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Production Sheet

Name of preparation : Gala Dinner US Ambassador + Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Time of service : 19.30
Date of Service : Friday, 22nd March 2019
Menu Items Size of portion Number of portion Quantity of portion Recipe Code
Sate Maranggi 600 gram 100 60 kg 1-STMRG
Bandrek Kelapa 285 gram 100 28,5 kg 2-BDKLP

Menghitung Selling Price

1. Multiply Method
Upscale Resep Standar “Sate Maranggi”
Resep asli : 1 porsi
Resep yang diinginkan : 100 porsi
Faktor konversi : 100
Bahan Kuantitas Faktor konversi Kuantitas Akhir
Awal (kuantitas awal x faktor
Daging sapi 300 gram 100 30 kg
Lemak sapi 300 gram 100 30 kg
Daun pepaya 40 gram 100 4 kg
(5 lembar)
Kecap manis 180 ml 100 1,8 liter
Bawang merah 70 gram 100 7 kg
Bawang putih 24 gram 100 2,4 kg
Jahe 15 gram 100 1,5 kg
Lengkuas 20 gram 100 2 kg
Ketumbar 3 gram 100 0,3 kg
Garam 4 gram 100 0,4 kg
Gula merah 19 gram 100 1,9 kg
Asam jawa 25 gram 100 2,5 kg
Tomat 62 gram 100 6,2 kg
Cabai rawit 18 gram 100 1,8 kg
Cuka 15 ml 100 1,5 liter
Minyak goreng 30 ml 100 3 liter

Recipe EY % As Purchased Ingredient Invoice Recipe Individual

quantity unit quantity unit cost unit cost unit Cost

(Rp) (Rp) (Rp)

30 kg 100 % 30 kg Daging sapi 110.00 kg 110.000 kg 3.300.000


30 kg 100 % 30 kg Lemak sapi 50.000 kg 50.000 kg 3.300.00

4 kg 90 % 4,444 kg Daun pepaya 6.000 500 12.000 kg 48.000


1,8 liter 100 % 1,8 liter Kecap manis 25.000 600 ml 41.660 liter 74.988

7 kg 95 % 7,368 kg Bawang merah 24.000 kg 24.000 kg 168.000

2,4 kg 95 % 2,526 kg Bawang putih 33.000 kg 33.000 kg 79.200

1,5 kg 90 % 1,667 kg Jahe 25.000 kg 25.000 kg 37.500

2 kg 90 % 2,222 kg Lengkuas 10.000 kg 10.000 kg 20.000

0,3 kg 100 % 0,3 kg Ketumbar 17.000 kg 17.000 kg 5.100

0,4 kg 100 % 0,4 kg Garam 11.000 kg 11.000 kg 4.400

1,9 kg 100 % 1,9 kg Gula merah 22.000 kg 22.000 kg 41.800

2,5 kg 100 % 2,5 kg Asam jawa 15.000 kg 15.000 kg 37.500

6,2 kg 100 % 6,2 kg Tomat 12.000 kg 12.000 kg 74.400

1,8 kg 95% 1,895 kg Cabai rawit 33.000 kg 33.000 kg 59.400

1,5 liter 100 % 1,5 liter Cuka 5.000 150 ml 33.330 liter 49.995

3 liter 100 % 3 liter Minyak goreng 13.000 liter 13.000 liter 39.000

Total Ingredient Cost 7.339.283

Q factor 0

Recipe Cost 7.339.283

Portion Cost 73.392,83

Cost 0

Cost 0
Cost 0

Total Plate Cost 73.392,83

Desired Cost 30 %

Preleminary Price 244.642,766

Actual Selling Price 259.900

Actual Cost 28,23 %

Upscale Resep Standar “Bandrek Kelapa”

Resep asli : 5 porsi
Resep yang diinginkan : 100 porsi
Faktor konversi : 20
Bahan Kuantitas Faktor konversi Kuantitas Akhir
Awal (kuantitas awal x faktor
Jahe merah 200 gram 20 4 kg
Gula merah 150 gram 20 3 kg
Kayu manis 12 gram 20 0,2 kg
(2 batang,
ukuran ± 3
Cengkeh 5 gram 20 0,1 kg
Sereh 35 gram 20 0,7 kg
Daun Pandan 10 gram 20 0,2 kg
(2 helai)
Garam 4 gram 20 0,08 kg
Daging kelapa 85 gram 20 1,7 kg
Susu kental manis 28 gram 20 0,56 kg

Recipe EY % As Purchased Ingredient Invoice Recipe Individual

quantity unit quantity unit cost unit cost unit Cost

(Rp) (Rp) (Rp)

