acconitum Nap: Due to Cold Breeze or fear fever, cold,cough,anxiety, fear of life uneasiness

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