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ELSEVIER European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

Operations Research applications:

Opportunities and accomplishments
H a n a n L u s s *, M o s h e B. R o s e n w e i n
AT& T Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ 07733-0651, USA


About fifty years have passed since the birth of Operations Research (OR) during World War II. As a relatively young,
evolving discipline, the fierce debates in our journals and conferences regarding the future of OR are of no surprise and even
healthy. Although OR has penetrated into a wide range of application areas, it is still often viewed as an esoteric academic
discipline - certainly not a 'household name'. In this paper, we attempt to demonstrate the impressive impact OR has had
since World War II, and to highlight the unprecedented opportunities for OR in future years. First, we discuss opportunities
for OR in a sample of diverse application areas, including telecommunications, air transportation, energy, health care, and
others. Next, we review significant contributions of OR to numerous, high-impact projects, using the Edelman Award
Competition as a data source. Finally, we present OR activities in several corporations that won the ORSA Prize (as of 1995,
the INFORMS Prize), in recognition of their effective use of OR through all levels of management decision making.

Keywords: OR applications; Large scale applications

1. Perspective support the military effort. These groups had signifi-

cant successes in supporting critically important ac-
Operations Research (OR) may be defined as the tivities including deployment of radar systems, anti-
scientific approach to decision making. Its mission is submarine warfare and bombing strategies. The ' O R
to support solving real-world problems, in a wide professionals' were established scientists in other
variety of application areas, using mathematical and areas such as physics, statistics and psychology.
computer modeling. Our objective is to demonstrate These scientists worked on solving real problems
that OR has indeed had significant impact on our using primarily ingenious ideas, quantitative and sci-
society, and future opportunities are unbounded. entific reasoning, and common sense. Supportive OR
We begin by briefly reviewing the evolution of methodologies were essentially nonexistent, and re-
OR since its birth in World War II. During the war, suits of the studies had to be immediately communi-
OR groups were established in Britain and the US to cated and implemented. An overview of the history
of OR in that period is presented in a series of three
papers by McCloskey (1987a,b,c).
After the war, the OR problem-solving approach
was enthusiastically welcomed to help solve com-
* Corresponding author. plex problems facing societies that needed to build a

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H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 22l

new world. Major companies, including oil, automo- number of operations engineers in order to bridge the
bile, telecommunications, steel, airlines, and others, gap between the academic and consulting camps and
established central OR groups to help solve their maintain OR as a viable and useful field.
strategic business problems. Expectations from OR This is perhaps the place to comment on severe
were extremely high. As a result, the OR profession public relations/educational problems that our pro-
grew at a fast pace, drawing upon ideas from other fession faces. From time to time, OR receives some
disciplines such as engineering, physics, biology, headlines (and credit) in the national newspapers.
and statistics. In the 60's, OR went mathematical and For example, many major newspapers, e.g., The
many important methodologies were developed. Un- New York Times (1984), reported on Karmarkar's
fortunately, over the years it often appeared that the algorithm for solving large-scale linear programs,
mathematics of OR became the goal rather than the emphasizing the new opportunities for businesses
means to support solving real-life problems. As a and government agencies to tackle problems that had
result, many central OR groups lost their influence in been out-of-reach. As another example, the popular
the 70's and 80's, and much of the OR work emi- US television program, 20/20, of ABC News (1989)
grated to line organizations within the companies. It featured Professor Richard C. Larson of MIT who
appears that corrective steps have been taken in the described real-world applications of queueing theory,
late 80's and 90's. Many academicians have spent e.g., management of queues at Disney World. How-
significant effort trying to understand better the real ever, the OR profession has failed to become a
world, and academic programs have started to em- 'household name' - and this is critically important.
phasize more than merely mathematical techniques. We, as ambassadors of the OR profession, should
All major OR conferences are now devoting numer- have a suite of interesting OR applications, with
ous sessions to applied work. visible impact on society, that can be easily pre-
Over the years, much has been said and published sented and explained to friends and acquaintances.
as to whether OR is dead or alive, in crisis or doing Many of us who are approached by high school (and
well. We will not enter this debate. Let us only refer even college) students may recall the blank faces
to Corbett and Van Wassenhove (1993) who classi- when we first mention that we are involved in OR
fied OR professionals into three groups: theoreti- (Operations Research, not operating rooms). It be-
cians, who focus primarily on developing new comes even more frustrating when after ten minutes
methodologies that enrich the knowledge in OR; of desperate attempts to explain what OR people do,
management consultants, who focus on using exist- the communications gap is still obvious. How come
ing, standard methods to solve practical problems; these students have no problem (or at least believe
and the 'in-between' people, called (for lack of a they have none) in understanding what biomedical
better term) operations engineers, who adapt and engineers, rocket scientists, lawyers, and others are
enhance methodologies in novel ways in order to doing, whereas OR sounds so mystical and esoteric?
solve practical problems. The OR pioneers in World Popularization of OR, through appropriate education
War II were essentially operations engineers. How- at high school level and other imaginative actions, is
ever, during the 60's and 70's, academic programs vitally important to the long-term success, and per-
produced primarily theoreticians who lacked under- haps even existence, of the profession. And after all,
standing of (or motivation to learn about) real world it might be more fun (and not more difficult) to learn
problems. On the other hand, companies often relied about the Traveling Salesman Problem or the Diet
on management consultants to solve their OR prob- Problem than, say, about topics in trigonometry. The
lems. Many of these consultants simply ignored students of today are the managers and decision
available methodologies, sometimes justifiably and makers of tomorrow. Unless we succeed in educating
sometimes for lack of expertise that would facilitate them about what OR can do and has done for them,
effective use of these valuable methodologies. Thus, they will be, at best, suspicious buyers of our profes-
OR drifted to two extremes and was lacking a com- sional services.
parable growth in the number of operations engi- In Section 2, we address opportunities for OR in a
neers. The profession needs to nurture and grow the sample of application areas. We highlight issues in
222 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

diverse areas such as telecommunications, air trans- the Edelman Award Competition, established in 1972
portation, manufacturing, and health care. The op- by TIMS. Each year, competitors from around the
portunities for OR are unprecedented. The world is world present successful OR applications with signif-
becoming increasingly complex as globalization and icant, verifiable impact on the sponsoring organiza-
competitiveness are major issues facing countries tions. The application areas represented in these
and companies. Many companies are embarking on annual competitions are indeed diverse, covering
major reengineering efforts, attempting to change traditional topics such as telecommunications, trans-
drastically the way they are running their businesses. portation, and manufacturing, as well as non-tradi-
The computer, information, and communications tional topics such as combating AIDS. A second
revolutions have tremendously affected OR. Enor- source of data is the ORSA Prize (as of 1995,
mous amounts of data are now readily accessible for INFORMS Prize) established in 1991. It is awarded
decision making, analysis, and model validation. In- to companies that demonstrate effective use of OR
expensive computing power is readily available to through all levels of management decision making.
solve complex problems in almost real-time at deci- The Association of the European Operational Re-
sion makers' desks. PCs and workstations make it search Societies (EURO) established, in 1995, the
easy to create user friendly interfaces with interac- EURO annual award for the best applied paper. The
tive graphics. Thus, much of the barriers of earlier 1995 finalists presented their work at the EURO XIV
decades for successful implementation of good OR conference held in Jerusalem; see EURO XIV Pro-
work have disappeared. The explosive use of spread- gram and Abstracts (1995, session WEE23). We
sheets brought modeling capabilities to decision expect that this EURO competition will gain momen-
makers' desks, as some of these software packages tum in the coming years and provide another excel-
already include some basic modeling tools such as lent source of documented OR applications.
linear and nonlinear programming solvers. We be- The presentation in Section 3 displays an impres-
lieve that decision makers will therefore also learn to sive array of OR success stories. However, we should
appreciate the potential benefit in using good model- emphasize that a successful implementation of OR
ing, well beyond simply applying spreadsheets and work requires significant effort beyond the 'OR part',
canned packages, to solve complex business prob- including computer implementation, socialization
lems. with potential users, appropriate technology transfer,
For more general discussions on trends and oppor- and more. An effective OR professional must team
tunities for the OR discipline, the reader is referred with others from different disciplines and often lead
to papers by Geoffrion (1992) and by Little (1991) the team through a long and tedious path. Thus, in
and to an article in OR~MS Today (1990). The addition to being skilled in OR methodology and to
latter article presents interviews with prominent approaching problem-solving from an 'OR frame-
members of the Operations Research Society of of-mind', an OR professional must gain significant
America (ORSA) and of The Institute of Manage- subject-matter expertise and exhibit excellent inter-
ment Science (TIMS). (These two societies merged personal skills in order to gain proper understanding
in 1995 to form INFORMS - the Institute for Opera- of a problem and credibility with the organization
tions Research and the Management Sciences.) Also, that sponsors the work.
note a report sponsored by the British Operational We conclude this introduction by emphasizing
Research Society and prepared by a Commission on that the OR discipline contributes to organizations
the Future Practice of Operational Research (1986) through various means. Of course, the most tangible
which focuses on the future practice of OR, and a contributions are in the form of implementable mod-
report prepared by a US committee on the next els, algorithms, and software tools. Nevertheless, OR
decade in OR - CONDOR (1988) - which empha- also contributes in a major way through educating
sizes past achievements of OR methodologies and and influencing decision makers at all levels to
their promises for the future. 'think the OR way'. Often, the learning process that
In Section 3, we examine a sample of OR accom- decision makers (and the OR professionals) undergo
plishments over the years. A major source of data is throughout different phases of a project is more
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 223