4 kg 95 % 4,2 kg Jahe merah 30.000 kg 30.000 kg 126.000

3 kg 100 % 3 kg Gula merah 22.000 kg 22.000 kg 66.000

0,2 kg 100 % 0,2 kg Kayu manis 42.000 kg 42.000 kg 8.400

0,1 kg 100 % 0,1 kg Cengkeh 85.000 kg 85.000 kg 8.500

0,7 kg 90 % 0,777 kg Sereh 28.000 kg 28.000 kg 21.756

0,2 kg 100 % 0,2 kg Daun pandan 5.000 0,2 kg 5.000 0,2 kg 5.000

0,08 kg 100 % 0,08 kg Garam 11.000 kg 11.000 kg 880

1,7 kg 100% 1,7 kg Daging kelapa 60.000 kg 60.000 kg 102.000


0,56 kg 100 % 0,56 kg Susu kental manis 14.000 0,56 kg 14.000 0,56 kg 14.000

Total Ingredient Cost 352.536

Q factor 0

Recipe Cost 352.536

Portion Cost 3.525,36

Cost 0

Cost 0
Cost 0

Total Plate Cost 3.525,36

Desired Cost 30 %

Preleminary Selling Price 11.751,2

Actual Selling Price 17.000

Actual Cost 20,737 %

2. Pricing Factor Method

Non Prep. (30%) Prep. (70%) Total % of Sales

Raw Food Cost 105.760 5.137.498,1 5.243.258,1 40

Labor Prep. Employee - 1.572.977,43

Labor Non Prep. 707.839,84 1.651.626,3 3.932.443,58 30


Other Expenses 786.488,72 1.835.140,34 2.621.629,05 20

Profit 393.244,36 917.570,17 1.310.814,53 10

Total 1.993.332,92 11.114.812,34 13.108.145,26 100

Pricing Factor 18,8477 2,16

Selling Price Sate Maranggi : (2,16 x 5.137.498)/100 = 110.969,96

Selling Price Bandrek Kelapa : (18,8477 x 105.760)/100 = 19.933,33

3. Planned Profit Method

Sate Maranggi (Prep. Menu)

Operating Cost atau A : 3.669.641,49 (15%)

Labor Cost atau B : 8.562.496,83 (35%)

Planned Profit atau C : 4.892.855,33 (20%)

Total Sales : 24.464.276,66

Raw Food Cost atau E : 7.339.283 (30%)

Selling Price : 7.339.283 / 0,3 = 24.464.276,66 / 100 = 244.642,76

Recipe EY % As Purchased Ingredient Invoice Recipe Individual

quantity unit quantity unit cost unit cost unit Cost

(Rp) (Rp) (Rp)

30 kg 100 % 30 kg Daging sapi 110.000 kg 110.000 kg 3.300.000

30 kg 100 % 30 kg Lemak sapi 50.000 kg 50.000 kg 3.300.00

4 kg 90 % 4,444 kg Daun pepaya 6.000 500 12.000 kg 48.000


1,8 liter 100 % 1,8 liter Kecap manis 25.000 600 ml 41.660 liter 74.988

7 kg 95 % 7,368 kg Bawang merah 24.000 kg 24.000 kg 168.000

2,4 kg 95 % 2,526 kg Bawang putih 33.000 kg 33.000 kg 79.200

1,5 kg 90 % 1,667 kg Jahe 25.000 kg 25.000 kg 37.500

2 kg 90 % 2,222 kg Lengkuas 10.000 kg 10.000 kg 20.000

0,3 kg 100 % 0,3 kg Ketumbar 17.000 kg 17.000 kg 5.100

0,4 kg 100 % 0,4 kg Garam 11.000 kg 11.000 kg 4.400

1,9 kg 100 % 1,9 kg Gula merah 22.000 kg 22.000 kg 41.800

2,5 kg 100 % 2,5 kg Asam jawa 15.000 kg 15.000 kg 37.500

6,2 kg 100 % 6,2 kg Tomat 12.000 kg 12.000 kg 74.400

1,8 kg 95% 1,895 kg Cabai rawit 33.000 kg 33.000 kg 59.400

1,5 liter 100 % 1,5 liter Cuka 5.000 150 ml 33.330 liter 49.995

3 liter 100 % 3 liter Minyak goreng 13.000 liter 13.000 liter 39.000

Total Ingredient Cost 7.339.283

Bandrek Kelapa (Non Prep. Menu)

Operating Cost atau A : 176.268 (15%)

Labor Cost atau B : 411.292 (35%)

Planned Profit atau C : 235.024 (20%)

Total Sales : 1.175.120

Raw Food Cost atau E : 352.536 (30%)

Selling Price : 352.536 / 0,3 = 1.175.120 / 100 = 11.751,20

Recipe EY % As Purchased Ingredient Invoice Recipe Individual

quantity unit quantity unit cost unit cost unit Cost

(Rp) (Rp) (Rp)

4 kg 95 % 4,2 kg Jahe merah 30.000 kg 30.000 kg 126.000

3 kg 100 % 3 kg Gula merah 22.000 kg 22.000 kg 66.000

0,2 kg 100 % 0,2 kg Kayu manis 42.000 kg 42.000 kg 8.400

0,1 kg 100 % 0,1 kg Cengkeh 85.000 kg 85.000 kg 8.500

0,7 kg 90 % 0,777 kg Sereh 28.000 kg 28.000 kg 21.756

0,2 kg 100 % 0,2 kg Daun pandan 5.000 0,2 kg 5.000 0,2 kg 5.000

0,08 kg 100 % 0,08 kg Garam 11.000 kg 11.000 kg 880

1,7 kg 100% 1,7 kg Daging kelapa 60.000 kg 60.000 kg 102.000


0,56 kg 100 % 0,56 kg Susu kental manis 14.000 0,56 kg 14.000 0,56 kg 14.000

Total Ingredient Cost 352.536

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