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Human cryptosporidiosis in Europe

S. M. Cacciò1 and R. M. Chalmers2

1) European Union Reference Laboratory for Parasites, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy and 2) Cryptosporidium Reference Unit, Public Health Wales,
Singleton Hospital, Swansea, UK


Cryptosporidium has emerged as a significant cause of diarrhoeal disease worldwide, with severe health consequences for very young,
malnourished children living in endemic areas and for individuals with highly impaired T-cell functions. In Europe, as elsewhere, the
burden of disease has been difficult to measure as a result of the lack of appropriate, standardized surveillance and monitoring systems.
The recent occurrence of large water- and foodborne outbreaks in several EU countries, as well as the results of many surveys of human
and animal cryptosporidiosis, indicate that this parasite is widespread. Specific subtypes of the zoonotic Cryptosporidium parvum and the
anthroponotic C. hominis are responsible for the majority of human cases in Europe. No treatment is currently available to clear the
infection, but recent progress in genetic engineering of the parasite, coupled with advances in genomics, have opened important avenues
for future research. Here we explore the possible reasons for underascertainment of cryptosporidiosis and the importance of accurate
diagnosis in clinical management, the epidemiology of human cryptosporidiosis and key messages from recent outbreaks to highlight
important interventions and emerging public health issues.
© 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cryptosporidiosis, epidemiology, food, outbreaks, water

Article published online: 10 May 2016

can cause persistent symptoms in immunocompetent subjects

Corresponding author: S. M. Cacciò, European Union Reference
that extend beyond the acute illness, as shown by case–control
Laboratory for Parasites, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina
Elena, 299, 00161 Rome, Italy studies in the United Kingdom [3] and Sweden [4]. Some of these
E-mail: symptoms may be indicative of postinfectious irritable bowel
syndrome. Two studies have reported that experimental
C. parvum infection of rats triggered long-term pathologic
changes in the lining of the small intestine very similar to those
found in human patients with irritable bowel syndrome [5,6].
Reactive arthropathy has also been reported after cryptospo-
The protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium (Phylum Apicomplexa) ridiosis [7,8], and in one study in the United Kingdom it was more
is a well-established cause of sporadic gastroenteritis, as well as likely to be reported as due to C. hominis than C. parvum [3].
outbreaks characterized by watery diarrhoea, abdominal pain, Nevertheless, Cryptosporidium is underdiagnosed and under-
nausea, vomiting and low-grade fever. The parasite has a global reported in most countries, despite being one of the commu-
distribution, and a number of species are recognized as human nicable diseases for which surveillance is mandatory in the
pathogens, although most cases are due to Cryptosporidium European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA)
hominis and C. parvum [1]. For the profoundly immunocompro- countries. This is due to several factors, including healthcare-
mised, such as very young infants, people who are severely seeking behaviour by patients, access to relevant services, poor
malnourished or people who have a coexisting health problem awareness in the primary care setting of its role as a cause of
(e.g. untreated HIV infection) which leads to T-cell immunode- gastrointestinal symptoms leading to a low request rate for
ficiency, symptoms can be severe, prolonged and even life- specific testing, variable provision of diagnostic tests and
threatening [2]. Furthermore, infection with Cryptosporidium reporting practices and the lack of harmonized, EU-wide,

Clin Microbiol Infect 2016; 22: 471–480

© 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
472 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 22 Number 6, June 2016 CMI

surveillance or monitoring programs (Fig. 1). Individual EU and gastroenteritis caused by many viruses and bacteria (several
EEA countries upload data from their own surveillance systems days), in immunocompetent people, it is self-limiting. Accurate
to the European Surveillance System (TESSy) for publication in diagnosis is helpful for clinicians, patients and their carers so
the annual epidemiologic report for food- and waterborne dis- that they understand that symptoms of cryptosporidiosis may
eases and zoonoses published by the European Centre for Dis- persist for a prolonged period and may relapse and remit during
ease Control (ECDC). The most recently published 2014 report, this time [3]. The high numbers of infective oocysts shed in
which contains data for 2012 [9], showed that only 19 of 27 EU faeces and the low infectious dose mean that Cryptosporidium is
countries reported cryptosporidiosis case, whereas cryptospo- highly infectious, requiring specific measures for the prevention
ridiosis is not subjected to official notification in Denmark, of person-to-person spread. For example, UK guidance [10]
France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal, and Belgium states that cases should not attend day care centres, food
and Spain do not have a system that covers the whole population handlers and carers of highly susceptible patients should be
[9]. Five countries reported zero cases, two reported just one excluded from work until 48 hours after diarrhoea has stopped,
case, and only seven reported 50 or more cases [9]. and patients should avoid using swimming pools for 2 weeks
after the first normal stool because shedding of oocysts can
continue after cessation of diarrhoea. Secondary transmission is
Diagnosis and Clinical Management
worthy of further investigation, and influencing factors such as
age, comorbidity and infectivity potential of specific subtypes
Although cryptosporidiosis is unpleasant and debilitating, and need to be considered. Personal hygiene is regarded as a key
lasts longer (more than 10 days) than episodes of intervention [11].

