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How Geoengineering Threatens to Entrench

Fossil Fuels and Accelerate the Climate Crisis
© 2019 Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

A B O U T C I E L 
Founded in 1989, t h e Center fo r I nter nati o n a l E nv i ro n me nta l L aw (C I E L ) u s e s th e powe r
o f law to p ro tec t t h e enviro n m ent, p ro mo te h u ma n r i g hts, a n d e n s u re a j u s t a n d s u s ta i n-
a ble so c iet y. C IEL is d ed icated to a d voc a c y i n th e g l o ba l pu bl i c i nte re s t th ro u g h l e g a l
counsel, p o lic y resea rch , a n a lysis, ed u c ati o n , tra i n i n g, a n d c a pa c i t y bu i l d i n g.

Fuel to t h e Fire: How G eo en gin eer in g Th re ate n s to E ntre n c h Fo s s i l Fu e l s a n d Acce l e rate

t he Clim ate Cr isis  by  Th e Center fo r I nte r n ati o n a l E nv i ro n me nta l L aw  i s l i ce n s e d u n d e r
a  Creative Co m m o n s At t r ib u t io n 4.0 I nte r n ati o n a l L i ce n s e.

A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S 
This rep o r t wa s a u t h o red by Ca r ro ll M u f fe tt a n d Ste ve n Fe i t, w i th a d d i ti o n a l i n pu t f ro m
Lili Fuh r a n d Lin d a S ch n eid er o f t h e H e i n r i c h B o e l l Fo u n d ati o n a n d a s s i s ta n ce f ro m E r i k a
Lenno n . Th is rep o r t a n d t h e b o d y o f re s e a rc h th at u n d e r l i e s i t we re ma d e po s s i bl e w i th
g e ne rou s su p p o r t fro m t h e Hein r ich B o e l l Fo u n d ati o n . E r ro r s a n d o mi s s i o n s a re th e s o l e
re spon sib ilit y o f C IEL.

This br i efin g n o te is fo r gen era l in fo r m atio n pur poses only. I t i s i ntend ed solely as a d i scussi on pi ece.
I t is no t a n d s h o ul d n o t be rel ied upo n a s l egal ad vi ce. Whi le ef for ts were mad e to ensure the accura-
c y o f th e in fo r m atio n co nta in ed in th is repor t and the above i nfor mati on i s f rom sources beli eved
rel ia b l e, th e in fo r m atio n is pres ented “a s is” and wi thout war ranti es, express or i mpli ed. I f there are
m ater ia l er ro r s w ith in th is br iefin g n o te, pl e ase ad vi se the author. R ecei pt of thi s br i ef i ng note i s not
intend e d to a n d do es n o t c reate a n atto r n ey- cli ent relati onshi p.


D A V I D G E R R AT T , N O N P R O F I T D E S I G N . C O M
O R I G I N A L T E M P L AT E :


“It’s an engineering problem, and it has engineering solutions... The fear factor that
people want to throw out there to say we just have to stop this, I do not accept.”



“When serious proposals for large-scale weather modification are advanced, as they
inevitably will be, the full resources of general-circulation knowledge and
computational meteorology must be brought to bear in predicting the results so as
to avoid the unhappy situation of the cure being worse than the ailment.”



1 Executive Summary

4 Introduction: Postcards from the Edge of a Climate Breakdown

6 Part 1
The Scientific Basis and Moral Imperative for Urgent Climate Action
9 Part 2
Geoengineering: Carbon Dioxide Removal, Solar Radiation Management, and Beyond
“...with Carbon Capture & Storage”: Why CCS is Vital to the Geoengineering Debate
Geoengineering May Entrench Fossil Fuel Interests
11 Part 3
Asphalt Fields and Black Carbon Skies: A Brief History of Fossil Fuels and Weather Modification
Early Oil Industry Interest in Weather Modification
The Importance of Acknowledging this Early Fossil Fuel Interest
11 Part 4
Carbon Dioxide Removal and Negative Emissions: The Pervasive Role of Carbon Capture, Use, and
Carbon In, Carbon Out: Captured Carbon and Enhanced Oil Recovery
How Carbon Dioxide Removal will “Save” the Coal Industry
Industry’s Pervasive Role in CCS Resarch and Policy
Carbon Dioxide Removal and Oil’s Plans for the Next Petroleum Century
Direct Air Capture: Turning Renewable Energy into New Carbon Emissions
Enhanced Weathering and Carbon Mineralization
Ocean Iron Fertilization and Alkalinization
31 Part 5
Bioenergy, BECCS, and the Real Cost of Carbon Accounting
Fossil Industry Investment in Biofuels and BECCS
34 Part 6
Paved with Good Intentions: The Danger and Distraction of Solar Radiation Modification
Burning Fossil Fuels Proved SRM is Possible—and Demonstrated Its Risks
Early Industry Interest in SRM and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Counting—and Not Counting—the Costs of SRM
This is a Test. But is it Only a Test?
Industry Influence in SRM
The New Climate Denial
47 Part 7
We Must and Can Stay Below 1.5oC without Geoengineering
Renewables are Eliminating the Rationale for Coal and Gas in Energy Generation
The Pace of Renewable Deployments Consistently Exceeds Official Forecasts
The Energy Revolution in the Transport Sector Extends Far Beyond Cars
Low-Tech, Win-Win Approaches to Climate Mitigation and Carbon Removal are Ready to Be Scaled Up
59 Part 8
61 Endnotes

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AEI American Enterprise Institute IPCC United Nations Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change
BECCS Bioenergy with carbon capture and IPN International Policy Network
BPC Bipartisan Policy Center LCOE Levelized cost of energy
CCC Copenhagen Consensus Center LNG Liquefied natural gas
CCS Carbon capture and storage MCB Marine cloud brightening
CCUS Carbon capture, use, and storage NAS National Academy of Sciences
CCW Coal combustion waste NCCC National Carbon Capture Center
CDR Carbon dioxide removal NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
CLARA Climate Land Ambition and Rights OGCI Oil and Gas Climate Initiative
CO2 Carbon dioxide PV Photovoltaic
CSLF Carbon Sequestration Leadership SAI Stratospheric aerosol injection
DAC Direct air capture SCoPEx Stratospheric controlled perturbation
DACCCS Direct air capture with carbon capture SGRP Harvard University’s Solar
and storage Geoengineering Research Program
DOE US Department of Energy SO2 Sulfur dioxide
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute SR1.5 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change’s Special Report on 1.5 degrees
EOR Enhanced oil recovery SRM Solar radiation modification
EV Electric vehicle TCM Technology Centre Mongstad
GHG Greenhouse gas TJI Thomas Jefferson Institute
GW Gigawatt WCA World Coal Association
IEA International Energy Agency ZECA Zero Emission Coal Alliance
IEAGHG International Energy Agency’s
Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme

© M I R I A M ’ S F O T O S / P I X A B AY

Executive Summary

he present report investigates the early, ongoing, and often surprising role of the fossil fuel industry in developing,
patenting, and promoting key geoengineering technologies. It examines how the most heavily promoted strategies for
carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation modification depend on the continued production and combustion of carbon-
intensive fuels for their viability. It analyzes how the hypothetical promise of future geoengineering is already being used
by major fossil fuel producers to justify the continued production and use of oil, gas, and coal for decades to come. It exposes the
stark contrast between the emerging narrative that geoengineering is a morally necessary adjunct to dramatic climate action, and the
commercial arguments of key proponents that geoengineering is simply a way of avoiding or reducing the need for true systemic
change, even as converging science and technologies demonstrate that shift is both urgently needed and increasingly feasible. Finally,
it highlights the growing incoherence of advocating for reliance on speculative and risky geoengineering technologies in the face of
mounting evidence that addressing the climate crisis is less about technology than about political will.

Key Findings and Messages

The urgency of the climate crisis is being used Most direct air capture is only viable if it
to promote geoengineering. produces oil or liquid fuels.
• Models are increasingly including large-scale carbon • Most current or anticipated commercial applications
dioxide removal to account for overshooting (or sur- of direct air capture are for the production of liquid
passing 1.5 degrees of warming). (transport) fuels or enhanced oil recovery, both of
which produce significant CO2 emissions.
• Proponents are seeking increased funding and incen-
tives for research and development of carbon dioxide • Leading proponents of direct air capture explicitly
removal technologies. market the process as a way to preserve existing ener-
gy and transportation systems.
• A growing set of actors are considering or pursuing
research into solar radiation modification, including • Direct air capture requires large energy inputs, re-
outdoor experiments. sulting in either associated emissions or the diversion
of renewable resources that would otherwise displace
fossil fuels.
Geoengineering relies heavily on carbon
capture and storage. Carbon mineralization could promote wide
• Carbon capture and storage (CCS) are separately or dispersal of hazardous combustion wastes.
jointly required for several forms of carbon dioxide
removal. • Achieving large CO2 reductions from mineralization
would demand new mining at an unprecedented and
• Most large-scale CCS projects use captured carbon
infeasible scale.
for enhanced oil recovery or enhanced coal bed
methane. • Coal combustion waste and other industrial wastes
have been proposed as alternate feedstocks for miner-
• Proponents of carbon capture and storage estimate
that its use for EOR could spur consumption of
40% more coal and up to 923 million additional • The atmospheric impact of using coal combustion
barrels of oil in the US alone by 2040. waste would be minimal, and the process would pro-
mote coal by monetizing the industry’s largest haz-
ardous waste stream.

Reliance on bioenergy with CCS could raise Solar radiation modification is a dangerous
emissions, threaten food security, and justify distraction—and is simply dangerous.
business as usual. • Techniques to modify earth’s albedo were among the
earliest forms of weather modification and geoengi-
• Carbon dioxide removal often relies heavily on bio-
neering research.
energy with CCS (BECCS), despite warnings that its
potential is overstated. • Fossil fuel companies have researched environmental
modification for decades as a potential profit stream.
• BECCS presents the same use and storage problems
as fossil CCS and direct air capture. • Global sulfur dioxide emissions from fossil fuel com-
bustion show solar radiation modification can affect
• Emissions due to land clearance for BECCS could
the climate, with profound risks.
exceed any reduction in atmospheric CO2.
• Solar radiation modification could cause acid rain
• Deploying BECCS at the scale suggested in many
and ozone depletion, disrupt storm and rainfall pat-
models would threaten food security and access to
terns across large regions, and reduce the growth of
land for millions of people.
crops and CO2-absorbing plants.
• Major oil companies rely on massive deployment of
• The most widely touted solar radiation modification
BECCS and carbon dioxide removal to justify con-
technologies would use sulfate aerosols, which are
tinued heavy use of oil and gas for the next century.
clearly linked to ozone depletion and acid rain.

Fossil fuel interests have raised the profile of We must and can stay below 1.5°C without
solar radiation modification. relying on geoengineering.
• Fossil fuel interests played a significant but largely • Clear and achievable pathways exist for keeping the
unrecognized role in shaping the research and public world below 1.5°C.
debates on solar radiation modification. • All pathways that avoid overshooting 1.5°C of warm-
• Despite its risks, solar radiation modification has ing require an early, rapid phase-out of fossil fuels.
been promoted as a means to delay or minimize oth- • This transition is ambitious, but achievable by accel-
er forms of climate action and allow business-as-usu- erating the deployment of existing renewable energy
al reliance on fossil fuels. and energy efficiency technologies.
• Despite international moratoria, open-air solar radia- • Low-risk, win-win approaches exist to reduce CO2
tion modification experiments are being actively ex- emissions from the land and natural resource sectors
plored. while advancing other sustainable development
• Proponents of solar radiation modification recognize goals.
that such tests could open the door to wider-scale • Geoengineering deployments pose a high risk of de-
deployment of geoengineering. laying the necessary transition, while creating new
threats that compound and exacerbate climate im-
Geoengineering is creating new tools for pacts.
climate denial—and they are being used.
• Climate denialists have long advocated geoengineer-
ing as an excuse for climate inaction.
• Recent years have seen a resurgence in geoengineer-
ing interest among opponents of climate action.
• Contrary to claims by geoengineering proponents,
the use of geoengineering by climate denialists is nei-
ther uncommon nor coincidental.

Humanity has a limited and rapidly closing window to avoid truly catastrophic climate change. To keep warming below 1.5 degrees,
the world must reduce greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030 and reach net zero emissions by around 2050. By entrenching fossil
fuel interests and promoting continued reliance on fossil infrastructure, geoengineering distracts from more viable solutions and
threatens to exacerbate the climate crisis, while exposing large parts of the world to new and significant risks. The managed decline of
fossil fuels is both a necessary and achievable solution to the climate crisis.

Climate policy should:

• Focus at the national and global level on the rapid, managed decline of fossil fuels and the accelerated transition
to a new energy economy in a timeframe that will keep the world below 1.5 degrees of warming.
• Ensure that all public infrastructure investments align with the Paris Agreement and the 1.5-degree goal.
• Avoid policies that promote or subsidize the construction of new fossil infrastructure or extend the economic
life of existing fossil infrastructure, including through subsidies for carbon capture and storage, direct air cap-
ture, or BECCS.
• Prohibit open-air experiments of solar radiation modification techniques.

Introduction: Postcards from the Edge of a Climate Breakdown

t is more than 120 years since Svante leaders, and the general public to recog- mate system.”4 And it shares a common
Arrhenius published the first calcula- nize the growing climate threat and to act moniker: geoengineering.
tions of global warming caused by while there is still time.
human emissions of carbon dioxide Since at least the 1980s, proposals that
(CO2), eighty years since Guy Callendar Even as the world grappled with “inad- humanity attempt to geo-engineer its way
published the first evidence that humans vertent” climate change caused by human out of the climate crisis have been gener-
were inadvertently modifying the atmo- activity, a smaller cadre of scientists, gov- ally relegated to the fringes of climate
sphere at a global scale, and sixty since ernments, and corporations continued to science and policy. This fringe status re-
Roger Revelle warned that humankind publish on, invest in, and occasionally flected not only the profound uncertain-
was now conducting “a vast geophysical experiment with intentional modification ties and potentially staggering costs of
experiment” on the Earth through its un- of the climate and the geosphere at a vari- tinkering with planetary systems, but also
bridled combustion of fossil fuels.3 ety of scales—to confront climate change, the profound risks of doing so.
to advance goals unrelated to climate
Through the ensuing decades, and against change, or both. This body of research Over the last decade, however, and with
a backdrop of ever more robust scientific and practice employs a diverse array of increasing speed, geoengineering strate-
consensus and ever greater levels of cer- theories, strategies, and technologies, but gies, technologies, and risks have moved
tainty, the scientific community has re- shares a common objective: “deliberate from the fringes of climate discourse to-
peatedly called on governments, industry large-scale intervention in the Earth’s cli- ward its center. In significant part, this

shift reflects a growing alarm among sci- risks. One such risk is that rather than continued production and use of oil, gas,
entists, decision-makers, and concerned provide a solution, geoengineering will and coal for decades to come. And it ex-
observers that a substantial amount of further entrench the fossil fuel economy poses the stark contrast between the
global climate change is already locked in; and make the transition from fossil fuels emerging narrative that geoengineering is
that humanity has yet to act on the cli- more difficult. a morally necessary adjunct to climate
mate crisis at anything approaching the action and the commercial arguments
ambition, scale, or urgency required; and In light of their history, capacity, and that geoengineering is simply a way of
that, accordingly, dangerous ideas once fundamental commercial interests, it avoiding or reducing the need for true
considered unthinkable must now be ex- should come as little surprise that fossil systemic change, even as converging sci-
amined. As others have documented at fuel companies have been among the ence and technologies demonstrate that
length, however, the growing focus on most active and sustained players in the shift is both urgently needed and increas-
geoengineering also reflects the persistent, geoengineering space. To date, however, ingly feasible. Finally, it highlights the
intensive, and well-resourced efforts of a the nature and extent of the fossil indus- growing incoherence of advocating for
relatively small group of scientists and try’s role in geoengineering has received speculative and risky geoengineering tech-
industries to push geoengineering tech- inadequate attention and scrutiny. nologies as critical to human rights while
nologies into climate debates and poli- at the same time ignoring the pervasive
cies.5 The present report represents a first step and disastrous risks to human rights these
toward filling that gap. It investigates the same technologies present for both pres-
early, ongoing, and often surprising role ent and future generations.
Many and perhaps most proponents of of the fossil fuel industry in developing,
geoengineering are acting in good faith. patenting, and promoting key geoengi-
The scientists, policy experts, activists, neering technologies. It examines how the
Many proponents of geoengineering test-
and citizens who look to geoengineering most heavily promoted strategies for car-
ing and deployment have downplayed or
as a potential solution are rightly con- bon dioxide removal and solar radiation
dismissed these “excuse for delay” and
cerned about the severity of the climate management depend on the continued “moral hazard” critiques of geoengineer-
crisis, the extent of warming to which the production and combustion of carbon-in-
ing as overblown and largely theoretical.
world is already committed, and the tensive fuels for their viability. It analyzes
To the contrary, our analysis demon-
dwindling number of paths available to how the hypothetical promise of future
strates those risks are both underestimat-
avert worst-case scenarios. However, any geoengineering is already being used by
ed and—for many geoengineering tech-
consideration of geoengineering must major fossil fuel producers to justify the
nologies—potentially unavoidable.
begin with a thorough examination of its

A Note on Coverage

Given the wide array of geoengineering technologies that

have been proposed and the decades-long history of
geoengineering research, this report does not address every
geoengineering idea that has been proposed, or even all of
those that have been seriously considered. It focuses instead
on those technologies that figure most heavily in current,
ongoing debates about geoengineering testing and
deployment. Similarly, and in light of the global nature of
the fossil fuel industries, this report could not and does not
purport to cover the panoply of fossil fuel industry research
into or promotion of geoengineering worldwide. For
example, the role of US oil and coal companies is discussed
more extensively than that of the European coal industry,
© B E N I TA 5 V I A P I X A B AY

fossil fuel interests in China and India receive less attention

still, and the vast majority of other countries are not
addressed at all. CIEL has prepared this report in the hope
and expectation that it will spur future research to close such

PA R T 1
The Scientific Basis and Moral Imperative for Urgent Climate

n October 2018, the United Nations sector by mid-century,”9 with rapid re- it couples widespread adoption of energy
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ductions by 2030 providing the greatest efficiency and renewable energy technolo-
Change (IPCC) released its starkest likelihood of avoiding overshoot (or sur- gies with the near elimination of coal
warning yet on the growing impacts passing 1.5 degrees of warming). The (-97%), oil (-87%), and gas (-74%) by
of climate change, the urgent need for IPCC recognized that every scenario re- the year 2050. It closes the remaining gap
accelerated climate action, and the dire quires tradeoffs between near-term ambi- through a limited deployment of forest,
consequences of further delay. Against a tion, the risk of overshoot, transitional agriculture, and land-use measures, in-
growing backdrop of intense storms, challenges between 2030 and 2050, and cluding afforestation and reforestation.12
floods, and wildfires worldwide, the re- the amount of carbon dioxide removal This approach is consistent with the
port synthesizes and summarizes what has (CDR) that would eventually be re- IPCC’s finding that “1.5°C-consistent
long been evident to scientists and in- quired. But it concluded that the risk of pathways would require robust, stringent
formed observers alike: The 1.0 degree overshoot, transitional challenges, and the and urgent transformative policy inter-
Celsius of warming the planet has already utilization of CDR—with all its atten- ventions targeting the decarbonization of
experienced is putting human lives, hu- dant risks and impacts—are all signifi- energy supply, electrification, fuel switch-
man rights, and ecosystems at risk around cantly reduced if ambitious action is taken ing, energy efficiency, land-use change,
the world. in the near term.10 It cautioned that strat- and lifestyles.”13
egies that prioritize taking concerted ac-
In its Special Report on 1.5 degrees tion only after 2030 “face significant risks In each of the three remaining illustrative
(SR1.5),6 the IPCC recognized that these of carbon infrastructure lock-in and over- pathways, the IPCC modeled the contin-
risks will be increasingly severe and wide- shoot, with the risk that a return to 1.5 ued use of forest and land-use measures,
spread in a world projected to be at least degrees could not be achieved.”11 but also incorporated progressively esca-
1.5 degrees warmer. More importantly, lating deployments of carbon capture and
in an update to the well-known “Burning storage (CCS) and bioenergy with CCS
Embers” diagram, the IPCC confirmed (BECCS).15 The IPCC highlighted the
the growing scientific consensus that “The available literature indicates potential value of forest and land use
warming near or above 2.0 degrees would that 1.5°C-consistent pathways measures in accelerating early action on
push human and biological systems well would require robust, stringent and climate change and noted the particular
into the danger zone across multiple urgent transformative policy benefits of increased conservation and
“Reasons for Concern.” Critically, the interventions targeting the restoration efforts in natural areas for
IPCC concluded that limiting warming their rapid deployability, lower risk of
decarbonization of energy supply,
to 1.5 degrees is still possible, but de- social and environmental impacts, and
mands immediate, dramatic reductions in electrification, fuel switching, energy potential for positive co-benefits.16 It ob-
greenhouse emissions and a rapid trans- efficiency, land-use change, and served that, as additional information has
formation of our global energy system.7 lifestyles.” emerged in recent years on the viability,
Specifically, the IPCC concluded that scale requirements, and potential negative
— I P C C S R 1 . 5 14
keeping warming within 1.5 degrees re- impacts of BECCS, projections of its po-
quires the world to reduce global carbon tential contributions to global emission
dioxide emissions 45% by 2030 and reductions have been declining. The
achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050.8 Accordingly, the first, most ambitious, IPCC observed that few reliable models
and safest of IPCC’s illustrative pathways for meeting 1.5 targets incorporated di-
The IPCC modeled four illustrative path- (Pathway 1) models an immediate and rect air capture with CCS (DACCCS) or
ways to achieving those goals. A unifying rapid transformation of our energy sys- other proposed carbon dioxide removal
factor in all of the pathways was the “vir- tem to reduce CO2 emissions 58% by technologies. It cautioned, however, in
tually full decarbonization of the power 2030 and 97% by 2050. To achieve this, the Summary and throughout the report,

Reasons for Concern

(V. Masson-Delmotte et al. eds., 2018),

that the economic and technological un-

certainties associated with these ap- IPCC Pathway 1 to 1.5oC
proaches, the long projected timelines for
their deployment at any meaningful scale,
and the moderate to high likelihood of
negative social and environmental im-
pacts made reliance on these technologies
risky and inherently speculative.17

The IPCC expressly declined to incorpo-

rate any form of solar radiation modifica-
tion (SRM) into its model, citing the per-
vasive and profound uncertainties, signifi-
cant questions about the feasibility of
most SRM approaches, and the high risk
of negative impacts.18

Remarkably, and in stark contrast to the

cautious language and clear warnings of
the IPCC itself, the release of the SR1.5
report has triggered a barrage of stories in
the global media arguing that geoengi-
neering—whether through large-scale
CDR, SRM, or both—may be the only
way to save the climate, the planet, and
humanity.19 A growing drumbeat of ac-
tivists, public officials, and concerned
citizens are calling for accelerated public
support for development and deployment
of these technologies. While these de-
mands are sincere, the call for diverting
public attention and resources to these
geoengineering technologies—and the
companies that control or stand to bene-
fit from them—is not a backup plan or
an insurance policy. Instead, it risks fur-
ther entrenching the fossil fuel economy
and making it even harder to combat the
climate crisis. THE IMPACTS OF GLOBAL WARMING OF 1.5°C 13 (V. Masson-Delmotte et al. eds., 2018), https://

