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Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

DOI 10.1007/s00449-013-1007-2


Daptomycin antibiotic production processes in fed-batch

fermentation by Streptomyces roseosporus NRRL11379
with precursor effect and medium optimization
I-Son Ng • Chiming Ye • Zhixiang Zhang •

Yinghua Lu • Keju Jing

Received: 18 April 2013 / Accepted: 23 June 2013

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Sodium decanoate was first found to be an Introduction

effective precursor for synthesis of daptomycin from
Streptomyces roseosporus NRRL11379 which was Secondary metabolites produced by microorganisms are
increased to 71.55-fold, compared with decanoic acid. The the sources of many drugs, including antibiotics, antitumor
optimal flow rate of precursor was at 600 mg/(L day) after compounds, immune-suppressants, antiviral and antipara-
48 h fermentation. From protein analysis via SDS-PAGE sitic agents, and enzyme-inactivating compounds [1]. They
and identification of Tandem MS/MS afterwards, it deci- offer a promising source for new bioactive compounds
phered that guanosine pentaphosphate synthetase, PNPase, synthesis due to its structural diversity, particularly those
tripeptidylamino peptidase primarily dealing with dapto- produced by the large multi-modular non-ribosomal pep-
mycin synthesis. By applying Taguchi’s L16 in culture tide synthetases (NRPSs) and polyketide synthases (PKS)
optimization, the best yield was obtained from the medium [2]. However, the production of these secondary metabo-
with 60 g/L dextrin, 10 g/L dextrose, 1.0 g/L molasses, lites is always poor in most instances. To improve the
and 8 g/L yeast extract, respectively. The fed-batch fer- production of metabolites, various disciplines involved in
mentation, applied with feedback control of dextrin, stim- the research and some achievements have been obtained
ulated the production up to 812 mg/L at 288 h. To our best [3–5].
knowledge, the daptomycin production in this study is Antibiotic, A21978C was first isolated from Strepto-
significantly higher than that in previous studies and can myces roseosporus in 1980 [6]. The A21978C is a member
make it more widely used in pharmaceutical industry. of A21978 family, while other A21978 factors (A21978A,
-B, -D, -E) were accompanying products. As an analog of
Keywords Daptomycin antibiotic  Streptomyces A21978C, daptomycin (C72H101N17O26, Mw 1,620.67) is
roseosporus  Fed-batch fermentation  Optimization  an important clinical therapeutic agent which is derived
Sodium decanoate from the fermentation of S. roseosporus [7, 8]. It is
approved to be effective for treatment of skin and skin
structure infections caused by gram-positive pathogens [9].
Its mode of action is distinct from any other approved
antibiotic as it rapidly kills gram-positive bacteria by dis-
C. Ye and Z. Zhang contributed equally to this work. rupting multiple aspects of bacterial membrane function
[10, 11], which is calcium- and potassium-related [12, 13].
I.-S. Ng (&)  C. Ye  Z. Zhang  Y. Lu  K. Jing
Production of daptomycin was first used in the fer-
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, mentation of S. roseosporus [10, 14]. Nevertheless, the
Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China production of daptomycin was still insufficient and unsta-
e-mail: ble as the product was toxic and inhibited the microor-
ganism itself. Various strategies, such as medium
I.-S. Ng  Y. Lu  K. Jing
The Key Laboratory for Synthetic Biotechnology optimization, fermentative strategy, genetic engineering
of Xiamen City, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China modification, and metabolic flux analysis have been

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

established to achieve the overproduction of daptomycin Optimization of precursor addition

