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International Day for street children

12 April 2019
Commit to equality for street children

 I want to go to school but I need a birth certificate and I don’t have one.
 Every child has a right to education and a bright future.
 All children deserve equality and Respect.
 We have the right to dignity and to reach our potential.
 The government s needs to pass strict laws protecting street children from violence.
 We are all equal even though we are different.
 We have the rights to equality before the law and equality in front of everyone.
 Offer street children support instead of punishment
 Don’t force them out of city center to keep them out of sight.
 I am ill but doctor won’t see me don’t have ID because I live on streets
 Everyone has the right to birth registration and proof of identity.
 Provide legal id for all street children
 Street children should receive the same education, health care and basic needs. They must get
the same opportunities.
 Everyone of us should be treated equally.
 Street children are also human and need access to facilities and protection.
 I don’t want to be on the streets but I am not safe in group home or with my family.
 We need the police to treat us well /and /not to beat us/rather to mistreat.
 It is our right to get identity document even though we live on the streets.
 Stop criminalizing street children. Offer support instead of punishment.

No children should be without rights.

We have summarised the General Comment into a 4-step plan so Governments around the world can
enact their own plans for how they will ensure safety and protection for street-connected children:

1. Commit to Equality

Recognise street-connected children have the same rights as everyone else – and reflect that in the law.

2. Protect Every Child

Protect street-connected children from violence and abuse and ensure children have access to justice
when they are harmed.

3. Provide Access to Services

Enable access to the same essential services as every other child, such as hospitals and schools, so they
can reach their full potential.

4. Create Specialised Solutions

Deliver specialised services and opportunities that tune into the unique needs and challenges of life for
street-connected children.

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