PA R T 2
Geoengineering: Carbon Dioxide Removal, Solar Radiation
Management, and Beyond

s noted in the introduction, processes or through the deployment seek to manage the flow of energy within
geoengineering has been suc- of complex—and often unproven— and among earth systems. Such proposals
cinctly described as the “delib- technologies. Among the most wide- include transferring hotter surface ocean
erate large-scale intervention in ly discussed (or heavily touted) CDR water to lower depths or building giant
the Earth’s climate system.”20 The array approaches are: pipes to push low-atmosphere air into the
of techniques and technologies potential- upper atmosphere. To date, these earth
ly encompassed within this definition is o Afforestation and reforestation, system modification proposals have re-
vast and diverse—ranging from restoring o Soil sequestration, ceived considerably less public attention
forests and agricultural soils to spraying than CDR and SRM, and this report will
aerosols into the atmosphere to deploying o Bioenergy with carbon capture not discuss them at length.
giant mirrors in space. and storage,
o Direct air capture with carbon
There is ongoing debate about what capture and storage, “...with Carbon Capture
should and should not be considered geo-
engineering and the categories into which o Enhanced weathering, & Storage”: Why CCS is
various geoengineering approaches can be o Ocean alkalinization, and Vital to the
divided. The IPCC’s SR1.5 Report ex-
pressly avoids the term “geoengineering”
o Ocean fertilization. Geoengineering
and instead divides the approaches and • Solar radiation modification—also Debate
technologies involved into two broad and called solar radiation manage-
distinct classes: those which purport to ment—does not attempt to reduce The ways in which geoengineering tech-
remove carbon dioxide from the atmo- greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the at- niques are categorized, and what is and is
sphere (carbon dioxide removal), and mosphere, but proposes to modify not considered geoengineering, will affect
those which alter the Earth’s balance of the earth’s radiation balance in ways law, scientific research, private and public
solar radiation (solar radiation modifica- that alter heat absorption at regional capital flows, and the sociopolitical con-
tion).21 Within CDR, the United Nations or global levels and temporarily mask text in which critical public decisions
Environment Program further distin- the effects of anthropogenic warm- about geoengineering are made. For that
guishes between approaches that are ing. The most widely discussed tech- reason, this report applies an expansive
based on natural processes (such as refor- nologies for SRM include: definition of geoengineering, viewing all
estation or soil restoration), those involv- technological CDR methods and all
ing a mix of nature and technology (such o Atmospheric aerosol injection, forms of SRM as within the geoengineer-
as bioenergy with carbon capture and ing umbrella. This comprehensive ap-
storage), and approaches that are primar- o Marine cloud brightening,
proach is vital to any realistic evaluation
ily technological (such as direct air cap- o Marine sea surface brightening, of CDR and SRM methods because of
ture with carbon capture and storage).22 and the critical ways in which the various
o Modifying the albedo, or reflec- technologies and strategies intersect and
• Carbon dioxide removal technolo- interrelate.
gies seek to remove emitted CO2 tivity, of polar ice or promoting
from the atmosphere. Also known as polar ice growth.
While individual CDR projects may not
negative emission technologies, CDR appear to be global in scale, the wide-
The CDR/SRM dichotomy does not cap-
proposes to “draw down” atmo- scale deployment of CDR methods
ture the full spectrum of geoengineering
spheric levels of CO2, whether would reshape the planet. CDR at the
proposals and technologies. For example,
through enhancement of natural scale suggested by its proponents would
it does not account for techniques that

lead to massive geological storage of car- weatherization, mineralization, and ocean nologies necessary to pursue CDR and
bon dioxide, land-use change over enor- alkalinization may draw heavily on car- SRM at scale. These companies have been
mous parcels of land for use in minerals bon capture technologies in their process- involved in geoengineering research and
mining or bioenergy production, and po- es and feedstocks, or may require coal debates from their earliest days and are
tentially dramatic changes to marine eco- combustion wastes or similar residuals to not separate from—but rather inextrica-
systems across large regions. operate at scale. Accordingly, many of the bly linked to—any real-world execution
financial and policy incentives which of geoengineering.
Further, CDR methods—like SRM could apply to one of these technologies
methods and geoengineering generally— would (or do) apply to others. It is not surprising that the fossil fuel in-
pose the same risks that are at the heart of dustry has invested and is investing heav-
this report. The wide adoption of CDR ily in the technologies that would render
techniques risks entrenching fossil fuel Geoengineering May a transition from fossil fuels less urgent.
interests and making mitigation efforts But it is important to acknowledge the
considerably more difficult. This is espe- Entrench Fossil Fuel depth of those connections. The debate
cially true as core CDR technologies are Interests around geoengineering will in part deter-
disproportionately owned or funded by mine the trajectory of the global response
fossil fuel companies. The IPCC makes clear in SR1.5 that the to climate change. To limit warming to
key to limiting warming to 1.5 degrees is 1.5 degrees, the global community will
Most significantly, this report considers transition. The path out of a world with need to mobilize massive public and pri-
the pervasive role of carbon capture and runaway global warming is not simply a vate resources. It will need to redesign
storage within geoengineering and the matter of emissions adding and subtract- systems and restructure vast sectors of the
role of the fossil fuel industry in promot- ing up to a certain amount. Entire systems global economy. A focus on geoengineer-
ing CCS. As is readily evident from their of energy, land use, urban design, infra- ing risks slowing that transition, diverting
titles, and as discussed more fully herein, structure, and industrial production need investments from other more realistic and
BECCS, the most widely discussed tech- to shift from a reliance on fossil fuels to more workable solutions, while enriching
nological approach to CDR, expressly more sustainable paradigms. and entrenching the very interests at the
relies on effective use of CCS. Similarly, heart of the crisis itself.
the most widely discussed technologies Geoengineering threatens this transition
for direct air capture (DAC) would re- by entrenching the exact systems that Geoengineering proponents are right to
quire the operation of large-scale carbon need redesigning. Proponents and experts be concerned. The situation is dire, and
storage to dispose of captured carbon un- of CDR techniques acknowledge that the we as a global community should test out
less, as is frequently proposed, the cap- “main advantage of sequestration is its and invest in a diverse suite of technolo-
tured carbon were simply processed into compatibility with existing fossil fuel in- gies and techniques to combat this crisis.
carbon-based fuels, to be combusted and frastructure.”23 SRM, in addition to pos- But the core challenge remains known:
re-emitted into the atmosphere. More- ing enormous unknown risks, is acknowl- We need to transition away from reliance
over, DAC approaches frequently rely on edged even by its supporters as a perfect on fossil fuels. Anything that moves us
CCS as a source of low-carbon fuel to excuse for inaction.24 toward greater reliance will not be a solu-
power their own energy-intensive pro- tion, and the push for geoengineering is
cesses. Less obviously, but no less signifi- Finally, and critically, the fossil fuel in- likely to do exactly that.
cantly, CDR techniques such as enhanced dustry controls huge swaths of the tech-

PA R T 3
Asphalt Fields and Black Carbon Skies: A Brief History of
Fossil Fuels and Weather Modification

W Early Oil Industry

hile widespread public companies to develop pioneering tech-
and scientific debate niques for clearing fog-bound airstrips by
about geoengineering has massive flaring of fossil fuels.25 By the Interest in Weather
only recently emerged
from a long period of quiescence and rel-
1950s and into the 1960s, rising signs
that the Arctic was warming26 spurred a
ative obscurity, neither the basic princi- flurry of research and discussion within The oil industry began studying hurri-
ples underlying geoengineering technolo- the US and Russian military and scientif- cane formation no later than the 1940s.30
gies nor the fantasy of applying them at ic communities as to how that warming This research was necessary to protect the
ever larger scales are recent developments. might be accelerated to produce a perma- industry’s investments in a rapidly ex-
Governments, scientific institutions, and nently ice-free Arctic Ocean, whether panding fleet of offshore oil rigs, which
private companies, including many fossil through blocking rivers, “blackening po- were often damaged or disabled by hurri-
fuel companies, were conducting research lar ice caps,” or using coal plant emissions canes in the Gulf of Mexico. But by no
into weather modification and albedo or nuclear blasts to generate persistent ice later than the 1960s, some in the oil in-
enhancement more than sixty years ago. fogs and melt the Arctic sea ice.27 In a dustry were actively exploring techniques
1958 report reviewing and critiquing to control or modify the weather, not just
Experimentation with weather modifica- these various projects, Henry Wexler of understand it. In some cases, the concern
tion at local and regional scales began in the US National Weather Bureau prof- was related to hurricanes—how to divert
the 1930s and began to accelerate and fered a warning that remains prescient their course or dissipate their energy. In
diversify in the 1940s. Governments, in- and relevant six decades later: other cases, the purpose was to seed
cluding their militaries, were interested in clouds and increase precipitation, specifi-
using weather modification for a variety “When serious proposals for large-scale cally through the use of petroleum by-
of purposes—to make rains more predict- weather modification are advanced, as products.
able, to dissipate fog or redirect storms, to they inevitably will be, the full resources
convert ice-covered areas into habitable of general-circulation knowledge and Esso (now ExxonMobil (Exxon)) spent
zones, and to use as tools of war. Aca- computational meteorology must be considerable time and money researching
demic institutions sought greater under- brought to bear in predicting the results weather modification techniques. As Exx-
standing, and oil companies sought to so as to avoid the unhappy situation of on’s chief scientist, James F. Black played
protect their financial interests. Industry the cure being worse than the ailment.”28 a key role in Exxon’s internal research on
groups saw weather modification as a carbon dioxide and climate change in the
means to protect their existing invest- Yet, by as early as 1965, a landmark cli- 1970s and 1980s.31 Before this, Black was
ments and to open new product lines and mate report to US President Lyndon an active contributor to Exxon’s research
profit streams. Johnson, led by Roger Revelle of the into intentional weather modification.
Scripps Institute, included a suggestion
Early science on climate change was fre- that increasing the albedo, or reflectivity, In 1963, Black published two studies de-
quently discussed and reported in parallel of the Earth could combat atmospheric scribing Exxon’s experiments in coating
with this research, as an “inadvertent” warming.29 While the prospect of using large areas of land with asphalt, with the
form of weather modification. Guy Call- such technological fixes may have retreat- goal of lowering albedo, raising surface
lender, whose work in 1938 brought cli- ed into the background, it retained a re- temperatures, and increasing rainfall in
mate change back into active scientific curring interest for some of the world’s nearby areas.32 In this paper, Black de-
debate, spent much of World War II most powerful and well-resourced corpo- scribes how spreading asphalt, which ab-
working with the UK’s Petroleum War- rate actors. sorbs sunlight and emanates heat, could
fare Department and British and US oil

alter meteorological conditions at a local by local effects become regional, and intentioned, fully independent people
to regional scale to produce rainfall over above which regional effects become pursuing research and deployment of
arid areas.33 Experiments of this tech- global. This understanding—that weather these technologies. It is simply to demon-
nique were covered in a 1963 edition of modification and climate engineering strate that the extent to which the fossil
Popular Mechanics,34 and Black later pat- exist on a spectrum and are not isolated fuel industry was (and still is) researching
ented the process on behalf of Exxon.35 or independent activities—was therefore and supporting various forms of geoengi-
While the initial experiments were limit- clear to experts on the subject no later neering—especially the more controver-
ed in scope, Exxon envisioned deploying than 1974. sial solar radiation management tech-
the technique over tens to hundreds of niques—remains unknown.
square miles. These reports from the National Acade-
mies of Science and Colorado State Uni- The foregoing is far from a comprehen-
In 1964, the National Academy of Sci- versity document the oil industry and sive overview of the history of weather
ences convened a Panel on Weather and fossil fuel companies’ significant interest modification, or even the history of fossil
Climate Modification. In 1966, the Panel in weather modification and climate con- fuel company involvement with it. Rath-
published the outcomes of its work in trol at its earliest stages. Critically, it also er, it serves to demonstrate three critical
Weather and Climate Modification: Prob- exemplifies the ways in which these inter- points.
lems and Prospects,36 which summarized ests were aligned with or reflected in re-
the state of knowledge and research needs search by academic institutions and First, as was the case in the history of the
in the field of meteorological control. scholars. Fossil fuel companies frequently climate debate, oil companies were there
Black participated in two of the twelve hired academics (e.g., Colorado State from the beginning. These companies
meetings that contributed to the final University’s M.L. Cornin) as consultants had a strong business interest in under-
report.37 Notably, this report also includ- or funded university research programs. standing and controlling the weather to
ed a long discussion on then-emerging protect high-value assets and their core
climate science and the risk that accumu- One example of the latter is the Universi- markets, and they used their well-re-
lating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ty of California San Diego Center for sourced and sophisticated research appa-
could lead to global warming.38 Energy Research,41 created in 1974 via a ratuses to explore their options.
grant from the Gulf Oil Foundation.42 In
In 1974, Colorado State University pub- addition to several studies relating to cli- Second, these companies saw opportuni-
lished a book-length report entitled mate change generally,43 the Center also ties to use waste or by-products of their
Weather Modification by Carbon Dust Ab- investigated options for modulating solar production processes—such as carbon
sorption of Solar Energy.39 Two of the four radiation balance to combat the effects of black and asphalt—as new profit centers,
authors of this report, M.L. Corrin and increased carbon dioxide accumulating in much as they did after 1950 with chemi-
C.A. Stokes, had deep fossil fuel industry the atmosphere.44 One of the authors of cals now used for plastics.
connections, working for Philips Petro- this paper was directly funded by Shell’s
leum and Citgo, respectively.40 This re- graduate funding program.45 Finally, these companies developed a
port evaluated the idea of spraying large deep expertise and understanding of wind
amounts of carbon black, or soot, in dif- and rain patterns and the manipulation of
ferent ways to absorb solar energy and The Importance of incoming solar radiation. Though these
preliminary studies may not have been
modify the weather or climate.
Acknowledging this conducted to combat climate change or
This report is significant for several rea- Early Fossil Fuel provide potential alternatives to emissions
reduction, once the debate over how to
sons. First, the authors both identify the
industry’s clear financial incentive in Interest adapt to climate change and the subse-
modifying weather to diffuse tornadoes quent debate over whether or not to en-
and hurricanes, among other applica- The purpose of identifying this connec- gage in geoengineering began in earnest,
tions, and note the utility of using fossil tion is not to claim that all academic in- these companies were better positioned
fuels—in this case, petroleum to make terest in weather modification or climate than almost any other institutions to un-
carbon black—for these applications. Sec- control stems from fossil fuel industry derstand the parameters of that debate.
ond, the report identifies a meso level of funding. As mentioned in the introduc-
weather and climate modification, where- tion, there are and always have been well-

PA R T 4
Carbon Dioxide Removal and Negative Emissions:
The Pervasive Role of Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage
Most geoengineering approaches being fuel or bioenergy production and use, as Direct air capture, although distinct from
actively explored rely on the effective and well as on the social, environmental, and carbon capture from flue gases, would
widespread deployment of some form of food security impacts of producing biofu- require the deployment of even more en-
carbon capture and storage or carbon els at the scales required to create mean- ergy-intensive technologies and would
capture, use, and storage (CCUS). ingful emissions reductions. As its name still require the storage or productive use
implies, however, BECCS will also re- of enormous quantities of harvested CO2.
For example, most debate on bioenergy quire the deployment and operation of
with carbon capture and storage has CCS infrastructure at an unprecedented Many proposals for enhanced weathering
rightly focused on the lifecycle green- scale and in a manner that is economical- or carbon mineralization rely on concen-
house gas and pollutant emissions of bio- ly viable. trated streams of carbon dioxide generally

ExxonMobil Webpage on Carbon Capture and Storage

Developing Cutting Edge Technology – Carbon Capture and Storage, EXXONMOBIL,
carbon-capture-and-storage/developing-cutting-edge-technology-carbon-capture-and-storage (last visited Jan. 3, 2019).

operating at industrial point sources, or by Shell in 2018, called its Sky Scenar- er, SRM proponents must assume that
would arguably constitute forms of waste io.50 The Sky Scenario purports to pres- mitigation efforts will move so slowly that
management and storage for coal fly ash ent a potential pathway for the world en- sustained SRM deployments may be nec-
(a residual from coal combustion) and ergy transition to achieve the goals of the essary, but just rapidly enough that excess
other industrial wastes. Paris Agreement. The scenario, however, GHG concentrations can nonetheless be
relies extraordinarily heavily on deploy- brought down to safe levels without re-
As discussed more fully herein, CCUS ment of CCS, both to capture fossil fuel course to CDR technologies.
technology has been disproportionately emissions and for use with bioenergy.
funded, promoted, and controlled by fos-
sil fuel companies. CCUS is valuable to
The scenario requires that at least 10,000 Carbon In, Carbon Out:
major CCS facilities be constructed, de-
the fossil fuel industry in three key ways: spite acknowledging that fewer than 50 Captured Carbon and
it expands oil production, provides a life-
line to a declining coal industry, and fur-
are in operation today.51 Significantly, Enhanced Oil Recovery
positing CCS deployment at this scale
ther entrenches the overall fossil fuel permits Shell to project continued heavy The technology required to remove car-
economy. reliance on fossil fuels, particularly oil bon dioxide from gas streams has been
and natural gas, until 2100. around for over 70 years.54 While compa-
For oil companies, CCS presents an op-
nies such as Exxon have recognized the
portunity for additional oil production The relationship between CCUS and potential value of these technologies in
because the primary uses of captured car- geoengineering strategies based on solar addressing climate change since at least
bon thus far identified are the production radiation modification is more complex. 1980,55 the historic development of CO2
of more oil or other petrochemical prod- Even proponents of solar geoengineering capture has been primarily driven by
ucts. Exxon proudly declares that it has “a acknowledge the risks of termination commercial purposes unrelated to climate
working interest in approximately one- shock—that once SRM begins, any re- mitigation.
quarter of the world’s total carbon cap- duction in SRM intensity would lead to
ture and storage (CCS) capacity[.]”46 catastrophically rapid atmospheric warm- The most widespread and commercially
Chevron “has invested more than $75 ing unless and until atmospheric green- important of these purposes is enhanced
million in CCS research and develop- house gas concentrations have been re- oil recovery (EOR). EOR is a technique
ment over the last decade.”47 BP, in addi- turned to lower levels.52 Accordingly, for extracting new oil from a depleted
tion to its seventeen-year sponsorship of many proposed SRM strategies explicitly well—that is, from a once-productive
the Carbon Mitigation Initiative, is a cur- presuppose the widespread deployment of well that can no longer be commercially
rent sponsor of the CO2 Capture CCS.53 In the absence of CCUS, howev- exploited through other economic means.
Project.48 And Shell has a working inter-
est in four CCS projects, discussed in
greater detail below.49
For coal producers and power generators, Type of CO2 utilization patents
especially coal-fired power plants, CCS
provides a lifeline to keep the industry
operational in a carbon-constrained
world. Finally, for all fossil fuels, the
promise of technologies that purport to
ameliorate the climate crisis while leaving
the fossil-based global energy system fun-
damentally unchanged provide social,
political, and economic cover for compa-
nies to advocate for and assume the con-
tinued economic viability of that system.

As a result, incentivizing CCUS through

policy and relying on it in planning will
likely slow the transition away from fossil
fuel investments and undermine broader
efforts to mitigate climate change.

This centrality is made explicit in one Rahmad Norhasyima & T.M. Indra Mahila, Advances in CO2 Utilization Technology: A Patent Landscape Review, 26
J. OF CO2 UTILIZATION 323 (2018),
proposed two-degree pathway published S2212982018301616.

By injecting highly-pressurized CO2 and CCS and geoengineering strategies that cluding plastics, petrochemicals, synthetic
water into a depleted well, oil companies encourage CCS because EOR remains fuels, and cements.64 As noted by the
can force remaining oil to the surface and the key driver of profitable CCS deploy- Global CCS Institute, however, “the mar-
extract it for sale and use.56 Put more sim- ment. Despite decades of research into ket for products derived from non-EOR
ply, EOR is a means of oil production, the process, fossil energy with carbon cap- use of CO2 is small relative to what is
and its critical input is condensed CO2. ture and storage, especially coal-fired needed to be stored.”65 The Norway-
Anything that makes that CO2 cheaper power with CCS, cannot compete with based research group NORCE, which
will enable oil companies to extract ever the ever-falling cost of renewable ener- actively advocates for CCUS, echoed this
more oil from depleted wells, whereupon gy.60 The ability to sell the carbon dioxide view in a presentation at the 2018 climate
it will be burned—and emitted to the to an EOR operator is the primary ave- negotiations in Katowice, Poland, observ-
atmosphere—just like any other fossil nue through which this expensive process ing that EOR is “currently the only com-
fuel. can become profitable. mercially ready process allowing for si-
multaneous utilization and storage
The first patent for EOR with carbon As a case in point, even with government (CCUS) of industrial-scale volumes[.]”66
dioxide was granted in 1952;57 and by incentives,61 as of December 2018 there Thus, even if one ignores the environ-
1984, the industry was explicitly touting were only two large-scale fossil energy mental and climate impacts of their pro-
the technology’s importance to long-term power plants with carbon capture units duction and use, these non-EOR prod-
oil production.58 Today, the vast majority operating: the Boundary Dam project in ucts (other than transportation fuels) are
of carbon dioxide used in industrial pro- Canada and the Petra Nova plant in the likely to account for only a small fraction
cesses is used for EOR, and EOR is ex- United States.62 Both are coal-fired, and of CO2 use for the foreseeable future.
pected to remain the dominant use of both use the captured carbon dioxide for
industrial CO2 for the foreseeable fu- EOR.63 This reality is reflected in a 2018 land-
ture.59 scape review of patents in the CCUS
Increasingly, proponents of carbon cap- space. Patents for EOR and enhanced
The role of CO2 in EOR is critical to un- ture claim that captured CO2 can be used coal bed methane production accounted
derstanding the viability and value of in the production of other products, in- for more than a quarter (26%) of the

CO2 Emissions/Storage Balance from Simulated CO2-EOR Case Study

Presentation, Roman Berenblyum, NORCE, Regional business case for CO2-EOR and storage – the subsurface solution toolbox, at 4,
media/10127/5_regional-business-case-for-co2eor.pdf (last visited Feb. 6, 2019).

cally feasible. Moreover, even in those

CO2 Emissions from Developed Fossil Fuel Reserves, Compared to Carbon Budgets
countries where EOR capacity is substan-
within Range of the Paris Goals tial, proponents of large-scale CCS de-
ployment acknowledge that EOR wells
are not a sufficiently large reservoir for
stored carbon dioxide.69 Despite the in-
dustry’s extensive research into carbon
storage,70 as well as research from institu-
tions such as the International Energy
Agency,71 underground carbon dioxide
storage has not been demonstrated to
work at the scale needed for the global
deployment of CCS some advocates sup-

More fundamentally, the oil and gas in

existing developed wells already exceeds
the total remaining carbon budget needed
to give the world even a 50% chance of
keeping total temperature rise below 1.5
degrees Celsius. Adding developed coal
EXPANSION IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH CLIMATE LIMITS 5 (2019), reserves and cement brings the cumula-
uploads/2019/01/Drilling-Towards-Disaster-Web-v2.pdf. tive emissions embedded in the existing
fossil fuel resources perilously close to 2.0
degrees even if no new fossil resources
3000 patents identified. An additional 200,000 tons of CO2 emitted by the pro- were developed.72
53% of patents covered the use of CO2 in duced oil until the well is fully depleted.
chemicals or as fuels.67 To reverse these resulting emissions, a In view of the IPCC’s clear warnings that
further 200,000 tons of CO2 must be a rapid and dramatic transition away
Accordingly, calls for additional CCS or injected into the now fully depleted well from fossil fuels provides the best hope
CCUS—or for geoengineering tech- long after the economic incentives for for keeping warming below 1.5 degrees,
niques reliant thereon—should primarily doing so have ceased to exist. Yet it is any policy that would promote fossil fuel
be understood to drive the expansion of only after these emissions from the pro- production in the name of climate miti-
enhanced oil recovery or the production duced oil have been fully offset, and the gation faces a heavy—and likely insur-
of combustible fuels. This EOR, in turn, energy penalties that arise from carbon mountable—burden of proof.
will necessarily lead to the increased pro- capture itself have been accounted for,
duction and consumption of oil, the in- A recent change in US law serves as a case
that a CO2-EOR project could begin hav-
creased GHG emissions that arise from in point.
ing any measurable positive impact on
its combustion, and increased invest- emissions.
ments in the infrastructure for producing, Promoting CCS, DAC, and EOR in
distributing, and using fossil fuels. Even were this not the case, EOR faces
two further and fundamental limitations
the US Tax Code
A “Simulated Case Study” of a 20-year when viewed in the context of the global In mid-2018, the US Congress passed the
CCS-EOR project presented by NORCE climate crisis. First, and fundamentally, Furthering carbon capture, Utilization,
demonstrates one common explanation both the climate crisis and sources of fos- Technology, Underground storage, and
for how CCS-EOR would reduce emis- sil fuel emissions are global in nature. Reduced Emissions (FUTURE) Act,
sions, as well as the manifest problems Accordingly, to contribute to meaningful which altered a tax credit under Section
with that theory.68 (See Figure 5.) In the GHG reductions on a global basis, EOR 45Q of the US Internal Revenue Code.73
simulation, a CCS project begins inject- would need to be available and economi- Prior to the changes, the provision pro-
ing CO2 into a depleted well in 2026, cally viable in the areas where the most vided a tax credit for the underground
leading to a massive increase in the oil intensive emissions occur. In reality, how- storage of CO2. The credit was worth $20
production from the well. Over the ensu- ever, there is a substantial disconnect be- per metric ton for CO2 stored in geologic
ing three years, from 2026-2029, the rela- tween the areas where large emissions formations, and $10 per ton for CO2
tively modest amount of CO2 stored by sources are concentrated and areas in used as an injectant for enhanced oil re-
injection is dwarfed by an additional which EOR is technically and economi- covery.

