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Foul language is the use of rude, offensive, and inappropriate words. Foul words clearly evoke a
much stronger emotional response in most hearers than other words do and may cause discomfort or
offense (Gina Langridge, 2015).

There are a lot of reasons why people use foul language. Swearing is another way of expressing
your emotions. A study shows that the people in online world are mainly using curse words to express
their sadness and anger towards others. It restrains yourself from hurting another physically because of
anger. The words you’ll say is also hurtful but it is better than being violent. Researchers from Kelee
University said that the use of foul words can help reduce the sensation of pain. Swearing allows you to
withstand the pain much longer. Specially to those who seldom use them. According to the research of
Jeffrey S. Bowers at the University of Bristol, all sorts of emotions are associated with the sound of
swear words as we are growing up.

Despite all of that, there are also a lot of negative reasons of why people use foul language.
Cursing can badly affect the society. It can create a more intimidating environment than one where foul
language is absent. A senior psychology lecturer at Keele University in the UK, Richard Stephens, said
that swearing increases the heart rate and sets off the body's flight-or-fight response. Swearing can
leave someone with a bad impression, signal a lack of control and indicate a bad attitude or immaturity
(Sarah Day, 2018). Some are using foul words because they think that they sound cool when they use it.
In addition to that, there are also these people who use bad words just because someone is using them.


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