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The Cigarette Advertisement Must Be Banned From Sport Events

I agree with this statement where the cigarette advertisement must be banned from sport
events. As we all have already know that cigarette is not healthy for our body especially for
athletes in sports. Besides, the spectators or the audiences of the sport events can be attended by
many ranges of ages, and mostly the spectators are young generation and also children. When the
cigarette advertises in sport event the spectators will definitely see the advertisement. The
advertisement will attract the spectators’ interest and they will want to try the cigarette. Not only
that it is bad for young generation but it is also bad for athletes who play in the sport events if
they happen to use the cigarette.

Mother Should Stay At Home and Look After Their Children

I do agree with this opinion. Because if a mother stays at home and look after their
children they will have more time for the family. The children especially a kids or a baby still
need mother affection and mother also can be their first teacher. The mother will be the influence
of the children they will learn a lot from their mother. And also a mother does a better job at
caring for the children rather than a father. The children also need a lot of affection from family
members, where a mother can take a part on it. So it is better for a mother to stay at home and
look after their children.

Include Debating Into School Curriculum

I agree with this opinion where high school should include debating as one of the school
curriculum. We all know that debate is a good way to share our different opinion to other people.
Debate will also increase students’ critical thinking skills. The students will learn to state their
arguments and give some reasoning and evidence over their arguments. It will also make
students learn to speak in front of many people which will make them become more confident.
So it is a good thing to include debating into school curriculum.

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