The FUTURE Act modified Section 45Q Accepting, for the sake of argument, the contrary study of coal-fired power plants
in several critical respects. First, it dra- optimistic replacement value claim, the in Texas—suggesting that CCS retrofits
matically expanded the size of the credit: structure of the incentive serves to benefit might be economic, particularly if the
up to $35 per metric ton of CO2 used for fossil fuel-based power generation and CO2 was used for EOR—acknowledged
EOR or otherwise utilized, and up to $50 make it more difficult to take meaningful that new solar power plants would be
per metric ton of CO2 stored in geologi- climate action. Because the expanded tax more cost effective in most circumstanc-
cal formations.74 Significantly, the FU- credit applies to new carbon capture facil- es.83 This study highlights that, for many
TURE Act also extended these credits to ities, the effect of the tax credit—and its advocates, CCS is viewed less as a neces-
the use of CO2 in chemicals or in any clear intention—will ultimately be to sary step to meeting energy demand in a
product for which a commercial market subsidize the deployment of CCS units carbon-constrained world than as a
exists. It made direct air capture projects on power plants where they did not exist means of keeping coal economically via-
eligible for the credit for the first time. It before, and therefore subsidize those facil- ble in a world of declining carbon bud-
also lowered the thresholds for the ities themselves. Not only does this risk gets and rapidly falling renewable energy
amount of carbon a facility must capture extending the life of fossil fuel-powered prices.
to qualify for the credit. CO2 capture fa- facilities already in existence, but some
cilities that begin construction before Jan- analysts have suggested that it may even Missing from the calculation of the car-
uary 1, 2024, are eligible for such credits spur new coal or gas plant construction.81 bon intensity of oil produced via CO2-
for twelve years. EOR is the fact that the carbon dioxide
The vast majority of EOR projects (and used must have come from an emissions
As the NORCE presentation above dem- CCS projects generally) have been initi- source such as a coal or gas power plant—
onstrates, even proponents of EOR ac- ated in or proposed for the United States, or, for that matter, a biofuel or direct air
knowledge that the process of producing, which has the second largest coal fleet in capture facility—for it to be considered a
refining, and combusting oil results in net the world after China, as well as one of carbon emissions reduction. This gives
carbon emissions, even when carbon di- the oldest fleets. Yet a 2012 global assess- rise to a significant risk of double-count-
oxide is stored in the wells used for ment of the viability and potential for ing reductions. For example, the “simu-
EOR.75 retrofitting existing coal-fired power sta- lated case study” of CO2-EOR discussed
tions found only 4-25% of installed coal in the preceding section does not appear
Some EOR proponents argue that the capacity in the US was potentially suit- to account for the actual CO2 emissions
emissions from the produced oil can be able for CCS retrofit, and that at most source in calculating the emissions bal-
ignored because oil from EOR will dis- 6% of installed capacity at least moder- ance for the project. Similarly, one group
place other, purportedly more carbon-in- ately suitable for retrofit.82 Indeed, even a supporting the changes to 45Q notes in
tense oil from the markets. 76 In the US
context, however, the Department of En-
ergy’s analysis did not assert EOR would
reduce US domestic oil production. In-
deed, DOE argued that “increasing do-
mestic oil production” would be an “im-
portant co-benefit” of promoting CO2-

Claims that oil from CO2-EOR would

displace more carbon-intensive oil on
global markets, instead of adding to the
abundant supplies of government-subsi-
dized oil on those markets, rely heavily
on assumptions and forecasts that are, at
best, highly disputed. While optimistic
supporters claim that over 80%78 of the
oil produced via new EOR will displace
oil that would have been produced any-
way, other projections suggest a much
lower displacement value, closer to
50%.79 In that case, the proposed emis-
sions benefits of EOR disappear.80

their fact sheet that the new tax credits ClearPath, a nonprofit established to “ac- To transform this vision to reality, Clear-
both reduce emissions from the US pow- celerate conservative energy solutions,” Path’s founder created the ClearPath Ac-
er sector and reduce the carbon intensity makes this case explicit in addressing tion Fund, a political SuperPAC ostensi-
of oil produced via CO2-EOR.84 This What Carbon Capture Means for Natural bly designed to support Republican clean
double-counting—of treating both fossil- Gas: energy champions in the United States
energy CCS and CO2-EOR as indepen- Congress. As noted by the League of
dently valuable for emissions reduction, “Carbon capture is not just crucial to Conservation Voters, recipients of Clear-
when in actuality they are linked—allows the future of coal, it’s a valuable insur- Path’s largesse, like Republican Represen-
proponents to gloss over the way in ance policy for our booming natural tative Fred Upton, have a demonstrated
which this change in US federal tax poli- gas industry. This technology protects record of supporting the fossil fuel indus-
cy amounts to a subsidy further entrench- our gas industry from whatever super- try, but an altogether weaker record when
ing the fossil fuel industry. charged Clean Power Plan a future it comes to supporting climate action and
Democratic White House will inevita- promoting the deployment of renewable
Moreover, were more ambitious climate bly throw at the power sector, while energy.87
policies put in place, carbon-emitting reducing emissions affordably now.
entities would be insulated twofold by But without a targeted policy lever Some advocates of the changes to the tax
these subsidies: The emissions would be (such as the 45Q tax credit extension credit assert that even if EOR increases
lower, due to the carbon capture, and currently being considered by Con- oil production and emissions in the near
their ability to absorb costs would be gress) to advance the technology be- term, the credit is necessary to spur the
greater due to the subsidization of their fore environmental regulations hit, the development of direct air capture tech-
activity. industry will be vulnerable.”85 nologies which will eventually be de-
ployed at greater scale. Observers have
This is the risk of policy options like the A 2018 report funded jointly by Clear noted that the evidence is limited that the
new Section 45Q tax credit. It purports Path and the coal industry’s Carbon Uti- new tax credits will accomplish the DAC-
to be climate policy, and it may lead to lization Research Council quantified how promotion goals proponents wish to see,88
marginal emissions reductions in limited the coal, oil, and natural gas industries all a risk fundamental to policies like this
circumstances. But the tax credit func- stand to benefit from the push for CCS. and those that would promote DAC gen-
tions as a subsidy to the fossil fuel indus- The report concluded that, in the United erally. For reasons discussed in the section
try, prolonging and expanding a business States alone, active promotion of CCS on DAC, however, this argument appears
model that needs to be radically phased could drive “up to a 40% increase in coal equally at odds with the systemic changes
down. production for power from 2020 to necessary to transition to a low-carbon
2040” and generate up to “923 million economy.
additional barrels of oil produced annual-
ly by 2040.”86

Coal Industry’s Vision for CCS: Smokestacks and Rainbows

CO2GEONET, (last visited Feb. 6, 2019).


How Carbon Dioxide Viewed in light of rapidly changing

trends in the industry, CCUS appears
In stark contrast to aging coal plants in
the US and Europe, most of China’s coal
Removal will “Save” more necessary for the preservation of fleet is relatively new and constructed at
the Coal Industry coal than the reduction of emissions from
the energy sector. The International En-
the very large scales considered necessary
for efficient carbon capture. As detailed
Carbon capture and storage is commer- ergy Agency (IEA) noted in a 2017 spe- by IEA, the potential for CCS retrofits
cially valuable for oil producers because cial report that global demand for coal for China’s coal fleet is enormous.98
of carbon dioxide’s usefulness in en- had fallen precipitously for two years These investments, however, are not ma-
hanced oil recovery. It is valuable for straight.92 Moreover, IEA noted that the terializing. Instead, the bulk of CCS proj-
large point-source producers of carbon decline in coal consumption was not lim- ects in China are planned for use in con-
dioxide as a way to keep current business ited to Western Europe and North Amer- junction with enhanced oil recovery, not
models intact and resilient to additional ica, but included a decline in China as as part of a fleet-wide strategy to reduce
climate policies. For coal-fired power well.93 Consistent with this trend, a re- emissions from coal combustion. China’s
generation specifically, it is becoming cent ClimateScope report from Bloom- CCS program is not only extremely lim-
ever clearer that policy support for CCS, berg observed that in 2017, for the first ited, but also heavily dependent on
and therefore for coal-fired power, is nec- time ever, “renewables accounted for the EOR.99 China currently has one large-
essary for the long-term viability of the majority of all new power-generating ca- scale CCS facility operating, which uses
industry. pacity added” and “the large majority of the carbon dioxide for EOR.100 Of the
the world’s new zero-carbon power ca- eight additional planned or proposed
While awareness of the GHG impacts of pacity was built in developing coun- large-scale projects, five plan to use the
fossil gas continues to expand, coal re- tries.”94 As IEA acknowledges in its spe- captured carbon dioxide for EOR, with
mains widely recognized as the most car- cial report, “without CCUS, coal use will the other three still investigating potential
bon intense of the fossil fuels and the be seriously constrained in the future.”95 uses.101 Both the deployment of CCS and
most vulnerable to climate policies in the the use of the captured carbon for EOR
near term. Moreover, because coal is pri- are positioned as ways to preserve the ex-
marily used for large-scale power genera- “CCUS appears more necessary for isting coal fleet rather than as means of
tion, it competes with ever-cheaper re- the preservation of coal than the reducing emissions.
newables, as well as other forms of power reduction of emissions from the
generation (including natural gas).
energy sector.” Industry’s Pervasive
Much of the advocacy for development Role in CCS Research
and deployment of CCS or CCUS is pre-
mised on the assumption that coal will be IEA’s Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme and Policy
a necessary part of the energy mix for de- (IEAGHG), whose members include sev-
In addition to their direct investments in
cades to come and, specifically, that de- eral major fossil fuel companies and util-
commercial CCS, CDR, and EOR ven-
veloping countries will continue to mas- ity operators, made this case more explic-
tures, fossil fuel companies have been in-
sively expand their coal fleets. Therefore, itly in a presentation at the 2018 UN
strumental in the funding, communica-
proponents argue, the global community climate negotiations in Katowice, Poland.
tion, and advocacy of CCS research and
must deploy CCS or CCUS units around As they note, “CCS enables access to sig-
CCS policies through a wide array of cor-
the world to account for this growth nificantly higher quantities of fossil fuels
porate consortia and industry groups,
while meeting the goals of the Paris in a 2°C world.” Put more bluntly by the
joint industry-government working
Agreement.89 Yet not even the most opti- IEA’s representative, “CCS unlocks ‘Un-
groups, and funding partnerships with
mistic projections for coal with CCS sug- burnable Carbon.’”96
universities, non-profits, and individual
gest the CO2 emissions in flue gases could researchers.
The limited deployment of CCS in Chi-
be fully captured,90 and actual rates of
na once again demonstrates the centrality
capture can be much, much lower. Even Given its importance to their interests
of EOR to the operation of carbon cap-
with CCS, therefore, fossil energy still and their future, it is not surprising that
ture. China contains the world’s largest
emits carbon dioxide into the atmo- fossil fuel companies and industry groups
coal fleet. As noted by the IEA, China has
sphere. And, as concluded by a recent would be active in the development and
added significant coal capacity in recent
report from the Institute for Energy Eco- promotion of CCS. At the same time, the
years, and “[r]educing greenhouse gas
nomics and Financial Analysis, despite central commercial incentive underlying
emissions while expanding electricity use
decades of research into CCS for coal, the their engagement—the perpetuation and
in China’s growing economy is likely not
process remains “unworkable and too continued expansion of the fossil fuel in-
achievable without the early retirement of
expensive for fast-changing electricity- dustry—cannot and should not be ig-
many coal plants or carbon capture and
generation markets[.]”91 nored. From coal plant to oil well, fossil
storage (CCS) retrofits.”97

fuel companies directly and indirectly tionally sponsored by Chevron, Exx- • In 2008, Peabody and Arch Coal
benefit from the promotion of CCS and on, Shell, and other fossil fuel com- launched the Consortium for Clean
EOR. Payments for capturing or storing panies.103 Coal Utilization at Washington Uni-
carbon dioxide, such as those in the Sec- versity in St. Louis.109
tion 45Q tax credit, present a subsidy to • Since funding its creation in 2000,104
both fossil-based power producers and BP has been the primary sponsor105 In addition to funding these university
EOR operations. Moreover, payments to of the Carbon Mitigation Initiative programs—most of which still participate
reduce the carbon intensity of coal or gas (CMI) at Princeton University, in climate debates today—fossil fuel com-
power plants make such plants more resil- which “aims to identify the most panies also funded the creation or opera-
ient to carbon pricing or other forms of credible methods of capturing and tion of industry consortia to pursue CCS,
climate action, despite failing to eliminate sequestering a large fraction of car- often in conjunction with governments.
emissions of carbon dioxide. Finally, be- bon emissions from fossil fuels[.]”106
cause public resources and political capi- Among the earliest and most influential
tal are finite, action on or even debate • The same year, fossil fuel companies of the latter is the International Energy
over CCS promotion serves to distract also funded the Carbon Sequestra- Agency’s Greenhouse Gas R&D group.110
from, rather than reinforce, more produc- tion Initiative at MIT, “an industrial Established in 1991, IEAGHG’s mem-
tive action on climate change. consortium formed to investigate bership includes major fossil fuel produc-
carbon capture and storage technolo- ers (Exxon, Chevron, Shell, Total, RWE,
Major oil, gas, and coal companies have gies,” which ran from 2000 until and PetroBras), utility operators and in-
created numerous institutes at universities 2016.107 dustry groups (Southern Company, J-
to study and promote CCS. For example: Power, EPRI, and Coal Industry Adviso-
• In 2002, Exxon, among others, ry Board), and government parties.
• In 1998, BP and Kinder Morgan launched the Global Climate and Among the governments, several are actu-
spurred the creation of the Gulf Energy Project at Stanford Universi- ally represented by state-owned enterpris-
Coast Carbon Center at the Univer- ty.108 es in the fossil fuel or energy sector (Equi-
sity of Texas,102 which is now addi- nor (formerly Statoil)). IEAGHG “stud-

Membership of IEA’s Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme

Guide to Membership, IEAGHG, (last visited Feb. 6, 2019).


ties, the Institute is active at the

UNFCCC climate negotiations.124

The coal industry separately operates the

World Coal Association (WCA), “the
only organization that works on a global
basis on behalf of the coal industry.”125
This includes advocating for significant
(additional) public incentives for CCUS
and asserting that zero-emission coal is
not only possible but should be a critical
part of the solution to climate change.126
Membership for the WCA includes over
thirty coal companies, associations, and
research groups.127

Finally, in the United States, the Carbon

Capture Coalition promotes CCS re-
search and deployment. Participants in
the coalition include coal, oil, and gas
companies, as well as other industrial ac-
tors.128 After the passage of the reformed
Section 45Q tax credit, the Coalition de-
ies and evaluates technologies that can Finally, a collection of major oil and gas clared that it had “achieved its top federal
reduce greenhouse gas emissions derived companies participate in the Oil and Gas priority.”129 This should not be surpris-
from the use of fossil fuels,”111 with a fo- Climate Initiative (OGCI).118 This initia- ing, given that when the group was
cus on CCS.112 IEAGHG purports to tive, announced in 2014, directs invest- formed in 2011, it was originally called
offer only expert opinion rather than pol- ment into CCUS research, among other the National Enhanced Oil Recovery Ini-
icy recommendations. As an IEA imple- things.119 In 2018, Exxon, Chevron, and tiative.130
menting agreement, however, IEAGHG Occidental Petroleum joined the OGCI,
has a substantial impact on IEA assess- which was cast in media coverage as a This key understanding is especially im-
ments of the feasibility and value of CCS major breakthrough, despite the fact that portant when evaluating policy options in
technologies. the commitment only raised research response to the climate crisis. Significant
funding to $1 billion in total.120 As some public funds have already been invested
In 2000, fossil fuel companies formed the observers noted, “The $100 million each in the development of CCS. In Europe,
Carbon Capture Project as an industry member commits is a tiny fraction of the European Union and European states
collaboration to advance CCS technolo- their overall expenditure and the group have been funding research into under-
gy.113 The project has been funded or has been criticized for a lack of ambition, ground storage of carbon dioxide since
sponsored by individual corporate mem- and because part of its rationale is to ex- 1990,131 and in 2009, the EU allocated
bers, the United States and Norwegian pand the use of gas.”121 one billion euros to CCS projects specifi-
governments, and the European cally.132 As described above, the govern-
Union.114 In addition to these institutions pursuing ments of the United States, European
CCS directly, fossil fuel companies also Union, and Norway have contributed to
In 2009, the US Department of Energy fund a variety of industry bodies and the Carbon Capture Project, and the US
(DOE) created the National Carbon front groups to promote CCS to govern- DOE founded and continues to fund the
Capture Center (NCCC).115 The NCCC ments and the public. One of the primary National Carbon Capture Center. Over-
is funded through a cost-sharing agree- organizations advocating the widespread all, the US government has been funding
ment between DOE and several corpo- deployment of CCS is the Global CCS CCS research since 1997,133 with over $5
rate partners, including Southern Com- Institute.122 The Institute lists its goals as billion appropriated since 2010.134 These
pany (which manages and runs the cen- building knowledge of CCS, shifting the public expenditures, especially in the
ter), Duke Energy, Peabody, Cloud Peak narrative surrounding CCS, and enabling United States, continue today. Without a
Energy, American Electric Power, and investment into CCS. Members include a radical shift in public understanding, they
Exxon.116 According to a press release, wide array of coal, oil, and gas compa- are likely to increase.
Arch Coal was a corporate sponsor as nies, as well as utilities, energy compa-
well.117 nies, and others.123 Among other activi-

Carbon Dioxide This distinction was recently put in stark

relief in the United States. BP claimed in
• Boundary Dam is a CCS project at a
coal-fired power plant in Saskatche-
Removal and Oil’s the 2018 edition of its energy outlook wan, Canada. The carbon seques-
Plans for the Next that “we continue to believe that carbon
pricing must be a key element of any such
tered from this plant will be primar-
ily used for EOR.144
Petroleum Century approach as it provides incentives for ev-
eryone—producers and consumers • Quest is a CCS operation in con-
The lack of significant progress in CCS alike—to play their part.”140 Nonetheless, junction with the Athabasca Oil
deployment over the past several decades the company spent $13 million last year Sands Project in Alberta, Canada.145
has not stopped the major fossil fuel com- to oppose a carbon tax proposal in the Captured CO2 is intended solely for
panies from including it in their outlooks US state of Washington.141 storage, not for use. However, the
and projections. Many of the largest oil project is only operational because of
and gas companies rely on the promise of Fossil fuel companies similarly have a government funding. As noted on
CCS or CCUS in their long-term fore- long history of funding opposition to ac- the Shell website, Quest “was made
casts and marketing materials to square tion on climate change, much of it con- possible through funding for CCS
the continued expansion of fossil fuel current with their investments in carbon from the governments of Alberta and
production with a rhetorical commitment capture and storage.142 Even staunch pro- Canada, which provided C$745 mil-
to a low-carbon future. ponents of CCS acknowledge that it must lion and C$120 million of funding
be combined with a larger set of climate respectively.”146
It is critical to examine what integrated policies to achieve the Paris goals. Promo-
oil and gas companies say about the role tion of CCS, in the absence of robust • Shell co-owns with Gassnova SF,
of carbon capture: CCS and CCUS are climate policy, must be understood as A/S Norske Shell, Sasol, and Statoil
not a solution to climate change in any something quite different—a form of ASA, a CCS research center in Nor-
meaningful way, but rather a means of technological and economic entrench- way. The Technology Centre Mong-
averting material regulation of their prod- ment that serves the interests of the in- stad (TCM) is not commercial, but
ucts or, in the case of EOR, expanding dustry, not the climate. This understand- rather a test facility to improve CCS
production. ing should inform debates over the role of methods, and has been operational
CCS in climate policy and illuminate the since 2012.147
The most striking example of this is
current state of fossil fuel industry invest-
Shell’s Sky Scenario.135 Shell proposes an • The Gorgon liquefied natural gas
ment in and advocacy for CCS.
ostensibly “net-zero emissions” world that (LNG) project is a partnership
still relies on fossil fuels for 30% of ener- Fossil fuel companies have invested and among Shell, Chevron, Exxon, and
gy production through at least the end of continue to invest extensively in develop- others at Australia’s Gorgon LNG
this century, with the continued high ing and, critically, promoting carbon cap- field. The Gorgon gas field contains
combustion of fossil fuels theoretically ture and storage. The claim that carbon 14% naturally occurring CO2, and
offset by CCS and BECCS.136 Other capture will be a critical part of the solu- so would be a massive point source if
companies, including Exxon,137 BP,138 tion to climate change is valuable to the that carbon dioxide were not man-
and Total139 similarly assert the need to industry because of both the windfall it aged.148 As a result, the project will
include significant deployment of carbon stands to gain from incentives and the include a carbon dioxide injection
capture to meet emissions reduction tar- built-in assumption that CCS is necessary unit. The overall Gorgon project
gets. Critically, in all projections, the pro- because fossil fuels remain central to cost is estimated at $55 billion, with
duction and consumption of oil and gas global energy production. The acceptance the CCS unit adding another $2 bil-
remain robust through the window of the of this assumption thus provides the de- lion.149 Sponsor companies claim
projection, as far out as 2100 in Shell’s lay in transition that is the very justifica- that, once completed, it will be “the
Sky Scenario. tion for the rush to geoengineering in the world’s largest commercial-scale car-
first place. bon dioxide injection project.”150
There is a massive difference between Notably, project sponsors are not
positive incentives (like those in Section planning to sell the carbon dioxide
45Q) and negative incentives (like carbon Shell’s Role in Carbon Capture for use in EOR or other applications.
taxes). While both can theoretically stim- and Storage: A Case Study Rather, the CCS unit is being added
ulate the deployment of CCS, positive because Australian law requires that
incentives do so by providing additional Four CCS projects by Shell provide a use- at least 80% of carbon dioxide pro-
income to fossil fuel companies, whereas ful illustration of the inherent problems duced from the gas field be captured
negative incentives internalize those costs with pursuing CCS as a front-line strat- and stored, or that the company pay
to companies. egy to combat climate change.143 for offsets if it fails to do so. The ex-
pectation of additional carbon taxes

Direct Air Capture:

Turning Renewable
Energy into New
Carbon Emissions
Direct air capture is the process of pulling
carbon dioxide molecules from ambient
air as opposed to removing them from
waste streams, where they exist in consid-
erably greater concentrations. Because it
must collect CO2 from the ambient air,

where carbon dioxide exists in extremely

low concentrations relative to industrial
point sources, DAC is much more expen-
sive per ton of carbon dioxide removed
than CCS and is far more energy inten-

