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The Prologue

Islam is the willingly submission of the will to the creator of the universe by obeying him in every matter
as prophets the absolute reliable transmitter of lords will. this is the deen of first man Adam and all
prophets. Why would I listem to you? I don’t care. instead you are the problem of whole world?
Okay. Just look at where are you and what are you doing now? Yes Slavery!. No I am just a student or
researcher….? So, Who dictated you that? Shed off borrowed identities.
History stands witnessed that men

The randomness and chaos of this existence (time and space) have order and balance but we question
his law? His Will is as trustable as night and day.

Inevitability of Slavery
On the scales of reality, we are not free to choose between freedom and slavery but only whom slavery.
Every master or its loyal servants sells its slavery as freedom while others as oppression.
Previously men have enslaved men through objects like idols, sun, imaginary dities, where the chosen
men call all shots behind the curtain and reap the benefits. . Truly, an art of deception. but the
revealement of knowledge in the long run made human to not to fall in trap anymore. So the trickery is
made little sophisticated and bold by unleashing kibr-the sole weakness of free will. So the freedom
from old Lord …The improvised and a little more naked or somewhat appear to appeal rationale version
of Idolatry i.e. democracy, secularism, sanskriti (culture or riwayat), feminism, socialism, communism
and all those fantastical ‘isms’ in samri’s bag is erected where.
So the entire history to the future vision is all about men subjugating men. its just man vs Allah
You cannot talk about progress, development, peace, unity,
All the technology fuss like AI, big data, the realm of his control where he has been tested either to
testify their lords majesty or exploit them to become themselves as god.
There are people who make fool of themselves who just adopt partial practices of Islam and skip the
very question of Ilah.
cooperation among religions, sustainable development, green warrior, human rights crusders…and all

Identify ‘Modern’ Aazar and Samri

Game of Life and death
this selection and absolute obedience of the master or ilah is the whole conquest and meaning of
human life till your game is over. whch side you choose? There is no escape, even if you do not want to
hear question you have chosen a camp. if you live you choose. infact if you die then so….
So we reiterate the same call “Choose wisely whom do you kneel?”.
Many deceivers and retards may abuse this call as divisive, provoking, threat to ‘humanity’ or peace or
warmonger, barbaric or what not! The horizon of their brains….
Bothe sides there is faith i.e. eeman in Allah and eeman in Iblis (eeman in nafs of self or others)

Muslim doesn’t
Once you are Muslim you are not expected to ask why Allah ordained this or that?
exhaust all your rationale and logic to arrive the rightful master
Raising questions
Many being subjugated by crusadic literature… vie question on Islam same as over Christianity or any
difference between Insan and human
What would bring life a meaning?
What would bring justice, happiness,..some positive intintcs which we all unpervtted crave…
The criminalization of society, corruption, treachery, towering lies,

A gross misconception among mushrikeen and those who claim to be Muslims

Believing in Allah doesn’t mean merely existence of a supernatural power. Singling out the creator as
the only Ilah and what it entails is what makes anyone Muslim.

Muslim is a name and a verb i.e. action. if the action gone missing it’s a merely a claim.

In a time when we are witnessing the global call of nationalism, gende.

Deceptive Diagnosis

So a mushrik wandering among different Illah

‫وہ ایک سجدہ جسے تو گراں سمجھتا ہے۔۔۔‬

Even if you don’t want to hear you will find Allah at the end of the life tunnel and there would be only

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