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SHOUT 2014 Worship Workshop

Activity Overview

1. To share the culture of worship that we have as a CFC Community.
2. To understand the different worship setup in our gatherings.

Activity Profiles

Speaker’s Profile:
A brother FTPW/MV who is knowledgeable about the CFC way of worship and worship in
YFC, and can explain the principle behind the different elements of a worship in different YFC


1. Set everyone’s heart for the workshop. Excite them of what is to happen.
2. The workshop speaker will start the session by discussing all the points and
important aspects and elements of worship.
3. The YFC Worship Table Test will be given to participants at the middle of the
discussion in order to gauge their understanding on the different worship setting of
our ministry.
4. The Workshop leader will then discuss and explain the contents of the YFC Worship
Table in order to guide the participants.
5. The workshop should end with a full worship to apply the new learning.

A. Schedule

Run time: 2 hours

Activity Length
Talk Proper 45 min
Activity: YFC Worship Table Test 30 min
Discussion of Answers 30 min
Conclusion 15 min

B. Materials needed
 Copies of the YFC Worship Table Test
 Pens
 Guitar
SHOUT 2014 Worship Workshop

Expanded Outline

TALK points: Before activity (YFC Worship Table Test)

I. Introduction

A. Worship is the central point of our gatherings

It is Heaven’s Desire (Song of Songs 2:10). It is but right to start every gathering with
worship. As we thirst for God’s loving presence, He also thirsts for our presence.
Worship is being able to come into that loving, healing and mighty presence of God
and being able to acknowledge that HE ALONE IS GOD. He asks us to imitate the
saints of the past and turn our hearts toward Him throughout each day. Through
this, we are able to nourish our spirits and feed our souls.

B. Worship is an act of thanksgiving

Worshipping is thanking God for every blessing that He has given us. We are a
blessed people because God loves us. Worshipping is singing songs of thanksgiving.
Reason to thank God:
1. Our life… the miracles of living life everyday
2. Our problems… the miracle of God’s presence in our hardships
3. Our family
4. Our significant others
5. Our community
6. Our service

II. The Worship

A. Forms of Worship

1. Regular Worship – praise and worship with two fast songs, one slow song, in order.
2. Praise fest – an extended form of the regular worship.
3. Tongues Workshop – Praise and Worship with specific goal empowering the
facilitators in preparation for the Praying-Over at youth camps.

B. Elements of a Worship

1) The Community. YFC, being a Catholic charismatic community, is also called

charismatic inasmuch as the Holy Spirit works in creating and leading the ‘flow of
worship’. Moreover, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are very much encouraged to be
manifested. Praise and worship songs and music (usually contemporary), clapping
and raising of hands, spontaneous praising, singing and praying in tongues, and non-
formal prayer leading are commonly seen in a YFC worship.

2) The Worship Leader. The person tasked to lead the worship service in a gathering or
an assembly. In our community the male takes on the responsibility of leading the
group especially in worship, sisters can also be worship leaders (Sisters Conference,
all-female household, etc.), it is still very important that they should also participate
and learn the very basics of worship and how to lead worship.
SHOUT 2014 Worship Workshop

3) The Music Ministry (including the music ministry head, singers, instrumentalists and
technical staff).
2) The Worship Pattern (Order). This is important because the pattern puts order in the
sequence and flow of the worship segments. The general pattern in a typical YFC
worship is given below.

Note: While there are other worship patterns (such as praise fest, healing pray-over,
necrological service, conference sessions, business meeting, special event in the
community, a church event or service, etc.) depending on the event, the common
pattern is emphasized here.

3) The Worship Setting.

a. Event. Worship is held in the household prayer meeting, monthly prayer
assembly, Lord’s Day Celebration, teaching, conference, and some event where
the common pattern is used. Again other worship patterns can be used
depending on the event
b. Venue. On-site physical conditions may become considerations in the conduct of
the worship service. The ambience and atmosphere may be affected by the area
or volume of space, lighting, air, room temperature, acoustics, humidity, etc.

C. Worship Format
The structure that you will go through will guide everyone on the CFC way of
worship. This may be a culture of CFC but what is important is that we understand
the very purpose of every part of the worship.