Because DAC does not (directly) rely on

the combustion of a fuel to operate, how-
ever, it is widely promoted as a negative
emissions technology and hailed by some
may provide another motivation for to promote CCS. As evidenced by the op- proponents as the holy grail of CDR
the project.151 The Gorgon CCS unit eration of TCM (and decades of fossil technologies.154 In a 2015 review of re-
does not reduce emissions from the fuel industry investment in CCS research search and patent filings in geoengineer-
combustion of gas, but rather pre- and development), research costs can and ing, patents for CDR related to direct air
vents emissions of CO2 in the gas will be borne by the industry, appropri- removal technologies comprised nearly
well that would have otherwise been ately internalizing the cost of pollution one-third of all patent families and more
vented into the atmosphere. Due to abatement to polluting industries. For than 44% of total patents filed world-
delays in construction of the CCS commercial applications, whether as a wide.155
unit, however, carbon dioxide is be- response to climate policy or positive in-
ing vented anyway, leading to a mas- centives promoting CCS, companies will The idea of scrubbing carbon dioxide
sive increase in Australia’s green- install CCS units at their facilities if it directly out of the air is not new, with
house gas emissions.152 makes economic sense to do so. Where demonstrations dating at least as far back
climate policy is in place, they may do so as 1946.156 It wasn’t until 1999, however,
These four projects demonstrate the as a business decision, internalizing the that “[s]crubbing ambient air as a means
range of CCS financing options. The test costs of their carbon emissions, as at the of reducing greenhouse gas emissions was
facility operates as industrial research for Gorgon site. In those rare instances where first suggested[.]”157
the companies involved, and is paid for capturing carbon dioxide for use is eco-
primarily by them. Boundary Dam pro- nomical, the industry may deploy CCS as This suggestion came from Klaus Lack-
duces carbon dioxide for use in EOR, and well, as at the Boundary Dam power ner, Patrick Grimes, and Hans-Joachim
intends to profit from the process. The plant (although that project is facing fi- Ziock in a paper submitted to the 24th
Quest facility produces carbon dioxide nancial challenges).153 However, to the Annual Technical Conference on Coal
directly for storage, but is being subsi- extent that they require EOR to be via- Utilization & Fuel Systems.158 This re-
dized by the governments of Canada and ble, such projects will have little, if any, port, entitled Carbon Dioxide Extraction
Alberta with nearly 900 million CAD for benefit for the climate. The alternative is From Air: Is It An Option?, laid out the
doing so. Finally, Gorgon’s carbon injec- providing an additional profit center for case for direct air capture as a means of
tion program is a response to government fossil fuel operations, as in the case of the dealing with the problem of accumulat-
policy, existing and expected, and is de- Quest facility, which then also insulates ing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
signed to internalize the cost of carbon those operations from effective climate Lackner and his co-authors argued that
emissions to the companies producing policies. Instead of fossil fuel companies the primary advantage of DAC is that it
them. paying for the carbon they produce, they specifically does not require a shift away
would be getting paid to reduce what from fossil-based fuel sources.159 They
This framework demonstrates why gov- they are already producing. note that successful deployment of DAC
ernment resources should not be diverted

“completely avoids a restructuring of to- There is very little public information In their 2015 review of geoengineering
day’s infrastructure, it uses the atmo- about ZECA, and according to Stephen patents, Paul Oldham and his co-authors
sphere to transport the carbon dioxide Rackley’s comprehensive book Carbon found that two companies owned or part-
from its source to the disposal site and it Capture and Storage, ZECA “disappeared ly owned by Lackner—Global Research
would make it even possible to lower the without trace shortly after it was recog- Technologies167 and Kilimanjaro Ener-
atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, if nized by Scientific American as the ‘Busi- gy168—dominated patent filings in the
this turns out to be necessary or desirable” ness Leader in Environmental Science’ for field.169 Together, the two companies ac-
(emphasis added).160 2003.”163 Lackner now runs the Center counted for 21 initial filings for patent
for Negative Carbon Emissions at Arizo- families representing 329 patent family
The following year, Lackner founded the na State University.164 The Center ad- members—more than a third of the 910
Zero Emission Coal Alliance (ZECA), vances “carbon management technologies patents identified for the period.170 Kili-
whose express purpose was to develop a that can capture carbon dioxide directly manjaro secured its first major invest-
new technology for generating zero-emis- from ambient air in an outdoor operating ment from Arch Venture Partners in Au-
sion energy from coal. This alliance was environment.”165 While funding for the gust 2010.171 Commenting on the invest-
funded by a consortium of US and Cana- Center is difficult to determine, the posi- ment, Arch Ventures explained that Kila-
dian coal companies, including Arch tion of a postdoctoral researcher on direct manjaro Energy hoped to make “tril-
Coal.161 It was led by Alan Johnson, a air capture is funded by Shell.166 lions” from the deployment of its DAC
Canadian coal executive, until 2004.162 technologies in enhanced oil recovery.172
Notwithstanding these early hopes, Kili-
manjaro subsequently closed shop due to
FIGURE 9 lack of funding.173
Patent Drawing of Direct Air Capture Technology
Yet the commercial dreams of Kilimanja-
ro’s backers demonstrate that, as in other
forms of CCUS, building and operating
DAC technology presumes—and de-
pends upon—the existence of adequate
commercial markets for the captured car-
bon. Unsurprisingly, Kilimanjaro saw
that market in EOR. Other proponents
envision a distinct but no less direct path
between their DAC technologies and the
fossil economy.

Powering DAC facilities at any significant

scale would demand massive amounts of
energy, which must come from one of
three sources:

• Unabated and high-emitting power

plants fueled by coal or natural gas;

• Fossil-fuel-burning power plants

equipped with CCS and subject to
the numerous limitations and risks
described in the preceding sections;

• Renewable energy sources that would

otherwise be directed to other uses
that more directly reduce or replace
fossil energy demand and use.

In either of the first two scenarios, the

Carbon Dioxide Capture and Facility, U.S. Patent No. 9,095,813 (filed Aug. 21, 2009).
emissions generated to provide power
(and sequester the associated carbon) for

Murray Edwards.177 Notably, Bill Gates is

Carbon Engineering Air-to-Fuels Diagram
also a direct funder of Keith’s work at
Harvard, sponsoring the Harvard Solar
Geoengineering Research Program and,
as will be discussed below, funding sever-
al workshops and reports on the pursuit
of a geoengineering research agenda.

Carbon Engineering has been capturing

carbon dioxide since 2015 and has been
producing fuels since 2017.178 According
to the company, its technology “has sev-
eral intrinsic advantages to offer in elimi-
nating fossil carbon dioxide emissions
from the transportation sector.”179 Cli-
mate Engineering claims that its facility
could capture one million tons of CO2
per year, “equivalent to the annual emis-
sions of 250,000 average passenger
cars.”180 Applying the average vehicle
emission rate of 4.6 metric tons per year
calculated by the US Environmental Pro-
tection Agency181 produces a more realis-
tic estimate of 217,000 car-equivalent
emissions. At the same time, however, the
facility would produce 320,000 liters of
synthetic fuel a day. When the emissions
from these produced fuels are considered,
the climate benefits of the operation are,
at minimum, overstated, even before the
source of energy inputs and fate of any
waste carbon are considered. Assuming
Air to Fuels, CARBON ENGINEERING, (last visited Feb. 4, full-time operation and applying the same
2019). EPA emissions factors for vehicles, the
fuels produced by the facility would pro-
duce 313 million kilograms of emissions
a DAC facility would have to be fully models for the three DAC companies per year, equivalent to the emissions of
offset by the CO2 it captures before the currently in operation envision the use of 68,000 average passenger vehicles. The
facility generates any net CO2 benefit to captured carbon either for EOR or as a climate benefits would be lower still, and
the atmosphere. In the third scenario, the competing source of combustion fuel for likely negative, if the captured carbon
climate benefit derived from operation of existing fossil-fuel-based technologies. were used to produce jet fuels rather than
the DAC facility would need to outweigh synthetic diesel.182
the benefits of putting the substantial Carbon Engineering
renewable energy it requires to alternate In January 2019, Chevron and Occiden-
uses. Canadian company Carbon Engineering tal Petroleum announced major invest-
is emblematic of this approach. Founded ments into Carbon Engineering.183 A
Proponents of DAC argue that, even with in 2009 by Harvard professor174 and press release from Carbon Engineering
its significant energy penalties, DAC may prominent geoengineering advocate175 notes this added capitalization as the
be necessary to draw down emissions David Keith, Carbon Engineering holds “first significant collaboration between a
from CO2 sources that are not readily multiple patents for technologies to cap- DAC developer and the energy indus-
amenable to CCS, such as vehicle ex- ture CO2 from the air and convert cap- try.”184 Notably, the announcement also
haust, and to address emissions in sectors tured CO2 to synthetic fuels or other makes clear that Occidental’s interest in
where a transition to cleaner energy uses.176 The company is privately funded, direct air capture is the use of carbon di-
sources is difficult, such as aircraft emis- although known investors include Bill oxide in enhanced oil recovery.185
sions. Ironically, however, the business Gates and Canadian tar sands magnate

Global Thermostat mer Exxon executives as well. In 2009, These connections do not suggest undue
Chichilnisky and Eisenberger authored a fossil fuel company influence over the
Direct air capture company Global Ther- paper, Global Warming and Carbon-Neg- operation of the company, but rather ex-
mostat was founded in 2010 by Graciela ative Technology: Prospects for a Lower- pose the intimate relationship between
Chichilnisky and Peter Eisenberger.186 Cost Route to a Lower-Risk Atmosphere, fossil fuel interests and the business of
While most funding for Global Thermo- which argued for “expanded R&D efforts direct air capture. Global Thermostat
stat is private and therefore unknown to aimed at advancing air extraction tech- promotes a carbon capture technique that
the public—a recent presentation indi- nology.”188 This paper was co-authored uses process heat from power plants or
cates that energy company NRG was an by Chance and Roger W. Cohen, another other industrial sources, and which can
early investor187—the company maintains former Exxon scientist turned climate be used to capture carbon dioxide directly
significant connections to the fossil fuel skeptic, who was at the time also affiliat- from the air, or from flue gases like con-
industry. Moreover, the business model ed with Global Thermostat.189 In 2014, ventional CCS.192 While a flagship proj-
as proposed serves the same functions as Eisenberg published another paper, enti- ect to produce carbon dioxide for carbon-
carbon capture and storage described tled Chaos Control, arguing for the ne- ated beverages has received a great deal of
above, entrenching fossil fuel interests cessity of closing the global carbon cycle attention, and while Global Thermostat
and expanding oil production. by pulling carbon dioxide out of the at- identifies both plastics and petrochemi-
mosphere.190 In the paper, Eisenberger cals as potential mid-term markets, com-
Eisenberger is a former Exxon engineer, thanks both Cohen and Klaus Lackner pany statements appear to recognize that
and two of the company’s chief advisors, for their contributions.191 the major large-scale markets for captured
Ronald Chance and Rocco Fiato, are for-

Audi Graphic Showing Use of Direct Air Capture to Produce Diesel Fuels

Fiona MacDonald, Audi Has Successfully Made Diesel Fuel From Carbon Dioxide And Water, SCIENCE ALERT (Apr. 27, 2015),

CO2 continue to lie in EOR and liquid mixes and in modern combustion en- Second, the seeming advantage that DAC
fuels.193 gines.196 carbon-based fuels and materials have is
that they can substitute for traditionally
Like proponents of CCS, Global Ther- This is emblematic of the risks of DAC. produced materials and fuels. But as dis-
mostat claims to offer a solution to the As with CCS, the largest and most com- cussed above, and as outlined in the
carbon emissions problem of fossil fuels, mercially viable markets for CO2 lie in IPCC’s SR1.5, the solutions that will
ostensibly obviating the need to phase the production of new fossil fuels through drive emissions reductions and limit at-
fossil fuels out of the energy mix. In both EOR or enhanced coalbed methane re- mospheric warming involve entire para-
an article from 2011 and a 2018 presen- covery197 and in the direct production of digm shifts and changes in systems of
tation, Chichilnisky explicitly frames transport fuels and, to a lesser extent, transportation, electricity production and
Global Thermostat’s technology as a way plastics and other petrochemicals. Propo- distribution, industry and manufacturing,
to protect the $55 trillion in global ener- nents of DAC argue that these new prod- and others. That a fuel can drop in might
gy infrastructure.194 ucts—be they plastics, synthetic fuels, or be advantageous for its own use and
other materials—would substantially re- adoption, but it further entrenches, rather
Climeworks place those produced by fossil fuels, re- than dislodges, the systems and infra-
ducing emissions via substitution. This structure upon which the fossil economy
Climeworks, the third DAC company argument, however, has several major is built.
currently operating, similarly promotes deficiencies.
the carbon dioxide it captures as a prod-
uct for sale to food and beverage compa- First, on a basic level, DAC requires
enormous energy inputs to operate. As
Enhanced Weathering
nies, for use in materials, or for use in
fuels.195 In partnership with automaker such, DAC can’t be considered in isola- and Carbon
Audi, Climeworks has been developing tion from the energy it requires and their
related emissions. If DAC is powered by
e-fuels made from captured carbon diox-
ide since 2014. These fuels are made with renewable energy, as long as that energy Direct air capture typically refers to the
carbon dioxide captured from the air, could be used in place of fossil energy use of machines to separate carbon diox-
water, and electricity. The “e-diesel” cre- sources, it must be understood to enable ide molecules from the ambient air.
ated from this process, as noted in an fossil energy sources to exist as it com- There are, however, other techniques.
Audi press release, is a drop-in fuel, petes for energy inputs. It is, essentially, One of the most widely discussed is en-
meaning it can be used with current fuel the opposite calculation of increasing en- hanced weathering, alternatively called
ergy efficiency. carbon mineralization.

Pathways for Fly Ash Application in Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage

Abdallah Dindi et al., Applications of Fly Ash for CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage, 29 J. OF CO2 UTILIZATION 82 (2019),

Fly Ash Contamination Pathways

Abdallah Dindi et al., Applications of Fly Ash for CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage, 29 J. OF CO2 UTILIZATION 82 (2019),

Carbon dioxide in the air naturally reacts tific research institutions as well as fossil Although the National Academies of Sci-
with alkaline chemicals in surface rocks, fuel companies.200 Shell in particular re- ence and others are calling for additional
combining to form stable compounds. searched and patented a process for car- research into carbon mineralization, there
Because neither solid rock nor the carbon bon mineralization.201 is currently little commercial effort to
dioxide in the air are very reactive, this deploy the form of above-ground, or ex-
process takes a very long time. The pro- Carbon mineralization faces several chal- situ, carbon mineralization that might be
cess can be sped up, theoretically seques- lenges to its successful deployment. Simi- considered air capture or CDR. Nonethe-
tering significant carbon dioxide either larly to ocean alkalinization, discussed less, this proposed method of carbon re-
directly from the atmosphere (as a form below, the amount of material that would moval and storage is already being con-
of CDR) or from already concentrated need to be used substantially exceeds the sidered as an outlet for fossil fuel by-
carbon dioxide sources (as a form of car- amount of coal mined annually. Esti- products.
bon storage).198 mates indicate that six to eight tons of ore
would be needed for use in mineraliza- Residuals from coal combustion, also
Carbon mineralization was first proposed tion for each ton of coal burned, not in- known as fly ash or coal combustion
in 1990, although Klaus Lackner’s work cluding the emissions from mining, trans- waste (CCW), contain chemicals that can
in 1995 is credited with providing the portation, or process energy.202 Neither of be combined with carbon dioxide in car-
“details and foundation” for much of the the two most promising natural minerals bon mineralization processes. For this
later carbon mineralization research ef- for this process—olivine and serpen- reason, several proponents have suggested
fort.199 Since then, the process has re- tine—is or could be economically mined using coal combustion wastes and other
ceived considerable attention from scien- at anything approaching this scale. industrial wastes, including brine solu-

tions resulting from oil and gas produc- eralization, the amount of carbon dioxide floor at the end of their lives, accelerating
tion,203 in carbon mineralization process- sequestered would amount to less than the carbon-pump function of many sur-
es.204 0.1% of US carbon dioxide emissions.206 face marine organisms.
Another study estimates that carbonation
For coal producers and large-scale coal of all coal fly ash globally would only ac- The original research into iron fertiliza-
consumers, the prospect of using coal count for 0.25% of emissions from coal- tion—at least as identified in this re-
combustion waste and other industrial fired power plants.207 view—was done outside the purview of
residues for carbon storage or removal fossil fuel companies.211 This changed in
holds obvious appeal. Coal combustion The industry is likely aware of these limi- 1992, when Exxon funded a study by
wastes are among the largest unmanaged tations. The Institute for Clean and Se- Wallace Broecker and T.H. Peng follow-
waste streams in many countries. In the cure Energy—a research organization ing up on earlier research they had con-
United States, for example, coal combus- with funders including Chevron, The ducted on the topic.212 Exxon was not
tion wastes are the second largest waste Wyoming Clean Coal Technology Fund, alone in exploring iron fertilization.
stream after municipal solid wastes. Their and John Zink Company (a Koch Indus- When the Australian government
tremendous volumes and high level of tries subsidiary), among others208—exam- launched the “first in situ iron fertiliza-
heavy metals and other toxins render the ined this in at least one study from tion experiment” in the Southern Ocean
safe disposal of CCW difficult and costly, 2011.209 This study concluded that “CO2 a few years later, Australian fossil fuel and
and decades of inadequate regulation in mineralization with naturally occurring minerals conglomerate BHP Billiton was
many countries have led to massive stock- minerals is unlikely to be feasible in the among the small group of participating
piles of CCW that can leak into ground near term,” and that availability of indus- institutions.213 The experiment triggered
waters, lower air quality, and result in trial wastes for mineralization is limit- a statement of concern under the London
catastrophic events when impoundments ed.210 Incentives for carbon mineraliza- Convention on Marine Pollution and
fail. As concerns about CCW—and as a tion, then, risk providing carbon-emis- ultimately contributed to a 2008 decision
result, the potential for effective regula- sion-intensive industries with subsidies under the Convention on Biological Di-
tion—have continued to rise, coal pro- for their waste disposal—again inverting versity to place a moratorium on iron
ducers and users alike have begun to ag- the principle that those who pollute fertilization activities.214
gressively explore options for reframing a should internalize the costs of their pollu-
hazardous waste stream into a useful re- tion—without the ability to sequester Ocean alkalinization has received more
source. Reframing CCW not as toxic meaningful amounts of carbon dioxide attention from both the public and fossil
waste but as a feedstock for carbon stor- from the atmosphere. fuel companies. As opposed to iron fertil-
age and removal could help fossil fuel ization, alkalinization involves neutraliz-
producers and users pull two rabbits out ing the carbon dioxide absorbed by ocean
of one hat—enabling the continuation of Ocean Iron Fertilization surface waters, theoretically enabling
business as usual while providing a ratio- more carbon dioxide to be absorbed from
nale for industry to transfer costly and and Alkalinization the atmosphere.
unmanageable waste problems from one
The ocean is the primary carbon sink for Ocean alkalinization was first proposed as
part of the environment to another in the
the majority of carbon dioxide released a CDR method in 1995 by Haroon
ostensible name of climate action.
into the atmosphere. Another option Kheshgi, one of Exxon’s chief climate
Since at least the early 2000s, the coal considered by those looking to sequester researchers.215 In 1998,216 Kheshgi pub-
industry has promoted the idea of using carbon from the atmosphere is increasing lished a second study exploring the use of
CCW in soil remediation and reforesta- the capacity of the oceans to absorb and artificially increased ocean alkalinity to
tion efforts as a form of carbon sequestra- store carbon. Two widely discussed meth- neutralize carbon dioxide accumulation
tion, despite significant risks that doing ods for doing this are ocean iron fertiliza- from fossil fuel combustion.
so could impair plant growth and leach tion and ocean alkalinization.
toxic metals into ground and surface wa- The idea hasn’t been promoted to the
Ocean iron fertilization is the process of degree that DAC or BECCS has, in part
dumping iron into marine areas where because of the staggering amount of ma-
Despite the interest, there are significant phytoplankton is likely to grow. The the- terial required. Like carbon mineraliza-
limits to how much impact this method ory is that iron is the limiting nutrient tion, ocean alkalinization would require
of mineral carbonation could have. One holding back more robust growth of cer- mining for alkaline ore at a massive, glob-
US-based study on the extent to which tain plankton and that adding iron to al scale, and the energy consumed trans-
such wastes could be used concluded that those marine ecosystems would cause porting it from its terrestrial source to its
even if all the cost-effective alkaline in- massive plankton blooms. These plank- oceanic destination would eliminate
dustrial waste were used for carbon min- ton, forming their cells from carbon in much of the benefit.
the ocean, would then sink to the ocean

Origen Power Diagram Showing Enhanced Weathering Process Powered by Natural Gas and Reliant on CCUS

Origen Power, Written evidence submitted by Origen Power,

and%20Climate%20Change/Energy%20Revolution/written/32773.html (last visited Feb. 4, 2019).