Reported Cryptosporidium cases and estimation

of ascertainment parameters and multipliers in
the EU countries [13]

Germany The England

Factors influencing ascertainment parameters for Cryptosporidium, with examples
Mean annual
1084 314 4128
cases in
(1.29) (1.93) (8.25)
Cases 2001-2005
reported (rate)a

reported to • SensiƟvity of laboratory methods, 0.99 1.00 0.69
surveillance assumed to be 50% for microscopy [13]

Stool analysed for

• NaƟonal guidance on tesƟng 0.18 0.11 1.00
Cryptosporidium Median
• SelecƟon criteria for tesƟng probability of
• Cost to paƟent occurring
Case submits a stool 0.19
• Cost to GP 0.34 0.10
• Ease of submission

• symptom severity,
0.34 0.08 0.16
Case visits a GP • opƟons for self-
management 35 000 54 178 62 698
• age and sex . cost (43) (330) (130)
All symptomaƟc cases of gastroenteriƟs Crypto cases
(at least three loose stools, or any 109 000 651 201 385 961
vomiƟng, in 24 h; excluding diagnosed (130) (4000) (770)
100 2100 93
non-infecƟous causes)

a rate per 100 000 populaƟon

b the mulƟplier converts each reported case to the esƟmated number of symptomaƟc cases in the populaƟon.

FIG. 1. Surveillance pyramid illustrates where and how underdiagnosis and underreporting of Cryptosporidium in community diarrhoea cases affects
reported data from European Union member states. Reported data underestimate true incidence, which vary by country [12]. Multipliers vary by
country, but this is due in part to uncertainties in parameters used to reconstruct surveillance pyramid. Factors that contribute most to underreporting
and underdiagnosis of Cryptosporidium are differences in healthcare use and laboratory practice.
© 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, CMI, 22, 471–480
CMI Cacciò and Chalmers Human cryptosporidiosis in Europe 473

Genuine differences in the occurrence of cryptosporidiosis

may be reflected in case rates but health systems, diagnostic
practice and reporting varies within and between countries,
influencing surveillance data, and direct comparisons between
countries may be misleading [12] as illustrated in Fig. 1; it is
therefore important to understand where the variations lie.
The ECDC’s 2014 annual epidemiologic report [9] considered
that a lack of laboratory diagnosis was an important element of
underreporting cryptosporidiosis cases, which adversely in-
fluences the detection of outbreaks and provision of advice for
prevention of spread. It is important to recognize that Crypto-
sporidium oocysts are too small to be detected reliably during

FIG. 2. Graphic representation of main elements involved in epidemiology of Cryptosporidium hominis (left) and Cryptosporidium parvum (right) in Europe.
examination of faecal samples for ova, cysts and parasites.
Specific tests are available, including acid-fast or fluorescent
stains to stain faecal smears, enzyme immunoassays, immuno-
chromatographic lateral flow assays and molecular methods
[13]. However, not all laboratories test for Cryptosporidium in
the diagnosis of diarrhoea, and many will only test certain pa-
tient groups (e.g. young children, HIV patients and travellers
returning from endemic countries) or if specifically asked to do
so [14]. Diagnostic methods have their limitations. Firstly, they
may not be sufficiently sensitive for diagnosing and monitoring
the most vulnerable patients who may require treatment,
especially methods based on tinctorial stains or rapid lateral
flow immunochromatographic assays [13]. Secondly, they do
not distinguish between species. Only molecular tests identify
species and genotypes, and are undertaken in some specialist
and reference laboratories [13]. In addition to increased labo-
ratory testing, speciation and subtyping of Cryptosporidium iso-
lates were considered important for improved understanding of
the epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis in the EU/EEA [9].