1. Gathering Song
To signal the start of the worship proper, new songs may or may not be taught. If
new songs are taught, this should not take more than 10 minutes or so. At the
end of this song, all should be seated and no longer engaged in any conversation.
2. Opening Exhortation
The worship leader exhorts the members by giving them the right reasons to
worship. Exhortation is not a regular talk and it should not be longer than the
worship itself. In delivering exhortations, always “CHECC” your heart first. You
should have:
 C-onfidence - be firm on the things we say or share to the group.
Through confidence we will be able to let people believe that whatever
you say is true. Be confident in the Lord
 H-umility – always acknowledge the One who sent and anointed us.
Humility will help us purify our intentions why you answered the call to
 E-nthusiasm – as a leader, excitement should first come from us. Then
lead them to be excited in meeting the Lord by encouraging them to
raise their hands, jump, shout and sing songs for the Lord.
 C-larity – speak up so that we will be heard. Practice you will say to
prevent mumbling in microphone. Speak slowly and clearly.
 C-onviction – it means that you have walked your talk and that you are
willing to walk your talk! It allows you to ignite passion within your
heart. We are to deliver it with heart.
SHOUT 2014 Worship Workshop
3. Sign of the Cross
By making the sign of the cross, we proclaim our Faith that we are saved by
Christ’s dying on the cross that we might dwell with Him in His Kingdom forever.
It is our way of saying that this worship is offered to the Lord. Our gestures
signify that it we proclaim, “Lord I give you my mind. Lord, I give You my Heart
and my love. Lord, I give You all of my good thoughts, actions and behaviors.
Lord, forgive me of all my sins.”
4. Spontaneous Praising / Praying in Tongues
We praise our God because He deserves to be praised and He is worthy to
receive our praise. We spontaneously praise Him because everything we say is
an overflow of our love for Him. All His attributes and how we describe our God
is our way of acknowledging the Father’s strength, His greatness, and His love for
all of us. (Note: This is done before and after every fast song.)
5. First Praise or Fast Song
The praise songs help us in preparing our hearts for the third level of worship
which is glory. It is very important that before reaching this level, our hearts are
ready for a deeper and more intimate conversation with God. And the way to do
it is by acknowledging first who God is in our life by praising and singing joyful
songs to Him. That is why we always start with 2 fast songs in our worship. Note:
See Appendix A for explanation
6. Spontaneous Praising / Praying in Tongues
7. Second Praise or Fast song
8. Spontaneous prayer / Praying in Tongues
As we reach the Third level of worship, it is very important that the worship
leader affirms everyone of God’s presence in their midst through a prayer. The
prayer should lead them to listening and praying intently to God. Refrain from
making another exhortation. Remember the purpose of exhortation is to prepare
everyone for worship. In this part everyone is ready to listen to Gods personal
message. In making a point, it should be in a prayer form so as not to distract
anyone who is and trying to have an intimate moment with God.
9. Slow song
Our slow songs in worship allow us to reflect more on the Lord’s great love for
us. It moves us to bow down in humble adoration to the One who saved us. It is
where we listen to our heart’s deepest prayers and lift everything that we have
to Him.
10. Singing in tongues
God knows the limitations of our minds in worshipping Him with our intellect.
Thus, He has given us the supernatural ability to worship Him in the Spirit by
praying in tongues. “For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but
to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries.”(1 Cor.
14:2). The Holy Spirit moves us to pray from the deepest core of our hearts.
When we pray in tongues it is something, that only God who can fully
understand what it means.
11. Listening to God’s word (Short period of silence to hear words from the Lord –
prophecy / scripture reading)
God has a message for each and every one of us. He speaks us to us personally,
hoping that we can hear Him with the ear of our hearts. Aside from this, the Lord
also has a message that He wants to proclaim to His people. The Lord can use us
to speak His message to everyone. These are God’s prophetic messages. He gives
this to us, to inspire and encourage us.
SHOUT 2014 Worship Workshop
12. Individual Prayers of thanksgiving
In our worship, we also have the opportunity to also proclaim to the crowd our
personal reason for praise and thanksgiving. We proclaim in order for the crowd
to also realize the Lord’s goodness in their personal lives. As the worship leader
enumerate the praises and thanksgiving the members will respond by saying ‘We
Praise and we thank you Lord”
13. Individual Petitions
We believe that when two or more are gathered in His Name, the Lord will be in
our midst and will hear our prayers. We look to Jesus, as our greatest
intercessor. We allow Him to work in our behalf for He is now in the right hand of
the Father praying and interceding for us. As the worship leader enumerate the
prayer concerns / petitions the members will respond by saying ‘Yes Lord, hear
our prayers”.
14. Closing prayer
Always end worship with a high note. Thank God for all the messages heard and
realized while worshiping and for the opportunity to experience Him again. This
will also remind us that we need to live out our faith as we continue to serve
Him. The worship leader will end with one Our Father, One Hail Mary and One
Glory Be…
15. Sign of the Cross