In 2008, Shell made an early investment in fuels.218 Cquestrate appears to have carbon emissions from the natural gas
in an open-access company called Cques- ceased operation sometime after 2009, combustion, Origen Power assumes that
trate to pursue such efforts.217 To make and a for-profit company Origen Power waste CO2 produced in the process will
the energy-intensive process viable, was subsequently created to promote a be stored underground, demonstrating
Cquestrate proposed that calcination revised version of the concept.219 Origen the technologies’ continued reliance on
might be powered using “stranded gas” Power proposes to burn natural gas in a CCS.220 Tim Kruger, the founder of both
that could not otherwise economically fuel cell, creating both electricity for sale Cquestrate and Origen Power, is also the
reach markets and either releasing process and waste heat to decompose limestone program manager for Oxford University’s
emissions into the atmosphere or captur- into calcinated lime, which can then be Geoengineering Program.221
ing them through CCS for use in EOR or used for direct air capture. To offset the

PA R T 5
Bioenergy, BECCS, and the Real Cost of Carbon Accounting

he most widely discussed form A 2018 analysis of BECCS prepared for Reducing the immense impacts of
of CDR—and the CDR strat- the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Fo- BECCS on food security would require
egy most widely relied upon in rum (CSLF) acknowledges that BECCS diverting biofuel land conversions away
current climate models and has the theoretical potential to mitigate from croplands and into natural areas. As
scenarios—is bioenergy with carbon cap- up to 3.3 gigatons of carbon per year, but noted by CSLF’s BECCS report, howev-
ture and storage. cautioned that achieving reductions at er, converting large areas of forest to bio-
this scale would require planting bioener- energy production would create net emis-
Bioenergy is energy produced via the gy crops on up to 580 million hectares of sions of up to 135 gigatons of carbon by
combustion of biological material. Bioen- land, or roughly one-third of all arable 2100.225 This would transform bioenergy
ergy is typically divided into two catego- land on Earth.222 As has been widely rec- from a carbon sink to a massive carbon
ries, biomass and biofuels. Biomass is any ognized, the conversion of arable land at source even before the potential emissions
non- or minimally processed organic ma- even a fraction of the scale envisioned in from CCS itself were considered.226
terial that can be combusted for energy. most models would have profound impli-
Traditional biomass includes wood, dis- cations for food security in a growing Notwithstanding these risks, the compar-
carded food and oils, or other plant mate- world. atively greater technical feasibility of
rial. Alternatively, biofuels are processed BECCs relative to other technological
fuels produced from organic feedstocks, fixes has made it attractive for geoengi-
as opposed to fossil fuels. “There is no scenario in which neering proponents and climate modelers
bioenergy alone will remove CO2 alike. Models of decarbonization can use
Both biomass and biofuels—collectively from the atmosphere on a net basis.” BECCS as an accounting tool to offset
called bioenergy—have been touted as carbon dioxide emitted from other sourc-
carbon-neutral alternatives to fossil fuels. es and fill gaps in projected energy needs.
Regardless of whether the fuels burned The transformation of land at this scale In fact, earlier iterations of the IPCC de-
are biofuels or fossil fuels, the process has implications not only for global food carbonization pathways were criticized for
emits CO2 and other GHGs into the at- security, but for the lives, livelihoods, and doing exactly this. More recently and
mosphere. Whereas the carbon in fossil human rights of communities around the more conspicuously, Shell’s Sky Scenario,
fuels has been stored for millions of years, world. Those impacts would be most which has been lauded for its ambition,
however, the carbon released by burning heavily felt by indigenous peoples, forest relies heavily on BECCS (and fossil CCS)
biomass or biofuels was drawn from the communities, subsistence farmers, and to reach its targets.227
atmosphere and incorporated into the poor and marginalized communities in
plants, algae, or other organic sources regions subject to food shortages or food Due to the array of challenges with re-
that become bioenergy feedstocks. price shocks. Beyond its human impacts, spect to scalability, sustainability, social
Whether bioenergy is as carbon neutral in the large-scale production of bioenergy acceptability, and human rights, however,
practice as it is in theory remains subject would have significant impacts on water the IPCC notes that the projected contri-
to ongoing debate. supplies and ecosystems. Moreover, as bution of BECCS to climate reduction
CSLF’s Bioenergy Carbon Capture and targets has steadily declined in recent
There is no scenario in which bioenergy Storage Task Force observed, converting years.228 Accordingly, the IPCC expressly
alone will remove CO2 from the atmo- the necessary land to bioenergy would cautioned in SR1.5 against overreliance
sphere on a net basis. To make that even itself generate significant direct CO2 on BECCS as a mitigation or carbon re-
theoretically possible, bioenergy must be emissions due to land cover change, loss moval strategy and excluded BECCS en-
combined with CCS to capture and store of forests and grasslands, soil disturbance, tirely from its most ambitious transfor-
the carbon dioxide emitted when biomass and increased use of agricultural chemi- mation scenario.229
or biofuels are burned. If this could be cals, thus reducing its climate benefit.223
done at scale, proponents claim, BECCS Indirect emissions from producing and As noted above, any potential benefit of
could operate as a massive offset to other using bioenergy would reduce those ben- BECCS as a CO2 removal strategy de-
emissions and help reach the Paris goals. efits still further.224 pends on how the CCS component of

Excerpt from Summary of Global BECCS Projects

(BECCS) 20 (2018),

BECCS is deployed. With limited excep- their key advantage is compatibility with Fossil Industry
tions, the economics of the CCS compo- systems of fossil fuel combustion, and like
nent of BECCS are the same as in other the DAC-produced fuels discussed above, Investment in Biofuels
CCS-reliant technologies. Thus, the most they do not contribute to a systemic and BECCS
likely use of captured CO2 in BECCS change in transportation and reliance on
projects is EOR. fossil fuels. The pursuit of biofuels dates back at least
to the 1970s, and patent filings demon-
The report on BECCS prepared for Most models that have considered wide- strate that oil companies were early pio-
CSLF in 2018 agreed, acknowledging scale deployment of BECCS have consid- neers and proponents of biofuel develop-
that EOR provided the primary econom- ered bioenergy from terrestrial biomass, ment.232 The Gas Research Institute
ic market for CO2 from BECCS facilities rather than biofuels. Notably, however, of (GRI)—a research apparatus formed in
and highlighting that three of the only eight operational or completed BECCS 1976 and funded by the natural gas in-
five operational BECCS projects world- projects reported to CSLF, seven were for dustry—was funding research into biofu-
wide were designed for EOR.230 ethanol, and all benefited from govern- el production no later than the 1980s233
ment subsidies for biofuels.231 As dis- and continued until 1990.234 The GRI
As the paucity of active projects suggests, cussed in the prior section on DAC, the also collaborated with the American Gas
biofuels and BECCS occupy an uncertain production of combustible transport fuels Association, the US Energy Research and
place in the future of global energy sup- as a supplement to or drop-in replace- Development Administration, and the
ply. Outlooks for energy demand by the ment for fossil fuels serves to perpetuate US Department of Energy to pursue a
major integrated oil and gas companies and reinforce the existing fossil-fuel-based marine biomass energy research program,
predict modest growth in bioenergy pro- energy and transport infrastructure rather from 1968 until 1990.235 While the re-
duction and consumption, yet these same than transform it. Even where biomass is search into marine biofuels was originally
companies remain invested in biofuels used, BECCS serves fossil fuel interests conducted for the purpose of producing
and promote them as the clean future of by promoting CCS generally and dis- fuels, the option of using such marine
energy. While biofuels can be consider- tracting from other ambitious and trans- algae growth as a carbon sink became a
ably less carbon-intense than fossil fuels, formative climate solutions. subject of significant discussion in the

energy, or both.246 Bioenergy has to com-

pete with other energy sources, so the
CCS unit would not be added unless it
were specifically incentivized. However,
carbon pricing or other policies to incen-
tivize carbon storage (such as the credits
in Section 45Q) apply to BECCS as well
as fossil energy with CCS. Put another
way, BECCS is not likely to be the result
of market alignment from unrelated pru-
dent climate policies, but rather needs to
be deliberately incentivized, and as such,
the deployment of BECCS would require
significant expenditure of public resourc-
es. Moreover, much of this deliberate in-
centivization would apply to fossil fuel
energy production, leading to the prob-

lems outlined in the sections on CCS and

EOR above.

In addition to its policy problems, a

widespread belief in the availability of
BECCS, like SRM (which will be dis-
cussed in the next section),247 creates se-
vere moral hazard. BECCS is attractive in
part because it allows modelers to de-
crease their near- to medium-term ambi-
Fossil fuel companies continue to invest Thus, even though major oil and gas
tion. Including substantial BECCS in a
extensively in biofuels, in large part due companies promote biofuels as a climate
model allows for modelers to exceed de-
to renewable fuel standards.237 Exxon solution and actively seek government
termined carbon budgets and count on
maintains a substantial investment in subsidies linked to biofuels, there is lim-
“negative emissions” from BECCS to
Synthetic Genomics, Inc., a company ited evidence that these companies are
make up the difference.248
that makes biofuels from algae.238 Shell seriously looking to deploy them on a
holds the rights to biofuels produced by scale that would meaningfully displace oil Critically, this kind of potential pathway,
SBI Bioenergy, Inc.239 Chevron,240 To- and gas. Rather, the benefit of biofuels— called “overshooting,” is not guaranteed
tal,241 and Eni,242 to name a few, also in- as noted on several company websites—is to work. While it may feel intuitive in a
vest in and produce biofuels. that they are drop-in fuels that don’t dis- model, we do not know that overshoot-
rupt the functioning of fossil fuel produc- ing and then reducing atmospheric car-
Despite these investments, multinational tion and distribution systems. bon dioxide concentrations will work as
oil and gas companies do not appear to
expected. Moreover, overshooting risks
be planning for a massive expansion in A 2013 presentation245 by Wolfgang Hei-
hitting tipping points from which posi-
biofuel production and use. Shell’s Sky dug, Senior Analyst of the CCS Unit for
tive feedbacks lead to significantly in-
Scenario depicts an expansion of BECCS the International Energy Agency, reveals
creased warming. The IPCC specifically
for use in electricity production, but it the way in which the direct promotion of
counseled against overshooting in its
contends that oil will remain the primary BECCS would be a financial windfall for
SR1.5,249 yet this is the plan set out in
provider for liquid fuels.243 Exxon’s and the fossil fuel industry. In this presenta-
Shell’s Sky Scenario.250
BP’s energy forecasts, including those tion, Heidug presents the results of an
with decarbonization scenarios, similarly analysis of various incentive policies for
show a muted role for biofuels as a re- BECCS. In short, BECCS does not be-
placement for, or even supplement to, oil come sufficiently incentivized unless there
for liquid fuels.244 is a positive subsidy for CCS, use of bio-

PA R T 6
Paved with Good Intentions: The Danger and Distraction of
Solar Radiation Modification

neering to hold global mean tempera- therefore, and for reasons detailed in the
olar radiation modification refers preceding sections, proponents of SRM
to the suite of ideas proposed to ture constant would thus require that
its deployment be sustained for a long must also assume the same large-scale
combat global warming by reduc- deployment of commercially viable
ing, reflecting, or intercepting time, dependent on this residence
time.”258 CCUS, DAC, and BECCS.
sunlight before it has a chance to warm
the atmosphere. Long before oil compa- With atmospheric GHG concentrations
If geoengineering were used to simply
nies proposed paving entire landscapes to now surpassing 400 parts per million and
slow the rate of climate change rather
change rainfall patterns251 and spraying global emissions reductions still woefully
than fully prevent warming, they argued,
black carbon into the atmosphere to inadequate, the potential for deploying
the length of SRM deployment could be
weaken hurricanes,252 scientists under- SRM—or at least testing it—has become
reduced—to periods ranging from 40 to
stood the potential for changes in the the subject of serious discussion. Eminent
840 years depending on the speed of
earth’s albedo (the amount of sunlight climate scientist Michael MacCracken
transition and emissions reductions.259
reflected back into space) to modify the has advocated for geoengineering research
The authors, including Carbon Engineer-
climate at local, regional, or larger and deployment for nearly three decades,
ing founder David Keith, acknowledged
scales.253 but succinctly captures the sentiment
that the only way to reduce these time-
lines, other than minimizing emissions in among a growing body of informed ob-
The strategies proposed for doing so are servers:
diverse, including injecting sulfur or oth- the first place, would be to combine them
er aerosols into the atmosphere; brighten- with CDR.260 To a significant extent,
ing marine clouds by injecting seawater
or sulfur dioxide from purpose-built ves-
sels or existing ships;254 spreading tiny FIGURE 16
microbeads or foam-enhancing surfac- Early ExxonMobil Patent for Using Asphalt to Change Rainfall Patterns
tants in the oceans;255 deploying mirrors
in space;256 and covering deserts in plastic
sheeting,257 among many others.

While proponents of CDR promise to

pull CO2 out of the atmosphere as a
means of reducing climate impacts, SRM
proponents take a different approach,
seeking not to remove atmospheric green-
house gases, but to mask or countermand
their effects for the decades to millennia
it takes to return CO2 concentrations to
safe levels. As three leading geoengineer-
ing advocates observed in 2014:

“Carbon dioxide released to the atmo-

sphere can affect the Earth’s climate
for millennia, thus in the absence of
methods used to accelerate the remov-
al of CO2 from the atmosphere, CO2
emissions commit us to millennia of
altered climate. Using solar geoengi- Cloud Formation and Subsequent Moisture Precipitation, U.S. Patent No. 3,409,220 (filed Mar. 26, 1965).

“With the prospects for the future beyond dispute. Indeed, we have already energy that reaches the earth’s surface,
now viewed with sufficient alarm and done so. The question is: at what cost? sulfate aerosols have a slight but measur-
confidence to cause leaders of the able cooling effect that increases with
world, despite all the uncertainties their concentration in the atmosphere.262
described in the IPCC Assessment Burning Fossil Fuels The atmospheric residence time of sulfate
Reports, to unanimously agree that aerosols is far shorter than that of CO2, so
the world’s fossil fuel energy system Proved SRM is the cooling effect from individual parti-
must be replaced, the limitations of Possible—and cles is temporary, but for decades the
the present national commitments to steadily rising SO2 emissions were suffi-
emissions reductions would seem to Demonstrated Its Risks cient to mask a substantial portion of ac-
favor serious international consider- cumulated warming across the Northern
For more than a century, even as fossil
ation of near-term global-scale inter- Hemisphere.263
fuel combustion raised global tempera-
tures through the emission of CO2 and Even assuming this interference with the
Unlike many proposed CDR methods, other greenhouse gases, the emission of global energy balance were unambiguous-
and as discussed further below, there is sulfur dioxide (SO2) from the same fuel- ly positive, however, SO2 emissions have
broad agreement that some SRM ap- burning sources was having the opposite other, more immediate effects on human
proaches would be able to reduce solar effect. SO2 emissions from power plants, health264 and the environment.265 Most
irradiation and lower temperatures across ships, automobiles, and other sources significantly, atmospheric SO2 is one of
large areas. Humanity’s ability to effect generate sulfate aerosols that reflect a the primary causes of acid rain and con-
such changes, even at a global scale, is large proportion of sunlight back into tributes to ozone depletion.266
space. By reducing the amount of solar

Early Industry Interest While acknowledging the evident health

benefits of SO2 regulations then being
tently with ships, but in a safer
in SRM and considered by the International Maritime
The National Academy of Sciences
Stratospheric Aerosol Organization, Fugelsvedt and colleagues
noted that cleaning up ship pollution (NAS) noted this linkage between fossil
Injection would reduce the modest but noticeable combustion and key geoengineering tech-
cooling effect those SO2 emissions had on nologies when discussing the prospects
Ironically, as measures to address sulfur the climate.271 The authors recommended for geoengineering in its 1992 report Pol-
dioxide’s negative effects are slowly bring- that this broader context be considered in icy Implications of Greenhouse Warming.
ing emissions down in many parts of the evaluations of possible regulatory mea- Citing earlier work by SS Penner, the
world,267 a small but growing chorus of sures. Others saw in the shipping example NAS panel suggested that emissions of
voices is proposing that humanity inject a potential justification for new geoengi- just “1 percent of the fuel mass of the
still more SO2, sulfate aerosols, or other neering research: commercial aviation fleet as particulates,
materials into the stratosphere in the between 40,000 and 100,000-foot (12- to
hope that the cooling it generates will “The upcoming change does offer a 30-km) altitude for a 10-year period,
mask the climate impacts of rising green- different way of thinking about inten- would change the planetary albedo suffi-
house gas concentrations. This injection tional efforts to cool the climate, ciently to neutralize the effects of an
of aerosols into the upper atmosphere, known as geoengineering, according equivalent doubling of CO2.”273 Penner
stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), re- to some proponents of research in this headed the Center for Energy Research at
mains the most widely discussed ap- area. Rather than some radical experi- UC San Diego, which, as briefly noted
proach to SRM, and, despite the risks, ment, deliberate geoengineering could earlier in this report, was founded with a
sulfur dioxide and sulfate aerosols remain instead be seen as a way of continuing grant from the Gulf Oil Foundation.
the most widely discussed candidates for to do what we’ve been doing inadver- Penner also chaired the Department of

Bolstering this strategy is that, since sul-

fur dioxide is a common waste product of
Illustration of How Carbon Dust Would Be Generated and Dispensed from Jet Aircraft
fossil fuel combustion, the necessary feed-
stocks for both SAI and some forms of
marine cloud brightening (MCB) are
readily available in an economy powered
by fossil fuels.

In a recent, ironic example of these link-

ages, some proponents of geoengineering
have suggested that, by reducing the albe-
do effects of ship emissions, recent regu-
lations designed to protect public health
by reducing SO2 emissions from global
shipping fleets have the unfortunate side
effect of “interfering” with an ongoing
inadvertent experiment in geoengineer-
ing.269 As Jan Fugelsvedt and colleagues
summarized in a 2009 article:

“One might consider SO2 emissions as

a form of inadvertent geoengineering
due to the cooling effects. Indeed, the
proposed geoengineering scheme of
deliberately seeding low-level clouds
over the oceans to enhance their albe-
do would lead to a forcing mechanism
similar to continued SO2 emissions
ENERGY 73 (1974), available at

Energy’s Fossil Energy Research Working

Group, a joint enterprise between indus- Graph by Keith and Dowlatabadi Suggesting that SRM Could be Cheaper than
try and academic researchers created to Reducing CO2 Emissions
improve the viability of shale oil, coal
liquefaction, and other fossil fuel technol-

Penner’s original 1984 paper, co-au-

thored with a graduate student funded by
Shell Oil, made the motivation for pro-
posing geoengineering explicit:

“The notion that the most economical

energy source will be replaced globally
in response to longterm climate model
predictions is probably false. Before
policy matters of this type can be dis-
cussed reasonably, careful assessments
must be made of alternative global
measures that do not require curtail-
ments of fossil-fuel applications.”275

In lieu of reducing fossil fuel use, Penner

argued that “desired changes in Earth
albedo through judicious introduction of
small particles can probably be accom-
plished at acceptable cost through the use
of modified combustors on high-flying

While its application in the climate con-

text may have been novel, the concept of
using modified aircraft emissions to alter
David W. Keith and Hadi Dowlatabadi, A Serious Look at Geoengineering, 73 TRANS. AM. GEOPHYS.
Earth’s albedo and affect the climate was UNION 289 (1992),
not. It had been proposed by Russian
scientist Mikhail Budyko in the early
1970s and periodically echoed by scien- from a mixture of coal and jet fuel, the A handwritten note on one of Penner’s
tists and industry researchers in the ensu- feedstocks might be secured for as little as papers expressed the view that “[m]any
ing years. As discussed in Part 3, above, three cents per ton.279 famous scientists have later copied this
this was one of many strategies detailed idea without acknowledgment of my
by industry-linked researchers in 1974 to Penner noted potential concerns that 1992-93 proposal.”281 Wallace Broecker,
increase control of the climate while cre- stratospheric injections of this kind might himself receiving climate funding from
ating new markets for petroleum prod- damage the stratospheric ozone layer and Exxon at the time,282 briefly discussed the
ucts. indicated that this justified some experi- idea—and provided additional cost esti-
mentation into possible effects. Nonethe- mates—in his 1985 book How to Build a
In a follow-up paper in 1993, Penner less, he argued that the potential availabil- Habitable Planet, but provided no cita-
further elaborated on the strategy.277 Us- ity of a low-cost technology to decrease tions.283 Long-time SAI advocate David
ing jet fuel consumption figures provided temperatures made it “appropriate to de- Keith cited both Broecker and NAS for
to him by the American Petroleum Insti- lay drastic and excessively costly measures the concept in his widely cited 1992 re-
tute, Penner estimated that if one percent on CO2 reduction.”280 Indeed, he argued, view A Serious Look at Geoengineering.284
(2 million tons per year) of jet fuel were climate modeling itself should proceed on In further evidence of industry’s role in
converted to stratospheric emissions, just the assumption that the results of geoen- geoengineering research, Keith’s 1992
under four years would be required to gineering experiments would likely be article was funded in part under a con-
lower temperatures sufficiently to offset known long before there was certainty tract with the Electric Power Research
1.5°C of warming due to climate regarding the need for climate mitigation Institute.285
change.278 If the particles were created of other kinds.

Significantly, Keith, like Penner before compared not only to the costs of climate layer, SAI would do nothing to reduce
him, argued that one significant reason damages, but also to the cost of emissions the ocean acidification caused by CO2
for exploring geoengineering technologies reductions, was expressly restated in the deposition and, indeed, could exacerbate
was the potential to manage the impacts paper’s conclusion.291 Far from envision- the problem.
of climate change much more cheaply ing SRM as a necessary fail-safe if mitiga-
than could be achieved through abate- tion technologies failed to fully eliminate There is broad recognition within the
ment alone. In a figure accompanying the GHG emissions, the authors instead con- scientific community, moreover, that
paper, Keith and his co-author highlight- cluded that SRM might prove a useful both SAI and MCB—will have signifi-
ed that the marginal cost of deploying and economical component of a broader cant effects on rainfall patterns across
SRM—described in the graph as a “solar climate management system—one fo- large regions and that these effects may be
shield” (represented by the flat line la- cused not on eliminating the drivers of “telegraphed” to regions far removed
beled B in the graph)—could be dramati- climate change, but on simply keeping from injection sites.294 Like SAI, marine
cally lower than achieving an equivalent pace with their mounting atmospheric cloud brightening is designed to increase
amount of climate mitigation by reducing impacts. the amount of sunlight reflected back
US greenhouse gas emissions by six giga- into space by raising Earth’s albedo.
tons of CO2 per year (represented by “When SRM is considered as one ele- However, while SAI focuses on deploying
curves C1 and C2 in the graph).286 ment of climate strategy that also in- SO2 or other aerosols in the stratosphere,
cludes mitigation and adaptation, it is MCB involves changing the reflectivity of
While the details have changed in some meaningful to compare costs and in marine clouds by injecting SO2, sea wa-
respects, the core concept of using modi- this sense one can conclude that the ter, or other aerosols into the atmosphere
fied jet exhaust to inject particulates or cost of SRM deployment of quantities above the marine environment, using
aerosols into the stratosphere remains sufficient to alter radiative forcing by either existing ships or fleets of purpose-
essentially intact in modern proposals for an amount roughly equivalent to the built vessels. Models have repeatedly indi-
SAI. In a recent review of SAI injection growth of anticipated GHG forcing cated that the application of either cate-
options, for example, David Keith and over the next half century is low, gory of technology at large scales would
co-authors concluded that the most eco- though SRM does not thereby miti- have significant impacts on global hydro-
nomically viable approach to SAI would gate the risks of the accumulated logical cycles.
be to modify existing Boeing 747 aircraft GHGs that extend far beyond this
or develop new airframes to inject SO2 time window.”292 For example, multiple studies have shown
into the stratosphere at 60,000 feet.287 that geoengineering in the Arctic could
(The lead author on the report, Justin lead to significant changes in precipita-
McClellan, worked in business develop- Counting—and Not tion in tropical monsoon regions of both
ment for a Boeing subsidiary.288 The third the Northern and Southern hemispheres,
author, Jay Apt, was director of the Elec- Counting—the Costs of increasing monsoon precipitation in the
tricity Industry Center, which was co- SRM Northern hemisphere tropics but dramat-
ically reducing rainfall across the Ama-
founded by and receives ongoing core
support from Electric Power Research As the preceding section demonstrates, zon.295 Rainfall losses of this scale would
Institute (EPRI).289) As with Penner de- one of the recurring rationales for explor- trigger profound impacts on Amazonian
cades earlier, Keith and colleagues ac- ing SRM is that its costs—while substan- ecosystems and on the indigenous peoples
knowledged that this economic analysis tial—might be lower than the near-term and local communities dependent upon
was relevant not only as a necessary sup- costs of mitigation efforts. As with CDR, those ecosystems, and they would com-
plement to climate mitigation efforts, but however, the economics of SRM may pound the moisture losses caused by cli-
as a cost-competitive alternative to those depend on how narrowly costs are calcu- mate change itself. Despite this, engineer
efforts: lated. and MCB vessel designer Stephen Salter
expressed optimism that the people of
“We think this work demonstrates In their 2012 cost assessment of SAI de- Brazil would gladly accept these losses
clearly that it is feasible by showing livery methods, Keith and McClellan ac- knowing that the Amazon’s loss was off-
that several independent options can knowledged that their analysis did not set by increased rain in the Horn of Afri-
transport the required material at a consider the “implications of risks [of ca.296 To address the hydrological imbal-
cost that is less than 1% of climate SAI] and of the imperfect climate com- ances created by geoengineering, Salter
damages or the cost of mitigation.”290 pensation offered by SRM, and the costs proposes a globe-spanning network of
associated with these issues.”293 In addi- vessels injecting seawater into the atmo-
The authors’ assessment that solar geoen- tion to significant risks of acid precipita- sphere from predetermined locations and
gineering using SAI was cost effective tion and potential impacts to the ozone in carefully orchestrated but periodically
© N E I L PA L M E R / C I AT

recalibrated sequences, with each injec- sulting expert for industry defendants pensating affected communities for the
tion designed to offset and rebalance the accused of mismanaging waste oil,301 ar- impacts to their lands, rights, livelihoods,
ones that came before.297 gued that the most feasible and economi- and lives. As in the context of CDR, such
cal solution to climate change would be assumptions occur with troubling fre-
Acid rain, ozone loss, and significant dis- to cover 4 million square miles of desert quency in proposals for the deployment
ruption of hydrological cycles are not the with plastic sheeting. Gaskill calculated of SRM.
only risks posed by SAI and other SRM that the project would cost $500 billion
technologies. These risks include com- per year for 150 years—$75 trillion in Moreover, were large-scale SRM ended
pounding the disruptive impacts of cli- total. These costs, he concluded, com- before atmospheric CO2 concentrations
mate change itself, reducing crop yields298 pared “very favorably” to the Department had been returned to safe levels, global
and solar energy production by reducing of Energy’s “$10/ton goal to managing temperatures would rapidly rise to the
the amount of solar radiance reaching the carbon from power plant emissions.”302 levels dictated by those concentrations.
earth’s surface,299 and affecting the fre- This rapid temperature increase and the
quency and intensity of tropical cy- The majority of the project expenses associated disruptions to geophysical, eco-
clones,300 among others. would go into purchasing the plastic from logical, and social systems that would en-
the petrochemical companies that make sue are known collectively as “termina-
Moreover, as evidenced in the Salter pa- it. The land, Gaskill assumed, would be tion shock.”304 SRM proponents argue
per, SRM proponents often acknowledge given away free of charge.303 that these risks might be managed by pro-
vast inequities in the distribution of the tecting SRM installations against attacks
costs and benefits of SRM technologies, At first blush, the idea of covering the or disasters,305 phasing out SRM gradual-
but assume those disparities will simply world’s largest deserts in plastic and as- ly over a long period of time, or restrict-
be accepted by local populations or dealt suming the countries and communities ing the degree to which SRM is used in
with later. affected would freely consent seems pro- the first place.306
foundly naive. Yet it parallels the contin-
In the early 2000s, environmental chem- ued heavy reliance on BECCS in climate There is also the significant risk that the
ist Alvia Gaskill reviewed available tech- mitigation scenarios and the implicit as- deployment of or even experimentation
nologies for geoengineering and shared sumption that much of the world’s arable with SRM could increase global insecuri-
his findings and proposal with the US land can be converted from food produc- ty and increase the potential for conflict
Department of Energy. Gaskill, a con- tion to biofuels, generally without com- regionally or more broadly. Given the

