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By :
Name : Devina Alifah
Student Number : B1B017010
Section : D1
Group :4
Assistant : Alvi Sari Agita





Plant histology is the study of tissue structure in detail using microscope in a

thin cut tissue of preparation, its included into one of branches of biology study
(Sumardi, 1993). According to Moelants et al (2014), plant tissue is composed of
individual parenchyma cells glued together through the middle lamella, the
outermost layer of the cell wall. Different tissues can work together for the same
physiological function to form organ. The tissue according to its function is divided
into two, they are young tissue and adult tissue. The tissue consists of young tissue or
meristem, ground tissue or parenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem and phloem
(Brotowidjoyo, 1989).
Meristem tissue is divided into three apical meristem, located at the ends of
stems and roots, lateral meristem located in cork of cambium and intercalary
meristem located between one and the other . Meristem is a young Tissue consisting
of cells that have the properties of dividing. Its function is to mitosis, where the cells
are small, thin-walled without central vacuole in it. The young tissues whose cells are
always dividing or meristematic. Meristematic cell function is mitosis. Relatively the
same shape and size, rich in protoplasm, generally small cell cavities (Prawiro,
Permanent tissue divided into two epidermal tissue and parenchymal tissues
Permanent Tissue is a Tissue that has undergone differentiation. Generally adult
tissues do not divide, its shape was relatively permanent and large cell cavity .
Parenchyma cells found in various plants in part, the shape of large and thin-walled.
The main function of parenchymal cells as a food reserve as well as a supportive
tissue (Kimball, 1991)


The objectives of Histology I laboratory activity are :

1. To observe derivate of epidermis such as stomata, trichome, silica cell, and cork
2. To observe the ground tissue such as actinenchyme and aerenchyme.

A. Materials

The tools that were used in Histology I lab activity are light microscope,
object glass, cover glass, razor, pipette and temporary report.
The materials that were used in Histology I lab activity are leaf of Rhoeo
discolor (Adam Hawa), leaf of Zea mays (Corn), the lower epidermis leaf of Durio
zibethinus (Durian), leaf of Orthosiphon stamineus (Kumis kucing), stem of
Saccharum officinarum (Sugar cane), petiole of Canna sp. (Tasbih flower).

B. Methods

Methods used on Histology I laboratory activity are:

1. Create a longitudinal section costa of sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) stem
epidermis, corn (Zea mays) leaf, the lower epidermis of adam hawa (Rhoeo
discolor) leaf and a cross section of tasbih flower (Canna sp.) petiole and kumis
kucing (Othoshipon stamineus) leaf as thin as possible, place the sections on the
object glass, given a small drop of water then covered with cover glass.
2. The lower part of durian (Durio zibethinus) leaf is scraped on the objects glass and
place a small drops of water, gently lower a cover slip onto the microscope slide.

3. Observed under microscope, starting with the lowest magnification and switching
to the next higher power objective.
4. The type of stoma and trichome are drawn and given some description.

A. Result

Description :

1. Silica cell
2. Cork cell
1 3. Epidermis

Figure 1. L.S. Stem Epidermis of Saccharum officinarum (Sugar cane)

Magnification 400 x

Description :

1. Porous
4 2. Halter shape
guard cell
3. Subsidiary cell
4. Epidermis

Figure 2. L.S. Leaf of Zea mays (Corn) Magnification 400 X

Description :

1. Porous
2. Kidney shape
1 guard cell
3. Subsidiary cell
4. Epidermis

Figure 3. L. S. Lower Epidermis of Rhoeo discolor (Adam Hawa) Leaf

Magnification 400 x

Description :
1. Upper
2. Palisade tissue
3. Sponge tissue
2 4. Lower
5. Trichome

Figure 4. C. S. Leaf of Orthoshipon stamineus (Kumis Kucing) Magnification

400 x
Description :

1 1. Scale shape
2. Star shape

Figure 5. Lower Epidermis of Duro zibethinus (Durian) Magnification 100 x

Description :

1. Actinenchyme
2. Aerenchyme

Figure 6. C. S. Petiole of Canna sp. (Tasbih Flower) Magnification 400 x

B. Discussion

According to Sari & Herkules (2017), the epidermis is the outermost layer of
cells and cover the surface of the leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds, stems and roots. Based
on its ontogeny, the epidermis comes from the meristematic tissue that is protoderm.
Epidermis serves as a protective part of the plant organs. Based on its function, the
epidermis can develop and modified as stomata and trichome.
Ground tissue that is internal to the vascular tissue is known as pith, and
ground tissue that is external to the vascular tissue is called cortex . The ground tissue
is the basis for all photosynthetic cells in flowering plants. In addition, it provides a
selective barrier for nutrients and acts as a major storage tissue in many plants
(Moller et al., 2017). Ground tissues are produced by the ground meristems. This
tissue type comprises the majority of the plant body. Ground tissue system includes
three cell types of different functions, there are parenchyma, collenchyma and
sclerenchyma (Campbell, 2011).
Derivatives of epidermal is a building or an additional tool at epidermal but
have structure and function that against with itself epidermal. That included into
epidermal derivatives are stomata, trichome, (hairs), scale cell, silica cell, and cork
cell. Stomata is small holes that have oval shaped which have function as a
regulator of the entry of CO2 from the air and the release of O2. Trichome is a
additional tool at epidermal in the form of budges/ hairs. Scales cell as a cells that
have thin wall and have a big vacuole, the cells size is bigger than another
epidermal cell. Silica cell contain silica bodies that have circular, ellipse, and halter
shaped. Cork cell has function to strengthen bark stem become hard (Kartasapoetra,
Types of parenchyma based on its functions according to (Mulyani, 2006) are
(1) Assimilation parenchyma: this parenchyma act as a maker of nutrients for plants
by the process of photosynthesis in leaves; (2) Storage parenchyma: parenchyma
cells that store food and reserves as a solution in the vacuole. Its form is solid
particles or liquid in the cytoplasm. Storage parenchyma has function as backup
storage of food for plants, as result of photosynthesis, such as protein, starch, fat, and
sugar flour; (3) Water storage parenchyma: parenchymal cells which store water.
Parenchymal water serves as water storage in plants Xerophyte jepifit (less water) to
face drought as in tumbhan cactus and aloevera; (4) Aerenchyma: aerenchyma is
parenchymal tissue that can save the air because it has a large space between cells.
Aerenchyma is in charge of storing the magnitude of the air bag, which consists of a
large hollow cork cells that can help handle excess water in plants in the water
According to Sutrian (2011), the types of stomata based on the location of the
thickening of the cell lid can be divided into 3 types, they are amaryllidaceae,
helleborus and graminea. Based on the observations that we obtain the stoma type of
corn (Zea mays) leaf is graminae and the stomata type of the lower epidermis of
adam hawa (Rhoeo discolor) leaf is amaryllidacea. While the trichome type of the
lower epidermis of durian (Durio zibethinus) is non glandular and the trichome type
of kumis kucing (Orthoshipon stamineus) leaf is glandular. According to Hidayat
(1995), the type of trichomes can be divided into two, they are trichome that can
produce secrete (glandular trichome) and trichome that can not produce secrete (non
glandular trichome).

A. Conclusion

Based on the practical we can conclude:

1. That included into derivate of epidermal are stomata, trichome, (hairs), scale cell,
silica cell and cork cell.
2. Based on its function, parenchyma are divided into assimilation parenchyma,
storage parenchyma, water storage parenchyma, and aerenchyma.

B. Suggestion

Suggestion for this laboratory activity is given more time to observe the

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