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I am trying to sift information on Illuminati and have been posting on various aspects.

This is yet another one.

You may read my ost Famous Members of Illuminati Videos and other posts as well.

The Illuminati was founded in Europe on the same day as America, just before the declaration of
Independence on May 1st 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, at the request of the Rothschild family who
commissioned Weishaupt for the task in 1773. The Thule society of (which Adolf Hitler was a
member) was the German branch of the Illuminati. The American branch is the “Skull & Bones”
society at Yale (of which both Bush 1 and Bush 2 are members.)

In 2006, the Illuminati’s “main social event” is when they meet every year in July at a Californian
Redwood Forest called “The Bohemian Grove” for their “Summer Fire Festival” where they
engage in bizarre, Druidic rituals involving “mock” child sacrifice at the base of a 45 foot stone
owl god thought to be a derivation of the ancient deity of fire and sacrifice known as Molech
(you’ll find this guy in the bible and it’s not a pretty description.) but more accurately reflects an
ongoing continuation of the Cult of Minerva. This ceremony and its elite participants has been
well documented on the Alex Jones Video “Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove”

During these 2 week long July festivals they engage in homosexual acts, discuss world politics,
decide on policies and in which direction the world should go, all in an atmosphere of ritual and
revelry. The Bohemian Club proudly boasts that the Manhattan Project was first conceived at the

The main ceremony is the opening event which is known as “the Cremation of Care.” Females
are strictly forbidden at Bohemian Grove.

Ciphers and Signs of the Illuminati

Illuminati Presence and Structure

Illuminati Presence and Structure

At its founding, the Illuminati embraced 25 principle goals and ideals:

1. All men are more easily inclined towards evil than good.

2. Preach Liberalism

3. Use the idea of freedom to bring about ‘class wars’

4. Any and all means should be used to reach the Illuminati Goals as they are justified.

5. The right to lie in force.

6. The power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment it has gained the
strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.

7. Avocation of mob psychology to control the masses.

8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the

9. Seize property by any means

10. Use of slogans such as equity, liberty, fraternity delivered into the mouths of the masses in
psychological warfare

11. War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and
peace conferences conducted so that neither combatant obtains territory rights.

12. Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who
will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game by those behind the
scenes. Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the

13. Control the press.

14. Agents will come forward after fermenting traumatic situations and appear to be the saviors
of the masses.

15. Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food
and use this to control the masses or mob and then use the mob to wipe out all those who stand
in the way.

16. Infiltrate into the secret Freemasons to use them for Illuminati purposes.

17. Expound the value of systematic deception, use high-sounding slogans and phrases and
advocate lavish promises to the masses even though they cannot be kept.

18. Detail plans for resolutions, discuss the art of ‘street fighting’ which is necessary to bring the
population into speedy subjection.
19. Use agents as advisors behind the scenes after wars and use secret diplomacy to gain

20. Establish huge monopolies that lean toward world government control.

21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by control of raw
materials. Organize agitation among the workers and subsidize their competitors.

22. Build up armaments with Police forces and Soldiers sufficient to protect our needs.

23. Members and leaders of the one world government would be appointed by the directors.

24. Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of fooling,
bemusing and corrupting the youthful members of society by teaching them theories and
principles that we know to be false.

25. National and International laws should be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control
the people.

The Illuminati Numbers.

There are many Illuminated groups, with different kinds of secret knowledge. Anything you
might say about them (including this) will be false for some of the Illuminati, but true for others,
which only adds to the confusion and mystery.

The Illuminati infiltrate and take over organizations of all kinds, from churches to the post
office to the corner grocery store, and turn them to their own ends.

And, just as a black joke, some of their subject organizations advertise themselves as Secret

They have agents and “sleepers” planted everywhere. Many of these people have no idea who
they are really reporting to. Others are active members of the conspiracy, working their way ever
deeper into the fabric of society.

They control the schools in order to make sure that young people learn to enjoy strange
tuneless music and weird outlandish games, and that they dress oddly.

They also try to recruit the best and the brightest young people as agents, to insure the next
generation of the Conspiracy.
They constantly feud among themselves and war with other groups and organizations. Each
group of Illuminati is constantly striving to increase its power base and undermine the

Their first means of dealing with opposition is to buy it off. To any group as rich as the
Illuminati, a few million dollars are nothing.

Next they try threats. Danger to possessions, status or loved ones has dissuaded many a
would-be foe of Illuminati schemes.

And, of course, murder is an ancient political weapon. The Illuminati have been responsible for
some of the most shocking assassinations of modern times.

They also replace people with doubles. For many years they recruited look-alikes who would
serve their ends. Now they are perfecting cloning technology that will let them replace anybody.

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Famous Members of Illuminati.Videos.

Famous Members of Illuminati.Videos.

In "International relations"

About Illuminati with Videos.

About Illuminati with Videos.

In "International relations"

Illuminati-Methods and Causes.

Illuminati-Methods and Causes.

In "World"

Interesting and funny

Adam WeishauptAdolf HitlerBohemian ClubConspiracyconspiracy theoriesIlluminatiNew

World OrderNewsSecret societySkull and Bones

Published by ramanan50

Retired Senior Management Professional. Lectures on Indian Philosophy,Hinduism, Comparative

Religions. Researching Philosophy, Religion. Free lance Writer.Blogger View all posts by

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Ashish Chichani

October 14, 2015 at 18:49

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Dear Daniel

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daniel clint

September 29, 2013 at 02:05

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