Impact of Cloud Geoengineering on Rainfall for 2030-2059

Stephen Salter and Alan Gadian, Coded Modulation of Computer Climate Models for the Prediction of Precipitation and Other Side-effects of Marine Cloud
Brightening 3 (research proposal, Jan. 25, 2013),

military origins of some early geoengi- mate change disrupts rainfall patterns of or even the research into SRM: that
neering technologies, the active explora- across large areas, conflicts over access to the promise of future geoengineering will
tion of military technologies such as mis- water resources are likely to grow, both provide an excuse to delay climate mitiga-
siles or artillery shells for SRM deploy- within and between countries.309 Given tion or to reduce the scale of ambition.
ment, and the use of early weather modi- its potential effects on rainfall patterns,
fication tools in military conflicts, some storms, and crop production—including In the geoengineering context, this is of-
observers have highlighted the serious risk at great distances from SRM deployment ten referred to as the moral hazard argu-
that geoengineering or geoengineering sites—geoengineering could dramatically ment—the risk that the perceived ability
technologies might be intentionally uti- compound resource-related conflicts in to manage the climate crisis by engineer-
lized for military purposes.307 A less dis- regions affected by food insecurity, water ing the climate itself will suppress ambi-
cussed but even more pervasive risk is stress, and ongoing disputes over access to tion by governments, corporations, and
that geoengineering could exacerbate un- and control of glacial melts, monsoon individuals to reduce emissions of green-
derlying, often long-standing sources of rains, and the rivers and floodplains they house gases.
tension between groups or countries, re- run through.
sulting in the outbreak or recurrence of Proponents of geoengineering deploy-
military conflict. In 2007, the United ment or research routinely argue that
Moral Hazard and the these risks are overstated, noting that all
States Department of Defense recognized
the potential for climate change itself to Geoengineering ‘Fail-Safe’ but the the most strident proponents of
compound pre-existing tensions in this SRM acknowledge that SRM must be
way, serving as a “threat multiplier” that Beyond the risks attendant to individual coupled with emissions reductions and
increases the likelihood and potential technologies, however, is a more funda- emissions must ultimately be brought
scale of violence.308 For example, as cli- mental risk inherent in the development under control.

As this report demonstrates, however, the

potential to avoid or minimize other
for reducing near-term ambition and de-
laying significant emissions reductions
This is a Test. But is it
forms of climate action—including re- into the future: Only a Test?
ducing the world’s reliance on fossil fu-
els—have been a recurring theme in “The notion of geoengineering as a Notwithstanding the long scientific his-
CDR and SRM research alike for de- fallback option provides a central—or tory of the concept, and its periodic ex-
cades. As DAC and SRM advocate David perhaps the only—justification for ploration by both corporations and gov-
Keith acknowledged in 1992, taking large-scale geoengineering seri- ernments, the public conversation over
ously. A fallback strategy permits more SRM remains in its early stages. Early and
“The existence of a fallback is critically confidence in adopting a moderate sometimes unauthorized experiments into
important as it allows more confidence response to the climate problem: with- other forms of geoengineering led to
in choosing a moderate response strat- out fallback options a moderate re- mounting concern among informed ob-
egy. Moderate responses are difficult sponse is risky given the possibility of servers that open-air experimentation
to implement when catastrophic con- a strong climatic response to moderate with SRM might soon begin. In response
sequences are possible from weak an- levels of fossil-fuel combustion.”313 to these concerns, the Convention on
thropogenic climate forcing. Fallback Biological Diversity adopted a decision in
strategies permit moderate responses As abundantly documented in the sec- 2010 creating an effective moratorium on
to be adopted with the knowledge that tions that follow, the potential to avoid, geoengineering, including experimenta-
should these prove inadequate an al- delay, or minimize necessary reductions tion. This decision, however, is neither
ternate mitigative option is avail- in GHG emissions remains a recurring, ironclad nor irreversible.314
able.”310 explicit ambition of many geoengineering
proponents—both within industry and As geoengineering generally and SRM
The same year Keith issued this EPRI- within the advocacy and policy commu- specifically become more prominent in
funded paper, EPRI founder and presi- nities. This is, in an important sense, a the climate dialogue, interest in carrying
dent emeritus Chauncey Starr put the rational and predictable response of cor- out open-air geoengineering experiments
matter more bluntly. In a paper co-au- porations and governments. Climate is increasing.315 Among the most widely
thored with fellow climate denialist Fred change mitigation, the reduction of discussed of these potential experiments is
Singer, Starr argued that the “scientific greenhouse gas emissions, and the shift the stratospheric controlled perturbation
base for a greenhouse warming is too un- away from a fossil fuel-based economy experiment (SCoPEx) co-led by David
certain to justify drastic action at this will not be without costs. While there Keith (Mission Scientist) and Frank
time.”311 Significantly, Starr and his co- will be enormous benefits, both concen- Keutsch (Principal Investigator) of Har-
authors argued that action to address cli- trated and diffuse, there are also near- vard University.316 Keutsch is a professor
mate risks was unjustified because we term costs to climate action and difficult of chemistry and atmospheric science at
could always geoengineer our way out of decisions that need to be made quickly. A Harvard; Keith serves as faculty director
the problem—either by sucking CO2 political leader deciding between prudent for Harvard University’s Solar Geoengi-
from the atmosphere or by deploying climate action now versus another gover- neering Research Program (SGRP)317
techniques to block incoming sunlight: nance priority may choose the latter if and, as discussed in the section on direct
they believe that SRM implementation air capture, is the founder of Carbon En-
“If greenhouse warming ever becomes will buy time. gineering.
a problem, there are a number of pro-
posals for removing CO2 from the This fundamental problem—that solar Unlike some programs that seek only to
atmosphere. . . . If all else fails, there is geoengineering is the perfect excuse for pursue governance, the SGRP takes “an
always the possibility of putting ‘Ve- inaction—is exactly what makes its im- active stance on research with a unique
netian blind’ satellites into earth orbit plementation aligned with fossil fuel in- mandate to develop new path-breaking
to modulate the amount of sunshine terests. It is therefore unsurprising that, technologies that might improve solar
reaching the earth.”312 from the earliest conversations about so- geoengineering’s effectiveness and reduce
lar geoengineering through the present its risks.”318 In conjunction with that
Unlike Starr, Keith highlighted the po- day, the fossil fuel industry has been in- mandate, SCoPEx is designed “to ad-
tentially prohibitive costs of deep GHG volved in the conception of solar geoengi- vance understanding of the risks and effi-
reductions but did not argue that reduc- neering options—often using fossil fuel cacy of SRM,” with particular attention
tions were wholly unnecessary. Like other by-products—and the promotion of to the potential impacts of SRM on the
SRM advocates, however, Keith repeated- SRM as a climate option. ozone layer. Keutsch, Keith, and their
ly emphasized that the availability of geo- co-workers acknowledge the potential for
engineering provided a strong rationale stratospheric aerosol injection to damage

the ozone layer, but assert that the im- Troublingly, both the SCoPEx design ing full global intervention and, in
pacts on ozone may be reduced if the at- and the broader context in which it is essence, imposing human control of
mospheric cooling induced by SRM re- implemented suggest that the goal of the the complex global climate system,
duces the transport of water vapor into experiment is to move the technology for- establishing a research program to ex-
the lower stratosphere.319 The SCoPEx ward, rather than to demonstrate that it is plore potential regionally focused, tro-
experiment is thus designed to inform safe for deployment. As evidenced by pospheric interventions might serve as
these competing hypotheses about the their ongoing research outside of SCo- a useful interim step between not in-
impacts of SRM. A second function of PEx, Keith and his coworkers continue to tervening at all and jumping straight
the experiment is to better analyze how actively research, refine, and promote to global-scale intervention.”326
sulfate particles behave following injec- strategies for SRM even as the deploy-
tion—including the size, dispersion, and ment of SCoPEx is debated. This fact As documented more fully below, Mac-
resulting duration of particles, all of highlights another widespread concern Cracken is far from alone in this view
which will influence their reflectivity and among critics of geoengineering: that ex- that a principal benefit of open-air testing
efficiency for radiative forcing.320 periments such as SCoPEx are designed is that it eases the path to large-scale de-
less to expose the potential risks of SRM ployment. This perspective is shared by
Keith and other proponents of open-air technologies than to narrow the universe the American Enterprise Institute and in
testing of geoengineering routinely argue of potential risks, while demonstrating one important instance, discussed further
that such experiments are needed to de- the basic feasibility of geoengineering below, by NASA.
termine whether geoengineering will be technologies and opening the door to
safe and, if so, under what conditions. It deployment at progressively larger scales.
is notable in this regard that the SCoPEx Industry Influence in
proponents originally intended to deploy In fact, some long-time geoengineering
sulfuric acid in the experiment,321 but advocates explicitly acknowledge that a SRM
modified their testing plans in the wake principal function of early testing is to lay
As discussed more fully above, the pros-
of public concern with the potential envi- the foundation for early, active deploy-
pect of tinkering with Earth’s albedo—
ronmental effects of sulfate aerosols. As a ment. In 2016, for example, MacCracken
whether in the atmosphere, in the oceans,
result, the proponents subsequently pro- acknowledged that testing and deploy-
or on the earth’s surface—was an area of
posed to initiate the experiment with ice ment exist on a tightly woven continu-
early and active inquiry in weather modi-
and calcium carbonate instead, while um. MacCracken argued that, unless geo-
fication and geoengineering. Fossil fuel
leaving open the possibility of injecting engineering interventions begin in the
interests, including particularly the oil
sulfate aerosols at a later stage.322 near term and gradually scale up, there is
industry, were early and active partici-
the risk that geoengineering research re-
Notably, however, Keith and others con- pants in this research.327 For decades,
sults might go unused.
tinue to assume the use of SO2 or similar however, it was widely recognized that
sulfate aerosol precursors in papers mod- “Thus, while scientific and technologi- the risks and side effects of SRM far out-
eling the large scale deployment of cal questions that merit additional re- weighed any potential benefits.328
SRM.323 As they acknowledge in a 2017 search and, while governmental efforts
Beginning in the 1990s, the concept of
paper, research on SRM implementation are needed that develop appropriate
actively deploying SRM on a global scale
continues to focus on increasing the governance mechanisms for deciding
was resurrected—either as a last-ditch
stratospheric burden of sulfate aerosols, how to optimally intervene, putting
solution to the climate crisis or as a quick
“in part because it is (arguably) the only off initiation of actual climate inter-
and relatively inexpensive fix to mask the
SRM method with a strong natural ana- vention until there is much greater
impacts of accumulating greenhouse gas
log that can produce relatively uniform understanding might well lead to a
emissions. Producers and users of fossil
[increases in radiative forcing] using exist- situation where the transient condi-
fuels were key actors in this resurgence.
ing technologies.”324 Regardless of the tions associated with restoring the
specific testing material deployed in ex- past’s milder conditions might them- As noted in the preceding section, the
periments, therefore, any actual deploy- selves be unacceptably disruptive.”325 utility industry’s Electric Power Research
ment of SAI is likely to rely heavily on Institute co-funded David Keith’s early
sulfate aerosols, with their attendant side In these circumstances, MacCracken be-
research into geoengineering in 1992.
effects. Ironically, open-air experiments lieves, geoengineering experiments pro-
That same year, EPRI founder and presi-
small enough in size to minimize the risk vide a useful stepping stone to wide-scale
dent emeritus Chauncey Starr wrote a
of harm from these materials also increase deployment:
series of papers actively disputing the
the risk that they will be too small to fully state of climate science, emphasizing un-
reveal such side effects. “As an alternative to jumping from
undertaking no intervention to initiat- certainties and arguing against action to
© Q I M O N O V I A P I X A B AY

address the crisis. In one of the most in- Watts’s book Engineering Response to Kyoto Protocol, carbon taxes, and cap-
fluential of these papers, co-authored Global Climate Change.333 Kheshgi, Flan- and-trade proposals and instead urged
with fellow climate denialist Fred Singer, nery, and other industry scientists were a increased R&D funding for geoengineer-
Starr argued, “The scientific base for a constant, conspicuous presence in meet- ing, his term for using “technologies that
greenhouse warming is too uncertain to ings and reports that returned geoengi- would avoid harmful climate change
justify drastic action at this time.”329 neering to the center of the climate de- while allowing emissions.”336 Among oth-
Should climate risks ever prove signifi- bate. er options, Lane noted, this could include
cant, the authors argued, we could geoen- “increasing earth’s albedo to offset the
gineer our way out of the problem.330 warming effects of rising GHG concen-
NASA Workshop on Solar trations.”337
EPRI’s contributions to the field, howev- Radiation Management
er, pale in comparison to those by Exxon Lane was listed as the lead author on the
and other oil industry actors. In 2006, NASA and the Carnegie Institu- NASA workshop report published in
tion of Washington Department of Glob- 2007. The report outlined two alternate
Exxon scientists Haroon Kheshgi and al Ecology hosted a workshop to deter- visions to justify research into SRM geo-
Brian Flannery were actively writing mine the research needs of the scientific engineering. The first was that mitigation
about geoengineering, and specifically community regarding solar geoengineer- efforts might fail and render geoengineer-
SRM and ocean alkalinization, from the ing.334 In addition to Keith and Exxon’s ing necessary, in which case it would be
1990s onward, with Kheshgi proving par- Kheshgi, the participants included Lee useful to have tested, cost-effective tech-
ticularly active and influential.331 Both are Lane of the American Enterprise Institute nologies on the shelf.338 The second,
acknowledged for their contribution to (AEI),335 which at the time maintained an which received more extensive and more
MacCracken’s 1991 paper Geoengineering active and ongoing campaign to under- positive treatment, argued that the devel-
the Climate.332 In 1997, Flannery and mine public confidence in climate sci- opment and “preemptive” deployment of
Kheshgi were primary authors of a chap- ence. In an AEI report published that SRM could “buy time” because imple-
ter on geoengineering in Robert G. same year, Lane had argued against the menting GHG reductions would require

the development of “new, far lower cost greenhouse gas abatement by delaying Emergencies,345 was released by Novim, a
emission abatement technologies.”339 At emissions reductions while lowering the nonprofit group founded at the Universi-
its heart, this vision of geoengineering “present value” of climate damages.342 ty of California Santa Barbara the previ-
was less about addressing the climate cri- Notably, the authors recognized that one ous year. Drawing on the work of a spe-
sis than avoiding economic disruptions important benefit to this accelerated test- cially convened study group, the Novim
caused by prematurely reducing emis- ing and deployment of geoengineering report outlined a research agenda for
sions: was that there would be more time to stratospheric aerosol injection, the most
choose other courses of action if the re- commonly advocated form of SRM.346
“Economic efficiency requires mini- sults from geoengineering proved disap- The lead author and study group conve-
mizing the present value of the sum of pointing or disastrous.343 ner, Steve Koonin, was Chief Scientist at
the damages from climate change and BP when the group was convened.347 A
the costs of reducing those damages. This vision of geoengineering outlined in brief “Note on Conflicts” in the report
By constraining the rise in tempera- the NASA workshop report—that early acknowledges that Koonin’s role at BP
ture, solar radiation management de- deployment of SRM would provide an could be perceived as a conflict, as “some
ployment could reduce the damages of excuse to delay other forms of climate readers may perceive anyone working at
climate change. At the same time, action; that even with advance testing any oil company to have an interest in
postponing the deepest emission cuts and experimentation, significant adverse distracting society from the job of reduc-
until cheaper abatement technology is impacts might not become apparent until ing global CO2 emissions, since the use of
available is a key to abatement cost-ef- after SRM was deployed at scale; and that their products creates these emissions.”348
fectiveness.”340 early reliance on SRM was justified be- Nonetheless, the study group concluded
cause other forms of climate action could that “no individual brings a conflict of
Presciently, the workshop report also be used to save the day if SRM failed— interests, either personal or professional,
highlighted that early testing, if success- turns widely touted rationales for geoen- to this work.”349 Moreover, despite dis-
ful, would naturally increase pressure for gineering testing and deployment on closing Koonin’s relationship with BP,
deployment of the technology: their heads. other connections remained undeclared.
Robert Socolow of Princeton was and is
“Nevertheless, should experimentation Ironically, the benefits and likely progres- the director of the Carbon Mitigation
confirm the efficacy and safety of solar sion of early testing highlighted in the Initiative, a program funded primarily by
radiation management, a preemptive NASA report validate one of the recur- BP.350 Keith, who also participated,
deployment offers major advantages. ring critiques of SRM testing: that a pri- founded Carbon Engineering the same
These include: mary function of that testing is to acceler- year this report was released.
ate the early deployment of the technol-
• The opportunity for efficient de- ogy. As both the report authors and geo- Koonin became Under Secretary for Sci-
ployment growing logically and engineering critics seem to agree, exten- ence at the US Department of Energy in
progressively out of testing; sive research programs are likely to lead May 2009, shortly before the Novim re-
• The possibility of lowering the to progressively larger-scale open-air ex- port was released. In 2014, he ran a con-
present value of both damages periments, which will blur the lines be- troversial op-ed in the Wall Street Journal
from climate change and the costs tween SRM research and SRM deploy- entitled “Climate Science is Not Set-
of greenhouse gas abatement; ment.344 While proponents of SRM re- tled,”351 followed three years later by an-
search may disagree that they are advocat- other op-ed proposing a “red team” exer-
• A more direct rationale for near
ing for its ultimate deployment, in the cise to test the scientific consensus on
term research and development;
absence of ironclad prohibitions and a climate change.352 Scott Pruitt, climate
• More time to implement other stronger global commitment to emissions denier and controversial head of the US
policies should deployment of mitigation, it is reasonable to expect that Environmental Protection Agency under
full-scale solar radiation manage- SRM research will be considered the first Donald Trump, tried but failed to hire
ment produce disappointing re- step to SRM deployment. Koonin to carry out this exercise.353
sults or unacceptable side ef-
Novim Climate Engineering Bipartisan Policy Center’s Climate
As envisioned by the report authors, Report Remediation Report
therefore, early geoengineering experi-
ments would lead, logically and progres- Another report released in 2009 has had Another report came two years later. In
sively, to the deployment of geoengineer- an equal or greater impact on the geoen- 2010, the Bipartisan Policy Center
ing technologies. These technologies, in gineering debate. The report, entitled Cli- (BPC), a US think tank, convened a
turn, could reduce the near-term costs of mate Engineering Responses to Climate “Blue Ribbon Task Force on Climate

Remediation.” The task force was to “de- 2018, the Harvard Project on Climate cussing and researching solar radiation
velop recommendations for the US gov- Agreements and the SGRP conducted a management and geoengineering as a
ernment concerning geoengineering re- research workshop on the governance of whole. As will be discussed below, the
search and oversight policy.”354 In 2011, solar geoengineering.361 Among the research networks for geoengineering are
the task force released a report urging the funders of the project is BP.362 The Har- surrounded and interpreted by a parallel
US government to invest in a federal geo- vard Environmental Economics Program, group of industry-linked individuals and
engineering research program.355 This with which the Project on Climate Agree- institutions, who are actively promoting
BPC report does not provide a specific set ments is closely affiliated, receives fund- SRM to policymakers and the public
of funders. However, the 2011 BPC an- ing from Chevron and Shell.363 alike, often in terms that prioritize indus-
nual report contains a list of supporters try interests and maintaining the status
including the ExxonMobil Foundation, The universe of individuals and institu- quo.
American Gas Association, Dominion tions shaping the debate over SRM, once
Resources, Eni, Entergy, Alliance Energy, relatively limited, has been growing rap- It bears repeating that the simple belief in
America’s Natural Gas Alliance, Chevron, idly in recent years, particularly as repre- the efficacy or necessity of SRM has ma-
ConocoPhillips, Exelon, Pioneer Natural sentatives of civil society and the Global terial impact on efforts to pursue needed
Resources, Schlumberger, Shell Oil, and South demand a greater role in the de- mitigation and adaptation. As acknowl-
Southern Company.356 bate. These communities are by no means edged in Novim’s note on conflicts of
monolithic in their perspectives. While interest, and extensively documented in
BPC has been extensively criticized for skepticism and concern about geoengi- the next section, efforts to pursue SRM—
the apparent influence such funding ar- neering are widely shared among environ- in earnest or merely as a distraction—
rangements hold over the topics it ex- mental and human rights non-govern- may be directly aligned with efforts to
plores and the conclusions it reaches.357 mental organizations, a small but signifi- stall emissions reduction efforts, efforts
Several reports have focused specifically cant number of organizations have ex- which the fossil fuel industry has been
on the heavy influence of BPC’s oil, gas, pressed cautious support—or at least po- and continues to be engaged in.
and chemical industry donors on the out- tential openness—to the development of
comes of its ostensibly unbiased work.358 geoengineering governance, research, or
Perhaps unsurprisingly, BPC continues to limited testing. Actors from the Global The New Climate
support not only geoengineering research, South have expressed a diversity of per-
but the increase of subsidies through spectives from outright opposition to Denial
45Q, the use of those subsidies to deploy geoengineering research to a simple de-
Investigations from InsideClimate News,
direct air capture,359 and the use of the mand for a seat at the table and a role in
the LA Times, Climate Investigations
captured carbon for EOR, drop-in fuels, that research.364
Center, and others have revealed deep
and plastics.360
Accordingly, it would be inaccurate to and persistent connections between fund-
suggest that the fossil fuel industry re- ing by fossil fuel companies and the deni-
Why Industry Influence Matters mains the sole instigator or driver of con- al of climate change or opposition to cli-
temporary debates over geoengineering. mate action. This funding frequently
The NASA, Novim, and BPC reports are flows through layers of front groups and
There is evident and significant interest
among a handful of extremely influential astroturf organizations and is often hard
in both the scientific understanding and
documents on SRM that have helped to track. Still, many key climate-action-
legal control of SRM among scientists,
move geoengineering from the far fringes opposed individuals and organizations are
politicians, activists, scholars, and entre-
of the climate debate toward its center. In well-known recipients of fossil fuel fund-
preneurs from an array of sectors and dis-
addition to a 2009 report from The Roy- ing and are also active promoters of geo-
al Society, these reports are among the engineering, especially solar radiation
most influential developments in the At the same time, it is impossible and management.
public debate around SRM. All three unwise to ignore the recurring influence
were funded or heavily influenced by fos- of fossil fuel industries and interests in One of the more prominent figures in
sil fuel interests and individuals closely the research and policy agenda for geoen- this space is Julian Morris, the director of
connected to those interests. gineering. Representatives of the indus- the International Policy Network (IPN)
try, or individuals funded by companies and former director of the Environmental
This industry influence in SRM, while Programme at the Institute for Economic
within the industry, have been present at
perhaps less pervasive than at earlier stag- Affairs. Both the Institute and IPN are
every stage. Fossil fuel companies have
es, continues today. Many of the same known to have received significant fund-
funded, sometimes in large part, work-
individuals and institutions that receive ing from Exxon.365 Morris is a prominent
shops, reports, individuals, and institu-
fossil fuel funding remain deeply engaged denier of the validity of climate science
tions that have helped develop the do-
in the space. For example, in September and has worked for multiple organiza-
mestic and international agenda for dis-