beneficial to an organization than a software tool that pie in many countries expect comparable quality and
becomes available at a final stage of the project. growth in the service sector. We chose to present
two service application areas, namely, health ser-
vices and government services. Much of these ser-
2. Opportunities for Operations Research vices are funded through taxes. As people always
strive for improved services and reduced taxation,
In this section, we present a sample of application the opportunities for OR seem unbounded.
areas that provide significant opportunities for OR. We end the presentation where OR started, the
We use the term application area quite loosely. Often military. Although the cold war is over, this is not
it simply refers to an industry, e.g., telecommunica- yet a very safe world to live in. For the foreseeable
tions. However, we also refer to manufacturing or future, countries will feel the need to have strong
logistics as application areas although these span military forces to protect their political and economic
over many industries. interests. Thus, military OR will continue to support
We first discuss telecommunications and air countries around the world.
transportation, industries responsible for the move- The selection of these areas is somewhat arbi-
ment of information, people, and cargo around the trary, and many other areas could have been se-
world. These industries led the way towards the lected, e.g., financial services, trucking and railroads,
ongoing globalization phenomena. Within seconds, entertainment, and legal systems. Nevertheless, we
any news item is transmitted through communica- believe that the selected areas span a wide range of
tions channels to television stations in all countries, interests and demonstrate the tremendous opportuni-
and, within a day, a person can travel around the ties for OR in diverse areas.
world. It has indeed become a 'small, small world'.
The next application areas, water resources and 2.1. Telecommunications
energy, represent major resources to society, vitally
important to the economic future of developed and For decades, telecommunications has been a fer-
developing countries. Management of these re- tile ground for OR. Indeed, as a capital intensive
sources includes large capital investment decisions industry (according to Standard and Poor's, 1992,
for long-term capacity expansions, as well as tactical the total value of telecommunications plants in the
decisions regarding the effective use of the available US alone in 1990 exceeded 200 billion dollars), the
resources. We added forestry to this group of appli- complex design and management of telecommunica-
cation areas, as prudent forest management is ex- tions networks invites the use of OR. For example,
tremely important to the preservation of our environ- in the early 80's, A T & T changed the traditional
ment. hierarchical routing in its long distance network in
Next, we present logistics, manufacturing, and the US to dynamic nonhierarchical routing by taking
marketing. At the end of World War II, much of the advantage of the capabilities of the signaling net-
world's manufacturing capacity was destroyed, and a work and electronic switches. OR models were used
rebuilding period ensued. Modem, efficient manufac- to design the time-dependent routing tables for all
turing facilities have been built in many countries. switch-pairs in the network in order to minimize the
Today, the competition among industrial countries network cost; see Ash et al. (1981). Capacity expan-
and companies is intense. For example, formation of sion models that support the planning of network
economic partnerships such as the European Com- evolution over time are an integral part of network
mon Market and the North American Free Trade planning. These models balance the significant setup
Agreement are responses by different regions to costs associated with frequent new installations
better manage global competition. Effective logistics, against early investment in capacity that will be used
manufacturing, and marketing operations are essen- only in future years; see Luss (1982). Performance
tial for the long-term success of all major companies. analysis of communications networks frequently rely
Accompanying the tremendous industrial and on queueing methodology to analyze congestion,
technological development after World War II, peo- losses, delays, and related measures in complex net-
224 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

works. A variety of queueing network simulations the resulting information to provide added value to
and analytic tools are routinely used to improve the corresponding industries and help solve their
management of telecommunications networks. strategically important problems.
Telecommunications is one of the world's fastest
growing industries. Many countries realize that their 2.2. Air transportation
long-term economic development depends on build-
ing modern telecommunications networks. Network Airlines were among the first industries that ap-
architectures are becoming increasingly complex, as plied OR to solve their strategic business problems.
these networks will be expected to carry diverse As early as 1961, OR practitioners from most air-
traffic, including voice, data, video, and multimedia. lines joined forces and formed AGIFORS (Airline
Technologies that support high speed digital trans- Group of the International Federation of Operational
port, e.g., the synchronous optical network (SONET), Research Societies). AGIFORS sponsors annual con-
already exists. A new generation of switching tech- ferences as well as special interest study groups.
nology that will support bandwidth-on-demand and In recent years, due to the fierce competition in
the concept of an information super-highway are also the airline industry, many airlines have relied on
already available, e.g., asynchronous transfer mode their OR groups to help solve their complex business
(ATM). The use of wireless communications is problems and gain a competitive edge in the market.
rapidly spreading and will eventually lead to univer- The opportunities for OR in this industry are abun-
sal personal communications services (PCS), where a dant. We describe below a sample of airline prob-
unique phone number will be identified with an lems that may significantly benefit from OR.
individual regardless of location. These advances Efficient use of the airplane fleet is absolutely
will lead to significantly complex network architec- essential for any airline. Given a schedule of flights,
tures with challenging opportunities for OR. For an airline must assign different aircraft types to each
instance, the large amount of traffic carried by each scheduled flight. The hub-and-spoke networks used
fiber optic link in the network highlights the impor- by major airlines provide a huge number of possible
tance of network reliability, as companies cannot assignments. Numerous considerations need to be
afford to lose their communications medium due to a addressed in this process, including seat capacity
failure, such as a cable cut, even for a few minutes. needed on each flight, maintenance constraints, and
The SONET technology addresses network diversity others. Solving such fleet assignment problems effec-
and reliability through the design of networks with tively requires ingenious modeling and state-of-the-
ring topology. OR methods, quite different from the art linear integer programming solution methods. For
traditional network design tools, are therefore needed an interesting discussion, see Nemhauser (1994).
to design effective ring networks; see Cosares et al. A second very important resource in the airline
(1995). For more details on OR opportunities in industry is its workforce. The task of scheduling
telecommunications, the reader is referred to Swain air-crews (e.g., pilots and air-attendants) is extremely
(1992), Fowler and Wright (1994), and Gavish challenging. Pilots are certified to fly only certain
(1995). types of aircraft. Furthermore, a crew schedule must
The effective use of information and communica- satisfy a variety of constraints, such as flying hours
tions has become a major factor in the success of within a week, return to a home airport, etc. Again,
many industries. For example, airlines depend on sophisticated optimization approaches have proven
real-time reservation systems, airport controllers de- invaluable to help address crew scheduling problems.
pend on accurate information concerning airplane A third issue that has drawn significant attention
locations, telemarketing groups rely on effective use in the last decade is yield management. Capacity of,
of call centers, retail chains order items based on say, economy class, on each flight is sold to different
information collected at the point of sale, and auto markets (e.g., business customers and tourists) at
assembly factories can instantaneously view invento- different prices. Based on numerous parameters, yield
ries of subassemblies. OR methods have the opportu- management models determine at each moment the
nity to use the available communications media and availability of different fare classes for each flight in
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 225

order to maximize an airline's expected profit. Due clude construction of dams, expansion of water
to the success of yield management models in the canals, and improvement of flood control systems.
airline industry, similar approaches have been As many of these projects are interrelated and their
adapted to other businesses, such as hotels and car execution is spread over many years, a good master
rentals. plan must be developed. OR approaches can support
Airlines also face long-term strategic issues where the development of such a plan that would be eco-
decisions today will affect their profitability for many nomically prudent and satisfy numerous physical,
years. Examples include where should new hubs be environmental, and political constraints. OR method-
located and which types of aircraft should be pur- ologies can also be used to plan a complex project,
chased. These decisions are made at the highest for example, to transport water from supply points
management levels in the airlines, and OR groups (e.g., reservoirs) to demand locations. Such a project
can benefit from high visibility in airlines. Not sur- involves designing a water network consisting of a
prisingly, several airlines were among the ORSA configuration of rivers, canals, and pipes and deter-
Prize recipients, in recognition of the effective use of mining locations and sizes of pumping plants.
OR in these companies. These include American OR applications in the water resource area are
Airlines, United Airlines, and Federal Express. Note often related to energy concerns. For example, OR
that many of the problems facing passenger airlines, can be used to schedule the release of water from
like the former two, are also important for airlines reservoirs in a hydroelectric network that supports
that transport packages, like Federal Express. For multiple power plants. Water distribution must con-
more details on OR work in airlines, the reader is sider the supply of and demand for water at each
referred to a special issue of Interfaces, edited by location, subject to constraints on reservoir storage
Cook (1989). capacities, constraints on flow capacities of each
interconnecting river, canal, or pipe, and legal regu-
2.3. Water resources lations, such as environmental protection.
We conclude by noting several worthy references.
Water is one of the most important resources in Loucks et al. (1984) survey 42 water resource man-
the world. In addition to being required for our agement applications worldwide including the High
survival, water is used in agriculture, manufacturing, Aswan Dam in Egypt, the St. John River in Canada,
and electricity generation. Water is, by nature, a and the Mu River in Burma. Yakowitz (1982) re-
renewable resource. However, in different parts of views applications of dynamic programming in water
the world, during different seasons of the year, the resource management (with over 130 references). A
supply of and demand for water do not always thorough, more recent review of OR and water re-
coincide. Water resource managers must be able to source management is given by Golden and Wasil
anticipate, plan for, and remedy flooding and drought (1994).
conditions. The association of OR and water re-
source management dates back to Little (1955) who 2.4. Energy
designed schedules to guide reservoir storage water
usage that was needed to operate a hydroelectric Maintaining low-cost, reliable, and environmen-
plant. Since Little's work, numerous successful OR tally sound sources of energy is a worldwide con-
applications in this area have been publicized, for cern. As recently as 1991, the major industrial coun-
example, the work by Goeller et al. (1985) that tries, led by the US, formed an alliance that engaged
addressed strategic planning of water resources in Iraq in war, in part, to protect the flow of oil from
the Netherlands. the Persian Gulf. The disruptions of supply and the
OR is well-suited to support strategic decisions escalations in cost that occurred during the 70's due
regarding 'core' water resource management issues. to political instability in the Middle East remain
Governments need to allocate limited funds to long- fresh in policymakers' minds. In addition to political
term and costly projects, intended to increase water considerations that can affect energy policy, environ-
supply to different regions. Such projects may in- mental consciousness has been raised to unprece-
226 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997)220-244