D. Individual involvement
Every member should participate wholeheartedly and actively in worship. More
specifically, all should:
1. Prepare themselves spiritually prior to the start of the gathering.
2. Bring their Bible and songbooks.
3. Participate actively in praise and worship.
* Raising hands, clapping, dancing.
* Loud vocal prayers of praise.
* Singing in tongues.
4. Be sensitive to the Spirit. If led to speak a word from the Lord or to give a personal
testimony, they should boldly present themselves to the leader.
5. Enter into the prayers being made by the leader or other persons and make these
prayers their own.
6. Actively listen to the personal sharing and the exhortations
SHOUT 2014 Worship Workshop

Activity: YFC Worship Table Test

Instruction: On the following table, write YES, NO or OPTIONAL if each element of worship is used in the different YFC
Worship Format Household Service Fellowship Chapter Cluster Leader’s Conferences / Praise
Meeting Meeting Activity Assembly Assembly Assembly Fest

Gathering Song
Opening Exhortation
or prayer
Praising / Praying in
1 Praise or Fast Song

2nd Praise or Fast

3rd Slow Song
Short period of
silence for prophecy /
scripture reading
Individual Prayers of
Individual Petitions
Closing Prayer

Additional Songs if
Time (in minutes) 30-40 1-2 30-45 30-45 30-45 30-45
SHOUT 2014 Worship Workshop

Answer Key, Processing and Conclusion

YFC Worship Table Test Answer Key

Worship Format Household Service Fellowship Chapter Cluster Leader’s Conferences /

Meeting Meeting Activity Assembly Assembly Assembly Praisefest
Gathering Song Optional Optional Optional (if the Yes Yes Yes Yes
venue is
conducive for
Opening Exhortation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Spontaneous Praising Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
& Praying in Tongues
1st Praise or Fast Song Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2nd Praise or Fast Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 Slow Song Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Short period of Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
silence for prophecy /
scripture reading
Individual Prayers of Yes No No No No No
Individual Petitions Yes No No No No No
Closing Prayer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Additional Songs if No No Maybe Maybe Maybe Yes
Time (in minutes) 30-40 10 - 15 30-45 30-45 30-45 30-45

SHOUT 2014 Worship Workshop

PROCESSING (Principle behind the answers):

1. For all kinds of assemblies from chapter levels up to major conferences, gathering
songs / teaching of songs should be conducted for it signifies the beginning of the
2. Service meeting, though it is functional in nature, full worship is highly recommended for
this meeting doesn’t reduce the need for us to come in God’s presence through singing
songs of praises and worship.
3. Fellowships, if the context allows them to, can also be venues for worship (unless of
course if the fellowship is being conducted inside a movie house, restaurant dinner outs
and the likes)
4. Exhortation is an important part in our culture in YFC. It should be practiced as much as
possible not only to give the members an ignition to worship but as well as to train the
worship/ prayer leader to be pastorally sound and sensitive to his blessings.

Why three songs? Two fast, one slow. Use the temple plan illustration.

1. This illustration gives us an idea how we approach the Lord in worship through the three songs
we normally sing during the worship service.
2. Imagine yourself being outside the temple walls and just before entering the outermost gate.
We begin by singing a Gathering Song for us, the people, to prepare.
3. Then the Worship Leader gives a short exhortation meant to inspire, encourage, and urge the
people to praise and worship the Lord.
4. After the Worship Leader invites us to praise and worship, we sing the first praise (fast) song.
Imagine entering the outermost gate into the outer court. (Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
enter His courts with praise.) As we finish singing the first song, we find ourselves in the outer
court and shout praises to the Lord.
5. The second song (which can be another fast praise song) is now sung and we pass through the
second gate into the inner court. Again after finishing the song, we break into spontaneous
praising as we find ourselves in the inner court and nearer to God’s presence.
6. The music slows down and it becomes more solemn and as we start singing the worship song
(addressing the Lord in the second person: Glorify Thy Name, Lord, Jesus We Enthrone You, Holy
O Holy), we enter the doorway into the Holy of Holies or the Sanctuary where the Lord is waiting
for us = the Tabernacle of the Temple. After the worship song, we sing and praise in tongues as
we now encounter Him face to face and everything else fades away as we become lost in the
awesome Presence.
7. As the praising in tongues die down after being led by the Holy Spirit, we fall silent and we
allow the Lord to speak as we are still in the Holy Place with our God.
8. This is just an illustration to make us see how the three songs we sing in worship make sense.


Worship more than our Identity is a gift to us by the Lord, and we find joy in communicating to
God through this gift. We have to maximize this gift if we intend to receive the fullness of God’s
gift to us through our community.

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