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American Journal of’ ORTHODONTICS

Founded in 1915 Volume 81, Number I January, 1982

Copyright 0 1982 be The C. V. MO& Compun~


Orthodontic force systems:

Technical refinements for
increased efficient y
Dr. Hocevar

Richard A. Hocevar, D.M.D.*

Gainrsville, Fla.

The efficiency of the Begg technique suffers because Class II elastics overwhelm anchor bends, which normally
do not yield enough force for vertical control of maxillary incisors. This can be improved by attention to detail and
modifications. Bite-opening bends in the arch wires distal to canines and lateral incisors, long (6.5 mm.)
mesiogingivally angulated molar tubes, and placement of intermaxillary elastics at the distal ends of the tubes are
all helpful. Intermaxillary “check elastics,” having one end over the posterior end of the maxillary arch wire, both
strands under the end of the mandibular arch wire, and the other end up to the maxillary anterior teeth, reinforce
anchor bends and extrude upper and lower molars while keeping them upright. They augment bite opening in
Stage I and counteract the adverse affects of the auxiliaries in Stage Ill.

Key words: Begg technique, biomechanics, incisor intrusion, check elastics, overbite reduction

A recent article’ reviewed the physical Hoeve, Mulie, and Brandt’ and Burstone” have exam-
principles governing tooth movement and gave some ined this subject and suggest that treatment planning for
consideration to ways in which biologic response might any patient should involve consideration of the desir-
differ from that which might be expected from superfi- ability and feasibility of maxillary incisor intrusion.
cial application of the laws of “pure physics. ” The Sims4 implied that he believed incisor retraction should
present article considers the clinical application of those be controlled in such a way as to limit retroclination,
principles more closely and offers suggestions, based but he did not explain how this was to be accomplished.
on them, for more efficient use of fixed appliances, Ten Hoeve and Mulie criticized excessive retroclina-
giving particular attention to the Begg technique. tion and advocated intrusion of upper incisors early in
treatment. It is difficult to achieve this sort of control of
maxillary incisors with conventional Begg treatment.
The maxillary incisors
The vertical extrusive force component of “Class
All aspects of any “light wire” treatment require II” elastics on the upper incisors is counteracted by the
careful consideration of the anticipated directions of force in the opposite direction delivered by the anchor
tooth movement and delicate balancing of the forces bend in the arch wire mesial to the maxillary molar. If
delivered by arch wires and elastics; this is especially the magnitudes of these two vertical forces are equal,
important for management of the upper incisors. Ten the upper incisor experiences only the horizontal com-
ponent of the elastic force. This horizontal force tips
the upper incisor crown lingually as shown in Fig. 1, A.
*Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Uni-
Should the vertical component of the Class II elastic be
versity of Florida. larger than that of the arch wire anchor bend, then the

0002.9416/82/010001+ I l$Ol. 10/O 0 1982 The C. V. Mosby Co. 1

2 Hocevur


a I a


Fig. 1. Vector analysis of forces. a, Arch wire anchor bend. b, Class II elastic. c, Vertical component of
Class II elastic. d, Resultant of a and c. e, Horizontal component of elastic. f, Total resultant force.
Vector lengths are proportional to force magnitudes. (See text for explanation of situations A-F.)