tions funded by fossil fuel companies. In Geoengineering Project and lead author These descriptors make it clear that AEI
2008, he published an article entitled of the report on NASA’s 2006 SRM was aware of the potential for climate
Which Policy to Address Climate Change?, workshop, testified to the US Congress in regulation in the United States between
first published by IPN and later repub- support of a program of geoengineering 2008 and 2010. Notably, after 2010,
lished by the Institute.366 In this article, research.376 Lane reiterated and amplified when federal climate policy in the United
Morris proposed geoengineering as the the economic messages from that work- States seemed unlikely to advance, the
preferred alternative to greenhouse gas shop, arguing that SRM research was nec- Geoengineering Project disappeared.
mitigation efforts, simultaneously down- essary because some nations considered
playing the certainty of the risks posed by measures to reduce GHG emissions not The influence of these think tanks, many
climate change and the risks of geoengi- worth the cost.377 AEI has been funded by of which actively deny the reality of cli-
neering.367 Notably, Morris argues that Exxon, Amoco, Donors Capital Fund, mate science or oppose action on climate,
geoengineering should be left to the pri- and the Charles G. Koch Foundation,378 should be understood as both a signal and
vate sector, rather than government con- has engaged in direct opposition to cli- a risk. As a signal, they make clear that
trol.368 mate science,379 and continues to oppose those institutions that oppose action on
action on climate change.380 Indeed, even climate, either for commercial or ideolog-
David Schnare, senior environmental fel- as Lane completed NASA’s workshop ical reasons, likely see geoengineering as a
low at the Thomas Jefferson Institute report in 2007, AEI and Exxon were diversion of public and political will.
(TJI), has advocated for geoengineering caught offering a group of scientists Moreover, because of the influence these
deployment.369 Schnare has repeatedly $10,000 each to publicly dispute the organizations have, such promotion of
argued that climate change does not pose findings of the latest IPCC report.381 geoengineering compounds the already
a significant threat or, alternately, that it problematic political and moral hazard
is too late to solve the problem.370 TJI has From approximately 2008 to 2010, Lane risks of geoengineering research and de-
received funding from the opaque Do- and AEI advocated aggressively for re- ployment.
nors Trust and Donors Capital Fund, a search into and consideration of geoengi-
pair of organizations that provide funding neering.382 In addition to his testimony Evidence has already emerged that this
to numerous climate denial groups, as before the US Congress, Lane hosted a concern is one that should be taken seri-
well as the Charles G. Koch Founda- conference on geoengineering383 and au- ously. In 2008, Newt Gingrich, former
tion.371 thored several articles, book chapters, and Speaker of the US House of Representa-
other writings.384 One of these papers, An tives and fellow at the American Enter-
Schnare has advocated for geoengineering Analysis of Climate Engineering as a Re- prise Institute,389 cited AEI’s work on
on several occasions,372 but two notable sponse to Climate Change, was produced geoengineering in his opposition to the
moments were in 2007 and 2008. In for the climate-action-opposed Copenha- Climate Security Act of 2007, which
2007, Schnare testified before the US gen Consensus Center (CCC)385 and later would have created a national cap-and-
Senate Committee on Environment and incorporated into a book by CCC presi- trade program for the United States.390
Public Works regarding the effects of cli- dent Bjørn Lomborg.386 More recently, at a hearing in November
mate change on the Chesapeake Bay. In 2017, Representatives Lamar Smith and
his testimony, he expressly advocated for AEI’s Geoengineering Project appears to Randy Weber—both noted climate deni-
geoengineering and conversely claimed have simply disappeared after 2010. alists—indicated their support for dedi-
that climate mitigation was the real threat While it is difficult to know exactly why, cated research into geoengineering as a
to the bay.373 In 2008, Schnare delivered the change in the political context of the climate solution.391
a conference paper at the Heartland Insti- United States may offer an explanation.
tute’s International Conference on Cli- The event description for the June 2008 Most proponents of geoengineering re-
mate Change entitled Climate Change conference on geoengineering notes, search acknowledge the political and
and the Uncomfortable Middle Ground: “Congress is likely to enact federal cli- moral hazard risks of geoengineering and
The Geoengineering and “No Regrets” Poli- mate legislation in 2009.”387 Another even acknowledge how these ideas can be
cy Alternative.374 In his presentation at the event, an AEI-sponsored discussion panel used by those opposed to emissions re-
Heartland Institute conference, Schnare titled Evaluating the Geoengineering Op- duction. Despite these acknowledge-
argued for immediate solar geoengineer- tion in February 2010, was framed as fol- ments, they continue to push for addi-
ing.375 Again, even the most strident ad- lows: “At a time when Congress prepares tional research and investment in the de-
vocates of SRM research acknowledge for a looming battle about the Environ- velopment of these techniques. Because
that it is nowhere near ready for deploy- mental Protection Agency’s plans to regu- these risks have real impacts on the de-
ment at scale. late greenhouse gases under the Clean Air bate over climate responses and climate
Act, could geoengineering, also known as policy, they cannot be lightly dis-
The following year, Lee Lane, co-director climate engineering, offer a better alterna- missed.392
of the American Enterprise Institute’s tive?”388

PA R T 7
We Must and Can Stay Below 1.5oC without Geoengineering

The question thus arises: Can we keep logical immaturity; limited physical and scale such measures… Even in the
global temperature increase below 1.5°C understanding about their effective- uncertain case that the most adverse
without relying on geoengineering technolo- ness to limit global warming; and a side-effects of SRM can be avoided,
gies? A growing body of research suggests weak capacity to govern, legitimize, public resistance, ethical concerns and
not only that the world must do precisely
that, but that it can. Indeed, setting aside
the false promise of geoengineering and FIGURE 20
focusing on accelerating the energy tran- IPCC Pathway 1 to 1.5oC
sition, is the safest, surest way to confront
the climate crisis.

In its Special Report on 1.5 degrees, the

IPCC cautioned explicitly and repeatedly
regarding the inherent limitations and
profound risks of relying on geoengineer-
ing approaches to solve the climate crisis.

As noted by the IPCC, and discussed

throughout this report, potential path-
ways with a high deployment of BECCS
and other technological CDR methods
include a high likelihood of exceeding
(overshooting) the 1.5-degree limit, and
rely on CDR to bring temperatures back
down over long periods of time. With
respect to those methods, the IPCC ob-
served that:

“Most CDR options face multiple fea-

sibility constraints, which differ be-
tween options, limiting the potential
for any single option to sustainably
achieve the large-scale deployment
required in the 1.5°C-consistent path-
ways described in Chapter 2 (high

The IPCC found the risks of relying on

SRM greater still. Accordingly, it de-
clined to incorporate SRM in any form
into its modeled pathways to 1.5 degrees.

“Uncertainties surrounding solar radi-

ation modification (SRM) measures
constrain their potential deployment. THE IMPACTS OF GLOBAL WARMING OF 1.5°C 13 (V. Masson-Delmotte et al. eds., 2018), https://
These uncertainties include: techno-

potential impacts on sustainable devel- “These are pathways with very low Goals, a group of twenty researchers led
opment could render SRM economi- energy demand facilitating the rapid by Sven Teske released a first-of-its-kind
cally, socially and institutionally unde- phase-out of fossil fuels and process model detailing the changes needed to
sirable.”394 emissions that exclude BECCS and achieve the climate targets of the Paris
CCS use and/or pathways with rapid Agreement within sectors, within regions,
The IPCC nonetheless identified a path- shifts to sustainable food consumption and for the planet as a whole.397 Affirm-
way by which the world can stay below freeing up sufficient land areas for af- ing and amplifying the work of the
1.5 degrees of warming while avoiding forestation and reforestation. Some IPCC, Teske and his co-authors conclude
SRM, BECCS, DACS, and other specu- pathways use neither BECCS nor af- that realistic pathways exist to keep the
lative CDR technologies, and making forestation but still rely on CDR world below 1.5 degrees without using
more limited use of nature-based carbon through considerable net negative CCS or geoengineering, but emphasize
reductions achieved through afforesta- CO2 emissions in the AFOLU sector that staying within 1.5 degrees requires
tion, reforestation, forest conservation, around mid-century.”396 the virtually complete elimination of fos-
and land use.395 sil fuel emissions and fossil fuel infra-
Critically, these pathways place an early, structure by 2050. More specifically,
It found that the pathways with the high- heavy priority on reducing energy de- global coal production must decline by
est likelihood of keeping warming to be- mand and rapidly phasing out fossil fuels. 95% from 2015 levels by 2050, including
low 1.5 degrees relied on only limited the complete elimination of lignite. Nat-
deployments of CDR from natural sourc- A new analysis released in February 2019 ural gas production must be reduced by
es. demonstrates that this change is feasible. 94%, and oil must fall to less than 9% of
In Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement current production.398

One Generation Decarbonization Without CCS or Geoengineering


Renewables are fossil fuel infrastructure does not yet ir-

reparably commit the world to 1.5 de-
(PV) and wind, have made them increas-
ingly cost competitive against fossil fuel
Eliminating the grees of warming. As Christopher Smith infrastructure around the world. A recent
Rationale for Coal and and his co-authors noted in Nature Com-
munications, “geophysics does not yet
analysis by Carbon Tracker concluded
that new wind and solar plants will be
Gas in Energy commit the world to a long term warm- cheaper than 96% of existing coal-fired
Generation ing of > 1.5 C.”400 Immediate action pro-
vides a greater than 50% chance of stay-
power plants globally by 2030.401

Transforming our economy at this speed ing below that limit if the world simply China is emblematic of this trend. China
and scale poses a profound challenge, but phases out existing fossil fuel infrastruc- is both the largest consumer of coal-fired
not an insurmountable one. However, ture at the end of its design lifetime. power and the global leader in renewable
the longer we delay the transition, the energy deployments. After an extended
smaller the chance we have to avoid cata- Our technological capacity to make this period in which renewable energy grew so
strophic warming.399 transition is greater than is widely recog- quickly that it exceeded available subsi-
nized. Over the last two decades, rapid dies, and in which deployment costs fell
Provided we stop bringing new fossil fuel declines in the costs of renewable tech- dramatically, China announced in Janu-
infrastructure online now, our existing nologies, particularly solar photovoltaics ary 2019 that it would remove the caps

Lazard Analysis Showing Wind and Solar PV are Cost Competitive with Natural Gas in Some Circumstances

Levelized Cost of Energy and Levelized Cost of Storage 2018, LAZARD (Nov. 8, 2018),

for deploying unsubsidized renewables

nationwide. The news sent renewable Cumulative Installed Solar PV Capacity: Global
energy stocks in the country soaring.402 At
the same time, this growth only increases
the challenges to China’s existing fleet of
coal-fired power plants. A separate analy-
sis by Carbon Tracker found that 40% of
the country’s coal-fired power stations are
already losing money, and that this figure
could rise to 95% by 2040. Carbon
Tracker projects that it will be cheaper to
build new wind farms than operate exist-
ing plants by 2021, and that a new solar
PV installation could be cheaper than
coal by 2025.403

India, the second largest builder of new

coal plants after China, has also seen new
coal plant builds stall at growing rates, as
long-standing barriers to renewable ener-
gy deployments are eased.404 In early
2019, the country announced plans to
bid out 500 gigawatts (GW) of new re-
newable energy capacity by 2028, with
the goal of adding 40 GW of non-hydro
renewables per year.405
Infographic, Meister Consulting Group, The energy world is undergoing massive transformation (Mar. 2015),
The economics of the energy transforma- MCG-Renewable-Energy-Revolution-Infographic.pdf.
tion are increasingly affecting natural gas
as well. In its most recent analysis of the
levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of com-
peting power generation technologies,
global consulting firm Lazard concluded a prior analysis, battery storage is increas- all have in common that the renewable
that both solar PV and wind have become ingly performing the same function as energy potential exceeded the current
an increasingly attractive resource relative quickly or more quickly.408 As a result, and projected energy demands over
to gas-fired power generation.406 For ex- deployments of grid-scale storage are ac- the next decades by an order of magni-
ample, solar PV installations had a lower celerating.409 In the US, the epicenter of tude.”411
LCOE than gas peaking plants across ev- the fracking boom for natural gas, this
could render some 6 GW of new natural For at least two decades, however, energy
ery region evaluated. Onshore wind was
gas peakers unnecessary by 2027.410 experts have systematically underestimat-
cheaper than or competitive with com-
ed the pace of innovation, cost reduc-
bined-cycle gas turbine plants across
tions, and deployment for renewable en-
those same regions. While Lazard recog-
nized that additional breakthroughs in The Pace of Renewable ergy and energy efficiency technologies.
In 2015, Meister Consulting Group con-
storage technology were needed to fully
replace fossil infrastructure, recent years
Deployments ducted a performance comparison of 15
have witnessed precisely such break- Consistently Exceeds separate long-term forecasts of renewable
energy deployments by an array of insti-
throughs.407 Official Forecasts tutions, corporations, and nonprofits.412
For example, a key rationale for continu- Across the board, it found that long-term
Over the long term, the potential capac- forecasts had underestimated the speed
ing to rely on natural gas in the face of ity for energy production from renewable
falling renewable energy prices is that nat- and scale of renewable energy deploy-
sources far exceeds projected global ener- ments, often dramatically.
ural gas can be dispatched quickly to re- gy needs. As Teske observes, for example:
spond to rapid changes in electricity de-
“Over the past 15 years, a number of
mand. However, as the Center for Inter- “Various research projects have anal- predictions—by the International En-
national Environmental Law reported in ysed renewable energy potentials and ergy Agency, the US Energy Informa-

tion Administration, and others—have

been made about the future of renew- Cumulative PV Capacity: Historic Data vs. IEA WEO Predictions
able energy growth. Almost every one
of these predictions has underestimat-
ed the scale of actual growth experi-
enced by the wind and solar markets.
Only the most aggressive growth pro-
jections, such as Greenpeace’s
Energy[R]evolution scenarios, have
been close to accurate.”413

More tellingly, even Greenpeace had un-

derestimated the speed of change with
respect to both wind power and solar
photovoltaics.414 Since 2005, Greenpeace
has released a series of Energy Revolution
reports intended to present an ambitious
but feasible vision for addressing climate
change. In its 2007 scenario, Greenpeace
projected the world would install 60 GW
in solar photovoltaic capacity by 2013.415
By 2010, Greenpeace had revised that
2013 projection dramatically upward to
75 GW of solar power.416 As Meister not-
ed, however, actual installed global capac-
ity for solar PV reached 140 GW.417 Ac-
tual deployments had more than doubled
the most ambitious projection in the
space of six years. The International En-
ergy Agency, whose World Energy Outlook
is the most widely used reference for
global energy deployments, fared much
Auke Hoekstra, Photovoltaic Growth: Reality Versus Projections of the International Energy Agency – With 2018
worse, underestimating 2013 solar PV Update, STEINBUCH (Nov. 19, 2018),
deployments by 600% in 2006 and by photovoltaic-growth-reality-versus-projections-of-the-international-energy-agency/.
over 200% in 2010.418

In the ensuing years, renewable energy

In 2007, Greenpeace estimated that the world within a 2 degree target. To stay
projections by both IEA and the US En-
world might achieve 7,134 GW of in- within 1.5 degrees, the pace of change
ergy Information Administration have
stalled renewable capacity by 2050.420 By will need to accelerate still further.
continued to dramatically understate the
2015, the more conservative of two Green-
actual pace of growth.419 (See, for exam- In arguments that have been widely dis-
peace scenarios projected the world
ple, Figure 17.) In light of this continued credited, some prominent geoengineering
would install nearly 7,800 GW by 2030,
failure to properly predict renewable en- advocates have cautioned against such an
thus achieving a higher renewable target
ergy growth, IPCC renewable energy sce- expansion. (See Box 2: The Curious Case
two decades sooner.421 In the more ambi-
narios built on the deeply pessimistic and of Dr. Keith and the Wind Farms.)
tious scenario, Greenpeace projected that
demonstrably inaccurate assumptions of
the world could achieve 100% renewable
these bodies must be treated with pro-
energy by 2050.422
found skepticism.
The Energy Revolution
Installed solar surpassed 390 GW by the
The significance of these potential under-
end of 2017,423 added another 98 to 109 in the Transport Sector
estimates is even more striking when pro-
jections are evaluated over the longer
GW in 2018, and is projected to add be- Extends Far Beyond
tween 109 and 125 GW per year in 2019
time horizons relevant to meeting the
and 2020, with growth continuing to Cars
1.5-degree target.
accelerate over time.424 Continued prog-
Even as the world increases its supply of
ress at this pace would help keep the
renewable energy, however, it must dra-

matically reduce and ultimately eliminate nounced significant investments in elec- provide the primary route to mobility for
CO2 emissions from the transport sector. tric vehicle development and deployment, the country’s growing population.442 Chi-
Proponents of inaction and of geoengi- and several companies or sub-national na has deployed more than 400,000 elec-
neering alike have long argued that emis- jurisdictions had adopted phase-out dates tric buses to replace traditional and high-
sions caused by transportation will be far for internal combustion engines.438 By the emitting diesel buses,443 with 30 Chinese
more difficult to eliminate because much end of 2018, China had placed more cities announcing plans to fully electrify
of the transport sector poses range, than a million electric vehicles on the their municipal transit by 2020.444 Just a
weight, and energy density demands that road and announced new policy measures few years after the technology was ridi-
battery electric technologies can’t meet. designed to further accelerate EV produc- culed for lacking any viable market, elec-
tion.439 In addition, dramatic sales of Tes- tric buses account for 13% of global bus
However, just as in the energy sector, the la’s Model 3 sedan, combined with the fleets and rising, and Bloomberg New
rate of technological development and pending rapid rollout of other new EVs Energy Finance projects that electric bus-
the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) are to global markets, led an oil industry in- es will be cheaper to own and operate
far outpacing past projections. As Teske vestment analyst to caution that rules of than their diesel counterparts within the
observes, “Transport modelling has fossil fuel demand growth long consid- next two to three years.445
shown that the 2.0°C and 1.5°C path- ered unchangeable are, in fact, changing:
ways can be met when strong and deter- Medium- and heavy-duty freight vehicles
mined measures are taken, starting imme- “That’s 150,000 cars that don’t con- are following a similar path, with early
diately.”436 Therefore, in the 1.5-degree sume gasoline. And it’s not just Tesla. innovators in the electric truck space now
pathway outlined in Achieving the Paris Porsche, Audi, and BMW are all com- racing against startups and global manu-
Climate Agreement Goals, reliance on in- ing out with all-electric vehicles in facturers alike to bring fleets of battery
ternal combustion engines declines with 2019. So the inelasticities of demand electric trucks to both long-haul and
increasing speed after 2022, falls to in this market are fundamentally short-haul markets.446 Given the heavy
roughly 10% by 2040, and gradually ta- changing.”440 fuel demands and correspondingly high
pers out as legacy vehicles reach end of emissions from road transport, the com-
life.437 Critically, these advances extend well be- paratively short range requirements of
yond cars to nearly every segment of the most medium-duty freight vehicles, and
The accelerating research and deploy- transport sector. India, the world’s fourth the potential economies of scale associat-
ment of EV technology for passenger cars largest producer of automobiles, has been ed with vehicle fleet operations, the po-
is only the most visible sign of this revo- comparatively slow in its advancement of tential for rapid deployment and early
lution. By early 2018, every major car electric cars441 but is accelerating electrifi- emissions reductions from this segment is
manufacturer in the world had an- cation of two-wheeled vehicles, which particularly significant.

Rapid Decline of Internal Combustion Engines under 2oC and 1.5oC Scenarios

Johannes Pagenkopf et al., Transport Transition Concepts, in SVEN TESKE, ACHIEVING THE PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT GOALS: GLOBAL AND
com/gb/about-springer/media/press-releases/corporate/achieving-the-paris-climate-agreement-goals/16443362, at 140 (Figure 6.10).

