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Alif Arfa Maulida Firdauzi B1B017008

Prabadini Ruwielanisa B1B017023
Salsabila Lutfia Putri B1B017024
Muhammad Yusuf K B1B017039
Entourage : D2
Group :1
Asistent : Hasan Hariri





A. Background

Meristem is a network whose cells remain embryonic, meaning that they are
able to continuously divide indefinitely to increase the number of cells in the body.
Meristem constituent cells are usually isodiametric and thin-walled and are relatively
more protoplast-rich compared to adult tissue cells although they do not find general
criteria morphologically to differentiate meristem cells and mature tissue cells that
have not undergone specialization. The possibility of a large meristematic cell or an
initiation cell, or cells that are close to the initial cell, are getting more and more
vacuole (Wilkins, 1989).
Growth regulating substances are naturally complex organic compounds that
are synthesized by high-level plants, which influence plant growth and development.
In tissue culture, there are two very important groups of growth regulators which are
cytokines and auxin. These growth regulating substances affect growth and
morphogenesis in cell cultures, tissues and organs. Interaction and balance between
growth regulators given in the media and those produced by cells endogenously,
determine the direction of the development of a culture (Kusumo, 1990).
According to Sudadi (2007), soybean (Glycine max is a secondary crop which
has an important meaning and is a very important agricultural commodity, because it
has multiple uses. Soybeans can be consumed directly and can also be used as raw
material for agro-industries such as tempe, tofu, tauco, soy sauce, soy milk and for
the animal feed industry.

B. Purpose

To know the effective concentration of gibberellin in stimulating plant

growth, especially to stem growth.

Gibberellins (GA) are plant hormones that regulate growth and influence
various developmental processes. Including stem elongation, germination, dormancy,
flowering, sex expression, enzyme induction and leaf and fruit senescence (Ghosh &
Halder, 2018). Gibberellins (GA) play a role to flowering initiation especially in
long- day and biennial species, while in short day plants cause opposite effect. For
the example, GA inhibit the flowering initiation in avocado plants, citrus, sweet
cherry, and Japanese plum. And GA as inhibitor reproductive development in mango
and lychee. GA promotes the transition from vegetative to inflorescent development
but inhibits flower formation in Arabidopsis. GA promotes flowering in most annual
plants but inhibits floral initiation in some woody plants (Li et al., 2018). Abscisic
acid (ABA) and gibberellins (GA) are one pair of classic phytohormones, which
antagonistically mediate several plant developmental processes, including seed
maturation, seed dormancy and germination, primary root growth, and flowering
time control. GA are include plant growth regulator involved in stem elongation,
flowering time control, and control response to stress (Shu et al., 2018).
GA biosynthesis pathway, characterizing the expression patterns of
different GA biosynthetic enzymes using GUS as a reporter, have led to several
insights. First, GA biosynthesis genes are differentially expressed among different
tissues, cell types, and developmental stages. Second, several members of the GA3ox
family, which catalyze the final step in the synthesis of bioactive GAs, are expressed
in growing and elongating shoot and root organs. Third, although there are several
examples of tissues in which the expression of GA biosynthesis genes co-localizes
with GA perception genes (e.g., in inflorescence meristem and developing leaves),
there are also examples where these two groups do not overlap (e.g., GA-
biosynthesis genes are not expressed in the aleurone cells of the endosperm but GA
signaling genes are). Such spatial separation between genes involved in GA
biosynthesis and perception suggests the requirement for GA movement. Finally,
levels of expression of genes constituting the GA biosynthetic pathway itself do not
always coincide. For example, the expression of the late stage GA biosynthesis genes
AtGA3ox1 and AtGA3ox2 in germinating embryos is spatially different from that of
the early GA biosynthesis gene AtCPS. This and other examples suggest that the
location of GA precursors could play an important role in regulating GA responses
(Binenbaum et al., 2018).
The influence of different GA doses on morphological attributes of
seedlings was verified. These seeds were placed in transparent polyethylene bags
with capacity for 1.0 kg for homogenization and product adhesion. The doses used
were zero (distilled water only), 50, 100 and 200 mg L-1. After 5 minutes, 20 seeds
were arranged to germinate in rolls formed by three sheets of germitest paper,
moistened with distilled water in the proportion of 2.5 times the dry mass of the
paper. Then do the observation such as number of leaves (results expressed in units),
plant height (distance between base and stem apex, results in centimeters), leaf area
(obtained through Licor meter LI 3100, results expressed in square meters), dry mass
of leaf, stem and root (obtained by drying the seedlings in oven with forced air
ventilation at 70 ºC until constant mass, with subsequent mass measurement in
grams). Bean plants at V2 phenological stage were submitted to aerial application of
gibberellic acid (GA3) at doses zero (distilled water only), 50, 100 and 200 mg L-1.
Seeds were manually harvested with approximately 16% of humidity. Increased stem
height was observed due to increments of GA3 doses, with maximum efficiency
through the dose of 150 mg L-1. However, the lower stem height was obtained in the
absence of this compound application. The increase of stem height in response to
higher GA3 concentrations are due to the use of regulators that act as chemical
signals through receptors, which trigger cellular changes, modifying the dimensions
of plant organs, where gibberellic acid applied via seeds potentiated seedling
performance, accelerating emergence speed and improving plant productive
potential. Due to the use of GA3 applied directly to bean seeds, there are positive
effects for seedling stem height, which is an extremely important feature for crop
establishment.(Jaques et al., 2019).