dented levels worldwide. The potential dangers of electric power supply in a large region (or country)
nuclear power, for instance, have unfortunately been over, say, the next two decades. Such plans involve
realized by the Chernobyl accident in the Ukraine. decisions regarding the optimal mix of different plant
We limit the discussion below to OR's role within types, locations where each plant should be built,
two industries: petroleum and electric power genera- and capacity expansion decisions over the planning
tion. horizon for each plant. Technological and economic
OR, particularly optimization models, have been considerations are typically compounded by political
broadly applied to the petroleum industry for over 40 and environmental issues. OR may also be used to
years. Optimization problems arise, for example, in support tactical decision making. For example, OR
determining gasoline blending and production sched- may be used to schedule the release of power from,
ules for a refinery. A typical refinery may have 20 say, a hydroelectric plant to satisfy demands during
different petroleum components that must be blended peak periods of the year. Reservoirs reach their peak
into, say, four grades of gasoline that differ in qual- levels in the early spring as snow melts and rainfall
ity. Each grade of gasoline may require different is plentiful. In contrast, peak demand for energy
amounts of between 3-10 different components. As occurs during the summer months. As another exam-
early as 1955, Symonds (1955) of Esso Standard Oil ple, the daily demand for energy surges during the
Company published a book on linear programming day and drops off significantly at night. An efficient
solutions to refinery problems. OR approaches can operating policy must be determined to produce and
provide integrated solutions to complex logistics is- 'store' energy during off-peak times in order to
sues faced by the oil companies. The corresponding supply electricity during peak hours.
logistics systems include shipping crude oil from oil
fields to refineries, processing at the refineries, dis- 2.5. Forestry
tribution to wholesalers, and marketing. Optimizing
the system as a whole, rather than its components, OR methods and models have been used to solve
will enhance profitability. OR can also address many a diverse set of problems in the forest products
other issues such as capital investment in new facili- industry and in forest management. Recent world
ties, and allocation of exploration and drilling re- attention has been focused on preserving the envi-
sources among different oil fields. Moreover, OR ronment and has increased the importance of effec-
can help address issues that are important on a tively managing forest resources. OR can and has
national level. For example, projects like the Alaska played a role in this effort.
pipeline design face challenging political, environ- Some of the problems unique to forestry are
mental, technical and economic problems, providing prevention of forest fires and land use planing. OR
ample opportunities for OR approaches. Bodington can be used to predict location and evolution of
and Baker (1990) provide an excellent review of OR forest fires and to deploy efficiently fire fighting
in the petroleum industry and point out that OR resources (workforce and equipment), thus improv-
models are being used by nearly all of the major ing the chances of controlling damage. Forest fires
petroleum companies. are sometimes ignited under controlled conditions
Electric power generation is another important (so-called prescribed fires) in order to achieve such
industry in the energy sector in which OR is highly objectives as reducing the accumulation of hazardous
prevalent. For instance, Bessiere (1979) described fuels that may contribute to more intense wildfires,
work used to construct and plan the electric power or to control disease and insects. OR can be used to
network in France over a period of about 20 years. evaluate potential benefits of igniting a prescribed
Multiple categories of equipment or technologies, fire.
e.g., nuclear power plants, gas turbines, and hydro- OR can also be used by national forestry adminis-
electric plants, are available to generate electricity. tration agencies to develop strategic plans regarding
The technologies have different construction costs, land use of forest areas. For example, the US Forest
operating costs, and operating characteristics. OR Service is required (by the 1976 National Forest
may be used to develop strategic plans regarding Management Act) to prepare a comprehensive land
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of'Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 227

management plan for over 150 national forests every Numerous OR opportunities exist in logistics. On
ten years. Such planning considers grazing areas, the strategic level, a firm must choose where to
timber production, wildlife preservation, and recre- locate its manufacturing plants and warehouses. A
ational activities. OR models can support develop- firm may choose to design a hierarchy of ware-
ment of appropriate plans while considering a variety houses. For example, a regional European warehouse
of political, environmental, and economic issues. may serve as a supplier for local warehouses
Like many other industries, the forestry industry throughout the continent. The local warehouses may
faces significant challenges in designing optimal lo- serve as suppliers for field technicians. A firm must
gistics and manufacturing systems. (OR opportuni- also determine the shipment patterns in a distribution
ties in these areas are described under separate head- network, i.e., which suppliers will supply which
ings below.) Forest products include numerous types, customers and by which transportation mode. On a
shapes, and sizes of logs. Major customers for these tactical level, a firm must set inventory targets for
logs include the construction and paper industries. both raw materials and finished goods so that it
The logistics chain in forestry includes cutting of maintains minimum levels of inventory needed to
trees into logs and distributing logs to customers at satisfy customer service requirements. The location
many locations. OR methodologies can provide sig- of inventory within a logistics network is also an
nificant support to such problems. For example, important issue. The topology of the logistics net-
Lembersky and Chi (1986) developed a decision work affects inventory location decisions. Consider a
support system that aids in cutting tree stems. In key supplier that is located in the Far East and a key
general, cutting decisions should not merely mini- manufacturing plant that is located in the US. The
mize waste of raw materials. Rather, they should plant may elect to hold large stocks of raw materials
also consider the implication of cutting decisions on in order to save on sea transport costs and in order to
inventory and distribution costs. protect itself from variability associated with the
Golden and Wasil (1994) provide a worthy review (lengthy) transportation interval. Alternatively, it may
of OR and forestry, and, earlier, Harrison and de elect to rely on emergency air shipments while main-
Kluyver (1984) edited a special issue of Interfaces taining only minimal raw materials inventory. On an
devoted to successful OR applications in forestry. operational level, OR may be applied to determine,
for example, the daily routing and dispatching of a
2.6. Logistics fleet of vehicles to satisfy customer demand.
Billington (1994) provides a nice survey of OR
Logistics is the set of end-to-end, interrelated opportunities in logistics at Hewlett Packard. In addi-
activities responsible for the flow of materials from tion to its prevalence in business applications, logis-
points of supply to consumers. Logistics is important tics planning and management is essential in the
in virtually all industries, for in today's global econ- military, as described below. Andersen Consulting
omy, firms move resources and material among nu- (1994) has surveyed almost 1000 software logistics
merous locations all over the globe. For example, tools, many of which are OR-based.
AT & T (now, Lucent Technologies) purchases raw
materials from the Far East to manufacture consumer 2.7. Manufacturing
telephones in Mexico for distribution in the US.
Honda designs cars in Japan that are assembled in In the 70's, Japanese manufacturing demonstrated
the US for distribution worldwide. Trends in the to the world 'excellence in manufacturing'; see, for
marketplace towards shortened product life cycles, a example, the Toyota success story documented in
focus on the consumer, and customer-option prod- Monden (1983). Over the years, the Japanese spent
ucts have also resulted in increased interest in effi- enormous efforts on improving manufacturing. First,
cient logistics management. An automotive company they focused on product design and process reengi-
may design excellent cars, but lose its market share neering; only then they invested in information sys-
due to high costs and poor service that result from tems and automation. Their efforts paid off as their
inadequate logistics systems. products gained significant market shares in diverse
228 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

industries, including automobiles and consumer elec- sists of a large number of different circuit boards
tronics, at the expense of American and European assembled at multiple assembly lines. The reengi-
companies. To reverse the trend, the Western compa- neering effort spanned several years and was com-
nies have invested heavily in the 80's and 90's in prised of a team of engineers and managers from the
reengineering their manufacturing processes. Con- factory and R & D personnel from Bell Laboratories.
cepts like just-in-time and total quality control were Much of the effort was spent on the assembly of a
thoroughly studied and adapted. Effective manufac- large number of different circuit boards needed for
turing facilities must be capable of producing diverse the custom-made products. The project is described
products in a short lead time. It must also be flexible in a special issue of the AT& T Technical Journal,
to handle short-notice changes in the required prod- edited by Krupka et al. (1990), devoted to manufac-
uct mix, while maintaining minimal amounts of turing excellence. The project provided ample oppor-
work-in-process inventory. tunities for OR. A major OR contribution was the
OR methods can support all aspects of manufac- development of a sequencing algorithm for the final
turing, including long and short term production assembly shop. This shop drives the manufacturing
planning, shop floor operations, and others. Large of all the feeder shops as they provide the subassem-
optimization models, e.g. linear and nonlinear pro- blies, e.g., the circuit boards, to the final assembly
grams, can be used to drive production plans. For shop. Thus, it was imperative that the final assembly
example, Tata Iron and Steel, a major steel manufac- sequence smooth the demands imposed on the differ-
turer in India, has used linear programming models ent feeder shops as much as possible. Other OR
that impacted the company's bottom line in a very efforts included helping design tight inventory con-
significant way; see Sinha et al. (1995). Resource trois in the feeder shops, and improving store room
allocation models may support the allocation of lim- operations.
ited resources. For instance, in high-tech manufactur-
ing, thousands of integrated circuits are allocated 2.8. Marketing
among numerous circuit board types. Due to rapid
changes in technologies and the large number of Each year, large corporations are spending huge
components involved, shortages are often incurred. sums of money on marketing their products and
Optimization-based resource allocation models that services. Marketing is concerned with diverse issues
consider production targets and substitution options such as understanding consumer behavior, designing
among the components could significantly enhance effective promotional campaigns, pricing and distri-
production capability and flexibility. Such models, bution decisions, etc.
and others, can be integrated into Material Require- Consider, for example, the introduction of a new
ment Planning (MRP) systems, widely used in manu- product into the market. A firm must estimate the
facturing. Queueing simulations and scheduling algo- impact of the new product on the market share of
rithms can significantly enhance shop floor opera- existing products - its own and its competitors. The
tions. Analysis of bottlenecks that may depend on timing for introducing the new product, the distribu-
the product mix, dispatching rules, and subassembly tion channels, accompanying promotional campaign,
routing decisions may help increase overall through- and the quantities of the new product to be offered
puts, while producing finished goods on time. For need also to be determined. As another example,
more details on OR opportunities in manufacturing, consider the monthly allocation of the promotional
the reader is referred to Collins and Baker (1989). activities of a firm. Given budget, personnel and
We conclude by mentioning a reengineering effort other constraints, a firm must decide how much
undertaken by A T & T in the late 80's to modernize promotional effort of each type, e.g., advertising,
one of its primary manufacturing facilities, an effort discounts, and direct marketing, should be spent in
in which the authors were involved. This facility (in each sales territory for each product. Furthermore,
Denver, Colorado), manufactures custom-made, the activities should be planned for multiple months,
complex communications systems, namely, private as the efforts spent in a given month may impact
branch exchanges (PBXs). Each such systems con- consumers in other months.
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 229