incisor is affected by the resultant force of the horizon- (Fig. 1, E). With anchor bend forces strong enough to
tal vector and the two vertical vectors, which has a throw the resultant farther anterior to the root area, the
similar effect, that is, rotation of the incisor about an incisor would rotate about the CR, with the incisal edge
axis at CR (Fig. 1, B). If the anchor bend produces a going anteriorly and the apex posteriorly (Fig. 1, F).
larger intrusive force, the resultant, depending on the Unless some form of couple is employed, for any
inclination of the incisor, may pass through the root and given incisor position there is a unique line of pure
produce some translation as well as rotation (Fig. 1, C). translation. Since pure translation occurs only with a
If the force system is maintained as the tooth retro- force vector through the CR, this unique line is defined
clines, the moment arm increases; hence, the propor- by the line traversing the bracket and CR (Fig. 1, D).’
tion of rotation will increase in relation to the amount Thus, a somewhat retroclined incisor may be translated
of translation.’ Furthermore, as maxillary anterior teeth only in a relatively vertical direction and a proclined
are retracted and mandibular molars protracted, the di- incisor in a relatively more horizontal direction. As-
rection of pull of the Class II elastics becomes more suming that the same Class II elastic force is used,
vertical; the resultant vector, f, falls farther away from translation of a retroclined incisor requires a much
CR, and the relative amount of rotation increases still stronger force from the anchor bend than does transla-
more. If anchor bend and elastic were in such a balance tion of a proclined one. In fact, proclined incisors could
that their resultant force passed directly through its CR, be “flared” inadvertently by excessive anchor bend
the upper incisor would move bodily along the line force (Figs. 1, E and F).
from bracket to CR (Fig. 1, D). With the anchor bend Fig. 2 depicts a typical Class II, Division 1 incisor
force much stronger, thus placing the resultant vector relation and the tooth movement that would be required
anterior to CR but still within or very close to the root if it were to be corrected in such a way as to maintain
area, the response would be flaring and some intrusion the edge of the upper incisor at its original level. The
Vdume 8 I
Number I
Orthodontic ,force systems 3