A. Materials

Tools that used in this practical activity are beaker glass, analytical scale,
sprayer, stationary, camera and rules.
Materials that used in this practical class are spinach (Amaranthus viridis),
gibberellin (0, 20, 40, 60) ppm and aquadest.

B. Methods

The method on this practical class is:


A. Result
4.1.1 Table Observation data of Seed Germination

Figure 4.1 Spinach week-0 Figure 4.2 Spinach week-4

B. Discussion

Based on our practical activity which we used spinach (Amaranthus viridis)

plant material which is first planted in a pot. The spinach plants are have been
prepared by assistant, then GA solutions are prepared with different concentrations.
After that, the plants were dripped with a GA solution with different concentrations
of 10 drops with sprayer and carried out only once. After the 2-week-old
experimental plant (14 days) the stem height was measured and weighed the plant's
dry weight. Then GA concentration was determined which was effective in
stimulating plant growth and was able to increase stem length. The following is the
observation result gibberellin hormone of spinach plant based on each concentration.
The parameter only length of stem. In week-0 until week-2 the average of height
spinach plant based on this concentration 0, 20, 40, and 60 ppm are 44 cm, 37.6 cm,
38 cm and 45.1 cm. In week-3 on 0, 20, 40, 60 ppm concentration that obtained 50
cm, 40 cm, 43 cm, and 50 cm. In week-4 on 0, 20, 40, 60 ppm concentration that
obtained 65,8 cm, 63 cm, 62 cm, and 68,5 cm. Our result is accordance with author,
which states that gibberellins can stimulate stem growth, increase leaf area of several
types of plants, encourage the formation of parthenocarpy fruit, and break the
dormancy of seeds and shoots in a number of plants (Kusumaningrum, 2007).
Gibberellin is a growth regulating agent that is very much needed in the
germination process. Vegetative growth, plant development depends on cell division,
enlargement and differentiation. The influence of gibberellins on vegetative growth
is to stimulate cell division activities in the meristem area of the stem and cambium,
besides that the gibberellins also stimulate cell enlargement activity so that it can
accelerate the growth of stems and leaves in plants (Asra, 2014). Another function of
the hormone gibberellin is to increase tissue lengthening, especially in the stem, so
that the internodal distance is longer than the plant that is not treated with gibberellin.
The mechanism that occurs is gibberellin increases the cell wall plasticity followed
by the hydrolysis of carbohydrates into sugar which then reduces cell potential. This
makes water enter the cell and causes cell elongation (Agustin, 2011). Plants that can
bear fruit, most of these fruit plants, flower induction is closely related to the content
of gibberellin. High gibberellins stimulate cell division and elongation at the apex of
the shoot, especially in the meristematic cell section, thus spurring vegetative growth
and inhibiting flowering (Rai et al, 2006).
Gibberelin have functions to stimulate cell division, cell elongation, and
regulatory functions. All gibberellins are acidic and are called GA (gibberellic acid).
(Harjadi, 2009). Giberelin is very influential on genetic traits (genetic dwarfism),
flowering, irradiation, partohenocarpy, mobilization of carbohydrates during
germination and other physiological aspects (Abidin, 1990). Gibberellins have a role
in supporting cell elongation, cambium activity and supporting the formation of new
RNA and protein synthesis.
Genetic dwarfism, is a symptom of dwarf caused by gene mutations. Against
these symptoms, gibberellins are able to change dwarf plants to high. This has been
proven in experiments conducted by Brian and Hemming (1955), namely by
spraying various gibberellic acids on various bean varieties and the results show that
gibberellic acid affects the dwarf plants to be high. (Abidin, 1990). Cell elongation,
in this case giberelin supports the development of cell walls. The use of gibberellins
will support the formation of proteolytic enzymes that will free triptopan as the
origin of the form of auxin. This means that the presence of gibberellins will increase
the content of auxin. Another mechanism explains that gibberellins will stimulate
cell elongation, because the hydrolysis of starch produced from gibberellins will
support the formation of α amylase (Abidin, 1990). As a result of this process, the
sugar concentration increases which results in the osmotic pressure in the cell rising,
so that there is a tendency for the cell to develop.
Flowering, flower formation in plants depends on several factors, including
age and environmental conditions. For example the comparison of the length of day
and night is very influential on several species. Some species only flower when
daylight passes a certain critical point, and others only flower if the length of
daylight is shorter than a certain critical point. Gibberellins can replace the long days
needed by some species, this also shows an interaction with light. Gibberellins also
meet the needs of some species during the winter to induce flowering or to flower
early (vernalization) (Salisbury and Cleon, 1995).

A. Conclusion

Based on the result and discussion of this practical activity that the
effective concentration of gibberellin in stimulating stem elongation is the maximum
concentration 60 ppm.

B. Suggestion

It would be better if the students when do the treatment of the spinach

plant it is watering and observed everyday routinely, so the spinach plant will growth
and as well as much possible to develop optimumly.

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