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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2017), 1(1): 20-29

Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and

Hypnobreastfeeding for Breast Milk Production
among Post-Partum Mothers
Lutfiana Puspita Sari1), Harsono Salimo2), Uki Retno Budihastuti3)
1)MastersProgram in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
2)Department of Maternal and Child Health, Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta
3)Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta


Background: The incidence of post-partum blues both in Indonesia and abroad has been quite
high; the stress that post-partum mothers experience will inhibit breast milk production and, as a
result, breastfeeding process should be stopped earlier. Hypnobreastfeeding relaxation and
oxytocin massage have been a combination of therapy that might decrease the rate of
Adenocorticotropic Hormon (ACTH) and that might assist hormone and prolactin secrection in
order that breast milk production becomes fluent. This study then aimed at analyzing the
optimization of the combination of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding in order to decrease
anxiety and to improve breast milk production among post-partum mothers.
Subjects and Method: This was an analytic experimental study with Randomized Control Trial
(RCT) design. This study was conducted at Dr. Suradji Tirtonegoro Central General Hospital,
Klaten, from January 25th, 2017 until March 9th, 2017. The population in this study was 200 post-
partum mothers. A sample of 60 post-partum mothers was selected for this study and allocated
into the intervention group (n1= 30) and the control group (n2= 30). The intervention group would
be treated by the combination of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding. The dependent
variables were anxiety and breast milk production. The independent variables were oxytocin
massage and hypnobreastfeeding. The anxiety was measured by STAI scale. The breast milk
production process was measured by checklist questionnaire. The breast milk production amount
was measured by milking cups. The breast milk production between the two groups was tested by
Results: The anxiety scale in the intervention group was better and lower than that of the control
group. The differences in terms of anxiety scale between the intervention group (median= 24.00;
SD= 4.45) and the control group (median= 34.00; SD= 6.93) were statistically significant
(p<0.001). Then, the differences in terms of breast milk production process between the inter-
vention group (median= 9.00; SD= 1.66) and the control group (median= 8.00; SD= 1.56) were
nearly significant (p<0.145). Furthermore, the differences in terms of breast milk production
amount between the intervention group (median= 10.00; SD= 10.36) and the control group
(median= 4.50; SD= 4.21) were statistically significant (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Combination of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding can effectively
decreasing anxiety and increasing breast milk production for post-partum mothers.

Keywords: oxytocin massage, hypnobreastfeeding, breast milk production, post-partum

Lutfiana Puspita Sari. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.
Email: Mobile: +6282221522374.

BACKGROUND inhibit the fluency of breast milk produc-

Post-partum blues frequently occurs among tion (Dahro, 2012). Based on the results of
mothers after they give birth. The stress several studies, it is reported that abroad
that post-partum mothers experience might post-partum blues has been 82.78% while

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Sari et al./ Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding

mothers who experience post-partum de- Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia, 2012)
pression have been 17.21%. This incidence the neonatal mortality rate (Angka Kema-
has been more frequently found among pri- tian Neonatal) in 2012 was 19 per 1,000
migravida mothers (giving birth to baby for living birth. This figure is still very far
the first time) which is 68.00% (Rukh et al., below the target of sustainable develop-
2013). ment goal (SDG), namely to decrease the
Based on the Department of Health neonatal mortality rate into 12 per 1,000
Republic of Indonesia (2008) one of ten living birth in 2030 (Kemenkes, 2014).
women who have just given birth to the A relatively affordable and applicable
baby is inclined to experience post-partum action in order to improve new infants’
blues. One of the post-partum blues symp- health and survival rate is breastfeeding
toms is anxiety. The anxiety that often ap- immediately after the childbirth, which has
pears among post-partum mothers, espe- been known as early breastfeeding initia-
cially those who give birth to the baby for tion (IMD, inisiasi menyusui dini), and
the first time, is the anxiety about taking providing exclusive breast milk. Fluent
care of their baby, the syndrome of not breast milk production has been the key of
producing sufficient breast milk so that success in providing exclusive breast milk.
mothers consider that their baby has not The combination of hypnobreastfeeding
been satisfied yet every time they finish the therapy and oxytocin massage has been an
breastfeeding activities, the baby that cries intervention that holistically might be con-
most of time or the baby that denies the ducted in order to overcome the problems
breastfeeding activities. of anxiety. This therapy pays attention to
Psychological, social, and spiritual body, mind and soul. The implementation
stress will influence hypothalamus and then of health science holistically should pay
will influence pituitary gland in order to attention to the aspects of psychoneuro-
express Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (AC- endocrino-imuno (PNE-I) because the im-
TH). This finally might influence adrenaline balance between mind and soul will result
hormone (hormone that influences stress) in balance disorder among nerve system,
and results in cortisol. When the amount of hormone and body immunity (Andriana,
cortisol hormone is high, breast milk pro- 2007; Andriani, 2014).
duction will be inhibited (Christian, 2012). Hypnosis was admitted by the Ame-
Anxiety/ stress that post-partum moth- rican Medical Association in 1957 as a use-
ers experience has been a factor of risk that ful therapy for overcoming multiple phy-
influences the early stoppage of breast- sical and emotional complaints. WHO has
feeding process. This early stoppage contri- admitted hypnosis as a valid alternative
butes to the high rate of exclusive breast therapy other than the western medical
milk failure in Indonesia (Demilade et al., science. Relaxation for breastfeeding pro-
2014; Sitepoe, 2013). Based on the latest gram is known as hypnobreastfeeding, in
analysis, it appears that the less optimum which this hypnotherapy is conducted by
breastfeeding practice, including not provi- having direct contact to subconscious mind.
ding exclusive breast milk, contributes ap- When the body achieves a deep and stable
proximately 11.60% to below five years old relaxed condition, an individual might im-
infant-death (WHO, 2014). plant a new program or concept that will
Based on the 2012 Indonesian Survey automatically influence his or her daily life
of Demography and Health (SDKI, Survey and actions.