[4, 15, 16] although previous reports note that S. roseosp-
orus NRRL collection has been mutagenic and enhanced Decanoic acid and sodium decanoate with a final concen-
the daptomycin production via effect of cofactors in the tration of 0.02 % (w/v) in the fermentation medium were
fermentation [15, 16]. To the best of our knowledge, there be selected as the precursor. They were added every 12 h
are still no reports describing the effect of precursor, after the second day of fermentation and till the end of
sodium decanoate, and minimizing medium composition to culture. For the optimal flow rate of precursor, sodium
improve the yield of daptomycin. Attempts were made to decanoate in terms of mg/(L day) was chosen as 400, 500,
explore the precursor effects with protein analysis via SDS- 600, 700, 800, and 900 in fermentation, respectively.
PAGE and identification of Tandem MS/MS, optimal car- Subsequently, addition time was optimized between 0 and
bon source and nitrogen source, and the optimization of 5 days. All experiments were performed in duplicate.
medium composition using Taguchi’s orthogonal arrays
(L16). Fed-batch fermentation strategy followed by mor- Optimal of carbon and nitrogen sources
phologies of cells via scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
analysis for examination of S. roseosporus was also For obtaining the optimum carbon and nitrogen sources,
investigated. five carbon sources: dextrin, glucose, sucrose, starch, and
dextrinM- (absence of molasses in original medium) of
60 g/L and eight nitrogen sources: NaNO3, NH4Cl, malt
Materials and methods extract, tryptone, yeast extract, soybean powder, soybean
peptone, and beef extract of 10 g/L were studied through
Microorganism and medium one-factor-at-a-time method. All experiments were per-
formed in duplicate.
Streptomyces roseosporus NRRL11379 was purchased
from NRRL collection. The microorganism was grown on Orthogonal experimental design (L16)
YMD agar plate at 30 °C and maintained at 4 °C for long
storage. The YMD agar plate (g/L) contained dextrose 4, To improve the production of daptomycin, orthogonal
malt extract 10, yeast extract 4, CaCO3 2, agar 15. The experimental design was performed in the study. Several
composition of the primary and secondary seed medium factors such as major carbon source dextrin, second carbon
(g/L) was trypticase soy broth 30, dextrin 25. The tertiary source glucose, additional carbon source molasses, and
seed medium (g/L) contained soy bean flour 28.8, major nitrogen source yeast extract were determined by the
Fe(NH4)2SO46H2O 0.9, dextrose 17, potato dextrin 71.9, orthogonal experiments of Taguchi’s L16 in Table 1, for
cane molasses 7.2. Fermentation medium (g/L) contained which four levels of four factors were designed.
yeast 11, Fe(NH4)2SO46H2O 0.86, dextrose 10.7, potato
dextrin 72, cane molasses 7.2. A 50 ll of 300 mg/L biotin Fed-batch fermentation in bioreactor
and 100 ll of 300 mg/L lipoic acid was added to the tertiary
seed medium and fermentation medium before inoculation, Fermentation was performed at 30 °C in a 3.6-L biore-
respectively. All materials were autoclaved at 121 °C for actor (Applikon, Holland) with an initial culture volume
20 min and afterwards the pH was adjusted to 7.0. of 1.5 L. Inoculation was 5 % (v/v) and the aeration rate
was controlled at 3.5 vvm. Dissolved oxygen was
Culture of S. roseosporus maintained above 30 % of the saturated dissolved oxy-
gen concentration by automatically adjusting the agita-
A disc of YMD with a diameter of 0.4 cm containing tion speed above 450 rpm. Aqueous solution containing
approximately 105–106 spores was inoculated into the 2 % (w/v) sodium decanoate precursor was added at the
250-mL flask containing 50 mL primary seed medium and rate of 35 lL/min after 24 h in supplement. For the fed-
incubated at 30 °C, 200 rpm for 48 h. The primary seed batch fermentation, the dextrin was added when the
medium was inoculated with 5 % (v/v) into fresh 50 mL carbon source had been consumed below 20 g/L of
secondary seed medium and cultured at same condition for reducing sugar content while at the same time the flow
24 h. A 5 % (v/v) inoculation volume of the secondary rate of precursor was changed to 3.5 lL/min. During the
seed medium was inoculated into another 50 mL tertiary process of fermentation, biomass was determined by dry
seed medium and cultured for another 24 h. Then the ter- cell weight from 80 °C for 24 h, pH value was main-
tiary seed medium was inoculated into the fermentation tained at 6.5 with 1 N NH4OH, daptomycin concentra-
medium. After that, biomass (dry cell weight) and dapto- tion was analyzed by HPLC and residual sugar content
mycin concentration were analyzed daily. was measured by DNS method [17].

