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Aarthi Krishnan

TedTalk #2 Reflection

What did you learn from this TedTalk that can help accelerate your professional development
(e.g., build your leadership or teamwork skills)? Please explain 1) the specific lesson/technique,
2) how you will apply it, and 3) the anticipated results.
Please be sure to use specific behavioral examples that demonstrate a deep understanding of the
course material and the ability to effectively apply it.


My take away from this talk, which I really am confident about in terms of being a good leader and a
good team player, is precisely why I have my ted talk title capitalized- Compassion and Love.

As mentioned in the talk, there can be no liberation for any of us if the other is not free- I would like to
interpret this as , no success for the team if even one team member is in difficulty


We all must be brave enough to care. Charity starts at home, compassion and forgiveness starts with
ourselves. Change starts with us as individuals.

As a leader, I plan to incorporate this into my team by showing rather than telling when it comes to
taking a step in the right direction. Instead of waiting for instructions or motivation or some one else to
take initiative, I should and will, be brave enough to make the first move and take the fist step of action-
towards a goal, towards a measure that will benefit the team, or to standup for someone who may need
the extra hand.
Slowly and steadily, by creating an attitude of bravery and righteousness within the team/organization, I
believe we can strive towards the results which will lead us to the greatest good. As a leader I hope to
evolve into a helper, a better listener and spread the atmosphere of righteousness and compassion that
will ultimately help us make a difference in this world

Anticipated Results:
It may be a shaky start for this mindset, as we are all so focused on materialistic temporary gains, that
make many companies successful only in the short term. I feel this method will create long term success
for the team as well as the people we want to help, being a healthcare company.

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