Fig. 2. Reducing this overjet without allowing the edge of the Fig. 3. Class II, Division 2 incisor relation. Force a, while its
upper incisor to drop would require a balance of forces that is direction is even more vertical than that shown in Fig. 2, would
probably impracticable with conventional Begg technique. produce only further retroclination in this situation. Intrusion
would require that the total resultant force on the incisors act in
direction b. Following intrusion, a posteriorly directed force and
a couple to produce lingual root torque would be required to
posttreatment projection of the lower incisor is derived achieve the desired final position indicated by the shaded
by summation of estimates of lower incisor intrusion incisor.
and molar extrusion (that is, bite opening from all
sources except upper incisor intrusion). No anteropos-
terior movement of the lower incisor was desired. This ify the buccal tube length or angulation, length of arch
case is a Begg technique archetype, but it is, in fact, at wire, or the distance the wires were deflected, his
the very limit of the capabilities of the technique. The figures can be taken as only rough indications but
upper incisor would have to be intruded and retracted should serve to alert us to a sobering realization. The
considerably beyond its projected final position in an- maximum force he listed was 70 grams, which required
ticipation of its response to Stage III uprighting, even either 45degree anchor bends in 0.5 mm. (0.020 inch)
though the torque requirement would be minimal. or 80-degree anchor bends in 0.04 mm. (0.016 inch)
Maintaining a force system to produce the line of force wire; a 0.04 mm. wire with 45degree anchor bends is
shown, keeping it in balance for the required time, said to deliver only 35 grams! Swain7 cites comparable
would be very difficult; in fact, it is quite unlikely that a figures, and I have found them to be clinically realistic.
force sufficiently vertical to prevent the incisors’ drop- Thornton and Nikolai8 recently studied the vertical
ping could be sustained.’ forces resulting from various combinations of arch
Retroclined upper incisors, as in Class II, Division wires and elastics to determine the “intrusion poten-
2 cases, require forces directed more vertically early in tial” of the Begg applicance, but they overlooked the
treatment. The conventional system which depends on most important factor in maxillary incisor movement-
Class II elastics is unsatisfactory in these cases, as it the direction of the total resultant force and its relation
cannot produce a resultant force with a strong enough to CR. Their apparatus prevented posterior movement
upward component; thus, the incisors are retroclined of the arch wires and measured only the vertical force
further and not elevated (Fig. 3). component. Teeth are not affected by the magnitudes of
Fig. 1, C shows that if the anchor bends are to make various components of force systems; they experience
even a minimal initial contribution toward translation, only the total resultant force, as shown throughout Fig.
the force they deliver must be roughly equal in mag- 1. The fact that there may be a vertical component to
nitude to that delivered by the Class II elastics; for the force does not necessarily demonstrate that the
example, if the elastic pull is 60 grams per side, the appliance has an “intrusion potential. ” Most Begg
“intrusive” force of the upper arch wire at the midline practitioners are probably using anchor bends that con-
must be 120 grams. Sims’ listed forces produced by tribute little or nothing of significance to the upper
anchor bends in various situations. As he did not spec- incisor retraction force system. On the other hand,
The arch wire modification shown in Fig. 6 is rec-
ommended for use in all moderate to deep overbite
cases throughout all stages of treatment in both arches.
Bite-opening bends are placed opposite the distal sur-
faces of the canines and at the rings, so as to place the
wire slightly gingival to the incisor brackets when it is
seated fully in the canines. In cases having overerupted
incisors, such an arch wire will appear to exert an ex-
trusive force on the canines relative to the incisors ini-
tially, but, since the anchor bends are producing gingi-
vally directed force throughout the anterior portion of
the wire, this configuration, when properly adjusted,
will just ensure that intrusive force is delivered most
Fig. 4. Lateral open bite caused by arch wire bowing.
effectively to the incisors. The idea is not to intrude
incisors at the expense of canine extrusion but to avoid
stronger anchor bends induce more distal tipping of the the opposite. The anchor bends should be adjusted so
molars. the activated arch wire gives the desired level of verti-
The addition of more horizontal force in the form of cal force. This force is determined, not by the degree of
“Class I” elastics makes it even more difficult to any of these bends alone, but by the vertical deflection
achieve anything more than pure tipping about CR’ in of the anterior portion of the wire to engage the
Stage II. If Stage I has been managed well, there is brackets.
frequently little or no need for a maxillary Stage II (in Obviously, this arch wire configuration is con-
Class II cases) or, if some maxillary space does remain traindicated in open-bite cases. It may also be undesir-
after Stage I, the need for further Class II elastic wear able for a brief period in some Class II patients in
may be minimal, so the upper incisors will be affected whom the canines may best be taken out of occlusion to
by the resultant force of anchor bends and Class I elas- facilitate correction of their relationship (to avoid
tic only. Even so, once the incisors have begun to ret- “clashing” as the cusps pass each other in going from
recline, it is probably unrealistic to expect to achieve a Class II to Class I).
force balance that will yield any significant element of
translational movement with conventional Begg me- The mandibular incisors
chanics. The only mechanism acting directly on the lower
Improved arch wire design. Many cases treated incisors in Stage I is the mandibular arch wire. The
with the Begg technique display varying degrees of effect of the anchor bends on any but the most retro-
open-bite in the canine-premolar area during treatment, clined lower incisors is simple tipping (that is, labial
some of them developing it in Stage I and retaining it flaring), which may give the appearance of some prog-
until the appliances are removed (Fig. 4). This points ress toward opening the bite as the incisal edges travel a
out a deficiency in standard arch wire design. In a typi- downward and forward arc. Alignment of crowded in-
cal case, as a conventional arch wire with anchor bends cisors, whether accomplished by looped or plain arch
is deflected so as to seat fully into the central incisor wires, has a reciprocal action between the canines and
brackets, it bows in such a way that it lies at, or just incisors, tipping the former distally and the latter an-
gingival to, the entrance to lateral incisor brackets and teriorly, thus having the same effect as the anchor
definitely gingival to the canine brackets (Fig. 5, A). bends on the incisors.
Pinning such a wire into all six anterior brackets has the Mandibular incisal edges frequently contact either
effect of a reciprocal relative intrusion of canines and the upper incisors or palatal gingiva and are thus pre-
extrusion of central incisors (Fig. 5, B). Even if the vented from flaring; then the lower anchor bends can
wire did not bow upon initial engagement and engaged produce true intrusion, perhaps even augmented by
all of the canine and incisor brackets evenly, the contact with the maxillary anterior teeth as they are
canines, being closer to the molars, would, by the retracted. Thus, there is good reason for using light
principle of the lever, experience more intrusive force forces and aligning lower anterior teeth at a restrained
than the incisors and would experience it first. Thus, pace. In patients with anterior nonocclusion, flaring can
they would be intruded, dissipating some of the force, be minimized if ample time is allowed for distal move-
and the wire would bow slightly, leaving the incisors ment of the lower canines and for retraction of the
behind. upper anterior teeth until they contact the lower anterior
Orthodontic ,force systems 5

