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Hi everyone! My name is Armando Badia!

This is my first podcast and it will be going over a

simple food recipe to reduce stress. The recipe we are going to make is a smoothie! The
ingredients for this recipe is banana, blueberries, avocado, and almond milk. The reason for
these ingredients because they all have a component to reduce stress. They have a mineral or
vitamin that contributes to a healthy level of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that
affects our mood in a positive way! Now that I gave you some background knowledge on the
ingredients, Let’s get started on making the recipe.

The only kitchen equipments you will need is a blender, a cup, a knife, a spoon, and a freezer.
The very first thing is washing all your fresh ingredients with cool water. The next thing is you
want to peel the banana. Then, you want to freeze the peel banana and blueberries overnight.
The reason for freezing is having to avoid using ice which can water down the flavor in the
smoothie, and we don’t want that. After you freeze those ingredients, we want to remove the
peel and the nut from the avocado. You want to cut the avocado in half. Once it is half you can
remove the avocado seed. Then, you want to scoop out the flesh of avocado with the spoon.
You can scoop out the avocado right into the blender. Next you can add the frozen banana and
blueberries into the blender. Lastly, you add the almond milk which will be the liquid to help
blend the solid fruits. The more liquid you add the thickness of the smoothie will decrease. Once
all the ingredients are in the blender, you can start to blend! Keep blending the ingredients
together until the mixture is smooth. Now that your all done making it, lets try it. Pour the
contents from the blender into the cup and enjoy.

Now this is just a simple recipe with basic ingredients that reduce stress. You can personalize it
by adding more ingredients! If one of the ingredients is not your fav, then no worries you can
replace it! This is a simple yummy recipe that you can have anytime of the day. Thank you for
joining me on making a recipe to combat stress. Have a nice Day!

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