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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2017), 1(1): 20-29

Oxytocin massage is a massage that sion and the exclusion criteria.

involves alongside vertebrae and the fifth- The subjects in this study were ga-
sixth costae. The massage or the stimulati- thered by implementing the simple random
on involved the vertebrae will cause neuro- sampling. The number of the sample was
transmitter to stimulate medulla oblongata 60 post-partum mothers and these mothers
and this medulla oblongata will directly would be divided into two group: 30
send a message to hypothalamus in poste- mothers would be put into the intervention
rior pituitary gland that it should produce group and 30 other mothers would be put
oxytocin. As a result, the breast will start into the control group. The intervention
producing the milk. This massage will also group would be provided with the combi-
relax the intense and will eliminate the nation of oxytocin massage and hypno-
stress (Astutik, 2014). breastfeeding.
Studies related to effectiveness of oxy- Data gathering was conducted by dis-
tocin massage for breast milk production tributing checklist questionnaire in order to
have been massively conducted, for exam- measure anxiety by using Spielberger State
ple by Sulaeman et al. (2016), Kosova et al. and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). STAI
(2016) and Morhen (2012), and the results had been a valid measurement tool for
of these studies showed that oxytocin mas- assessing anxiety and has been validated as
sage has effectively been able to improve well in order to be operated among peri-
breast milk production among post-partum natal population, starting from the third
mothers and to decrease the rate of Ade- trimester in the pregnancy period until two-
nocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH). Similar- eight parturition visit. This measurement
ly, studies related to relaxation for decreas- scale assessed separately the temporary an-
ing anxiety among post-partum mothers xiety (A-state) and the fundamental anxiety
have also been massively conducted. How- (A-trait) (Stuebe et al., 2013; Cox et al.,
ever, the studies related to the combination 2015).
of oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeed- The inclusion criteria in this study
ing have not been conducted yet. were post-partum mothers in the first 48
Therefore, the purpose of this study hours, primigravida mothers and multigra-
was analyzing the optimization of the com- vida mothers with normal and sectio-caesa-
bination of oxytocin massage and hypno- rea childbirth without any complication
breastfeeding therapy for breast milk pro- such as sepsis, heart abnormality and pre-
duction among post-partum mothers. ecclampsia during the parturition period
who have already had seating mobilization
SUBJECTS AND METHOD during the 48 hours post-partum. The other
This study was an analytic observational inclusion criteria would be post-partum
experimental study with Randomized Con- mothers who only breastfed their baby,
trol Trial (RCT) approach. The design that post-partum mothers who breastfed their
the researchers implemented was comple- baby immediately and the baby was healthy,
tely randomized experimental design. The that did not have problems related to suck-
study was conducted from January 25 th ing reflex and that did not have congenital
until March 9th, 2017 in Anggrek Ward, Dr. abnormality. On the contrary, the exclusion
Suradji Tirtonegoro Central General Hos- criteria would be post-partum mothers who
pital. The population in this study was 200 did not do breastfeeding activities to their
post-partum mothers who met the inclu- baby and the baby that was born premature