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

Table 1 Four levels of four

Levels and Major carbon Second carbon Additional carbon Major nitrogen yeast
factors in the orthogonal
factors dextrin (g/L) glucose (g/L) molasses (g/L) extract (g/L)
experimental design (L16) of
Streptomyces roseosporus 1 50 0 0 8
2 60 5 0.3 10
3 70 10 0.7 12
4 80 15 1.0 14

HPLC analysis of daptomycin externally using a mixture of five peptide standards. Accel-
erating voltages applied for MS and MS/MS measurements
Concentrations of daptomycin in reaction samples were were 20 and 8 kV, respectively. In MS/MS mode, collision
performed as described previously with modification [18]. In energy of 1 kV was applied and nitrogen was used as a
brief, samples were measured by HPLC method (1200 Ser- collision gas in collision-induced dissociation experiments.
ies, Agilent Company, USA) with Sunfire-C18 reversed- Raw spectral data were further processed using DataEx-
phase column (4.6 9 250 mm, 5 lm, ZORBAX SB-C18). plorer 4.6 software (Applied Biosystems).
A mobile phase of 0.1 % (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid in water
and acetonitrile (55:45, v/v) was used at a flow rate of Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
1.0 mL/min. The detection wavelength and temperature was
at 218 nm and 30 °C, respectively. Peak areas for dapto- Samples from S. roseosporus were cultivated in optimal
mycin showed linear correlation with standard curves within medium at 30 °C, 200 rpm in batch fermentation for 24 and
the range of 0–200 mg/L. The standard deviation of three 192 h in terms of biomass of 15.26 and 8.27 g/L, respec-
repeated injections was normally below 3 %. tively. Then, 10 ml broth was centrifuged at 8,000 rpm for
10 min. The cell pellets were washed with deionized water
SDS-PAGE and tandem MS/MS analysis twice and the supernatant was removed. The rest cells for
SEM were prepared by placing a small drop of cell re-sus-
SDS-PAGE analysis was carried out on intracellular proteins pension on a formvar-coated cover glass. Excess solution
from cells that were crushed by homogenizer at 30 kpsi was wiped away using a piece of filter paper. Samples were
(Constant system, One Shot Model, UK) for one cycle, and fixed for 2 h by the addition of 2.5 % (v/v) glutaraldehyde
samples were collected by centrifugation at 12,0009g for and then dehydrated using a graded ethanol series and 100 %
15 min. The gel was prepared with 0.1 % (w/v) SDS in 10 % tert-butyl alcohol. All samples were fixed, embedded, and
(w/v) separating gel (containing 10 % acrylamide) and 4 % sectioned under anaerobic conditions to avoid oxidation of
(w/v) stacking gel (containing 4 % acrylamide). Tris–gly- redox-sensitive components. Whole mounts were examined
cine buffer (pH 8.3) containing 0.1 % (w/v) SDS was used as using a Hitachi S-4800 SEM instrument (Tokyo, Japan)
the electrode buffer. Samples were treated with the sample operating at a 20 kV accelerating voltage.
buffer and heated at 100 °C for 5 min prior to application to
the gel. Electrophoresis was run from the cathode to anode at
a constant current of 20 mA per slab at room temperature in a Results and discussion
Bio-rad mini gel electrophoresis unit, and proteins were
visualized by staining with Coomassie blue R-250. The Effect of precursors on daptomycin production
candidates of protein then were digested by trypsin [19] and
carried out by MALDI-TOF–MS/MS analysis in positive As indicated in Table 2, decanoic acid and sodium decanoate
ionization mode using the Applied Biosystems, SCIEX TOF/ as the precursors were compared in the optimization of
TOFTM, 5,800 System (Applied Biosystems, MA, USA). daptomycin production. Almost no daptomycin is produced
The instrument was equipped with a solid-state laser (diode from S. roseosporus without decanoic derivative chemicals
pumped Nd: YAG laser) pulsing at a repetition rate of 1 kHz. addition. However, the decanoic acid (a type of organic acid)
A solution of 50 % (v/v) acetonitrile and 0.1 % (v/v) TFA in might be a kind of the toxic element in culture of
methanol was used as a MALDI matrix. Both MS and MS/ S. roseosporus [20], in terms of the observation (or fact) that
MS spectra were acquired using dual-stage reflectron mirror the biomass dropped down from 25.34 to 10.35 g/L. Besides,
and accumulated up to 2,500 and 5,000 shots in MS and MS/ the production of daptomycin was only 0.81 mg/L when
MS mode, respectively. The instrument was calibrated decanoic acid was used. By contrast, biomass, daptomycin

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

Table 2 Precursors effect on the biomass and daptomycin production of Streptomyces roseosporus cultured in the flask at 30 °C, 200 rpm for
240 h
Precursors Biomass (g/L) DAPa Specific DAP Relative
production (mg/L) production (mg/g DCWb) production ratioc