Epidemiology of Cryptosporidiosis

The epidemiology of human cryptosporidiosis is complex,

involving direct (person-to-person and animal-to-person) and
indirect (through water, food and fomites contaminated with
infectious oocysts) transmission routes (Fig. 2). Drinking un-
treated water, consuming water during recreational water ac-
tivities, toileting young children or changing diapers, touching
another person with diarrhoea and engaging in contact with
farm animals increase the risk of becoming infected with Cryp-
tosporidium spp. [1,15]. The main risk factors for C. hominis are
linked to contact with young children, people with diarrhoea or
contamination of water by human waste or wastewater.
Although C. parvum can also be spread between people, the
main risk factors are linked to contact with farm animals,
especially young stock (e.g. at petting farms), or consumption of
water or food contaminated by their faeces. Several recent
© 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, CMI, 22, 471–480
474 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 22 Number 6, June 2016 CMI

reviews provide more information on the epidemiology of reduction in the number of young farm animals and restrictions
cryptosporidiosis [1,15]. The ECDC’s annual epidemiologic of the movement of both farm animals and people in the
reports contain yearly trends, age and gender distributions, and countryside. However, the sustained reduction in the spring
seasonality for reporting EU and EEA countries [9]. peak was later found to be largely due to improved drinking
Worldwide, cryptosporidiosis is mostly a paediatric infec- water supplies [19]. On the other hand, the late summer–early
tion, and this is true for Europe as well. The highest prevalence autumn peak is mainly due to C. hominis and has not reduced in
among children under 5 years likely reflects increased exposure recent years; it is likely linked to increased travel and exposure
to the parasite as a result of poorer hygiene as well as a lack of, to recreational water at this time of year [16].
or only partial, immunity. However, it is important to note that Further discrimination of isolates is needed to improve our
infected children are likely to transmit the parasite to their understanding of the epidemiology and transmission of Crypto-
parents. Indeed, a second, smaller, peak in prevalence is sporidium. A literature survey showed that the results of gen-
observed among adults aged 30 to 40 years old, especially otyping by sequencing the highly polymorphic gp60 gene of 928
women, and C. hominis is the predominant species involved C. parvum and 1043 C. hominis isolates from humans in Europe
[16]. As with young children, the elderly may be more sus- has been published (Table 1) [15]. Variability in the sequence of
ceptible to infection and vulnerable to its consequences (e.g. this marker has been useful for inferring transmission routes; in
prolonged diarrhoea can upset electrolyte balance) [17]. addition, different C. hominis and C. parvum gp60 subtypes have
Data from the ECDC, and especially the United Kingdom, been linked to variable clinical outcomes, producing different
indicate that cryptosporidiosis exhibits a strong seasonality in spectra in children [27] and in HIV-positive adults [28].
Europe, with low endemic levels followed by pronounced Notably, a single gp60 allelic family largely predominates
seasonal increases, particularly during late spring and late among C. parvum isolates (family IIa, 84.8%) and another among
summer–early autumn. In the United Kingdom, springtime C. hominis isolates (family Ib, 90.8%). Exceptions include patients
cases are more often due to C. parvum and are likely the result with gastrointestinal disorders, where a greater variety of
of an increased exposure to oocysts shed by young animals, as C. hominis gp60 families have been reported, and Sweden where
this coincides with the calving and lambing seasons [18]. In the C. parvum and C. hominis appear to be more diverse than in
recent years, the spring peak has decreased in the United other countries studied so far in Europe (Table 1). Further
Kingdom. This was initially explained by the control measures genetic variability exists even within allelic families, allowing the
for an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in 2001, involving identification of gp60 subtypes, for which a specific

TABLE 1. Distribution of Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis gp60 families in humans in Europe

C. parvum cases subtyped C. hominis subtyped

EU country Patient group N IIa IIb IIc IId IIe other N Ia Ib Id Ie If Ig Reference

Belgium Sporadic cases 6 4 0 1 1 0 0 13 0 13 0 0 0 0 [15]

