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Moody 1

Trevor Moody

English Comp II

Professor Trotter

January 20th, 2019

Eco-Friendly Energy

In the past few years, more eco-friendly energy has been made more better and more

convenient. I personally am fascinated in what Elon Musk is doing, and with the big debate

about global warming, the question that would come to my mind is how effective would cities

and communities still run if they were all powered by either solar, hydro, or wind energy? With

Elon Musk new solar roof tiles, everyone would be able to produce their own energy too.

I think, while it would be very expensive at first, it would pay off to use eco-friendly

energy for a couple reasons. One is while not everyone agrees with global warming, you can’t

deny the pollution in the air due to factories. This makes the sky we see so much different than

what it us to be. Also, for space exploration. If we invested in eco-friendly energy, we would be

able to make it a lot easier to sell and give to the public. If we make it better and better, we can

use it for space exploration from using solar energy from the sun to effective fuel the machine. I

believe this would be a world changing movement that can change the way we live but also

make our future brighter. I already know that there are some cities in the United States that are

fully ran by solar and they make more energy then they need. They use that extra energy and sell

it and make more money. Also, Tesla has solar roof tiles that make your house looking good

while also making energy. They also have a powerpack to store extra unused energy to use at

night or if power was to ever go out.

Moody 2

There is a few things I would need to learn and find out for this project. One is would it

be financially able to happen? This is because not all cities have the extra funding to build eco-

friendly energy due to how expensive it is. Another would be, would big cities run as effective or

better than if they didn’t use eco-friendly energy? They will bring the biggest changes and if they

can successfully do it then smaller towns will have a easier time to follow. Finally, I wouldn’t

mind knowing the actual effect it would have economically, socially, and just on the earth in

general, would switching to eco-friendly energy would do. This topic would be a big eye opener

to me and maybe even some of my classmates too that read it.

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