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Name: You can call me Robby and that's all y'all getting outta me.

Appearance: I am 63 years and 4 months of age as of this application here. I'msa a

male of caucasian descent, though I was a lizardman for a while but thankfully I
got better. I'mma 6 foot and 4 1/2 inches tall, weigh 143 pounds, got a couple
scars and stuff here and there and am allergic to nuts. Pistachios to be precise.
Assuming you intend to be asking what physical and/or other features I got from my
mother, and other parent to determine my own build, I got blue eyes, brown hair and
larger than average ears on account O'how my daddy was in the air-force, which I
can also wiggle as I please due to my mastery over mah body and dissipline. My
mamma says I got my beayutiful singing voice from her, as well as my grandpappys on
her sides fondness for a bid of the devil's brew. I'm only a social drinker mind
you so no worries there, and I have on good authority that I yam a cheerful and
lovable scamp when inebriyated, despite what that bastard Ol'Harry says and I'll
smack him out again if I find he is slandering mah good name again.

Skills: I got a real good knack at languages and things, due to my worldly
wandering on my quests to find the answers to worldly peace, my nana's cookie
recipie, and the location of my hated foe, Waldo. I can cook real good with what's
around and at hand, my stews a real hum-dinger if you ain't a soft nancy whom can't
keep their brew down. Back when I was a kid, I was told in confidence by my good
mate Percy Howerbuckon that I had it in me to be the world's next

What makes you a good fit for IDAA? We're looking for a diverse set, and we want to
know what you could bring to the table.
Hobby: Weird question, we know! But nobody likes a stick in the mud. We like to get
to know our team mates before we just hoist them aboard, so what do you do in your
free time? Don't worry, we've all got our quirks here. ((Please just pick one!))
Bio: Ol' Robby was born as Roberte Williance Fransoire Brooke. The "e"s show their
fanciness you know.
References: Three to five please, with brief descriptions of your relations to this

((OOC continuation:
Inventory: What did you bring? Must fit in a suitcase, a backpack, and your
pockets. The trip is expected to last a week, and you'll be provided food, and
cabins with beds to sleep in. It is expected to be sunny, and you'll likely make
use of all of the natural wonders of the park, so pack accordingly. Semi-detailed,
I'd like to know what KIND of clothes your character is bringing for example but I
don't need to know exactly what they look like. This will be locked in at game
start with zero exception, so double check before you send it in. :p ))

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