The examples above illustrate the fertile ground ciency of existing resources, for instance, improving
for quantitative analysis and OR models in market- hospital management. Resource allocation models
ing. Indeed, large corporations have used OR ap- can be applied to allocate expensive diagnostic and
proaches to address marketing problems since the surgical equipment among a network of hospitals.
late 1950's. Montgomery and Urban (1970)provide Prudent allocation of this equipment will provide
an excellent collection of papers that describe early patients with access to the best available treatments,
OR applications in marketing. ORSA recognized the while controlling capital and operating expenses. A
importance of this application area and established, variety of scheduling problems, that are large-scale
in 1982, the Marketing Science journal. and combinatorial in nature, may also be solved
Advances in information technology have had a effectively with the aid of computers and OR. For
tremendous impact on marketing. For example, di- example, hospitals must determine an appropriate
rect marketing, based on catalog sales, has boomed bed capacity and allocate these beds to different
in the past decade. Consumers often find it easier to populations, e.g., cardiac care, pediatrics, etc. Fur-
order goods via a toll-free number than to trek to a thermore, scheduling patients to beds in order to
store or a mall. Likewise, with the proliferation of maintain high utilization, while providing timely ser-
credit cards and credit checking, a telemarketing vices, is a challenging problem. Workforce manage-
agent can efficiently negotiate a sale with a cus- ment (e.g., scheduling nursing shifts) is another im-
tomer. The introduction of Universal Product Codes portant problem faced by hospitals. Emergency rooms
(UPC) and the ability to scan bar codes optically at operate, typically, at high utilization and under stress.
cash registers allow retail stores and supermarkets to OR models can help streamline operations, quantify
update their data bases in real time. The availability bottlenecks, and suggest improved allocation of lim-
of vast amount of accurate data, collected in real ited resources.
time and stored in modern data bases, provides OR can play an important role in a variety of
excellent opportunities to apply OR models effec- other health related issues. For example, advances in
tively to marketing. For more details, see Little the medical profession are highly dependent on ef-
(1991). fective research programs. OR approaches can help
Well-publicized yield management models (dis- coordinate worldwide research programs that seek
cussed under the Air Transportation heading) are an better treatments to, say, cancer or AIDS. Further-
excellent example of effective use of real-time data more, efficient manufacturing and logistics methods
by airlines in developing pricing and reservation may help pharmaceutical companies reduce the cost
strategies for different consumer markets. The newly of delivering medicines.
established EURO award for the best applied paper In addition to being used to help manage health
was given in 1995 to Levin et al. (1995) for develop- care delivery, OR methods have begun to be used in
ing a marketing decision support system for Franklin detection and treatment of diseases. That is, OR
Mint, a large mail order company for collectible methods are beginning to be integrated into the core
items. The goal of the system is to target the right of the medical and health care profession. World-
audiences for each promotion from among a very wide attention has been focused on schemes to con-
large data base. trol the AIDS epidemic. Kaplan and O'Keefe (1993)
demonstrated the successful use of OR methods to
2.9. Health care support the implementation of a needle distribution
program for intravenous drug users. By combining
The area of health care has garnered a great deal OR with Artificial Intelligence methodologies, physi-
of recent attention in many countries. The main cians can diagnose and treat patients with serious
objectives are to increase access to health care ser- diseases. For example, given a patient's medical
vices and, at the same time, control spiraling medical history and various laboratory test results, an appro-
costs. priate model can assist a physician in determining
OR can be used to provide less expensive and the nature of a patient's illness and a treatment
more accessible health care by improving the effi- program that is most likely to lead to a speedy
230 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

recovery. These methods can also help physicians to Walker (1974) captured the Lanchester Prize for
treat patients in emergency cases, where a correct, their work in locating fire stations in the City of New
quick diagnosis will often save patients' lives. York.
Pierskalla and Brailer (1994) provide an excellent Other applications for OR include workforce (e.g.,
review of health care applications that have been police patrols) deployment, and design of routes and
reported on in the OR literature. schedules for mass transit, school buses, sanitation
trucks, and street sweepers. As government agencies
2.10. Government services always seek quality-of-life improvements for its con-
stituents, ample OR opportunities are found in study-
We limit the discussion below to a local (muni- ing numerous policy issues. Examples include ways
cipal or regional) government body, responsible for of encouraging the use of mass transit, effects of
operating a wealth of critical services such as police, eliminating (or introducing) toll booths, effects of
fire, education, health, sanitation, and bridges and reserving a highway lane to multi-passenger cars
highways. Government agencies are typically only, and many others.
squeezed by taxpayers who desire high-quality and Excellent surveys of OR in the government sector
accessible services while simultaneously desiring may be found in Larson (1988), Maltz (1994), and
lower tax rates. Not surprisingly, OR - with its Swersey (1994).
emphasis on achieving efficient operations - has a
2.11. Military
long association with government service agencies.
The first Lanchester Prize (awarded annually by As already discussed in the first section, OR was
ORSA (now INFORMS) for the best English-written born in World War II, in support of the allied
book or paper) was awarded to Edie (1954) for his military forces. OR activities supported critically
traffic management work on behalf of the Port Au- important efforts, including deployment of radar sys-
thority of New York. He analyzed delays at toll tems on the coast of Britain, anti-submarine warfare,
booths on the George Washington Bridge, connect- and bombing strategies. After the war, OR expanded
ing New York and New Jersey. More recently, the into numerous civilian applications in the private and
Office of Management and Budget of the City of public sectors. Nevertheless, over the years, OR has
New York (with an annual budget exceeding $30 gained significant influence in the military forces of
billion) was awarded the ORSA Prize for its many countries, affecting major strategic decisions.
widespread and sustained use of OR models and A military is a huge enterprise. Hence, like any
methods, see O R / M S Today (1994a). Obviously, large corporation, it faces large-scale and complex
the opportunities for OR are abundant; a few exam- problems in, for example, resource allocation, inven-
ples are described below. tory, logistics and personnel management. Thus, the
OR methodology can support city planners, con- same opportunities found in private and public cor-
cerned with strategic development. Planning a city's porations are found in abundance in the military. In
infrastructure, e.g., construction or expansion of fact, many OR methodologies were invented in the
highways, bridges, school buildings, and justice fa- military and then exported to other application areas.
cilities, has an enormous impact on the long-term For example, the Project Evaluation and Review
well-being of the residents. Quantitative models could Technique (PERT) was invented during the develop-
greatly support decision makers, faced with complex ment of the Polaris submarine, and thereafter used in
political, environmental, and economic issues. the planning of virtually thousands of complex pro-
Location of emergency service stations that dis- jects in diverse industries.
patch police, fire, or medical vehicles is tied to We will focus below on a few OR opportunities
achieving a specified service performance, e.g., a that are unique to the military. Military OR is con-
response time to an emergency call that should not cerned with preparation for and the fighting of wars.
exceed a certain threshold. OR can help design Due to the complexities of modern wars, effective
cost-effective emergency systems that provide equi- OR support to decision making is essential, for the
table service to all neighborhoods. Kolesar and consequences of bad decisions can be loss of life.
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 231

Planning of multiple war scenarios is extremely nities for OR. In this section, we review a sample of
complex. Over the years, hundreds of large war success stories.
simulations have been developed. These simulations The OR profession has sought to encourage the
facilitate the evaluation of various strategies, the dissemination of OR practice success stories among
effect of new weapons, etc. Furthermore, the concept its membership. Although 'narrow' technical and
of simulation has been expanded to war games, methodological contributions are typically easy to
where models of warfare train humans to make publish, much less attention is focused on document-
decisions in real time; see Washburn (1994). Simula- ing other components of OR practice. Assad et al.
tion tools were extensively used in the Persian Gulf (1992) give several reasons for the paucity of de-
war in 1991. Senior military staff used simulation tailed reports on OR applications. Unlike academics,
results to analyze, for example, the air defense net- practitioners, i.e., those that implement OR, are often
works in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, as well as to evalu- not rewarded for publishing articles. Also, some
ate various air and ground war strategies. For more firms may believe that releasing information on busi-
details, see Appleget (1995) and Case et al. (1995). ness success stories benefits their competitors and is,
We now describe additional OR opportunities that thus, counterproductive. Thus, certain breakthroughs
arose in the Persian Gulf war. The transport of in OR practice remain proprietary for many years.
personnel, weapons, and other cargo to the Persian
Gulf was characterized as the largest airlift in his- 3.1. Edelman competition
tory, delivering over 350 000 people and hundreds of
thousands of cargo tons from the US alone during a The most effective mechanism for encouraging
very short time interval. Successful accomplishment reports of successful OR practice has been the Franz
of this operation required the use of sophisticated Edelman Award. The Edelman award competition
optimization tools that coordinated the scheduling of was launched in 1972 by the College on the Practice
needed resources such as airplanes, airfields, and of Management Science (CPMS) - a special interest
aircrews. group under TIMS. CPMS's mission is devoted to
In the war zone area, over 100000 sorties were focusing attention of the worldwide management
flown during 40 days. To gain perspective, this load community on the value of OR. Originally known as
is equivalent to the flight volume of a major airline. the Annual International Management Science Award
However, whereas a daily schedule followed by an Competition, the award was renamed in 1985 as the
airline is relatively stable, the sorties schedule during Franz Edelman Award for Management Science
the war changed significantly from day to day. OR Achievement in memory of the late Franz Edelman
methods played an important role in the effective who established and led the OR group at the RCA
planning of the daily sorties during the war. On the corporation for many years. As described in its
ground, a difficult logistics problem is to supply eligibility requirements, the competition seeks to rec-
equipment, fuel, water, medical supplies, etc. to the ognize and reward outstanding achievements of OR
right places at the right time. OR models were used in practice. An entry must report upon a completed,
to guarantee the appropriate supplies to the ground practical application and should describe results that
forces. For more details, see Schuppe (1991), Krae- had significant, verifiable, and preferably quantita-
mer and Hillard (1991), and Staats (1991). tive impact on the performance of a client organiza-
Many OR opportunities in the military are classi- tion.
fied for obvious reasons. These include planning and The Edelman competition has steadily grown in
testing of complex weapon systems, intelligence and prestige and visibility. In 1996, $15000 were dis-
counter-intelligence methods, and others. tributed among the finalists, including an award of
$10000 to the winning entry. Based on detailed
abstracts that include a summary of a project's im-
3. Samples of success stories
pact and interviews with the client organizations, a
In the previous section, we presented examples of panel of judges selects approximately six finalists.
diverse application areas that provide ample opportu- Each finalist presents its work at a day-long session
232 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

