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2/19 Individual Education Program (IEP) Annual Review Checklist Aw xe wR MR KK me mH eM aK RK & Input from teachers, student and parent have been collected Progress data and achievement of current IEP goals has been collected and reviewed. ‘Needed data on studert’s present level of performance (PLOP) has been collected Annual IEP review meeting is held within a least 365 days of the curren IEP. ‘Annual IEP meeting may be held in conjunction with a 3-year Reevaluation determination Parent andr adult student has been invited Appropriate agency has been invited and consent obtained from parent, Written agreements of IEP team members" excusal have been documented All appropriate IEP team members have been notified in advance to ensure participation The student's continue eligibility, based on a vatiety of data has been reviewed ‘New IEP PLOPs and goals have been developed based on student needs, All components of the IEP have been addressed (i.e. secondary transition, behavior, extended school year, ete,). Special education, related services and least restrictive environment have been determined. Parents and/or adul student have been provided a copy of IEP with iritten notice. Parents have been offered a copy and explanation of the Procedural Safeguards Notice Al persons responsible for implementing the IEP have been provided access tothe IEP. TEP will be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting and parents have 10 days to respond in writing if they disagree with the [EP.

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