teeth. In patients whose upper and lower incisors con-

tact in occlusion, maxillary incisor retraction may be
impeded and anchorage may be lost if the lower in-
cisors are flared too forcefully against the upper in-
cisors .
Another important factor in preventing incisor flar-
ing, and thus accomplishing true intrusion, is cinching
the arch wire (that is, placing gingivally directed right-
angle bends in its annealed ends). These bends should
be snugly against the distal ends of the buccal tubes,
but the wire must not be pulled back forcefully in plac-
ing them or the anchor bends will be activated as high-
force closing springs, causing anchorage loss. Cinching
uses the molars as anchorage to prevent the incisor
brackets from moving anteriorly. It also prevents the
ends of the arch wire from being pulled forward and
either getting caught in or drawn completely out of the
Fig. 5. Typical Begg arch wire tends to intrude canines and
buccal tubes during mastication of foods which distort extrude incisors relative to each other.
the unsupported buccal spans of the wires. Cinching
keeps the arch wire ends clear of gingivae and second
molars and provides ideally situated hooks for inter-
maxillary elastics and a clear indication of the amount
of space closure.

Mandibular molars
Lower molars are controlled by a complex interac-
tion of arch wire and elastics. Class II elastics tend to
roll them lingually and tip them mesially, but theoreti- Fig. 6. Slight bite-opening bends (at arrows) mesial and distal to
cally should not by themselves cause significant extru- the canines help ensure efficient bite opening, level occlusal
sion, as their line of force passes outside the root.’ If a planes, and even occlusion. The wire is shown almost fully
activated (engaged) to illustrate the effect.
molar is visualized from the distal aspect (Fig. 7, A) it
is clear that while the Class II elastic would tip it lin-
gually and the arch wire expansion would tip it buccally, ing to tip the molar mesially as an elastic worn from a
the resultant of the two should move it upward and mesial hook. Posterior elastic positioning also produces
outward. The fact that expansion of lower molars is not a slightly more horizontal and less vertical direction of
usually experienced may be due to the anatomy of bone force to both the maxillary anterior teeth and the man-
and/or muscle, or perhaps to the fact that the vertical dibular molars, as does the buccal tube angulation de-
component of the elastic force is usually considerably scribed below. Buccal tubes should be constructed so
stronger than the arch wire expansion, resulting in a as to retain intermaxillary elastics at the posterior end
tendency for the roots alone to move slightly buccally of the arch wire (Fig. 9, B) rather than toward the
as the tooth is extruded (Fig. 7, 8). center or anterior end of the tube (Fig. 9, A).
Efficient treatment demands that every detail of Gingival angulation of buccal tubes. Ten Hoeve,
appliances be set up to yield the utmost advantage. The Mulie, and Brandtl have advocated mesiogingival an-
effects of the adaptations suggested in the next three gulation of maxillary molar tubes. There are definite
paragraphs are cumulative, each supporting and en- advantages to angulating the mesial ends of all buccal
hancing the others. tubes gingivally (Fig. 10). The degree of anchor bend
Elustic positioning. Intermaxillary elastics can rein- required is reduced, simplifying molar control and de-
force vertical anchorage for incisor intrusion by coun- creasing the risk of anchor bends rolling to toe in or toe
tering the distal tipping effect of an arch wire upon the out. The facts that the tubes themselves direct the arch
molars.’ The positioning of the elastic on the molar is wires gingivally and that the anchor bends are reduced
very important in this respect. As shown in Fig. 8, a help to keep the critical unsupported buccal spans of the
“Class II” elastic worn from the posterior end of the arch wires as well out of the way of occlusion as possi-
arch wire may produce twice as great a moment tend- ble, thus minimizing distortion (Fig. 11). The distal
6 Hocevar

b c
b c

Fig. 9. Incorrect (A) and correct (8) molar tube designs. The
mesial hook, optional, is for intramaxillary elastics only.