during the spring semi-annual meeting of W. Smith, S. Uys, W. van der Merwe, and G. Wessels
ORSA/TIMS (now INFORMS). The finalist papers (South African National Defense Force - Military)
are published in a special issue of Interfaces. The In early 1994, the chief of SANDF commissioned
final presentations are also videotaped, and these a team to help determine the appropriate size and
videotapes may be obtained from TIMS. The top shape of SANDF, in the absence of a major external
prize is hotly contested, and, according to Edelman threat and given a limited budget. As part of the
folklore, selection of a winner is typically made in project, the OPTIMUM decision support system was
the early hours of the morning following the day-long developed. OPTIMUM is comprised of multiple
competition. modules, including a risk model that explores vari-
Below, we present summaries of the Edelman ous defense contingencies, a growth model for dif-
winning entries from 1985 through 1996. We also ferent force elements, a zero-based budgeting cost
provide some information on all finalists, dating model, and a mixed integer programming and model
back to 1975. Although the winners (and finalists) that ties the various pieces together and determines
span a large range of industries and application optimal resource allocations under various sets of
areas, they have some common features, e.g., a assumptions. The system enabled a thorough analysis
model (or models) served a key role in supporting of over 50 force structure options. Previously, the
management's ultimate decision direction. As pointed creation and analysis of a single option required
out by Gass (1983), the role of a model as a catalyst about 20 person-years. The analysis highlighted ma-
for change and improvement in an organization dis- jor strategic choices, and led to a consensus view
tinguishes OR practice from a productivity improve- among the different branches of SANDF on a vision
ment or cost cutting exercise. for an affordable and sustainable force structure. The
The summaries below are based on papers pub- project resulted in savings of more than 22%, which
lished in special issues of Interfaces devoted to the translates to an annual savings of about 1.1 billion
competition. The finalist papers were published in dollars.
the following issues of Interfaces.
1995: "IMPRESS: An automated production plan-
Year Interfaces Issue ning and delivery quotation system at Harris Corpo-
of competition ration" - R.C. Leachman, R.F. Benson, C. Liu, and
D.J. Raar (Harris Corporation / Semiconductor Sec-
1975-1977 Part 2 of No. 1, V.6-8,
t o r - Manufacturing)
1975-1977 In order to provide improved on-time service to
1978 Part 2 of No. 2, V.9, 1979 customers and in order to manage over 30 manufac-
1979 No. 5, V.9, 1979 turing facilities worldwide, Harris implemented IM-
1980-1983 No. 6, V.10-13, 1980-1983 PReSS (Integrated Manufacturing Production Re-
1984-1996 No. 1, V.15-27, 1985-1997 quirements Scheduling System) in late 1992. IM-
PReSS is a large-scale, linear programming-based
For each winner, we list the title of the entry decision support tool that plans production of over
(based on the title of the corresponding Interfaces 10000 products for Harris. IMPRESS provides each
article), the full set of authors, the client organiza- factory with a weekly, capacity feasible, manufactur-
tion, and the application area, e.g., telecommunica- ing plan and also provides quotations of delivery
tions, health care, etc. dates in response to customer requests for product
deliveries. IMPRESS considers several complexities
Edelman competition award winners that are particularly important in semiconductor
manufacturing. These include product routing that
1996: "Guns or butter: Decision support for deter- involves many processes that may be revisited peri-
mining the size and shape of the South African odically over several weeks, and possible substitu-
National Defense Force (SANDF)" - S. Botha, I. tions among multiple components. Implementation
Gryffenberg, R. Hofmeyr, J. Lausberg, R. Nicolay, of IMPRESS resulted in significantly improved on-
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 233

time performance (the percentage of line items deliv- routing, and the number and types of agents. A T & T
ered on-time rose from 50% in 1991 to almost 95% developed a simulator for their business customers to
in 1993), and the elimination of lost sales (estimated support these businesses in designing and operating
at $100 million in 1990). Improvement in on-time call centers. The simulator was used in more than
performance was achieved without increasing inven- 2000 studies for A T & T customers. Although the
tory as a percentage of sales. IMPRESS had a vital benefits of the simulator do not directly benefit
role in restoring the Semiconductor Sector of Harris A T & T , A T & T significantly leveraged the simulator
to profitability. as an effective marketing tool for its customers. By
employing the simulator, A T & T was able to in-
1994: "Strategic and operational management with
crease, protect, and regain more than $1 billion in an
optimization at Tara Steel" - G.P. Sinha, B.S.
$8 billion 800-network market. In addition, the simu-
Chandrasekaran, N. Mitter, G. Dutta, S.B. Singh,
lator was a catalyst for achieving more than $750
A.R. Choudhury, and P.N. Roy (Tam Steel - Manu-
million in annual profit for A T & T ' s business cus-
The Tata Iron and Steel Company, one of the
largest companies in India, developed a production 1992: "Let the needles do the talking, t Evaluating
planning model to determine its most profitable iron the New Haven needle exchange" - E.H. Kaplan
and steel product mix, over time, subject to scarce, and E.O'Keefe (City of New Haven, Connecticut -
available power resources. Large quantities of power Health care)
are needed to operate each production process in In November, 1990, the city of New Haven,
metal manufacturing, e.g., blast furnaces which con- Connecticut implemented a needle exchange pro-
vert raw materials into molten iron. Each product gram to combat the spread of the AIDS virus. AIDS
may require a different processing time for each may be transmitted among injecting drug users
production process, and the amount of power allo- through sharing of needles. A needle exchange pro-
cated to each process determines a process's avail- gram may reduce needle sharing and, thus, limit the
able capacity. The model influenced Tata manage- spread of AIDS. Nevertheless, needle exchange pro-
ment in making various strategic decisions such as grams are politically controversial. Kaplan and
justifying purchases of more expensive power in O'Keefe modeled the HIV virus transmission pro-
order to maintain finishing mills at a high utilization cess and calibrated the model with actual data from
level. Based on the model's recommendations, man- New Haven. They showed that a needle exchange
agement ceased the manufacture of certain, unprof- program can reduce the HIV incidence rate among
itable products. The model was implemented in late injecting drug users by one third. Based on this
1986 and was responsible for $73 million in savings study, New Haven decided to continue the program,
in the first year. It continues to be used at Tata Steel and several other Connecticut cities were in the
and has been adapted by two other Indian metal process of establishing their own needle exchange
manufacturers. programs.
1993: " A T & Ts Call Processing Simulator (CAPS) 1991: "Yield management at American Airlines" -
operational design for inbound call centers" - A.J. B.C. Smith, J.F. Leimkuhler, and R.M. Darrow
Brigandi, D.R. Dargon, M.J. Sheehan, and T. (American Airlines - Air transportation)
Spencer III (AT& T - Telecommunications) For an airline, the area of yield management
In 1993, over 350000 businesses in the US had refers to the airline's dynamic control and manage-
call centers to receive and handle their 800 (i.e., ment of its seat inventory as it seeks to maximize
inbound) calls. '800-line' service is used to conduct profitability. It involves deciding how many reserva-
such business functions as order taking and field tions to sell for a particular flight, i.e., an overbook-
support. A call center refers to a set of agents who ing policy, and the number of seats to allocate for
reside at a location and handle 800 calls. The man- each fare class. These issues are dynamic - a daily
agement of a call center involves deciding the num- examination of these decisions may result in policy
ber and types of lines to lease, policies for call changes for flights that are scheduled over a one-year
234 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

time horizon. At American Airlines, yield manage- beginning, ABB realized that they must lure cus-
ment involves 250 million daily decisions. Yield tomers from its competitors. The firm used multiat-
management is further complicated by the airline's tribute choice modeling for determining customer
hub-and-spoke network. That is, a particular flight preferences and for segmenting the market. ABB
segment into a hub may be carrying passengers that was able to identify customers who were most likely
are destined to 30 different destinations. Thus, effec- to switch suppliers and, thus, tailored marketing
tive yield management must evaluate the revenue strategy appropriately. Moreover, ABB selected new
implications from selling a seat (on the in-bound hub products that were likely to be preferred by cus-
segment) that ultimately serves different markets. tomers and for which ABB could become the low-
Using a variety of management science models, cost producer. During the period of ABB's explosive
American developed a yield management system. It growth, six US transformer manufacturers left the
estimated an increase in revenues of $1.4 billion over industry completely and two others closed major
1989-1991 and projected an annual contribution of manufacturing facilities. No new firms entered the
$500 million in the future. market.

1990: "Diagnosis related groups: Understanding 1988: " A break from tradition for the San Fran-
hospital performance" - R.B. Fetter (US Depart- cisco police: Patrol officer scheduling using an opti-
ment of Health and Human Services - Health care) mization-based decision support system" - P.E.
Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) classify acute- Taylor and S.J. Huxley (San Francisco Police De-
care patients into groups that should receive similar partment - Government services)
hospital services. DRGs were developed to enable The San Francisco Police Department imple-
hospitals to control costs while providing quality mented an optimization-based, decision support sys-
service. Hospital performance may be measured and tem for deploying patrol officers. The system fore-
evaluated by classifying acute-care patients and mak- casts hourly needs and schedules officers to maxi-
ing available a bundle of goods and services for mize police coverage. Captains may evaluate policy
diagnosis and treatment purposes for each group. In options and schedule changes. The tool, which em-
conceiving and implementing DRGs (a two-decade beds a specialized heuristic to solve a complex com-
effort), Fetter applied economic models, e.g., trading binatorial scheduling problem, enabled 25% more
off cost and quality, to hospital management. For patrol units to be available in times of need, equiva-
each DRG, a rate is set for a given illness, consid- lent to adding 200 officers or a savings of $11
ered to be fair payment to the hospital. The US million per year. Furthermore, response times im-
Federal government adopted DRGs as the mecha- proved by 20%. The tool was instrumental in facili-
nism for reimbursing hospitals for Medicare patients. tating negotiations between the Department and the
By implementing DRGs, a $50 billion savings in Police Officer Association regarding work rules and
Medicare payouts, from 1983-1990, were realized. staffing. The system is PC-based, and interest in the
Private insurers, state Medicaid programs, and more system spawned development of a companion sys-
than 20 countries are developing or have adopted tem to design patrol beats.
DRG-based systems.
1987: "Sales force sizing and deployment using a
1989: " A choice-modeling market information sys- decision calculus model at Syntex Laboratories" -
tem that enabled ABB Electric to expand its market L.M. Lodish, E. Curtis, M. Ness, and M.K. Simpson
share" - D.H. Gensch, N. Aversa, and S.P. Moore (Syntex Laboratories - Marketing)
(ABB Electric - Marketing) In order to improve its position in the pharmaceu-
ABB Electric was formed in 1970 to design and tical marketplace, Syntex Laboratories undertook de-
manufacture power transformers for the North Amer- velopment of a variety of models to support sales
ican market. Over two decades, ABB became the force sizing and deployment. Using a modified Del-
dominant firm in the industry, garnering a dollar phi method, response functions (i.e., sales levels as a
market share of 40%. In order to survive in its function of sales force size) were estimated by a
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 235