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Sari et al./ Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding

with weight <2,500 g. has been explained based on characteris-

Breastmilk production process was tics, criteria, frequency and percentage. In
measured by distributing checklist ques- terms of age, there were 22 mothers
tionnaire with criteria on breastmilk suffi- (47.80%) in the intervention group and
ciency both for infant and for baby and the there were 24 mothers (52.20%) in the con-
total criteria in this questionnaire were 12. trol group whose age had been between 20-
Breastmilk production process would have 35 years old.
been good if the score ≥ 6.00 and, on the There were 16 mothers (66.70%) in
contrary, breastmilk production process the intervention group who had elementary
would not have been good if the score school-junior high school degree and there
<6.00 (Roesli, 2012). Breastmilk produc- were 22 mothers (61.10%) in the control
tion amount was measured by measuring group who had senior high school degree or
cups during the first 24 hours for every higher. Then, there were 17 mothers (54.
time the baby had breastfeeding activities 80%) in the intervention group whose in-
should be approximately 6 ml (WHO, come had been lower than minimum re-
2009). gional wage or higher and there were 16
The data normality were analyzed by mothers (55.20%) whose income had been
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The researchers equal to minimum regional wage or higher.
performed a statistical test by Kruskal- There were 29 mothers (50.90%) in the
Wallis with post-hoc test by Mann-Whit- intervention group and 28 mothers (49.
ney. 10%) in the control group whose size had
been equal to 23.5 cm or higher of upper
RESULTS arm circumference (MUAC) size. In terms
1. Subjects’ characteristics of parity, 18 mothers (50%) in the inter-
Subjects’ characteristics in Table 1 shows vention group and 18 mothers (50%) in the
that 30 subjects in the intervention group control group were multi-parity. Childbirth
has been provided with the combination of type 21 mothers (50%) in the intervention
oxytocin massage and hypnobreastfeeding group and 21 mothers (50%) in the control
therapy and 30 subjects in the control group group were normal.
Table 1. Subjects’ characteristics

Characteristic Criteria Combination Control

n % n %
Age < 20 years old 2 100 0 0.0
20-35 years old 22 47.8 24 52.2
> 35 years old 6 50.0 6 50.0
Education <Senior high school 16 66.7 8 33.3
≥ Senior high school 14 38.9 22 61.1
Income < UMR 17 54.8 14 45.2
≥ UMR 13 44.8 16 55.2
MUAC < 23.5 1 33.3 2 66.7
≥ 23.5 29 50.9 28 49.1
Parity Primi 12 50.0 12 50.0
Multi 18 50.0 18 50.0
Labor SC 9 50.0 9 50.0
Spontan 21 50.0 21 50.0

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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2017), 1(1): 20-29

2. Bivariate analysis vention group experienced was lower than

The differences on anxiety and breast milk the control group with median that had
production amount among post-partum been equal to 24.00. The therapy combi-
mothers between the intervention group nation might also improve breast milk
and the control group were explained in production amount with p <0.001. In ave-
Table 2. Based on the Mann-Whitney dif- rage, breast milk produced by the inter-
ferential test, the researchers found that the vention group was 10 cc higher in terms of
combination between oxytocin massage and amount than the control group. In the same
hypnobreastfeeding had significantly de- time, the therapy combination might im-
creased anxiety with p<0.001. prove breast milk production process with
In average, the anxiety that the inter- nearly significant (p = 0.145).
Table 2. Mann Whitney Test for the variables of anxiety and breast milk produc-
tion in both the intervention group and the control group
Variable group n Mean Median SD p
Anxiety (STAI) <0.001
Combination 30 24.83 24.00 4.45
Control 30 34.07 34.00 6.93
Breast Milk Production Process 0.145
Combination 30 8.93 9.00 1.66
Control 30 8.40 8.00 1.56
Breast Milk Production Amount 0.000
Combination 30 13.07 10.00 10.36
Control 30 5.17 4.50 4.21