Length of buccal tubes. The length of the buccal

A 6 tubes is also a factor in appliance efficiency. Begg
tubes are commercially available in 4.5 and 6.5 mm.
Fig. 7. If the resultant (c) of the arch wire expansion force (a)
and the vertical component of the Class II elastic force (b) lengths. The shorter tubes offer somewhat less control;
passed directly through CR, the lower molar would be likely to anchor bends and toe-in or toe-out bends must be
move occlusally and buccally (A). Molar extrusion without buc- slightly greater (Fig. 11). Longer tubes make the most
cal movement (6) is probably accounted for by force b being efficient use of anchor bends and of the advantages of
considerably greater than a. Perhaps bone anatomy and mus-
wearing intermaxillary elastics from the distal ends of
cle are also involved.
arch wires (Fig. 8), holding the elastics further from
CR so as to create greater mesial tipping moments on
the molars.
Maxillary molars

In the first stage of traditional Begg treatment the

upper molars are affected by the upper arch wire and,
through it, by the Class II elastics, which reinforce the
effect upon the molar of the anchor bends. As the upper
anchor bends are not balanced by any other forces, they
must be limited to avoid excessive molar tipping. The
mechanics of the second and third stages do tend to tip
the molars mesially against the anchor bends, but with
negligible bite-opening efficiency. Furthermore, many
Class II and nonextraction treatments will have no
maxillary Stage II, and most overbite reduction is
Fig. 8. Forces on a lower molar produced by a Class II elastic achieved in the crucial first stage. While the maxillary
hooked on the distal end of the arch wire (a) and a mesial hook arch may well be part of the overbite problem, it is
(b). The moment arm, and hence the moment tending to tip the not normally part of the solution in traditional Begg
molar mesially, may be much greater with distal elastic attach-
ment. Using long buccal tubes and angulating them mesiogin-
givally, distoocclusally are other factors important in maximizing Molar rotations. Upper molars are frequently found
this moment. to be rotated mesiolingually, the buccal surface appear-
ing to have come forward as the tooth rotated about the
ends of the wires point away from the gingiva, so there palatal root.” Correction of this rotation can help cor-
is less chance of their halting treatment progress by rect molar distoclusion and gain space and is necessary
contacting the gingiva or second molars, and they are for an “ideal” occlusion.‘“The desired molar “toe-in”
more easily accessible to both operator and patient. The can be accomplished and maintained by having the
distal ends of the arch wires are slightly farther from molar segments of maxillary arch wires parallel or
CR when tubes are angulated, another factor in increas- slightly convergent throughout treatment, and is facili-
ing the moment created by Class II elastics (Fig. 8). tated by buccal tubes which are angulated in the hori-
Fig. 10. Consistently correct mesiogingival angulation of molar
tubes is achieved easily by making a scratch mark on the band
parallel to the occlusal surface at the desired height and then
welding the tube diagonally across the scratch so that the
mesio-occlusal and distogingival points of the tube ends are on
Fig. 11. With short, horizontally oriented molar tubes (top),
the line. This method automatically determines the correct posi-
when arch wires are pinned into incisor brackets (broken lines),
tion for the tube, no matter what the inclination of the molar in
the anchor bends are so placed as to be very likely to be de-
the malocclusion may be.
formed by mastication. This is not the case with long,
mesiogingivally angulated tubes (bottom). In both illustrations
the arch wires are activated through the same range and thus
zontal plane, having the distal end of the tube set out deliver the same force to molars and incisors, but the degree of
from the buccal surface (Fig. 12). During the rotation anchor bend in the top illustration is twice as great as that in the
bottom one. The shortness of the tube in the top illustration is
correction, the palatal root seems to remain stationary
exaggerated to emphasize its effect. In a clinically realistic sit-
while the buccal surface moves distally. If the arch wire uation, most of the advantage portrayed in the lower illustration
is cinched, this contributes anchorage for the retraction is due to the mesiogingival tube angulation, but the effects of
of the anterior teeth; when the buccal surfaces of the tube length and angulation are additive.
molars move distally, they carry the arch wire, and
hence the anterior teeth, with them.