France Waterborne outbreak 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 21 1 0 0 0 [15]
Ireland Sporadic cases 79 78 0 0 1 0 0 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 [15]
Ireland Sporadic cases 170 170 0 0 0 0 0 Not investigated [15]
Italy Unspecified patients None identified 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 [15]
Italy AIDS patients 8 4 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [15]
Netherlands Sporadic cases 13 9 0 1 3 0 0 64 0 63 1 0 0 0 [15]
Northern Ireland Waterborne outbreak, sporadic cases 52 52 0 0 0 0 0 68 1 67 0 0 0 0 [15]
Portugal Unspecified 4 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 [15]
Portugal HIV-positive adults 25 9 1 7 8 0 0 15 1 10 1 2 1 0 [15]
Romania Children 4 0 0 4 0 0 Not investigated [20]
Slovak Republic Family members Not investigated 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 [15]
Slovenia Children and adults 31 29 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 [15]
Slovenia Patients with gastrointestinal disorders 21 21 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 53 12 0 1 5 [15]
Slovenia Unspecified 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 None identified [15]
Spain Children with gastrointestinal disorders 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 41 6 35 0 0 0 0 [21]
Spain Patients with gastrointestinal disorders 164 146 0 0 3 0 IIn (14) 318 3 289 23 3 0 0 [22]
Spain Sporadic cases 7 6 0 0 1 0 0 60 0 54 1 1 2 0 [23]
Spain Patients with gastrointestinal disorders 12 7 0 1 4 0 0 89 0 85 0 4 0 0 [24]
Sweden 2 foodborne outbreaks 27 4 0 0 23 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 [15]
Sweden Sporadic cases 107 69 0 11 24 1 IIo (2) 63 5 44 10 1 3 0 [15]
Switzerland HIV positive 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 [15]
UK Sporadic and outbreaks 87 82 0 1 1 0 IIg (3) 65 16 46 2 1 0 0 [25,26]
UK Unspecified None identified 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 [15]
UK Sporadic cases 69 56 0 1 9 0 3 Not investigated [15]
UK Outbreak cases 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 [15]
UK Patients from farms 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 Not investigated [15]
UK Sporadic cases Not investigated 101 5 93 0 0 1 2 [15]

Updated from reference [15].

© 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, CMI, 22, 471–480
CMI Cacciò and Chalmers Human cryptosporidiosis in Europe 475