team of managers and salespeople. The models were mented in 1976, Weyerhaeuser kept its contents
better predictors of sales than existing forecasts and proprietary until 1982 due to the perceived competi-
were a catalyst to Syntex increasing its sales force tive edge that the technology offered. The system
and changing its deployment. The company wit- supports decisions such as how to crosscut a particu-
nessed an eight percent annual increase in sales - lar tree into logs and to which markets to allocate the
$25 million - over a three year period (1982-1985) resulting logs in order to maximize profit. Different
as the model was deployed. The models also sup- decisions on crosscutting and market allocation lead
ported Syntex's product planning such as introduc- to different revenue flows for the firm. Through
tion of new products and withdrawal of existing 1985, Weyerhaeuser realized $100 million in in-
products. creased profits by using the system. The system was
also of note since it represented (at the time) a
1986: "The successful deployment of Management significant breakthrough in the use of visual graphics
Science throughout Citgo Petroleum Corporation" and animation in management science practice.
- D. Klingman, N. Phillips, D. Steiger, and W.
Young (Citgo Petroleum - Energy) In addition to providing detailed summaries of
Citgo Petroleum Corporation was acquired by recent winners, we also present in Table 1 informa-
Southland Corporation in 1983. Citgo had lost money tion on all Edelman finalists, dating back to 1975.
for several years prior to the takeover and, in fact, (Prior to 1975, finalists did not publish their reports
sustained a $50 million pretax toss in 1984. In 1985, in Interfaces.) The finalists are clustered by industry
bolstered in large part by the application of manage- classes, e.g., energy, government, health care,
ment science methods and tools throughout its orga- telecommunications, etc. For each finalist, we pro-
nization, Citgo achieved a pretax profit of $70 mil- vide the client, year of competition, and topic. (An
lion. Among the contributions of the management asterisk adjacent to a client denotes a winning paper.)
science team were a linear programming model to The interested reader is referred to the relevant is-
plan refining operations. Among the performance sues of Interfaces (1975-1997) for more informa-
improvements were a reduction in crude inventories tion. A somewhat different table of presentation is
as a result of improved schedule deliveries from given in Assad, et al. (1992) for the years 1980-1989.
crude suppliers, and a better ability to adjust produc- Note that our choice of industry headings is some-
tion runs and alter petroleum product mix in re- what arbitrary. For instance, the energy industry
sponse to changing market conditions. A second could have been split into petroleum, electric power,
optimization tool (that embeds a minimum cost net- and other industries. As another example, air trans-
work flow model) was developed to support such portation, sea transportation, trucking, and railroads
decisions as where to sell products, where to buy or could have been combined into a single transporta-
trade products, pricing, and transportation mode se- tion industry group. In general, we classified finalists
lection. In conjunction with the management science under an appropriate industry based on the client,
team's efforts, Citgo's management took ambitious e.g., all A T & T finalists are classified under telecom-
steps to integrate information systems and reorganize munications. However, when the client was a gov-
its management structure. ernment entity and the topic matched well with one
of the other industries, we classified the correspond-
1985: "Weyerhaeuser decision simulator improves ing finalist based on the topic, e.g., a Federal Avia-
timber profits" - M.R. Lembersky and U.H. Chi tion Administration (FAA) finalist was classified
(Weyerhaeuser- Forestry) under air transportation.
Weyerh~euser is one of the largest forest product As displayed in Table 1, OR has been success-
companies in the world. Efficient usage of raw mate- fully deployed in a wide variety of industries. In-
rials (i.e., trees) is critical to the company's success. deed, as discussed in Section 2, these industries (or
Weyerhaeuser developed a dynamic programming- application areas) are faced with extremely complex
based model to optimize the use of raw materials. strategic and tactical problems that can benefit
Although a system based on the model was imple- tremendously from effective use of OR. Of the 142
236 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

finalists over the past 22 years, energy (20), govern- cessful OR applications. These groups include met-
ment (16), health care (12), telecommunications (12), als/chemicals, military, computers and electronics,
financial services (12), and air transportation (10) are automotive, food, housing/land use, sea transporta-
the most highly represented industry groups. These tion, trucking, miscellaneous consumer products, pa-
six industry groups account for almost 58% of the per/forestry, and railroads. The relatively low num-
finalists (these numbers are, of course, affected by ber (nine) of military finalists may be explained by
our groupings). The other finalists span over I1 the sensitive information that may be contained in
industry groups, demonstrating the breadth of suc- military OR projects.

Table 1
Summary of f'malists in the Edelman Award Competition for Management Science Achievement
Industry/client Year Topic
National Energy Board of Canada 1975 Trans-Canada pipeline project evaluation
Syncrnde Canada* 1977 Mining equipment selection
Arizona Public Service 1979 Water supply system for a nuclear power plant
Exxon 1979 Gasoline blending
Getty Oil 1980 Risk analysis of oil and gas explorations
Exxon 1982 Selection of energy improvement projects
Potomac Electric Power Company 1982 Capital expansion policy
Standard Oil Company (Amoco) 1982 Merchandising automotive products
Air Products and Chemicals * 1983 Deliveries of industrial gases
Pacific Gas and Electric 1985 Water releases for hydroelectric plants
Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Electrica 1985 Allocation of hydro and thermal resources
Santos Ltd. 1986 Natural gas production planning
Mobil 1986 Marketing and distribution operations for petroleum products
Citgo Petroleum * 1986 Oil refining and marketing operations
Texaco 1988 Gasoline blending
Electric Power Research Institute 1988 Fuel inventory control
Hidroelectrica Espanola 1989 Reservoir management for hydroelectric power
Southern Company 1990 Allocation of hydro and thermal resources
Gas Research Institute 1992 R & D project appraisal methodology
Chinese State Planning Commission 1994 Coal and electricity procurement and distribution

City of Cleveland 1975 Solid waste management operations
US Veterans Administration 1976 Eligibility and benefits of pension program
Sudan 1977 Transportation infrastructure design for the Sudan
State of Arizona Department of Transportation * 1982 Maintenance policies for highways
Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat * 1984 National water management policy
Department of Sanitation NYC 1985 Street cleaning operations
US Postal Service 1987 Automating postal operations
San Francisco Police * 1988 Patrol officers deployment
Cabinet of Egypt 1989 Institutionalization of decision support systems
Montreal Urban Community Transit Authority 1989 Mass transit scheduling
US Postal Services 1991 Automating postal operations
New York City 1992 Arrest-to-arraignment system's operations
New Haven Fire Department 1992 Deployment of fire department resources
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction 1993 School bus routing and scheduling
Hanshin Expressway Public Corporation 1994 Automated highway traffic control system
Federal Highway Administration/California 1996 Maintenance planning for a network of bridges
Department of Transportation
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 237

A breakdown of Edelman winners by industry tal management, and disease control. As our health is
group reveals five winners from the health care indeed dear to our hearts, we should well appreciate
industry, three winners from energy, government, these major OR success stories.
and computer and electronics, and two winners from The topics addressed within each industry group
telecommunications. The remaining seven winners vary significantly. For example, the telecommunica-
were spread over the other industry groups. (In 1984, tions industry includes topics that focus on network
two winners were selected.) The winners in the design, call centers, credit screening, and others; the
health care industry focused on pharmaceutical mar- air transportation industry includes topics on crew
keting and distribution (2), blood distribution, hospi- and fleet scheduling, reservation office operations,

Table 1 continued
Health Care:
multiple hospitals 1975 Menu planning for institutional feeding programs
Cahill May Roberts * 1978 Pharmaceutical product distribution
Becton Dickinson 1979 Production planning of medical supplies
Greater New York Blood Program * 1979 Blood distribution system
American Edwards Laboratory 1981 Production planning of heart valves
Massachusetts Department of Public Health 1981 Forecasting the need for dialysis
Pfizer 1984 Inventory control of pharmaceutical products
City of Austin, TX 1984 Deployment of emergency medical service vehicles
Syntex Laboratories * 1987 Sales force deployment
US Department of Health and Human Services * 1990 Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) for hospitals
City of New Haven* 1992 Needle exchange program to combat AIDS
British National Health Service 1996 Allocation of funds among hospitals

AT&T * 1976 Directory assistance charges
AT&T 1977 Design of telephone directories
AT&T 1979 Bond calling and refunding strategies
AT&T 1981 Scoring rules in credit screening
AT&T 1982 Marketing residence long distance services
AT& T 1989 Site location for telemarketing centers
GTE 1991 Customer access network design
Bellcore 1992 Management of R & D project utilization
Bellcore 1993 Purchasing under business volume discounts
AT&T * 1993 Design of network of inbound call centers
Bellcore 1994 Ring network design
Nynex 1995 Interoffice facilities network planning

Financial services:
Liberty National Bank & Trust 1975 Asset/liability management
Cleveland Trust 1976 Commercial bank check processing operations
Farm Credit Banks 1977 Bank borrowing strategies
Wells Fargo Bank 1978 Financial investment portfolios
New England Merchants Leasing 1982 Lease portfolio planning
MPT Associates 1983 Equity investment strategies
Prudential Securities 1991 Mortgage valuation
GE Capital 1991 Delinquent consumer credit management
Yasuda Fire and Marine Insurance 1993 Asset/liability management
Key Corp Bank 1995 Customer service in branch offices
Al-Manakh Stock Market 1996 Debt settlement
AT & T Capital 1996 Credit and collection decisions
238 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

yield management, and others. Thus, OR had major For example, among the air transportation finalists
impact on a variety of strategically important issues are the US giants, United Airlines and American
that are encountered within an industry. Airlines, as well as smaller carriers such as the
Although the majority of finalists were culled Australian company, Quantas Airways, and the
from projects performed in the private sector, the now-defunct US carrier, National Airlines.
public sector has supported about one third of the Although most of the finalists were associated
total number of finalists (mostly, but not exclusively, with US-based enterprises, excellent contributions
in government services, energy, and the military). were made from all over the world. In the 1994,
OR has been prevalent at both large, international 1995, and 1996 competitions, three of the six (or
organizations and smaller more medium-size firms. seven) finalists in each year were from countries

Table 1 continued
Air transportation:
FAA 1976 Training program for air traffic controllers
United Airlines 1977 Airline's salesforce deployment
National Airlines 1978 Aircraft fueling management
Quastas Airways 1978 Backup crew scheduling
United Airlines 1985 Workforce scheduling at reservation stations
American Airlines 1990 Crew scheduling
American Airlines 1990 Arrival slot allocation
American Airlines * 1991 Yield management
Delta Airlines 1993 Assignment of aircraft to flight legs
NASA 1993 Risk analysis of space shuttle tiles

Metals / chemicals:
Bethlehem Steel 1975 Production scheduling of a large machine shop
Swift Chemical 1975 Phosphate rock production for fertilizers
Agrico Chemical 1979 Logistics system for chemical fertilizers
Monsanto 1984 Production system for chemical products
LTV Steel 1987 Caster scheduling
Bethlehem Steel 1988 Ingot molding and sizing
Reynolds Metal 1990 Centralized trucks dispatching
Merit Brass 1992 Production planning of brass products
Tata Iron and Steel * 1994 Production planning of steel products

US Navy 1978 Helicopter fleet mix planning
US Army 1980 Army workforce planning
US Air Force 1984 Aircraft utilization in airlift operations
US Army 1987 Army workforce planning
US Air Force 1988 Jet engine repair facility layout
Military Airlift Command 1991 Lifting of cargo and personnel to the Persian Gulf
US Army 1994 Army workforce planning
Israeli Air Force 1995 Aircraft squadron operations
South African National Defense Force* 1996 Army size and shape planning

Computer & electronics:

Xerox * 1975 Customer service operations
Xerox 1977 New product introduction
Xerox 1980 Forecasting system for computer printers
ABB Electric * 1989 Electrical equipment marketing
IBM 1989 Manufacturing system for semiconductor products
IBM 1989 Spare parts distribution network management
DEC 1994 Global logistics supply chain planning
Harris * 1995 Production planning for semiconductor products
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 239

other than the US; in 1994: India (Tata Iron and the United Kingdom (Sainsburg); and in 1996:
Steel), China (Chinese State Planning Commission), Kuwait (Al-Manakh Stock Market), South Africa
and Japan (Hanshin Expressway Public Corporation); (South African National Defense force), and the
in 1995: Brazil (Sadia), Israel (Israeli Air Force), and United Kingdom (British National Health Service).

