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For the simulation activity I chose to have my right arm in a sling

as I am left handed and was having a slight flare up of tendonitis in that

shoulder. I chose to do it over the weekend as it seemed that would be
the most convenient time, not being in school or at work where I have to
shower clients. However this timeframe also presented a challenge as I
tend my 1 year old niece.

How did it affect my life? I got really irritated if I’m being honest
that I knew my arm was fully functional and yet I couldn’t use it.
However, I think that is how a lot of people would feel even if the arm
wasn’t fully functional. People asking what happened also got really old
pretty quick but they were understanding when I told them and thought
it was a cool idea. I think the physical was the biggest challenge with
Nora, my niece. I never thought that pouring milk into a bottle would be
hard. Driving at points was also pretty difficult, I got the hang of it
though, except turns.

Most people didn’t really treat me any differently, some people

held doors, especially when I had to carry the baby in her car seat
somewhere. Mostly I avoided going anywhere with the baby that
weekend though. People were mostly just inquisitive of what the
assignment was and what purpose it was supposed to serve.

Overall, I think it was a good assignment. I feel like I understand

the tiniest bit more about what a sudden limb loss would feel like. It
definitely presented some challenges, and at times I questioned why I
didn’t just use the experience I had with a surgery I had in September.

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