nomenclature has been proposed [29]. Direct zoonotic trans- water or living in a specific water supply region were identified
mission of C. parvum is well documented in Europe, and several as the most important risk factors for having cryptosporidiosis,
IIa subtypes—including IIaA15G2R1, which is particularly and the high attack rate (28–45%) confirmed the high infectivity
prevalent in young cattle; IIaA19G1R1, which has caused out- of this C. hominis subtype and the susceptibility of the local
breaks where lambs were present [11,30]; and IIaA20G2R1 population to infection and disease. An important follow-up
[31]—have been implicated in both sporadic cases and out- study revealed the extent of postinfection health conse-
breaks involving animals (Table 2). Notably, subtypes belonging quences 2.5 to 8.5 months after the outbreak in Östersund, and
to allelic family IId also cause human cryptosporidiosis (Tables 1 2.5 to 11.5 months after the outbreak in Skellefteå [39].
and 2). This family is also often responsible for infection of Outbreak cases were more likely to occur in patients reporting
lambs but has been reported in cattle in Sweden. diarrhoea, watery diarrhoea, abdominal pain, joint pain, fatigue
In contrast, the C. hominis subtype IbA10G2 largely pre- and nausea compared to nonoutbreak cases, and indicate a
dominates in sporadic and outbreak cases in Europe (Fig. 2, significant burden of illness even after outbreaks are over. Some
Tables 1 and 2). This subtype is highly prevalent worldwide and differences were observed between the two sites: cases in
has caused outbreaks in Australia and the United States, and Östersund also reported weight loss, loss of appetite, stiff joints
thus it may be endowed with a particular virulence or a higher and headache and generally stronger measures of association
transmissibility compared to other subtypes [44]. than in Skellefteå, which the authors speculatively attributed to
While gp60 is certainly a useful epidemiologic marker, the the possibly greater contamination of the water supply leading
discrimination among parasite isolates is increased by the use of to more frequent and severe infections and sequelae in
a multilocus subtyping scheme, particularly when highly poly- Östersund [39].
morphic markers (mini- and microsatellites) are included [45]. Secondly, outbreaks have been also caused by Cryptospo-
However, there is still no standardized multilocus subtyping ridium species that were not considered previously to be
scheme for Cryptosporidium. The establishment of such a important human pathogens. Cryptosporidium cuniculus, a para-
scheme would be valuable for both interlaboratory surveillance site of rabbits, caused a waterborne outbreak in North-
and outbreak investigations. amptonshire, UK, involving 23 laboratory-confirmed cases and
an estimated 422 cases of cryptosporidiosis above baseline [42].
Investigation of this outbreak revealed an unusual distribution
Outbreaks of Cryptosporidiosis in Europe
of cases in terms of age (lack of cases in children under 5) and
sex (girls and women were overrepresented); interestingly, a
The identification of outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis is reliant on similar age distribution was found during subsequent investi-
accurate diagnosis and surveillance, which was established gation of sporadic cases attributed to C. cuniculus [50], sug-
formally in some countries much earlier than in others. For gesting that exposure and risk factors are parasite-specific.
example, in England and Wales, surveillance for Cryptosporidium Another species, C. meleagridis, was confirmed in one case
cases began in 1983 and for outbreaks of infectious intestinal during an outbreak involving three farm workers at an organic
disease in 1992 [46]. Over the last decade, outbreaks of farm in Sweden [38]. This species infects many host classes
cryptosporidiosis have been detected in many EU countries including birds, mostly farmed poultry, and has a clear zoonotic
associated with drinking and recreational waters (mainly potential, but it has not been regarded thus far as an important
swimming pools), food consumption, animal contact, outdoor human pathogen in Europe [4].
activities and person-to-person spread in the home and in in- Thirdly, adverse climatic events, including heavy rainfall and
stitutions [47–49]. However, Cryptosporidium is often consid- river flooding, are globally on the rise and can cause epidemics
ered and tested only after bacterial and viral causes of of gastroenteritis. For example, an outbreak in August 2013 in
symptoms have been excluded [35]. Here we have used data the city of Halle, Germany [33], began 6 weeks after the river
from selected, recent outbreaks to highlight some emerging Saale overflowed the floodplain and parts of the city centre.
aspects of cryptosporidiosis (Table 2). The outbreak was caused by C. hominis, subtype IbA9G2, sug-
Firstly, waterborne outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis can be gesting that human waste was the source of water contamina-
very large, and this has allowed analytical epidemiologic studies tion. Analysis of environmental samples showed high levels of
to investigate the long-term health sequelae, which are prob- oocysts (up to 592 oocysts/100 L), again suggestive of waste-
ably underestimated. In 2010–2011, Sweden registered the two water contamination, but genotyping was unsuccessful. Of the
largest outbreaks ever reported in Europe, together affecting an 167 notified cases, most occurred among children, and playing
estimated 47 000 persons [39,40]. Both outbreaks were caused on previously overflowed floodplain was associated with
by C. hominis gp60 subtype IbA10G2. High consumption of tap infection. Thus, this event indicated that public health
© 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, CMI, 22, 471–480
© 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, CMI, 22, 471–480

Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 22 Number 6, June 2016
TABLE 2. Selected outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis in Europe

No. of No. of
laboratory-confirmed estimated
Country and location Year Month Setting or vehicle Species and gp60 subtype cases cases Novel findings or key messages Reference

Spain, Granada 2014 September to Nursery school C. hominis IaA11R2 (5) and IbA10G2 7 Unknown Mixed infections may occur indicating multiple possible [32]
November (1); three children also had Giardia sources and/or high contamination and/or
Germany, Halle 2013 August Playing on floodplain C. hominis IbA9G2v 167 Unknown Oocyst survival in the environment and adverse [33]
climatic events can increase the risk of
England, Yorkshire 2013 April Open farm C. parvum IlaA19G1R1 35 46 Handwashing and provision of information about [30]
infection risks are important interventions in these
Sweden, Uppsala 2013 March Veterinary students C. parvum IIaA16G1R1b 6 13 Contact with calves and eating in clinic cars were risk [34]
(four cases) and IIdA24G1 factors, while handwashing was protective. Provision
(two cases) of information about infection risks is important,
even for occupationally exposed professional groups.
Finland; various 2012 October and Frisée salad C. parvum IIdA17G1 18 >250 Food trace-back identified possible causative factors for [35]
locations November contamination.
Europe 2012 Summer Community setting; C. hominis IbA10G2 1.8- to 4.9-fold increase Lack of routine diagnosis, reporting, species [9,36]
vehicle not known compared to previous identification and genotyping in some countries made
years it hard to define the extent of the outbreak.
England and Scotland 2012 May Precut mixed salad leaves C. parvum IIaA15G2R1 74 >300 Genotyping was important in case definition; [37]
improvements are needed in food trace-back.
Sweden 2011 June Bird contact C. meleagridis 1 3 Outbreak involving a species other than C. hominis or [38]
C. parvum; zoonotic source identified.
Sweden, Skellefteå 2011 May Drinking water C. hominis IbA10G2 Unknown ~20.000 High attack rate and postinfectious sequelae identified. [39]
Sweden, Östersund 2010 November Drinking water C. hominis IbA10G2 186 ~27.000 High attack rate and postinfectious sequelae identified. [39,40]
England, Greater 2010 September Swimming pool C. hominis 3 48 People with cryptosporidiosis continued to swim. [41]
Norway 2009 and March and Holiday farm with two C. parvum IlaA19G1R1 11 and 15 55 and 40 Varying rates of secondary transmission were reported, [11]
2012 March outbreaks from both asymptomatic and symptomatic infections,
emphasising the importance of personal hygiene.
England, 2008 June Drinking water C. cuniculus VbA18 23 422 First outbreak involving a species other than C. parvum [42,43]
Northamptonshire or C. hominis. Syndromic surveillance indicated the
outbreak was larger than identified from diagnosed