DISCUSSION milk production process and amount. Oxy-

1. The Influence of the Combination tocin is produced in hypothalamus and is
of Oxytocin Massage and Hypno- sent altogether with secretoric neuron in
breastfeeding toward Post-Partum order to be stored in posterior pituitary
Mothers’ Anxiety gland. Afterward, oxytocin will be released
The results of this study show that post- from hypothalamus after having been sti-
partum mothers who were provided with mulated by both massage and baby suction
the combination of oxytocin massage and (Dixon et al., 2013).
hypnobreastfeeding as their intervention Soft and light touch provides calming
display lower anxiety than the ones who effect for body. Massage as a non-pharma-
were provided with the therapy combina- cology therapy for health treatment has
tion. As a result, the researchers conclude been considered effective for diseases and
that the therapy combination has been conditions such as stress, constipation and
effective in decreasing anxiety among post- insomnia (Ruffin, 2011).
partum mothers. Based on the results of this study,
Massage and relaxation might balance massage therapy might increase positive res-
the hormone after mothers have their child- ponses such as welfare, enjoyment and com-
birth. During pregnancy, the rate of estro- fort and even massage therapy might de-
gen and progesterone hormone is increas- crease negative emotions such as anxiety,
ing and after childbirth the rate of both pain, stress, loneliness, meaningless and
hormones is decreasing; estrogen and pro- traume due to physiological symptoms
gesterone hormone then are replaced by (Lindgren, 2012).
oxytocin and prolactine that influence breast

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Sari et al./ Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding

Massage around vertebrae or back- tivities. Hypnobreastfeeding is one of the

bone might decrease noradrenaline hor- relaxation techniques in the form of medi-
mone so that mothers will achieve a calm tation that has been proven effective in de-
and relaxed condition. Noradrenaline hor- creasing stress among post-partum moth-
mone is a hormon that medulla produces ers. Based on the results of this study, per-
and that affect sympathetic neuron system. forming relaxation practice for 10 minutes
During the massage process, serotonin and everyday has been significantly proven to
dopamine hormone are increased while decrease stress and anxiety among post-
norepineprhine and cortisole (stress hor- partum mothers.
mone) are decreased. As a result, the secre- Relaxation technique has been proven
tion of oxytocin hormone becomes fluent effective as a childbirth pain therapy and
(Moberg et al., 2013). has been able to decrease anxiety and in-
Another non-pharmacology therapy somnia. Relaxation technique even has been
that might be performed in order to assist able to cause individuals to control their
women, or mothers, in achieving a calm emotions and behaviors. Relaxation is a
and relaxed situation is relaxation/ hypno- physiological phenomenon that has been
sis. Hypnosis has been proven useful for activated by parasympathetic neuron sys-
women with physical and physiological tem and, as a result, anxiety will be decrea-
symptoms during pregnancy, childbirth sed by facilitating endorphine secretion. Af-
and parturition period. Based on the results ter the muscle has been relaxed and there
of this study, hypnosis is able effective to have been changes from sympathetic to pa-
decrease hypermesis gravidarum symptoms rasymphatic neuron system, an individual
during pregnancy, to decrease pain during will gain his or her relaxation. In this situa-
pregnancy and to decrease post-partum de- tion, an individual’s attention is focused
pression syndrome (Beevi et al., 2016). more on the physical activities so that he or
This is in accordance to the study by she will be more relaxed because the indi-
Teixeira et al. (2009) which shows that vidual is able to control emotion, anger and
pregnant mothers in the intervention group anxiety (Toosi et al., 2017).
who were provided with hypnosis inter- In sum, the researchers conclude that
vention in the form of relaxation during the combination of oxytocin massage and
early pregnancy period will have stress, an- hypnobreastfeeding relaxation have been
xiety and depression decrease when their effective in decreasing anxietpost-partum
pregnancy reached 36-week old in compa- blues; in fact, the therapy combination
rison to the control group that was not might prevent post-partum depression if
provided with the intervention. Hypnothe- relaxation therapy has been conducted sin-
rapy and hypnosis contributes to the de- ce the beginning of pregnancy period espe-
crease of anxiety and to the balance bet- cially in the early stage. Massage and relax-
ween body and mind. ation might be implemented as the best
Relaxation for post-partum mothers, stress management and might stimulate the
especially breastfeeding ones, is commonly secretion of oxytocin and prolactine hor-
known as hypnobreastfeeding. Relaxation mone among breastfeeding mothers so that
refers to method, process and procedure the rate of exclusive breastfeeding activities
that might assist mothers to be relaxed, to might be improved.
achieve calmness, to decrease blood pressu-
re and heartbeat and to slow breathing ac-

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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2017), 1(1): 20-29