None 25.34 nd nd nd
Decanoic acid 10.35 0.81 0.078 1.0
Sodium decanoate 26.78 50.65 2.153 71.55
DAP is the abbreviation of daptomycin
DCW is the abbreviation of dry cell weight
Relative production ratio was the ratio of DAP production (mg/L) and biomass (g/L)

the first attempt to discover sodium decanoate as an effective

precursor for daptomycin by S. roseosporus.
From this point of view, further optimization of the
addition amount and addition time of sodium decanoate
was carried out. As shown in Fig. 1, specific daptomycin
production increased along with addition of sodium de-
canoate from 400 to 900 mg/(L day). The optimal addition
was presented at 600 mg/(L day) of sodium decanoate for
the largest amount of daptomycin produced and biomass
was as well kept at 26.7 g/L. The high titer of precursor
would be poisonous to the cell as the biomass decreased
sharply after 800 mg/(L day). Figure 2 revealed that the
Fig. 1 Optimal concentration and flow rate of precursor sodium addition time of precursor with maximum daptomycin
decanoate. Cultivation of Streptomyces roseosporus was performed at production was achieved when sodium decanoate was
30 °C, 200 rpm. Biomass (filled square); daptomycin concentration added at the second day after inoculation. Delaying the
(filled triangle), and specific productivity (filled circle)
addition time of the precursor also prevented inhibition of
cell growth. Nevertheless, daptomycin production was not
stimulated after the second day.
Since sodium decanoate is a water-soluble substance [21]
it can promise a relatively high concentration and be absor-
bed by cells easily. As the precursor, sodium decanoate was
in favor of the daptomycin production compared with the
aliphatic fatty acids which were examined for enhancement
of other lipopeptide antibiotics [22]. However, as an addi-
tive, it also showed an inhibition on growth and metabolite
synthesis, when the concentration was too high. In conse-
quence, the addition time of the precursor was very critical. It
showed that late exponential phase was the best additive time
in Fig. 2. It is supposed that the enhanced level of interme-
diates in the antibiotic biosynthesis as well as up-regulated
Fig. 2 Optimal for addition time of precursor sodium decanoate.
Cultivation of Streptomyces roseosporus was performed at 30 °C,
expression of key biosynthetic genes mostly depended on a
200 rpm. Biomass (black); daptomycin concentration (red); specific critical time [23]; thus an addition sodium decanoate of
productivity (green) (color figure online) 600 mg/(L day) at the second day after inoculation was
suggested as the optimal condition.

production and specific daptomycin production significantly Protein analysis

increased when sodium decanoate was used as the precur-
sor to achieve biomass of 26.78 g/L and maximum dapto- Further analysis in Fig. 3 for SDS-PAGE profiles of S. ros-
mycin production of 50.65 mg/L (Table 2). Actually, it was eosporus at 144, 96, and 48 h without and with sodium

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

accurate function was still unknown as information is not

enough. Guanosine pentaphosphate synthetase and polyri-
bonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase phosphorylase
(PNPase) are involved in purine metabolism (information
from KEGG website:
which is closely related to amino acid metabolism. As
daptomycin consists of 13 amino acids, the two proteins
affect the amino acid metabolism of daptomycin synthesis.
For putative secreted tripeptidylamino peptidase, it con-
tains the serine active site thus to control the serine
metabolism in the 13 amino acids of daptomycin. Putative
two-component system histidine kinase is a signal trans-
duction protein and contains possible hydrophobic mem-
brane spanning regions in Streptomyces coelicolor [24],
and is supposed to regulate the secretion of daptomycin.
Further analysis of the mechanism of daptomycin synthesis
Fig. 3 SDS-PAGE profiles of intracellular proteins obtained from through transcription level expression, two-dimensional
cells of Streptomyces roseosporus at 144, 96 and 48 h without
precursor (lanes 2, 4, 6) and with sodium decanoate (lanes 3, 5, 7), electrophoresis, and western blotting are necessary.
respectively. The proteins were extracted and subjected to 10 % (w/v)
SDS-PAGE followed by Coomassie blue R-250 staining. M (lane 1) Medium optimization
means protein markers in kDa is 5 lL of Fermentas prestained protein
ladderTM. The proteins which indicated by the arrows in the boxes
were followed by MALDI-TOF–MS/MS The effect of different carbon and nitrogen sources on
daptomycin production was shown in Fig 4a, b, respec-
tively. The dextrin, glucose, sucrose, starch, and dextrinM-
decanoate indicated that the major different protein bands were considered in the comparison of carbon source. As
were at ca. 130, 82, 72, 55, and 40 kDa, respectively. It is shown in Fig. 4a, the highest biomass and daptomycin
easy to find that the differences of protein expression production were achieved when dextrin was used as the
between precursor and non-precursor group only displayed major carbon source. As dextrin belongs to the polysac-
at 96 and 144 h, but no difference at 48 h. The above dif- charides, it is supposed to be a sequential biodegradation
ference occurred after precursor addition implied that the carbon source in cell culture [25]. Both sucrose and starch
proteins synthesis may be related to daptomycin synthesis. were suitable in culture of S. roseosporus but lacked
To identify the major bands, they were subjected to in- stimulation for daptomycin. Besides, absence of molasses
gel trypsin digestion followed by MALDI-TOF–MS/MS also altered the production of daptomycin, implying the
analysis. Detailed mascot identification information importance of molasses. Almost all organic nitrogen
(Table 3) indicated that the mass spectrum identified the sources were acceptable for daptomycin production in S.
proteins as the putative regulatory protein, guanosine roseosporus, except for malt extract and inorganic nitrogen
pentaphosphate synthetase, polyribonucleotide nucleotid- sources (Fig. 4b). The nitrogen effect to S. roseosporus was
yltransferase phosphorylase (PNPase), putative secreted similar to S. hygroscopicus which the gene transcription
tripeptidylamino peptidase, and putative two-component related to the nitrogen source in an antibiotic fermentation
system histidine kinase. Among them, putative regulatory [26]. Among of various nitrogen sources, yeast extract was
protein is a kind of regulatory factor of enzymes, but the the best as it led to 53.4 mg/L in yield of daptomycin.