Table 1 continued
Hertz 1977 Fleet utilization for a car rental agency
Kelly-Springfield Tire * 1980 Production planning for tire manufacturing
General Motors 1983 Shop floor scheduling
General Motors 1986 Production, distribution, and marketing planning
General Motors 1986 Automotive parts shipping from suppliers to plants
National Car Rental 1996 Rental revenue management

Booth Fisheries 1976 Frozen seafood production and distribution
Burger King 1981 Fast food restaurant operations
Standard Brands 198 ! Finished goods inventory of nut products
Sadia 1995 Poultry production planning
Sainsbury 1995 Food and grocery retail operations

Housing / land use:

State of Kansas 1975 Reclamation of land that was strip mined for coal
DuPage County 1978 Land use planning
Homart 1986 Divestiture of shopping malls and office buildings
Marriott 1988 New hotel chain design
istanbul Chamber of Commerce 1988 Turkish housing availability planning

Sea tran.sportation:
Canadian Department of Transport 1978 Coast Guard fleet planning
lngalls Shipbuilding 1980 Shipbuilding project management
St. Lawrence Seaway Authority 1981 Canal capacity planning
Columbu s-America Discovery Group 1991 Search plan to locate a wreck at sea

ANR Freight System* 1981 Line haul productivity for a motor carrier
North American Van Lines 1987 Real-time truck dispatching system
Yellow Freight System 1991 Network design and vehicle routing
Vilpac 1992 Shop floor control at a truck manufacturer

Miscellaneous consumer products:

Armour-Dial, Procter & Gamble, and others 1983 Forecasting sales of new packaged goods
Blue Bell * 1984 Apparel inventory control
L.L. Bean 1990 Deployment of telemarketing resources
Procter & Gamble 1996 Supply chain planning

Canadian Forest-Products 1976 Plywood production and distribution
Weyerhaeuser * 1985 Log cutting operations
Kodak 1990 Photographic color paper cutting

Chessie System 1980 Railroad freight car fleet planning
Southern Railway 1983 Train dispatching
Canadian National Railway 1985 Rail line capacity planning
240 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

In the past, projects from such countries as Australia, methodology for selecting a mix of projects that
Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Ireland, the Netherlands, and benefit their client base in an equitable way while
Sudan have also been represented. effectively utilizing internal resources. Bellcore was
a finalist in the Edelman competition for three con-
3.2. ORSA Prize (now, INFORMS Prize) secutive years (1992-1994). For more information,
see OR~MS Today (1995).
In addition to the Edelman competition that seeks
to recognize individual achievements in OR practice, 1994: AT& T (Telecommunications)
the ORSA Prize, established in 1991, recognizes A T & T employs hundreds of people with OR
organizations for on-going exemplary use of OR. expertise throughout the corporation, including sev-
This prize is the highest honor that ORSA bestows eral centralized OR groups. Hence, OR is firmly
upon an organization. The prize committee seeks to embedded in the decision making culture across
reward organizations that have shown a sustained various application areas. The most significant im-
commitment to OR through infusion of OR models pact of OR has been in the design and operation of
and methods into operational and strategic decision- telecommunications networks. Numerous optimiza-
making throughout an organization. tion-based network design and network expansion
A listing of past winners and a summary of the software tools, as well as queueing models and
impact of OR in the respective winners' organiza- simulation tools have been developed to aid decision
tions appears below. In three of the first five years in makers and engineers to plan the ever-evolving
which the award has been given, two winning orga- A T & T network. As new technologies emerge and
nizations were selected. network architectures become increasingly complex,
the use of OR models and methods is essential to
ORSA Prize winners A T & T ' s efficient operation of its networks. As a
manufacturer of telecommunications equipment,
1995: Bellcore (Telecommunications) A T & T has used OR for a range of applications
Bellcore is a leading provider of telecommunica- including circuit board design, production schedul-
tions software and consulting services. The company ing, inventory management, and distribution network
was formed after the divestiture of A T & T in 1984. planning. Finally, OR has been applied in diverse
Its charter was to provide research and development business applications including work force schedul-
support to the Regional Bell Operating Companies ing, telemarketing centers site selection, and credit
(RBOCs). In addition, the company provides consult- management. A special issue of the AT& T Techni-
ing services to other industry clients. Bellcore em- cal Journal devoted to optimization, edited by Luss
ploys over 200 OR professionals. They have helped (1989), presents applications of OR to telecommuni-
to introduce the OR culture into all levels of man- cations network design, product design and manufac-
agement and have successfully applied OR methods turing, and speech and language processing.
into diverse application areas; a few examples are Klincewicz (1994) describes a variety of network
given below. Bellcore has been involved in develop- optimization applications in telecommunications and
ing sophisticated network design tools for such new logistics in AT&T. As new A T & T businesses
technologies as SONET and ATM. These tools have emerge, e.g., acquisition of McCaw, new OR appli-
been used by the RBOCs and are being marketed to cations will be developed. For more information, see
other telecommunication firms. Some of the technol- O R / M S Today (1994b).
ogy and algorithms underlying the tools are pre-
sented in a recent book by Wu (1992). OR methods 1994: US WEST (Telecommunications)
were instrumental in developing a decision suppport US WEST, one of the seven Regional Bell Oper-
system for procurement decisions. The system was ating Companies that were created in the US after
successfully deployed by the RBOCs and led to the divestiture of A T & T in 1984, provides telephone
significant savings. As an example of OR's impact services to more than 25 million residential and
on internal business matters, Bellcore developed business customers in 14 western and midwestern
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 241

states. Since its formation, the OR group at US 1993: United Airlines (Air transportation)
WEST has provided internal consulting services in- United Airlines is one of the largest US airlines
cluding model development and analysis, software and employs a sizable OR group. The carrier serves
simulation, and optimization-based tools to various 150 cities on five continents with over 500 aircraft
levels throughout the corporation. OR approaches and 2000 flights daily. Many of the contributions of
have helped to shape key strategies that have im- OR at United are similar to those described below at
proved business, engineering, and operations deci- American Airlines which won the ORSA Prize in
sions throughout the company. Upper management 1991. At United, OR models have become an inte-
acknowledges that OR's biggest impact has been felt gral part of systems and business planning, employed
in the company's reengineering initiatives (e.g., a to improve 'core' airline operations. The list of OR
major initiative that was launched in 1993), increas- applications at United includes long-term strategic
ing US WEST's competitiveness in designing issues such as resource planning (e.g., fleet expan-
telecommunications networks, and developing tactics sion, and introduction of new hubs), and operational
for moving into strategic business areas. An example issues that affect the daily running of the airline such
of an OR project at US WEST is the expansion of as yield management, aircraft maintenance opera-
interoffice fiber-optic networks in major metropoli- tions, crew scheduling (for a roster of 8000 pilots
tan areas in the US WEST region; see Cox et al. and 17 000 flight attendants), and others. The use of
(1993). This work further enabled the OR group to OR has been acknowledged by United to having
become involved in the design of fiber-optical ring supported the airline's improved productivity and
networks for major metropolitan areas, a 'hot' area enhancing the airline's competitive edge. In fact, it
in telecommunications network design in the 90's. would be quite impossible to run a large airline like
For more information, see OR/MS Today (1994b). United without the use of OR. For more information,
see OR / MS Today (1994a).

1993: Office of Management and Budget of the City

of New York (Government services) 1992: San Miguel (Food)
New York City's Office of Management and Bud- San Miguel is one of the largest private compa-
get (OMB) is responsible for managing the budget of nies in The Philippines, employing about 40000
New York City - approximately $32 billion in 1993. people and generating about 4% of the Phillipines'
OMB reviews the allocation of scarce funds to gov- gross national product. Although the company is best
ernment service agencies and approves all expenses known for its beer, San Miguel also manufactures a
of the City. Among OMB's units is an Operations wide assortment of food and beverage items such as
Unit that supports OMB decision making with vari- meat, fish, and soft drinks. In 1991, San Miguel's net
ous OR models and methodologies. OR has become sales were $2 billion. In addition to a corporate OR
an integral part of the budget planning process and is group, people with OR backgrounds are spread
central to the evaluation of public services for New throughout the corporation as plant managers, pro-
York City. OR's biggest impact has been in person- duction schedulers, and other upper management
nel staffing, e.g., firefighters, emergency personnel, positions. This has helped to apply OR approaches at
and child welfare caseworkers. In addition, OR activ- virtually all levels of the organization. OR models
ities at OMB include forecast modeling to predict the and methods have supported San Miguel on various
demand for different services such as demand for business decisions including capacity planning, pro-
Medicaid and demand for foster care, economic anal- duction scheduling, product mix design, site loca-
ysis of city services such as cost per mile of rebuild- tion, distribution, risk management, portfolio man-
ing streets and highways and cost per foster child agement, and marketing. OR played a role in a major
care, and inventory modeling to manage the City's growth initiative, including the establishment of 22
reserves of general supplies. For more information, manufacturing plants that was embarked upon in
see OR / MS Today (1994a). 1987. For more information, see Homer (1992).
242 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

