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QI Deficiency Patterns

Qi Deficiency

fatigue, loose stools, poor appetite, dizziness, pale

face, weak voice/reluctance to speak, sweating with
little/no exertion
Tongue pale
Pulse empty
Meridians Spleen, Kidney, Lung, & Heart
Points ST 36, SP 6, KD 3, LU 9
Factors poor diet, over work, psychological stress, old age
Yang Deficiency

Symptoms chills, cold limbs, inability to get warm, loose tools,

profuse clear urine, spontaneous sweating, lassitude
Tongue pale w/white coat
Pulse slow, deep, weak
Meridians Spleen, Kidney, & Heart
Points ST 36, SP 3, KD 3, CV 4, CV 6, GV 4, UB 23
poor diet, over work, psychological stress, old age

Yin Deficiency
Symptoms heat in the hands, feet a/or chest, malor flush, night
sweats, anxiety, hot flashes
Tongue red w/little or no coat
Pulse thin, rapid

Meridians Stomach, Kidney, Liver, Heart, & Lung

Points SP 6, KD 6, CV 4, PC 7
psychological stress, over thinking, alcohol, spicy
Blood Deficiency
Symptoms dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, dry skin a/or hair,
poor memory, paleness, fatigue, scanty periods
Tongue pale, thin, dry
Pulse thin, choppy
Meridians Spleen, Liver, & Heart
Points ST 36, SP 6, LV 3, UB 11, UB 17
excessive menstruation, blood loss due to internal
medical issues, spleen deficiency, emotional strain

Excess Patterns
Cold (Excess Yin)

Symptoms chills w/no sweating, lack of thirst, clear urine,

aversion to cold, loose stools, fatigue
Tongue pale w/white coat
Pulse slow, deep, tight
Meridians Stomach, & Large Intestine
Points ST 36, GV 4, CV 4, CV 6
arises when cold enters the body and consumes the
Factors yang, can arise from internal or external factors

Heat (Excess Yang)

Symptoms agitation, anger, insomnia w/nightmares, fever, red

face/head, constipation, desire for cold drinks
Tongue red, dry, w/yellow coat
Pulse rapid, full
Meridians Liver, & Stomach
Points LV 3, ST 41, SP 10, KD 6
excessive diet w/fried foods a/or alcohol,
psychological stress

Mixed Patterns
Qi Stagnation

Symptoms distention, pains that move around, depression,

Tongue purple
Pulse wiry
Meridians Liver
Points LI 4, LV 3, ST 36, GB 20
physical trauma, poor diet, depression, opportunistic
Factors infections

Blood Stagnation

Symptoms pain that is fixed, stabbing a/or severe, dark

complexion, fixed masses, bleeding w/clots, purple

Tongue purple
Pulse wiry, choppy
Meridians Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine, & Heart
Points ST 36, SP 6, SP 10, UB 40, UB 17
physical trauma, longer term qi and blood
deficiencies, or excesses of hot or cold

Symptoms heaviness of the head/body, dizziness, poor appetite,

stuffy chest, excessive mucus, poor health
Tongue sticky coating
Pulse slippery, slow
Meridians Spleen, Stomach, & Lung
Points ST 36, ST 40, SP 6, SP 9, ST 8
poor diet particularly with cold/raw foods, over work,
damp living/working conditions
Sinking Qi
sensations of bearing down, any prolepses, fatigue
Tongue pale
Pulse empty
Meridians Stomach, Urinary Bladder, & Governing Vessel
GV 20, CV 6, ST 21 (Stomach prolapsed), GV 1
(Anal prolapsed)
longer term qi deficiency

Qi Perversion

Symptoms belching, cough/asthma, diziness/headache, vertigo

(depends on primary meridian)
Tongue pale w/white coat
Pulse wiry, choppy
Meridians Spleen, Stomach, Lung, & Liver
Points LU 7, LV 3, ST 36, GB 20
Factors can be caused by excess, deficiencies, a/or dampness

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