In general, in conventional Begg treatment most
bite opening is attributable to lower molar extrusion
and sometimes to some lower incisor intrusion. Maxil-
lary teeth usually are not involved significantly in
overbite reduction.
The interaction of anchor bends and molars is recip-
rocal; that is, while the arch wire tends to tip the molars
distally, the molars direct the anterior portion of the
wire gingivally, providing “anchorage” in the vertical
plane. This vertical anchorage can be reinforced’ by the
simple expedient of a pattern of intermaxillary elastic
wear which I have dubbed “check elastics” (for the
\/ mark that the configuration resembles).” One end of Fig. 12. A maxillary molar tube having its distal end offset from
the elastic is hooked over the cinched distal end of the the buccal surface facilitates control of molar rotation.
upper arch wire, both strands are hooked under the
cinched distal end of the lower arch wire (no special
hooks are called for), and the other end is placed over Check elastics provide occlusally directed vertical
the upper elastic hook (“ring”) mesial to the canine force on the tail end of each arch wire which, in concert
(Fig. 13). This differs from a “triangular” elastic in with the anchor bends, causes extrusion of both upper
that it eliminates the undesirabie horizontal strand and lower molars; counteracts the anchor bends’ ten-
along the upper arch that would place a mesial force on dency to tip the molars distally; and, in tending to tip
upper molars and cause maxillary anchorage loss. the molars forward against the anchor bends, allows the
tics may be worn in conjunction with vertical elastics
for the same effect, but check elastics still have the
advantages cited above. Class II elastics may, of
course, be worn in combination with checks where it is
desirable to increase the retracting force without in-
creasing the vertical force on the molars.
Check elastics do have some minor disadvantages.
They tend to “roll” upper as well as lower molars
Fig, 13. A “check elastic” in place. lingually, they frequently produce molar mobility, and
they are somewhat more difficult for patients to learn to
anterior portions of the arch wires to exert more api- place than are Class II elastics. The “rolling” is pre-
tally directed force on the incisors and canines. These vented easily by expanding the arch wires; both upper
elastics can be used to upright distally tipped molars and lower wires need more expansion to compensate
without loss of control of bite opening; even with an- for checks than the lower would need for Class 11 elas-
chor bends reduced or eliminated, the elastics’ tipping tics. The molar mobility does not seem to be a real
of the molars mesiogingivally against the arch wires problem; periapical radiographs have shown no patho-
maintains some intrusive force on the incisors. sis, even in adults whose molars have exhibited ex-
Vector diagrams in Fig. 14 illustrate a comparison treme mobility. It serves as a highly reliable indication
of the forces delivered by “Class II” and “check” of elastic-wearing cooperation; if the elastics are worn
elastics pulling with equal jbrces at the upper canine faithfully, the molars will be mobile unless either a bite
rings. (In the average case, check elastics delivering plane is in use or all teeth are engaged on the arch
forces of 50 to 60 grams at each ring with the teeth in wires, as in Stage III. Mobility may be most marked in
occlusion would be used in the early stages.) With the patients who clench or brux, but anterior bite planes
check, the mesial horizontal component of force on the used in conjunction with check elastics in these patients
lower molar is about one third greater; a distal horizon- prevent mobility while facilitating rapid molar extru-
tal component equal to this increment affects the upper sion. Patients lacking dexterity can usually learn to
molar. The vertical component on the lower molar is place check elastics quite readily if they have been
between three and four times greater with the check allowed to wear ordinary Class II elastics for the first
elastics, and there is a vertical component on the tail appointment interval.
end of the upper arch wire about three times as great as
Molar extrusion
that at the ring. Thus, whereas with Class II elastics
there is a downward force in the upper arch only at the I do not wish to enter the long-standing and continu-
rings, with check elastics there is in addition a force ing controversy’~ x Tr.i2~i6 over the relative merits of
three times as great at the posterior end of the arch, so molar extrusion and incisor intrusion for overbite re-
the maxillary arch tends to rotate down at the back and duction; nor do I wish to review the arguments here.
up in front, rather than vice versa, as with Class II My opinion is that the treatment plan should be dictated
elastics. by the diagnosis, that the mechanics employed in a case
Vertical molar-to-molar elastics, while they repre- should be designed to reduce and not accentuate the
sent a step in the right direction, have several disadvan- features of the patient that deviate from the norm.
tages compared to check elastics. Because of their Thus, molar extrusion would be contraindicated in pa-
necessarily small size, they have very limited range, tients with open-bites, steep mandibular planes, or
like short heavy sections of arch wire; the force they disproportionately long anterior lower face heights;
produce is negligible when the mandible is in a position when such patients require bite opening it should be
of occlusion or rest, but it increases tremendously with sought, insofar as possible, by incisor intrusion.
opening. The much greater length of check elastics, Moderate molar extrusion can be beneficial in pa-
much of which is oriented horizontally, provides in- tients with average or flat mandibular planes and aver-
creased elastic range and a more constant gentle force age or short anterior lower face heights. Reduction of
throughout the range of mandibular positions; it also severely deep overbites by attack on all four fronts (that
allows patients to apply checks more easily than verti- is, intrusion of maxillary and mandibular incisors and
Cal elastics. If vertical elastics were used alone, they extrusion of maxillary and mandibular molars) requires
would tend to produce incisor flaring rather than intxu- the least tooth movement in each area. I have not noted
sion, whereas check elastics produce a horizontal force detrimental “hinging open” of the mandible in these
component that yields incisor retraction. Class II elas- cases (Fig. 15).
Volumr RI
Nurnbrr I Orthodontic force systems 9