1991: American Airlines (Air transportation) portation today. OR has also been involved in a
From 1982 through 1991, the number of OR variety of other strategic areas at Federal Express.
professionals grew at American from 12 to 325. By The costs and benefits of employing wide-body air-
1988, the OR department spun off as a separate crafts were evaluated by the OR group several years
division, American Airlines Decision Technologies before the corporation introduced them into service.
(AADT). (In 1993, AADT was reorganized as part OR has also been involved in Federal Express's
of American Airlines' SABRE Decision Technolo- development of an air-ground international network,
gies). At American Airlines, OR input has played i.e., the coordination of truck and air schedules. The
key roles supporting senior management in important coordination of multiple transport modes is becom-
strategic decisions such as hub locations, aircraft ing a hot topic in freight transportation as customers
purchasing, and expansion of airport operations. In seek 'one-stop', global distribution alternatives. In
addition, a long list of OR-based tools were devel- addition to its work on several long-term strategic
oped to support many complex, daily operations of initiatives, the OR department contributes intemal
the airline. These include decision support tools for consulting support on a variety of tactical transporta-
flight scheduling (e.g., assignment of aircraft types tion and logistics studies. For more information, see
to passenger legs and choice of nonstop flights), Homer (199 t).
crew scheduling for a workforce of 8000 pilots and
16000 flight attendants, yield management for over- We observe that the ORSA Prize has been cap-
booking and dynamic seat allocation decisions, allo- tured three times by air transportation companies,
cating arrival slots at airports for aircraft in situations three times by telecommunications companies, once
when flights are delayed or canceled, and others. An by a government agency, and once by a food manu-
Interfaces issue, edited by Cook (1989), presents facturer. It is perhaps not surprising that air trans-
several applications of OR in American Airlines. portation and telecommunications firms have, to date,
Due to the tremendous success of OR at American dominated the competition. The prize is given for
Airlines, the scope of AADT's charter was expanded long-term penetration and impact of OR within a
to include extemal consulting to other airlines and company. In both air transportation and telecommu-
other related industries such as railroad and car nications, " c o r e " business problems such as air-crew
rental companies. For more information, see Homer scheduling and routing of telecommunications traffic
(1991). are intrinsically OR problems. Indeed, the air trans-
portation and telecommunications industries were
1991: Federal Express (Air transportation) among the first to use OR methodologies to solve
At Federal Express, the OR department reports their strategic business problems. In the future, we
directly to the CEO and has been involved in the expect to see the ORSA (INFORMS) Prize captured
company's long range decision making process by companies and organizations in a wide range of
throughout its lifetime. OR techniques were actually industries like those represented in the Edelman
involved in the founding of the company. Federal competition. Even in the short five year history of
Express's founder, Frederick W. Smith, described the award, some diversity of industry groups has
the notion of a hub-and-spoke network for air trans- been evidenced, as both a government agency (OMB)
port in his OR senior thesis. At the time (early 70's), and a non-US based company (San Miguel - The
the air transportation industry practiced point-to-point Philippines) have captured the prize.
pickup and delivery for both freight and passenger
transport. Upon founding the company, Smith's ideas
evolved into Federal Express's decision to locate a 4. Final remarks
single hub in Memphis, Tennessee. Since its incep-
tion, additional hubs were located in other cities, In this paper, we provided our views regarding
based, in part, on analysis performed by the OR opportunities for OR applications and past accom-
group. Design and operation of hub-and-spoke net- plishments. As a relative young discipline, born about
works have become standard practice in air trans- 50 years ago during World War II, OR has come a
H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244 243

long way. In Section 2, we presented opportunities Andersen Consulting(1994), Logistics Software, Council of Lo-
for OR in a sample of application areas: telecommu- gistics Management,Oak Brook, IL.
Appleget, J.A. (1995), "The combat simulationof Desert Storm
nications, air transportation, water resources, energy,
with applications for contingency operations", Naval Re-
forestry, logistics, manufacturing, marketing, health search Logistics 42, 691-713.
care, government services, and military. As this sec- Ash, G.R., Cardwell, R.H., and Murray, R.P. (1981), "Design and
tion demonstrated, opportunities for OR profession- optimization of networks with dynamic routing", Bell System
als in both the private and public sectors are un- Technical Journal 60, 1821- 1845.
Assad, A.A., Wasil, E.A., and Lilien, G.L. (1992), Excellence in
bounded. The continuing explosion in computer
Management Science Practice, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
power, accessibility of virtually unlimited informa- Cliffs, NJ.
tion sources, and capability of instantaneous informa- Bessiere, F. (1979), "The 'Investment '85' Model of Electricit6
tion networking through modern communications de France", Management Science 17, B192-B211.
networks will further enhance the future use of OR. Billington, C. (1994), "Strategic supply chain management",
O R / M S Today, April, 20-27.
For example, numerous interrelated large-scale mod-
Bodington, C.E., and Baker, T.E. (1990), "A history of mathe-
els will be routinely used to provide real-time control matical programming in the petroleum mdustry", Interfaces
of global, complex communications, transportation, 20/4, I 17-127.
and logistics systems. In Section 3, we presented a Case, F.T., Hines, C.W., and Satchwell, S.N. (1995), "Analysis
sample of past accomplishments. We chose to high- of air operations during DESERT SHIELD and DESERT
STORM", Naval Research Logistics 42, 715-736.
light these accomplishments through the finalists in
Collins, D.E., and Baker, T.E. (1989), "'Using OR to add value in
the Edelman competition and through the companies manufacturing", O R / M S Today, December, 22-26.
that won the ORSA (INFORMS) Prize. We de- Commission on the Future Practice of Operational Research
scribed a sample of the corresponding work in order (1986), Report of the 1986 Journal of the Operational Re-
to provide a perspective on the depth and breadth of search Society 37, 831-886.
CONDOR (1988), "Operations Research: The next decade",
OR accomplishments. The paper also provides a
Operations Research 36, 619-637.
table that documents all of the finalists in the Edel- Cook, T.M. (ed.)(1989), Special Section on Airline Operations
man competition since 1975. Research, Interfaces 19/4, 1-74.
The future of OR as a thriving discipline is quite Corbett, C.J., and Van Wassenhove, L.N. (1993), "'The natural
promising. We hope that this paper, and indeed all drift: What happened to Operations Research", Operations
Research 41,625-640.
the success stories published in this issue, convey
Cosares, S., Deutsch, D.N., Saniee, I., and Wasem, O.J. (1995),
this message. The complexities of the problems fac- "SONET Toolkit: A decision support system for designing
ing governments and companies are truly enormous, robust and cost-effective fiber-optic networks", Interfaces
and thus the OR discipline will find ample opportu- 25/1, 20-40.
nities to help solve these problems. However, the OR Cox, L.A., Kuehner, W.E., Parrish, S.H., and Qiu, Y. (1993),
"Optimal expansion of fiber-optic telecommunicationsnet-
community needs to educate the public and promote
works in metropolitanareas", Interfaces 23/1, 35-48.
OR as a 'household name', and the academic OR Edie, L.C. (1954), "Traffic delays at toll booths", Operations
programs need to produce more professionals who Research 2, 107-138.
excel at bridging the gap between the academic and EURO XIV (1995), Program and Abstracts, 14th European Con-
management consulting camps. And, like many other ference of Operations Research, Jerusalem, Israel, July 3-6,
disciplines, OR needs to adapt more rapidly to tech-
Fowler, T.B., and Wright, K.J. (1994), "Telecommunicationsfor
nological and business changes, cooperate more ef- the 21st century", OR~MS Today, June, 20-27.
fectively with related disciplines, and listen and re- Gass, S.I. (1983), "Decision-aiding models: Validation, assess-
spond to feedback from practitioners and customers. ment, and related issues for policy analysis", Operations
Research 31,603-631.
Gavish, B. (1995), "'Telecommunications - A revolution in
progress", Operations Research 43, 29-32.
Geoffrion, A.M. (1992), "Forces, trends, and opportunities in
References MS/OR", Operations Research 40, 423-445.
Goeller, B.F., and the PAWN Team (1985), "Planning the
Netherlands' water resources", Interfaces 15/1, 3-33.
ABC News (1989), 20/20 TelevisionProgram (segment: "Hurry Golden, B.L., and Wasil, E.A. (1994), "Managing fish, forests,
up and wait"), AmericanBroadcastingCompanies,January 6. wildlife and water: Applicationsof ManagementScience and
244 H. Luss, M.B. Rosenwein / European Journal of Operational Research 97 (1997) 220-244

Operations Research to natural resource decision problems", McCloskey, J.F. (1987a), "The beginnings of Operations Re-
in: S. Pollock, M.H. Rothkopf and A. Barnett (eds.), Opera- search: 1934-1941", Operations Research 35, 143-152.
tions Research and the Public Sector, North-Holland, Amster- McCloskey, J.F. (1987b), "' British Operational Research in World
dam, 289-363. War II", Operations Research 35, 453-470.
Harrison, T.P., and de Kluyver (eds.), C.A. (1984), " M S / O R and McCloskey, J.F. (1987c), "US Operations Research in World
the forest products industry", Interfaces 14/5, 1-112. War !I", Operations Research 35, 910-925.
Homer, P. (1991), "Eyes on the prize", O R / M S Today, August, Monden, Y. (1983), Toyota Production System, Industrial Engi-
34-38. neering and Management Press, Atlanta, GA.
Homer, P. (1992), "OR pays for San Miguel Corp.", O R / M S Montgomery, D.B., and Urban, G.L. (1970), Applications of
Today, December, 68. Management Science in Marketing, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
Interfaces (1975-1997), Special Issues devoted to the Franz Cliffs, NJ.
Edelman Award for Management Science Achievement, Part 2 Nemhauser, G.L. (1994), "The age of optimization: Solving
of No. 1 (V. 6-8), Part 2 of No. 2 (V. 9), No. 5 (V. 9), No. 6 large-scale real-world problems", Operations Research 42,
(V. 10-13), No. 1 (V. 15-27). 5-13.
Kaplan, E.H., and O'Keefe, E. (1993), "Let the needles do the O R / M S Today (1990), "OR/MS: Looking back on the 80s:
talking! Evaluating the New Haven needle exchange", Inter- Looking forward to the 90s", February, 26-29.
~aces 23/1, 7-26. OR / MS Today (1994a), "ORSA ' Prizes' work of United, NYC' ',
Klincewicz, J.G. (1994), "Transit and transport", O R / M S To- February, 66-67.
day, June, 30-39. O R / M S Today, (1994b), "ORSA Prize Committee calls on AT
Kolesar, P., and Walker, W. (1974), "An algorithm for the & T, U S WEST", December, 57-58.
dynamic relocation of fire companies", Operations Research O R / M S Today, (1995), "'OR/MS pays off for BeUcore once
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