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Name: __________________________

Washington’s Farewell Address

While reading the text, highlight any key parts
and circle any terms you do not understand. Answer the following questions in complete

I have already told to you the danger of 1. What was George Washington’s view on having
[political] parties in the state, with particular reference political parties?
to the founding of them on geographical
discriminations. Let me now take a more complete
view and warn you in the most solemn manner
against the destructive effects of the spirit of party
generally… 2. Analyze the importance of checks and balances
in the government. Why is this concept important
enough for George Washington to mention in his
Do not try to force the power of one department speech?
upon another, for this tends to combine departments
into one which can lead to abuse. The necessity of
checks and balances that divide political power into
different departments must be protected. If this does
not work to benefit the union, let it be corrected by an
3. Explain who has the power to advocate for or
amendment as described in the Constitution
make changes, according to George Washington.

If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution

or change of the constitutional power be in any
particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment…
Name: __________________________

Washington’s Farewell Address

While reading the text, highlight any key parts
and circle any terms you do not understand. Answer the following questions in complete

Promote, then, as an object of primary 4. What institutions are used for “spreading
importance, institutions for the general spreading of knowledge” and why does Washington think they
are important? Explain whether you agree.
knowledge. ..As the structure of a government gives
force to public opinion, it is essential that public
opinion should be enlightened…

[Avoid] likewise the accumulation of debt,... not

ungenerously throwing upon future generations the 5. Analyze why Washington believes the
accumulation of debt is a bad thing..
burden which we ourselves ought to bear…

Observe good faith and justice toward all

nations. seek peace and harmony with all…

It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent 6. Describe Washington’s view on foreign policy.
Explain why he thinks alliances are bad,.
alliances with any portion of the foreign world… There
can be no greater error than to expect or plan, upon
real favors from nation to nation. It is an illusion
which experience must cure, which a just pride ought
to discard.
Name: __________________________

Washington’s Farewell Address

Black Diamond Challenge
After reading Washington’s Farewell Address. write a CER in which you explain what Washington warned us about and detailing
if we followed his advice. If we did not follow his advice, explain if you think we should have and why.

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