Fig. 14. Vector diagrams. Vector length is proportional to force magnitude, A, Forces produced by a
Class II elastic. a, Force on upper anterior teeth; b and c horizontal and vertical components of a; d,
force on lower molar; e and f vertical and horizontal components of d. B, Forces on lower molars and
upper anterior teeth produced by a check elastic. g, Force of the intermolar segment of the elastic on
the lower molars; h, force of the molar-to-ring segment of the elastic on the lower molar; i, total force on
the lower molar, the resultant of g and h; j, vertical component of i; k, horizontal component of i; I, force
on upper anterior teeth; m and n, horizontal and vertical components, respectively, of I. C, Force of
check elastic on upper molar (0) and its horizontal (p) and vertical (q) components.

BEGG STAGE III However, regarding Stage III, the problem is not
Ten Hoeve, Mulie, and Brandt’, s have discussed solely one of anatomy, and the solution should not be
some of the undesirable aspects of third-stage tooth sought solely in the earlier stages. A “pure Begg”
movement. They have ascribed most of the blame for Stage III appliance tends to deepen the overbite and
these problems to palatal anatomy and injudicious rotate the occlusal plane, and especially the maxillary
movement of the maxillary incisors in the first two arch, down in front and up in back; all mechanisms for
stages and have suggested modifications in the con- moving the apices of the upper incisor roots palatally
ventional Begg approach. In light of their work, and have the side effect of delivering downward force on
that of Edwards,‘? it is clear that anatomy of the jaws the anterior teeth and reciprocal upward force on the
must be given due consideration in planning the course posterior teeth.’ Uprighting springs tend to bow the
of treatment and that the objectives of the first half of arch wires so as to cause relative extrusion of incisors.
treatment should be revised to include increased con- “V bends”iX or bite-opening curves in the arch wires
cern for controlled movements of incisors with intru- are used to compensate for the effect of the uprighting
sion and retraction with limited tipping. springs but can actually have an effect opposite to that
ble, a high-pull headgear hooking onto the base arch
wire mesial to the upper central or lateral incisors may
be indicated, with no Class 11 elastics. It will hold the
maxillary anterior teeth up, maintaining bite opening
without contributing to mandibular opening and face
lengthening, The case with a flat mandibular plane and
short anterior lower face (Class II, Division 2 type). ifit
t-quit-es extra unchorage it1 dw horizontal pltttw ~ may
be treated best by the addition in Stage III of a cervical
headgear which, besides providing itori:onttrl anchor-
age, will hold the posterior portion of the maxillary
arch down and, if possible, open the mandible. For
most other cases, check elastics are ideal. As explained
C.D.. 0 J.F.. 9.
above, they provide vertical anchorage at the distal
born 11 - 9 - 66 born 12 - 13 - 63 ends of both arch wires and place greater extrusive