CMI Cacciò and Chalmers Human cryptosporidiosis in Europe 477

authorities should consider the potential health risks of long- the reduction in circulating antibody response may indicate
term surviving Cryptosporidium oocysts. decreased protective immunity and that the population may
Finally, foodborne outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis have been therefore be at increased infection risk from exposure to other
recently documented in several EU countries, and implicated sources [53].
foods include fresh produce and unpasteurized or inadequately While outbreaks linked to drinking water have been shown
pasteurized milk [49]. Of particular importance was the to have declined in the United Kingdom, those linked to rec-
outbreak in May 2012 that occurred across England and Scot- reational waters, especially swimming pools, have not. Similarly,
land [37] (Table 2). To date, this is the largest documented in the United States, Cryptosporidium is the predominant cause
outbreak of cryptosporidiosis attributed to a food vehicle, with of outbreaks associated with recreational waters [54]. The
>300 individuals involved. Although the precise source was not problem of Cryptosporidium resistance to chlorine at normal
identified, infection was strongly associated with the con- pool water treatment levels (0.5 to 2.5 mg/L residual free
sumption of precut mixed salad leaves sold by a single retailer, chlorine) means that treatment to deal with contamination
and typing revealed the outbreak strain to be C. parvum gp60 relies on good filtration practices, with an option for emer-
subtype IIaA15G2R1, a worldwide-distributed subtype highly gency decontamination by superchlorination (
prevalent in both livestock and humans. Also in 2012 an technicalnotes/superchlorination-of-swimming-pool-water/).
outbreak occurred in Finland that was nearly as large as that in Superchlorination, whereby the free chlorine is raised for a
the United Kingdom, caused by C. parvum IIdA17G1, and was sufficient time to provide a 3-log inactivation (20 mg/L for 13
associated with consumption of frisée salad [35]. The trace- hours for Cryptosporidium), provides no long-term protection,
back investigations revealed the source of the frisée salad as and it must be carried out by correctly trained operators who
an outdoor grower in the Netherlands, where there had been understand the procedure and that for subsequent dechlori-
heavy rainfall during the growing season. In recent years, con- nation to normal levels. Adverse effects include the generation
sumption of raw vegetables has been linked to outbreaks of of potentially harmful by-products and the corrosive effect on
cryptosporidiosis in Denmark, Sweden and Finland, but this the treatment plant. However, prevention of contamination of
trend is likely the result of good outbreak reporting and in- pools in the first place is preferable; this requires improved
depth case interviews [49]. hygiene by pool users, and communication of and adherence to
In the second half of 2012, several countries (including the advice to patients not to swim for 2 weeks after symptoms
United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Finland and cease. It has been found that in some outbreaks symptomatic
the Netherlands) reported an unusual increase in the number people continued to use swimming pools [39]. Communicating
of cases of cryptosporidiosis [9,36]. The annual number of re- risk and appropriate preventative measures has also been found
ports to ECDC (excluding nonreporting countries and those to be important in reducing the risk of infection and outbreaks
where national surveillance systems for cryptosporidiosis at petting farms. One outbreak investigation found that lack of
reporting do not cover the whole population) was 68% higher verbal advice and noncompliance with handwashing were
than in 2011, with 9591 cases reported, but no common significantly associated with the risk of acquiring cryptospo-
epidemiologic link could be identified [9,36]. Widespread out- ridiosis at a petting farm [30]. The need for the provision and
breaks raise the need for standardized subtyping schemes for reinforcement of similar preventive messages was also identi-
Cryptosporidium. fied after an outbreak among veterinary students in Sweden
Analysis of outbreaks can provide information for future [34].
prevention by identifying the main causes, understanding the No major waterborne or foodborne outbreaks of crypto-
risks and ensuring effective interventions are in place. For sporidiosis have occurred in some regions of Europe, particu-
drinking water, catchment protection measures identified larly in Southern Europe, thus implying a different
through water safety plans, appropriate treatment (especially epidemiologic situation. However, this may be related to an
the installation of filtration), secondary disinfection such as ul- absence of notification and a lack of investigation rather than to
traviolet light, and protection of water in distribution are key a truly different epidemiology.
interventions [51]. In the United Kingdom, a demonstrable
reduction in the number of drinking water outbreaks and cases
attributed to mains water has been linked to improvements in
water quality through the closure of or installation of filtration
at unfiltered supplies [19,52]. Interestingly, one study in Scot- Treatment options for cryptosporidiosis are still limited. Spe-
land suggested that while oocyst removal from drinking water cific treatment strategies for cryptosporidiosis have been pur-
supplies decreased the risk of waterborne cryptosporidiosis, sued for more than three decades, yet despite the evaluation of
© 2016 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved, CMI, 22, 471–480
478 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 22 Number 6, June 2016 CMI

