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He includes historical, political and religious references in the jokes..

How he has been shaped by these

‘I’m not a person who misses . . . anyone.’

The trauma of losing a lovel one and then of failed relationships, turned dovaleh G into a person

who no longer cares, no longer misses anyone.

Just as the small lady insists time and again that he was a good boy, not the cruel one he

boasted in front of the audience.

Shoe tying game to check whether people stop for him to check his popularity.

Again he shows the audience that was someone everyone looked upto in the camp but avishai

knows the real truth that he is in fact trying to run away from the truth that he was bullied.

He ends the essay saying I am not a person who misses anyone, is yet again

shows that he wants to run away from the truth himself and try to be strong.

But at the same time even though he is running away, even if he misses someone like

his mother or is distrubed by the thoughts of his strained relationships, even though

he is melancholic he is not deeply saddened.He has become numb.

To become a stand up comedian is his choice to in fact run away from the deeply

saddening memories of his life.This vent up is conglomerated in his last performance where

he can and where he can no longer turn away from himself.

The fact that he decides to call Avishai already tells that he had decided this to be his

last performance.

Though we never come to know why he chooses He chooses Avishai but the narrator tells

that he was the one with whom he shared his deepest thoughts and everyday routine.
Avishai ignores when Dovaleh G is being bullied because of his own insecurities.But at the sam time he
mentions that he wanted to avoid his company and in fact even did that

because deep inside he wanted to help him but could not stand up for his and he altogether wanted to
ignore him. Human nature is such that when people even feel deeply for someone but cant do anything
for them they try to avoid them altogether so as to not be pained by it.

To ignore him meant to ignore his own infirmities. But the fact that he turns up at the comedy show,
shows that he was influenced by Dovaleh G and in his subconscious still has him.

Holocaust is a recurring theme which Dovaleh mentions in the novel. The fact that his mother is working
in the gun firm shows that being in the holocaust, she had turned into someonw who could endure such
things and which seemed so normal.

It is his birthday


To project a women working in such a firm.

Jokes and their relation to the subconscious

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