Table 3 Mascot protein identification of major intracellular proteins differed from precursor effect on Streptomyces roseosporus at time series
Code Protein Strain species Protein score Accession no. Protein Mw (Da)

A Putative regulatory protein Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) 22 gi|5457283 122,280.0

B Guanosine pentaphosphate synthetase Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) 67 gi|24413893 79,359.9
C Polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) 86 gi|81445833 79,359.9
phosphorylase (PNPase)
D Putative secreted tripeptidylamino peptidase Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) 136 gi|9716116 58,535.7
E Putative two-component system histidine kinase Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) 24 gi|7672245 45481.9

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

Table 4 Daptomycin production and biomass of Streptomyces ros-

eosporus in an orthogonal L16 experiments
Run Aa Bb Cc Dd Production Biomass
(g/L) (g/L) (g/L) (g/L) (DAP mg/L) (g/L)

1 50 0 0 8 24.4 23.2
2 50 5 0.3 10 28.2 20.4
3 50 10 0.7 12 35.3 27.3
4 50 15 1.0 14 38.5 25.6
5 60 0 0.3 12 38.7 24.5
6 60 5 0 14 29.4 18.0
7 60 10 1.0 8 57.0 28.3
8 60 15 0.7 10 56.3 28.9
9 70 0 0.7 14 46.1 26.8
10 70 5 1.0 12 49.8 27.5
11 70 10 0 10 37.6 24.1
12 70 15 0.3 8 36.9 23.2
13 80 0 1.0 10 29.2 17.5
14 80 5 0.7 8 25.3 16.6
15 80 10 0.3 14 30.1 17.3
16 80 15 0 12 12.5 12.1
DAP production
K1e 126.4 138.4 103.9 143.6
K2 181.4 132.7 133.9 151.3
K3 170.4 160.0 163.0 136.3
Fig. 4 Optimization of carbon source (a) and nitrogen source (b). K4 97.1 144.2 174.5 144.1
Cultivation of streptomyces roseosporus was performed at 30 °C, Rf 84.3 27.3 70.6 15.0
200 rpm. Biomass (black); daptomycin concentration (red); specific Biomass production
productivity (green). DextrinM-: absence of molasses in original
medium (color figure online) K1 96.5 92 77.4 91.3
K2 99.7 82.5 85.4 86.4
K3 101.6 97 99.6 91.4
K4 63.5 89.8 94.4 87.7
Yeast extract has been considered an ideal nitrogen source R 38.1 14.5 22.2 5.0
for many secondary metabolites by Streptomyces micro- a
A: major carbon: dextrin
organism [27–29]. b
B: second carbon: glucose
By following an orthogonal experimental design (L16) c
C: additional carbon: molasses
(Table 1), the major carbon, dextrin, was found to be the d
key factor contributing to the overall yield of biomass and D: major nitrogen: yeast extract
daptomycin production. R values revealed that the impact K value is the sum of daptomycin productions in a certain level of a
of medium compositions on daptomycin production and f
R value is the maximum K value of a factor minus the minimum
biomass were in the order of dextrin, molasses, glucose, one
and yeast extract (Table 4). The best yield of biomass and
daptomycin were 28.3 and 57.0 g/L in run 7. Herein, the
optimal concentrations of medium, with respect to minimal carbon source. Thus, fed-batch strategy was based on the
composition and high daptomycin production, were deter- flow rate of dextrin as a feedback control. From the results
mined to be 60 g/L of dextrin, 10 g/L of glucose, 1.0 g/L in Fig. 5a, similar cell growth behaviors were demon-
of molasses, and 8.0 g/L of yeast extract. strated in flask, batch, and fed-batch fermentation. How-
ever, the production of daptomycin was effectively
Improved daptomycin production by fed-batch strategy increased in the fed-batch strategy. It reached the highest
productivity of daptomycin to 812.0 mg/L (Fig. 5b).
For the aim of industrial application, an improved fed- Otherwise, the daptomcyin concentrations were 71.9 mg/L
batch strategy was established. According to the previous in flask and 217.5 mg/L in batch fermentation, respec-
results, dextrin was the most critical nutrient and major tively. Contrary to the original fermentation in flask, the