nearly a thousand chemotherapeutic agents, therapies able to attenuated vaccine might be feasible for immunocompetent
clear the host of Cryptosporidium are lacking [55]. While individuals, but serious complications exist for immunocom-
research on potential drug targets is ongoing and a number of promised individuals.
candidates have been identified, also through repurposing of The increasing availability of whole genome sequences from
drugs developed for other indications [56], none has advanced different Cryptosporidium species, as well as functional genomics
to clinical trials. This is of particular concern, considering the and metabolomics data, will assist in the identification of new
benefit that an available treatment will have for risk groups such drug targets [64].
as young children, the elderly, individuals with compromised T-
cell function and patients with primary T-cell deficiencies, such
as severe combined immunodeficiency and CD40 ligand defi-
ciency (hyper-IgM syndrome) [57]. The introduction of the
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has greatly The burden of cryptosporidiosis, including acute infection and
reduced the impact of cryptosporidiosis among HIV-infected long-term sequelae, in Europe is currently unknown. Improved
individuals [58]. This is due to an improvement in CD4 cell monitoring and surveillance systems are necessary to define the
count and the restoration of a degree of immunity, but also to a true epidemiologic situation and to ascertain possible differ-
direct effect of protease inhibitors on host cell invasion and ences among countries.
parasite development in vitro, an effect enhanced with paro- Interventions have been identified from epidemiologic and
momycin [59]. Unfortunately, HAART is costly and is thus not outbreak investigations, and disease reduction can be achieved.
readily available in poor regions of the world, where HIV/AIDS Proper risk communication, especially to vulnerable pop-
and opportunistic cryptosporidiosis remains a major health ulations, remains important.
problem [56]. Treatment options are still limited; no fully effective drug
Currently nitazoxanide (NTZ) (Alinia, Romark Labora- treatment or vaccine is available for Cryptosporidium. The recently
tories), a thiazolide drug with broad antiparasitic activities, is demonstrated possibility to knock out genes and introduce
the only US Food and Drug Administration–approved drug for markers has opened new ways towards drug discovery and vac-
use against cryptosporidiosis in immunocompetent patients, but cine development. Interest in the development of new therapies
it is not licensed in Europe. There is little evidence for efficacy for paediatric cryptosporidiosis is growing, as witnessed by the
of NTZ in immunocompromised individuals and malnourished inclusion of Cryptosporidium in the last call for Global Grand
children [60]. Challenges funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The lack of efficacious drug treatments indicates that the
development of strategies that prevent disease or reduce the
severity of infection, including vaccination, remains essential.
Transparency Declaration
Progress in this field has been hampered by lack of systems for
continuous in vitro culture, cryopreservation of the parasite, All authors report no conflicts of interest relevant to this
adequate animal models and tools for manipulation of the article.
parasite genome. However, a recent study has demonstrated
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