0A .- . .. 56 _-24-,a- 80
79 0 B -
---- 12
- ,3- 76
force at the back of the upper arch than at the front, thus
reversing the usual tendency for the maxillary arch to
Fig. 15. Cases showing typical mandibular responses to “check rotate down anteriorly and up posteriorly; they ensure
elastics.” Patient C. D., with a severe Class II, Division 1 that the back ends (molars) of the “rockers” rock to-
malocclusion, showed only 2 mm. total AP skull growth in the ward each other and the front ends (incisors) away from
13-month interval between her pretreatment and progress each other; and they enhance the effect of the arch wire
cephalograms; nasion-maxillary incisal edge increased only 1
configuration recommended in the section on anterior
mm. while nasion-menton increased 5.5 mm. Patient J. F., with
a severe Class II, Division 2 malocclusion, also showed 2 mm. teeth in maintaining overbite reduction throughout
total anteroposterior skull growth in the 27 months between the treatment. Their routine use in Stage III in deep-bite
pre- and posttreatment cephalograms; the height, nasion- cases dependably prevents the undesirable conse-
maxillary incisal edge increased 2 mm., while nasion-menton quences of the conventional third stage if patients are
increased 9 mm.; that is, anterior lower face height increased 7
given elastics that will deliver 110 to 140 Gm. of force
mm. These increases in anterior lower face height were not
effected at the expense of undesirable backward rotations of at the maxillary rings and are instructed to wear them
the mandibles but were associated with considerable growth of just as much as is necessary to maintain an edge-to-
the rami. While the mandibular plane angles did increase edge incisor relationship.
slightly, the mandibles maintained their anteroposterior posi-
tions in the faces. SUMMARY
The balancing of forces of arch wires and elastics
desired. Like the rockers of a rocking chair, these arch for control of molars and incisors and reduction of
wires can rock either way; since the maxillary ante- overbite has been studied. Technical refinements for
rior teeth are under the influence of extrusive force the improvement of fixed appliance efficiency have
from both the torquing auxiliary and Class II elastics, been suggested. The article has considered the Begg
they rock downward and the molars rock upward. technique specifically, but many of the points discussed
McDowell’” suggested that there are limits to molar are of equal relevance to other systems.
extrusion which are reached relatively early in treat- I. Retraction of maxillary incisors deserves careful
ment. Class II elastics probably tend to deepen the force system analysis and application, particularly in
overbite in Stage III; they certainly contribute toward the many cases in which intrusion is desirable.
upper incisor extrusion and can extrude lower molars 2. Anchor bends, as commonly used in the con-
only as much as growth and upper molar intrusion al- ventional Begg technique, are not likely to have a sig-
low. I have known practitioners to employ heavier and nificant effect on maxillary incisor movement.
heavier Class II elastics in attempt to reverse progres- 3. Slight bite-opening bends mesial and distal to
sive overbite increase in Stage III, only to find that the the canines in all arch wires can help ensure that intru-
bite continued to deepen. sive force is delivered primarily to incisors, and main-
There are a number of solutions to this problem; the tain level arches.
characteristics of each individual patient determine 4. Vertical intrusive force on mandibular incisors
which is most suitable for that case. For the patient with may cause proclination unless accompanied by some
marked anterior lower face height and a steep mandi- distal force.
Volume 8 I Orthodontic f&e systems 11
Numhrr 1

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6. Positioning intermaxillary elastics at the poste- 5. Ten Hoeve, A., and Mulie, R. M.: The effect of anteroposterior
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7. Swain, B. F.: Begg differential light forces technique. In
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dency of the anchor bends to tip the molars distally, teeth, AM. J. ORTHOD. 35: 98-115, 1949.
thus aiding incisor intrusion. 10. Andrews, L. F.: The six keys to normal occlusion, AM. .I.
9. A conventional Begg Stage III appliance tends ORTHOD. 62: 296.309, 1972.
1 I. Hocevar. R. A.: Force balance and control with the Begg tech-
to rotate the occlusal plane, and especially the maxil-
nique, N. 2. Orthod. Sot. Newsletter 6: 4-8, 1977.
lary arch, down in front and up in back and to deepen 12. Mulie, R. M., and Ten Hoeve, A.: The limitations of tooth
the overbite. movement within the symphysis studied with laminagraphy and
10. The above tendency can be counteracted by standardised occlusal films, J. Clin. Orthod. 10: 882-899, 1976.
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