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Waiter: Hello, Welcome ladies.

What do you want to order?
Yeis: I'd like some chips with a hamburguer.
Waiter: do you want something to drink?
Yeis: yes, I Would like a soda please.
Waiter: OK.
Waiter: and What Would you like to order ?
Lau: I would like to order a portion of chicken with rice*
Waiter: what would you like to drink?
Lau: just water, please.
Waiter: here is your account, do you want something more?
Yeis: yes, please. Do you have chocolate ice cream.
Waiter: no, miss. We do not have any.
Yeis: ok, do you have any dessert to offert?
Waiter: yes, I have the s´peciality of the house, a dessert three milks.
Yeis: ok, perfect.
Lau: this place is very visited, right? There are many people.
Yeis: yes, but there are very few of this city.
Lau: do you bring cash?
Yeis: yes, but very little.
Lau: will you pay with a card? I could lend you money on the card.
Yeis: Do not worry, I have a lot of money on the card.
Lau: ok, It’s fine.
Waiter: thank you for your visit, we hope you come back soon.
Lau y Yeis: ok, thanks.

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