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Phone number
Email address
Portfolio link

Personal Profile
E.g. Graduate of …. Looking for ….
What motivates you, any games-related achievements, what you’re currently working on
Technical Skills

- Programming language - Software

- Programming language - Software
- Programming language - (Second column if necessary to
- Engine save space)
- Engine
- Software

Start date – end date: Degree name, University (result)
3​rd​ year modules included:
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
- Dissertation title, details, grade
2​nd​ year modules included:
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
1​st​ year modules include:
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
- Module title (grade)
(Second column if necessary to save space)

Start date – end date: A Levels, school

Subject (grade), subject (grade), subject (grade)
Start date – end date: GCSEs, school

Relevant Experience
Start date – end date: Position, company
Key responsibilities included:
- Project worked on – name, genre, basic premise
- Software/programming language/engine used, platform etc
- Key responsibility
- Key responsibility

Start date – end date: Position, Game Jam name

Key responsibilities included:
- Project worked on – name, genre, basic premise
- Software/programming language/engine used, platform etc

Other Experience
Start date – end date: Position, company
Responsibilities included
- Responsibility
- Responsibility

Start date – end date: Position, company

Responsibilities included
- Responsibility
- Responsibility

Hobbies and interests:

In my spare time I like to ….
I like to participate in Game Jams and competitions, for example ….
My favourite game or type of game is…. because….

References available on request

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