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

in fermentation is often applicable in the improvement of

microbial natural products as well as on industrial scale
[30, 31]. The stimulation by fed-batch was generally
caused by the sufficient nutrients for secondary metabolites
or antibiotics. Sequentially, daptomycin production via
different strains was compared in Table 5. In this study,
daptomycin production showed a relatively high value than
other researches [16, 32, 33]. But the disadvantage was that
the cultivation cost took a very long time. Nevertheless, the
results reported here will be potent and certainly applicable
in industrial applications.

Morphology analysis of Streptomyces roseosporus

The morphological changes of cells during cultivation were

analyzed by SEM (Fig. 6). From the two different phases,
i.e. before the addition of precursor at 24 h and culture at
192 h with precursor addition, morphological elucidation
by SEM showed the difference in length and density of
cells. It was observed that mycelium of cells was long and
thick at 24 h in terms of biomass of 15.26 g/L without
daptomycin produced, and changed to a short, thin, and
apical form after production of daptomycin at 192 h in
terms of biomass of 8.27 g/L with 168.12 mg/L of dapto-
mycin produced. It was concluded that the addition of
precursor enhances the accumulation of daptomycin, which
inhibits the cell growth and leads to the structure disruption
of mycelium. This result was consistent with the steep drop
Fig. 5 Culture conditions comparison in 250 mL-flask (black), 3.6L- of biomass after stationary phase.
batch (white) and 3.6L-fed batch (blue). a Biomass in circle symbols Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force
and pH in square symbols, b daptomycin concentration and c specific microscopy had been adopted in the analysis of fungal cells
productivity of Streptomyces roseosporus at 30 °C, 200 rpm (color
figure online) [34]. The obvious fine hair-like structure existed on the
spores and hyphae from Streptomyces species [35] while
morphological compartments of S. olindensis became api-
fed-batch fermentation was increased to 3.03- and 11.29- cal, subapical, and hyphal in production of antibiotic, re-
fold compared with batch and flask culture. Finally, the tamycin [36]. We suggested that SEM offline monitor
specific productivity of daptomycin was obtained for would be an alternative approach to elucidate antibiotic
144.4 mg/g-DCW (Fig. 5C). Fed-batch strategy developed production at optimal growth phase.

Table 5 Comparison of daptomycin production in various strains

Strains Daptomycin or A21978Ca (mg/L) Working volume (L) Culture time (h) References

Streptomyces roseosporus LC-51 632 7.5 132 Yu et al. [16]

Streptomyces roseosporus NRRL11379 296 (A21978C) 7.0 144 Lu et al. [32]
Streptomyces lividans TK23 and TK64 55 (A21978C) – 168–240 Penn et al. [33]
Streptomyces roseosporus NRRL11379 812 3.6 282 This study
A21978C is indicated to cyclic lipopeptide

Bioprocess Biosyst Eng

Fig. 6 SEM images of

S. roseosporus at different
culture time. Left: cultured for
24 h (-) which was without
daptomycin production; right:
cultured for 192 h (?) which
reached to almost the maximum

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