2. The Influence of the Combination and this delay might influence the resulted
of Oxytocin Massage and Hypno- breast milk production because the baby’s
breastfeeding toward Breast Milk breastfeeding frequency in the first 24 hours
Process and Production among is still limited (Hobbs et al., 2016).
Post-Partum Mothers Hormone that influences lactogenesis
The results of this study show that the is prolactine and oxytocin, which have hea-
combination of oxytocin massage and hyp- vily been associated to anti-depressant and
nobreastfeeding were effective in decreas- anxiolytic. The results of several studies
ing anxiety and has been able to improve show that breastfeeding has been able to
breast milk production among post-partum provide mothers’ psychological health pro-
mothers in the intervention group than tection because it is able to weaken the
those in the control group that was not stress hormone (cortisol hormone). As a re-
provided with the therapy combination as sult, the more the mother breastfeeds the
their intervention. baby the more increasing the prolactine and
According to WHO (2009), in the first oxytocin hormone and the more breast milk
post-partum day the amount of collostrum will be produced (Figueiredoa, 2013).
that has been produced within 24 hours is Stress exposition both the physical
50 ml, while in the second and the third one (pain) and the emotional one (anxiety)
post-partum day the breast is able to pro- will activate endocryne system, namely hypo-
duce milk approximately 300-400 ml. If thalamus-pituitary gland-adreanline (HPA)
the baby breastfeeds 8-12 times in a day, and sympathetic neuron system so that the
then the amount of breast milk production production of stress hormone such as cor-
in the first day will be 6 ml while in the tisol, corticotropic and catecholamyne is
second and the third day the amount will be improved. Based on the results of this stu-
50 ml. dy, the improvement on the production of
Several factors that might inhibit cortisol hormone will be followed by a high
breast milk production process and amount improvement of glucose rate. The high rate
are namely anxiety, fatigue and stress/pain. of cortisol hormone and glucose is associat-
On the other hand, the factors that heavily ed to the delay of breast milk production
influence breast milk production process and, thus, might cause the decrease of
and amount is the baby’s breastfeeding fre- breast milk production in each breast with-
quency. The more the baby breastfeeds, the in the first post-partum week (Coussons,
better the breast milk production will be. 2012; Adedinsewo et al., 2013).
Normally, the baby breastfeeds 8-12 times Hypnobreastfeeding relaxation and
in a day (Roesli, 2012; Yancey et al., 2012). oxytocin massage is a therapy combination
Physical and mental conditions that that might be holistically used for relaxa-
mothers with sectio-secarea childbirth ex- tion, decreasing stress and pain, fixing hor-
perience and mothers with normal child- mone regulation, lessening swell that ap-
birth experience are different; as a result, pears in the early breastfeeding period and
these differences heavily influence lactoge- improving breast milk production (Metz-
nesis process. Mothers with sectio-secarea ger, 2013). This therapy combination might
childbirth experience anxiety and limitation be performed in the first 24 hours for nor-
in the first 24 hours post-partum mobility; mal post-partum mothers; meanwhile, this
as a consequence, appropriateness delay in therapy combination might only be per-
early breastfeeding activities often occurs formed by the post-partum mothers with

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Sari et al./ Optimizing the Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Hypnobreastfeeding

sectio-secarea childbirth after the first 24 with multiple stimulio that therapist pro-
hours due to the limited mobilization. Hyp- vides (Aprillia, 2010).
nobreastfeeding, if it is combined to oxy- This relaxation technique has been
tocin massage, might provided maximum the latest method and is very good for esta-
results in order to derease anxiety so that blishing positive intentions and motivations
breast milk production of post-partum moth- in breastfeeding activities. In the same time,
ers will improve. it is also able to maximize breast milk quan-
Oxytocin massage might decrease the tity and quality. Phobia, anxiety and all
rate of cortisol hormone. Oxytocin provides existing negative suggestions inside the
very important effect toward an individual’s mothers’ mind might be reprogrammed by
psychological conditions. Oxytocin might positive suggestions in order that breast
induce calm and relaxed situation and milk production will be fluent and sufficient
might decrease stress/ anxiety. The presen- in accordance to the baby’s needs and
ce of oxytocin might improve affection and breastfeeding will be comfortable and na-
intimacy between mothers and babies. One tural process. When these positive programs
of the ways to assist the secretion of oxy- are implanted to subconscious mind, they
tocin is touching/ massage (WHO, 2009). will automatically influence the daily life
Massage that is provided to post-partum and action so that mothers will have higher
mothers as a stimulus for improving the self-confidence (Andriana, 2007).
rate of oxytocin and prolactin in turn will Based on the results and the discus-
influence breast milk production and re- sions of this study, the researchers conclude
lease. As a consequence, it is possible to that the combination of oxytocin massage
breastfeed the baby until the baby has and hypnobreastfeeding has been effective
reached the age of 6-months old. Thereby, in decreasing anxiety and in improving
massage contributes to breast milk pro- breast milk production among post-partum
duction improvement and baby should be mothers.
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e-ISSN: 2549-0257 (online) 29

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