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The sun shines through the window. Sam feels a gentle breeze,
a feeling of a new life. However, they realize that they are
in the same body that they loath. All they want is to be
somebody else. They hear their alarm go off. It is Bad Liar
by Selena Gomez. Sam hates that song, and the only reason
that they have that song is because Sam's phone won't let
them change it. Sam decides to get out of bed and take a
shower, to cleanse themself from this song. They go to their
bathroom and look at themself in the mirror. They can't help
but to wish that they looked better. They turn on their
showers and enter. After cleansing themself they step out of
the shower, but suddenly they see a everything crashing down
and a feeling of emptiness. They know that they are going to


The sun shines through the window. Sam feels a gentle breeze
and a feeling of pain surges through their head. The song Bad
Liar by Selina Gomez play and Sam turns it off in annoyance.
Sam tries to get up, but there was an odd weight on their
chest. Sam looks to see what is this pressure is, there are
two people. Sam was so confused, they had no choice, but to
kick them out. They leave in a fuss, but Sam noticed that
their voice sounded more feminine. They looked in the mirror
and notice that they look completely different and very
female presenting. They decide to explore their new body, and
they notice that they are a little hungry. Sam looks into the
fridge and finds a banana. Sam takes out the banana and
closes the fridge, but is met with a masked man. His fingers
wrap around Sam's neck. Sam yells out, but it was too late,
when the familiar feeling of death creeps up on them.


The sun shines through the window. Sam feels a gentle breeze
and their throat closing. Sam jumps up, coughing, feeling
their throat tighten. However, an overwhelming feeling of
hunger washes over them. They notice a plethora of snacks
right beside them. They could do nothing but eat and stuff
their face. For a moment they look at themselves in the
mirror, but they don't care how they look, all they can think
of is to fill this void. Suddenly , they felt a lump in their
throat.Something is stuck. They begin to choke. Sam knows
that they are not going to survive, so they let go and fall
into a new comforting darkness.

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The sun shines through the window. Sam feels a gentle breeze
and a lump in their throat. Sam shoots up, looking for
something to quell this pain. Conveniently, there is a bottle
of water, which Sam drinks it down. After, they are annoyed
that they died from such a ridiculous manner, Sam realizes
their new surroundings and how high class they are. Sam
swoons, and feels the soft texture of the blankets and the
warmth of this new environment. Their enjoyment was short
lived when they heard a loud bang. Sam decided to investigate
and find the source of this noise. Sam entered their new
kitchen and continued to look for the source. As they turned
the corner they could feel a sharp pain from their stomach.
They look to see that it is that same man with the mask that
killed them before. A familiar feeling embraces Sam.


The sun shines through the window. Sam feels a gentle breeze
and a pain surges through Sam's stomach. The yell out in
anger. An unfamiliar blind rage swarms Sam's head. They
understand that they are in a new body and are curious what
they look like now. Sam is angry about their new appearance,
but they don't understand why. But they know that this man in
black is going to try and kill them, so Sam calls them out.
Yelling out for this masked figure to come out. Once Sam
turns the corner, they are face to face with him. Sam tells
them to get it over with. Sam and the Masked man run at each


The sun shines through the window. Sam feels a gentle breeze
and jumps up in shock, but soon falls back onto their bed.Sam
just wants to stay in bed. They don't feel any particular
emotion, they are just tired. Sam stares at their ceiling,
they feel their face, then looks at their mirror and
completely listless. Sam decides to get up to explore, but
once they got to the stairs they yawned and fell down the
steps. Sam lays there, lifeless.


The sun shines through the window. Sam feels a gentle breeze
and a burst of determination. Sam feels like they need to
take control of this situation. Sam gets up and dressed like
they are in a montage. Sam is sitting at their vanity. Sam
knows that the man in black is there, so they tell them to
come out. The man in black appears behind Sam. They call the
man out for the cliche mask and demands him to take it off.

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Sam asks the man why he is doing this to them. After a moment
, the man tells Sam that he is Death and that this is his
job. However, Death has fallen in love with Sam, but Sam
rejects him and stabs him with a nearby comb. Sam looks down
at him and says "ciao!" walking away in victory.

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