The Curious Case of Dr. Keith and the Wind Farms

In late 2018, Harvard Professors Lee Miller and David Keith

published two papers on the power density of wind and solar
power, the potential land requirements for meeting all or
substantially all of a country’s primary energy demand with
wind or solar, and the potential environmental and social
impacts of large-scale deployments. The first of these papers
calculated the power densities for wind and solar
installations, and argued that, because these power densities
were low, deploying wind or solar at sufficient scale to meet a
substantial portion of primary needs would exceed the
available land in many countries. By way of example, the
authors suggested that meeting 40% of Germany’s energy

© L U K A S B I E R I V I A P I X A B AY
needs with wind power would require that all of the
country’s land be dedicated to wind power.425 The article
met with a rapid and critical response from Stanford
renewable energy expert Mark Jacobsen,426 who noted that
Miller and Keith had dramatically overestimated the land
requirements of wind power—and thus its impacts on other
land uses and the environment.427

In a second paper, published at the same time, Miller and Notwithstanding such critiques, the Miller and Keith papers
Keith highlighted that turbulence caused by wind turbines generated a flurry of stories in the popular media warning
creates temporary and highly localized temperature increases about wind power’s potentially harmful impact on the
above wind installations. Remarkably, they extrapolated from climate.432 One outlet that initially published and then
this impact that the climate benefits of large-scale wind revised its story on the research changed its headline to read:
power might be substantially offset by these temperature “A new study on the side effects of wind energy is almost
increases.428 In a Harvard University press release announcing begging to be misused by climate change deniers.”433 As
the research, Keith opined, “The direct climate impacts of predicted, the papers were welcomed by both geoengineering
wind power are instant, while the benefits of reduced advocates and climate deniers alike.434
emissions accumulate slowly.” Accordingly, he argued, “If
your perspective is the next 10 years, wind power actually Neither the research papers, nor the Harvard press release
has—in some respects—more climate impact than coal or announcing their publication, disclosed Keith’s role as a
gas. If your perspective is the next thousand years, then wind leading advocate of solar radiation modification nor his
power has enormously less climatic impact than coal or personal financial stake in direct air capture, a technology
gas.”429 Renewable experts again debunked the findings.430 In that would be substantially less valuable in an economy that
a frank and detailed rebuttal, Mark Jacobsen concluded that transitioned rapidly to renewable energy.435
“these results are 100% wrong and should not be relied on to
affect policy in any way.”431

Even in the most challenging transport Asia.447 To date, these deployments have have the potential to significantly reduce
segments, such as shipping, the drive to focused on coastal, intra-coastal, and river emissions from both shipping and road
deploy battery electric technology is shipping, where shorter haul distances transport. For example, an electric cargo
growing. Recognizing the tremendous and access to shore facilities allow more carrier currently under development in
potential cost savings of substituting elec- frequent charging. These vessel categories Norway will replace an estimated 40,000
tricity for diesel and marine fuels, the first account for a substantial portion of ship- heavy truck journeys per year.448 In early
battery electric cargo ships and ferries are borne freight in Europe and Asia, and, 2019, global shipping leader Maersk also
now being deployed in Europe and when battery technologies are deployed, announced that it would begin deploying

batteries to reduce fuel costs on ocean-go-

ing container vessels as early as 2020.449
Low-Tech, Win-Win plants and soils such as afforestation and
reforestation, soil carbon enhancement,
Approaches to Climate and other conservation, restoration, and
Moreover, despite the stringent power
and safety requirements of aircraft, EV
Mitigation and Carbon management options for natural and
managed land, and coastal ecosystems.”454
technology is now in active development Removal are Ready to
for use in private and commercial air op- Some of these approaches, including
erations.450 Aircraft manufacturer Boeing
Be Scaled Up those for afforestation and reforestation,
and airline operator JetBlue have jointly Even as it cautioned about the risks and pose both benefits and potentially signifi-
invested in Zunum Aero, which plans to uncertainties of BECCS, DACS, and oth- cant risks for indigenous peoples, small-
bring a hybrid-electric commuter plan to er technological forms of carbon dioxide scale agriculture, and the environment
market by 2020.451 British-based EasyJet removal, the IPCC recognized the avail- depending on how and at what scale they
plans to begin electric aircraft operations ability and potential benefits of more nat- are deployed. Others, however, offer sig-
by 2030.452 And Norway has announced ural approaches to CDR. Among these nificant potential for win-win scenarios
plans for all short-haul flights originating are approaches for “the enhancement of that reduce atmospheric CO2 while pro-
in the country to be 100% electric by terrestrial and coastal carbon storage in tecting the environment and improving
2040.453 the resilience of local communities. Im-

portantly, many of these win-win ap-

Mitigation Potential Across All Ecosystem-Based Pathways
proaches could be implemented almost
immediately, with relatively modest costs
and a high likelihood of local and public

A 2018 study by the Climate Land Ambi-

tion and Rights Alliance (CLARA) exam-
ined in detail the risks, benefits, scalabil-
ity, and potential impact of these ap-
proaches.455 While recognizing and em-
phasizing the risks of BECCS, plantation
forestry, biofuel production, and other
large-scale monocultures, the CLARA
study identified a wide range of policy
tools that could store or draw down at-
mospheric CO2 while simultaneously ad-
dressing needs for adaptation, food secu-
rity, access to fresh water, and communi-
ty land rights. These win-win climate
tools include:

• Protecting and restoring natural for-

ests, peatlands, and grasslands;
• Restoring forest ecosystems by fos-
tering natural regeneration and refor-
• Improving forest management prac-
tices to reduce emissions from exist-
ing forests;
• Applying agro-ecological principles
to increase carbon uptake through
agroforestry and conservation of ag-
ricultural soils;
• Addressing the climate impacts of
livestock production; and
• Reducing meat consumption and
food waste.456

Considered together, these achieve miti-

gation and carbon removals of nearly 15
gigatons per year by 2050. The authors of
the CLARA report acknowledged that
not all of these approaches can be de-
ployed to the full potential of natural sys-
tems. For example, were natural forests to
recover to their pre-industrial extent, the
arable land available for food production
or other human uses would be substan-
tially reduced.457 They noted, however,
that adopting complementary strategies
TO 1.5C: THE ROLE OF THE LAND SECTOR IN AMBITIOUS CLIMATE ACTION (2018), https:// waste could free up significant areas of

Land-Use Sequestration Pathways Showing Annual Sequestration Rates Over Time

Malte Meinshausen and Kate Dooley, Mitigation Scenarios for Non-Energy GHG¸ in SVEN TESKE, ACHIEVING THE PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT GOALS:

land for recovery of natural ecosystems or Meinshausen noted that large-scale refor- amount equal to all historic emissions
for agroforestry. estation, particularly in the tropics and from land use.462 The many benefits of
subtropics, had the largest potential to this approach would include increased
Recognizing the important contribution contribute to climate mitigation, with the biodiversity protection, reduced erosion,
of indigenous peoples and forest commu- second greatest gains coming from better improved climates at the local scale, and
nities to meeting conservation and cli- protecting existing forests from illegal and reductions in air pollution.
mate goals, the authors highlighted the unsustainable logging.460 By setting aside
critical need to address issues of land ten- a portion of existing, actively logged for- As the CLARA report cautioned, howev-
ure and to fully respect and protect the ests for ecosystem restoration, atmospher- er, these figures represent only the theo-
control of indigenous peoples over their ic carbon could be reduced while simulta- retical potential of land-based strategies,
traditional territories as intrinsic elements neously restoring ecosystem functions and the levels of achievable storage and
of climate solutions.458 and increasing the resilience of natural carbon removal would likely be much
biological communities.461 lower once competing needs for food se-
Kate Dooley of the University of Mel- curity and land tenure are taken into ac-
bourne, one of two lead authors on the Taking the median of the pathways iden- count. Thus, the authors argue, land-use
CLARA paper, further extended this tified, the protection and restoration of strategies should be adopted only as a
analysis in a contribution to Teske’s natural forests and agricultural soils has complement to ambitious and aggressive
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement the theoretical potential to store nearly mitigation efforts, including a rapid tran-
Goals.459 Dooley and co-author Malte 152 gigatons of carbon by 2150, an sition away from fossil fuels.

As Teske concluded, “the important re- A recent analytical survey of potential For the survey, a team of 17 researchers
sult of this study is that the addition of climate interventions in the world’s from leading universities and research
land-use CO2 and other GHG emission oceans reached similar conclusions, find- institutes around the world reviewed 13
pathways to energy-related scenarios ing that an array of known and imple- potential interventions in the world’s
yields scenarios that stay below or get be- mentation-ready strategies have higher oceans that included both geoengineering
low 1.5 °C warming without a reliance benefits and lower risks for climate, coast- technologies (cloud brightening, albedo
on massive net negative CO2 emission al communities, and marine ecosystems enhancement, ocean fertilization, and
potentials towards the second half of this than strategies based on geoengineer- alkalinization), deployment of renewable
century.”463 ing.464 energies, adaptation, and more nature-

Comparison of 13 Potential Ocean-Based Climate Solutions

Jean-Pierre Gattuso et al., Ocean Solutions to Address Climate Change and Its Effects on Marine Ecosystems, 5 FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCI. (2018), https://www.

based strategies, such as restoring coastal

ecosystems and vegetation, protecting Assessment of Cobenefits and Disbenefits of 13 Ocean-Based Climate Solutions
habitats and species, and reducing pollu-
tion and overexploitation.

Potential interventions were evaluated

based on their impact, duration, techno-
logical readiness, cobenefits, and absence
of “disbenefits” (negative impacts).

Consistently, and as discussed in this re-

port, geoengineering and similar techno-
logical interventions to climate impacts
on the oceans were characterized by low
to very low degrees of technical readiness,
limited zones of potential positive impact,
high risks of negative impacts, and few, if
any, cobenefits. By contrast, strategies
such as scaling up renewable energy, re-
storing and conserving coastal vegetation,
and protecting biota and ecosystems from
overexploitation, pollution, and habitat
destruction have high to very high de-
grees of technological readiness, benefits
that are permanent in duration, high lev-
els of cobenefits, and a general absence of Jean-Pierre Gattuso et al., Ocean Solutions to Address Climate Change and Its Effects on Marine Ecosystems, 5
negative impacts.465 full.

Taken together, these studies demon-

strate that, while the early and rapid
phase-out of fossil fuels is central to stay-
ing below 1.5 degrees, a wide array of
feasible, technologically ready, and widely
beneficial strategies exist to help address
the climate crisis without relying on risky
and uncertain geoengineering technolo-

PA R T 8

After a century of early warnings and de- This report suggests a different conclu- pends on the widespread, economical
cades of relative inaction, the global com- sion: that the only feasible way to keep deployment of carbon capture and stor-
munity now faces an ultimatum: Act im- the world below 1.5 degrees is to rapidly age—and thus on the continued produc-
mediately to reduce global CO2 emissions transform our fossil economy. Drawing tion of burnable fuels through enhanced
45% by 2030 and to net zero by around on the history, present landscape, and oil recovery, enhanced coal bed methane,
2050, or commit humanity and the earth future prospects for geoengineering, this or fossil fuel substitutes produced from
to catastrophic levels of climate change. analysis demonstrates the numerous and biofuels or direct air capture.
The window of opportunity is narrow dangerous ways in which geoengineering
and closing rapidly. Making the necessary threatens to further entrench the fossil This dependence on and promotion of
reductions will demand an immediate infrastructure that drives climate change CCS would extend the lifetimes of exist-
and dramatic transition of our economy and to commit present and future genera- ing coal and gas infrastructure and pro-
away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner, tions to the compounded risks of both mote the construction of new fossil infra-
safer forms of energy. climate change and large-scale geoengi- structure, which would continue produc-
neering. ing and burning fossil fuels for decades to
Faced with the stark realities of climate
change and a continued lack of ambition Carbon Dioxide Removal is the Direct air capture requires enormous en-
from major governments, a growing ergy inputs, consuming renewable energy
number of proponents argue that assum- Carbon (Fossil Fuel) Industry in
that could otherwise be used to displace
ing the world can make the needed Another Form fossil-fueled power. Moreover, DAC is
changes is naïve and dangerous, and that, intended for use in the further produc-
accordingly, humanity must consider To a profound degree, the viability of tion of liquid fuels or, like CCS, in en-
other options. strategies for carbon dioxide removal de- hanced oil recovery, creating powerful
incentives to slow the transition away
from internal combustion engines.

BECCS poses enormous risks to human

rights, is fundamentally reliant on CCS,
and may not be feasible or even emis-
sions-negative at scale. 

Meanwhile, enhanced weathering will

only be viable—if at all—if it benefits
coal-burning utilities and similar indus-
tries seeking to dispose of massive, toxic
stockpiles of coal combustion waste and
industrial slag.
© C AT H Y ( H A G L U N D C ) V I A F L I C K R

Moreover, even as CDR technologies

promote new oil and gas production, the
prospect of future negative emissions en-
ables major oil, gas, and coal producers to
project the continued use of their prod-
ucts for decades to come, discouraging
needed investments in cleaner, more vi-
able alternatives.

Solar Radiation Management is a which is routinely discounted or deferred As this report demonstrates, the distrac-
by many advocates of SRM. tion of geoengineering is not simply dan-
Dangerous Distraction—and gerous; it is unnecessary. While most pro-
Simply Dangerous Whether open-air experiments could re- posed approaches to CDR and SRM re-
duce the risks associated with particular main speculative, the technologies we
Since at least the 1960s, human interfer- technologies is uncertain. That such test- need to reduce emissions, transform our
ence with the earth’s radiation balance ing would provide a rationale for wider economy, and confront the climate crisis
has been seen as a potential driver of fu- deployment of the technologies involved are available, proven, and scalable.
ture profits for fossil fuel producers and is likely. That geoengineering is more
Confronting the challenge of climate
users. Since the beginning of the modern likely to compound the climate crisis
change is not a matter of future technol-
climate debate, these same companies than to alleviate it is clear.
ogy, but present political will and eco-
have looked to geoengineering as a prom-
nomic investment.
ising alternative to emissions reductions. Geoengineering Does Not Solve
For at least three decades, the fossil fuel the Problem at the Heart of the Elected officials, bureaucrats, activists,
and the public are being forced to reckon
industry has argued that the prospect of Climate Crisis: Reliance on Fossil with geoengineering, in part because of
solar radiation management and other
forms of geoengineering justifies delaying Fuels the severity of the crisis and in part be-
cause fossil fuel interests have helped ush-
or minimizing other actions to address
The evidence outlined in this report er geoengineering into the public debate.
climate change.
points to a simple but essential truth: Al- The global community now has to decide
most all geoengineering proposals serve to whether it will take the hard steps to rap-
That perspective has been repeatedly entrench and benefit fossil fuel interests idly and equitably transition its econo-
echoed by other geoengineering propo- rather than solve the climate crisis. By mies away from fossil fuels and into more
nents as well, who envision a future in promoting the development of new fossil sustainable systems, or whether it will bet
which the world continues burning fossil fuels and costly fossil infrastructure, by on unproven, questionably effective, and
fuels and actively controls the earth’s ra- diverting resources away from proven dangerous technologies that serve the in-
diation balance for decades or centuries mitigation strategies to costly boondog- terests of the industry at the root of the
to mask the resulting climate impacts. gles, and by sustaining the myth that climate crisis. 
meaningful climate action can be safely
Even the least speculative of these tech- delayed or narrowly constrained, geoengi-
nologies pose profound and widely recog- neering threatens to undermine real solu-
nized risks to the climate, agriculture, and tions at the time when they are most ur-
the environment—the consideration of gently needed.


1. Rex Tillerson, CEO, ExxonMobil Corp., 15. See id. 127 (1965),
Speech to Council on Foreign Relations: 16. See Mitigation Pathways, in Global pt?id=uc1.b4116127;view=1up;seq=9.
The New North American Energy warming of 1.5°C, supra note 9, at 121. 30. See Center for International
Paradigm: Reshaping the Future (June 27, 17. See, e.g., id. at 121, 123 and §; Ove Environmental Law (CIEL), Smoke and
2012), Hoegh-Guldberg et al., Impacts of 1.5°C of Fumes: The Legal and Evidentiary bases
speaker-series-conversation-rex-w-tillerson. Global Warming on Natural and Human for Holding Big Oil Accountable for
2. Henry Wexler, Modifying Weather on a Systems, in Global warming of 1.5°C 268, the Climate Crisis 10-11 (2017), https://
Large Scale, 128 Science 1059 (1958), Cross-Chapter Box 7 (V. Masson-Delmotte et al. eds., 2018), Smoke-Fumes-FINAL.pdf.
3. See Spencer Weart, Timeline, The assets/uploads/sites/2/2019/02/SR15_ 31. See James F. Black, InsideClimate News
Discovery of Global Warming (Feb. Chapter3_Low_Res.pdf [hereinafter Impacts (Sept. 15, 2015), https://insideclimatenews.
2018), of 1.5°C, in Global warming of 1.5°C]; org/news/15092015/james-black. See
timeline.htm. Heleen de Coninck et al., Strengthening and generally Exxon: The Road Not Taken,
4. The Royal Society, Geoengineering Implementing the Global Response, in Global InsideClimate News, https://
The Climate: Science, Governance And warming of 1.5°C 316, § 4.3.7 (V.
Uncertainty ix (2009), https://eprints. Masson-Delmotte et al. eds., 2018), https:// Road-Not-Taken (last visited Dec. 20, 2018).
climate.pdf. sites/2/2019/02/SR15_Chapter4_Low_Res. 32. See James F. Black & Barry L. Tarmy, The
5. See Paul Oldham et al., Mapping the pdf [hereinafter Strengthening and Use of Asphalt Coatings to Increase Rainfall, 2
Landscape of Climate Engineering, 372 Phil. Implementing the Global Response, in Global J. Applied Meteorology 557 (1963),
Transactions of the Royal Society A: warming of 1.5°C].
Mathematical, Physical & Engineering 18. See id. at 317. pdf/10.1175/1520-0450(1963)002%3C055
Sci. (Dec. 28, 2014), https:// 19. See, e.g., James Rainey, A Last-Ditch Global 7%3ATUOACT%3E2.0.CO%3B2. Warming Fix? A Man-Made ‘Volcanic’ 33. See id.
rsta.2014.0065. Eruption, NBC News (Oct. 11, 2018, 34. See Weather Control by Asphalt, in 120(1)
6. See Intergovernmental Panel on 11:47 AM), Popular Mechanics 180 (1963) (on file
Climate Change, Global warming of news/us-news/last-ditch-global-warming-fix- with authors).
1.5°C: An IPCC Special Report on the man-made-volcanic-eruption-n918826. 35. Cloud Formation and Subsequent Moisture
impacts of global warming of 1.5°C 20. The Royal Society, supra note 4, at ix. Precipitation, US Patent No. 3,409,220
above pre-industrial levels and related 21. See Summary for Policymakers, in Global (filed Mar. 26, 1965).
global greenhouse gas emission warming of 1.5°C, supra note 8, at §§ 36. See Panel on Weather and Climate
pathways, in the context of 4.3.7-4.3.8. Modification, Weather and Climate
strengthening the global response to 22. See United Nations Environment Modification: Problems and Prospects
the threat of climate change, Programme, The Emissions Gap Report (1966),
sustainable development, and efforts 2017 58-66 (2017), https://wedocs.unep. uploads/2/4/7/4/24749526/weather_and_
to eradicate poverty (V. Masson- org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/22070/ climate_modification_problems_and_
Delmotte et al. eds., 2018), https://www. EGR_2017.pdf. prospects_1966.pdf. [hereinafter Global warming 23. Martin I. Hoffert et al., Advanced Technology 37. See id. at 163-68.
of 1.5°C]. Paths to Global Climate Stability: Energy for 38. See id. at 82.
7. See id. a Greenhouse Planet, 298 Science 981, 983 39. See W.M. Gray et al., Weather
8. See IPCC, Summary for Policymakers, in (2002), http://mcensustainableenergy. Modification by Carbon Dust
Global warming of 1.5°C C.1 (V. Climate Stability Absorption of Solar Energy (1974),
Masson-Delmotte et al. eds., 2018), https:// Technology Paths - Hoffert.pdf. 24. See generally Albert C. Lin, Does EPAC/William%20M.%20Gray%20-%20
sites/2/2018/07/SR15_SPM_version_ Geoengineering Present a Moral Hazard?, 40 Weather-modification%20by%20
stand_alone_LR.pdf [hereinafter Summary Ecology L.Q. 673 (2013), https://law. Carbon%20Dust%20Absorption%20
for Policymakers, in Global warming of of%20Solar%20Energy%201974.pdf.
1.5°C]. MoralHazard.pdf. 40. See id. at 168.
9. J. Rogelj et al., Mitigation Pathways 25. James Rodger Fleming, The Callendar 41. See History: How We Became the Center for
Compatible with 1.5°C in the Context of Effect 49-61 (2007), http://www.colby. Energy Research, Center for Energy
Sustainable Development, in Global edu/sts/callendar_effect_ebook.pdf. Research,
warming of 1.5°C § (V. Masson- 26. See generally H.H. Zudov, Arctic Ice and history.html (last visited Dec. 20, 2018).
Delmotte et al. eds., 2018), https://www. the Warming Arctic (E.R. Hope trans., 42. See The Energy Center at the 1965), University of California, San Diego
SR15_Chapter2_High_Res.pdf [hereinafter u2/610881.pdf. (UCSD), 1974-1975 Energy Center
Mitigation Pathways, in Global warming 27. Henry Wexler, Modifying Weather on a Annual Report 2 (1975), http://cer.ucsd.
of 1.5°C]. Large Scale, 128 Science 1059 (1958), edu/_files/about/1974-1975%20
10. See id. at 129. Energy%20Center%20Annual%20Report.
11. Id. 28. Id. pdf.
12. See Summary for Policymakers, in Global 29. See Roger Revelle et al., Atmospheric Carbon 43. See Publications by Stanford Penner, 1971-
warming of 1.5°C, supra note 8, at 16. Dioxide, in Restoring The Quality of 1998,
13. Id. at §4.3.1. Our Environment: Report of The Sol%20Penner%20Publications.pdf (last
14. Id. Environmental Pollution Panel 111, visited Feb. 7, 2019).

44. See Stanford Penner et al., Active Measures Knew CO2 Pollution Was A Global Threat coffee and tea, supramics, pharmaceutical
for Reducing the Global Climatic Impacts of By Late 1970s, DeSmog (Apr. 26, 2016, manufacturing, chemical production such as
Escalating CO2 Concentrations, 11(6) Acta 9:19 AM), http://www.desmogblog. for urea, methanol, inorganic carbonates,
Astronomica 345 (1984), http://cer.ucsd. com/2016/04/26/there-no-doubt-exxon- organic carbonates, polyurethanes, paint
edu/_files/about/Sol%20Penner%20 knew-co2-pollution-was-global-threat-late- pigments, foaming agents, carbon based
Climate%20Change%20Publications.pdf. 1970s. fuels, i.e. synthetic fuels, fumigation, e.g. of
45. See id. 56. See id. grain elevators, neutralization of alkaline
46. Developing Cutting Edge Technology – 57. See Sweatman et al., supra note 54. water, gas shield, e.g. for welding, which are
Carbon Capture and Storage, ExxonMobil, 58. National Petroleum Council, given as exemplary.”) Extraction and Enhanced Oil Recovery (1984), https:// Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide, Patent
technology/carbon-capture-and-storage/ Application Publication No. US
carbon-capture-and-storage/developing- Oil_Recovery.pdf. 2015/0104554 A1 (filed Apr. 21, 2014).
cutting-edge-technology-carbon-capture- 59. See Peter Folger, Cong. Research Serv., 65. CO2 Utilisation, Global CCS Institute,
and-storage (last visited Jan. 3, 2019). R44902, Carbon Capture and
47. Greenhouse Gas Management, Chevron, Sequestration (CCS) in the United web/20180704230257/http://www. States 10 (2018),
responsibility/climate-change/greenhouse- misc/R44902.pdf. utilisation-projects (last visited Feb. 8,
gas-management#carboncaptureandstorage( 60. See Press Release, IEEFA, IEEFA report: 2019) (original link https://www.
ccs) (last visited Jan. 3, 2019). ‘Holy Grail’ of carbon capture continues to
48. See Carbon Capture, Use and Storage, BP, elude coal industry; ‘cautionary tale’ applies utilisation-projects redirects to CCS to domestic and foreign projects alike (Nov. Institute homepage).
sustainability/climate-change/carbon- 19, 2018), 66. Presentation, Roman Berenblyum,
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Jan. 3, 2019). coal-industry-cautionary-tale-applies-to- EOR and storage – the subsurface solution
49. See Carbon Capture and Storage Projects, domestic-and-foreign-projects-alike/. toolbox, at 4,
Shell Global, 61. See e.g., Petra Nova: Carbon Capture and the media/10127/5_regional-business-case-for-
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(last visited Feb. 4, 2019). visited Dec. 21, 2018) (noting a $190 Advances in CO₂ Utilization Technology: A
50. See Shell International, Sky: Meeting million grant from the US Department of Patent Landscape Review, 26 J. of CO2
the Goals of the Paris Agreement Energy). Utilization 323 (2018), https://www.
(2018), 62. See id.; Boundary Dam Carbon Capture
meeting-the-goals-of-the-paris-agreement/_ Project, SaskPower, https://www. S2212982018301616. 68. See Berenblyum, supra note 66, at 10.
aef92d05d86a5cd77b3f3f5911f7 infrastructure-projects/carbon-capture-and- 69. See Paul Freund & William Ormerod,
5c3a1c1961fe1c981daebda29b726/shell- storage/boundary-dam-carbon-capture- Progress Toward Storage of Carbon Dioxide,
scenario-sky.pdf. project (last visited Feb. 8, 2019). 38 Energy Conversion and Mgmt. S199,
51. See id. 63. See id.; nrg, supra note 61. S200 (1997), https://www.sciencedirect.
52. Kelly E. McCusker, Kyle C. Armour, 64. See, e.g., About Us, Global CO2 Initiative, com/science/article/pii/
Cecilia M. Bitz & David S. Battisti, Rapid S0196890496002695. See also Global CCS
and Extensive warming following cessation of us/ (last visited Dec. 21, 2018) (“NORCE is Institute, What Happens When CO2 Is
solar radiation management, 9 Envtl. Res. a new and forward-looking research Stored Underground? 25 (2014), https://
Letters (Feb. 2014), http://hdl.handle. institute, with expertise in a wide range of
net/1721.1/86305. fields and strong communities of files/publications/151303/co2-stored-
53. See, e.g., Naomi E. Vaughan & Timothy M. knowledge. We deliver research and underground-ieaghg-weyburn-midale-co2-
Lenton, Interactions between reducing CO2 innovation in energy, health care, climate, monitoring-storage-project.pdf.
emissions, CO2 removal and solar radiation the environment, society and technology. 70. See, e.g., P. R. Knox & S. D. Hovorka,
management, 370 Phil. Transactions of Our solutions address key challenges for Gulf Coast Carbon Center, Geological
the Royal Soc’y A: Mathematical, society and contribute to value creation on Sequestration of Greenhouse Gases:
Physical & Engineering Sci. 4343, 4356- the local, national and global levels.”). The Opportunities for Industry Academe
59 (2012), https://royalsocietypublishing. breadth of claimed potential uses for Research Partnerships (2001), http://
org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rsta.2012.0188; captured carbon is suggested by a list of
National Research Council, Climate potential secondary applications identified codexdownloadpdf.php?ID=4.
Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to in a recent patent for direct air capture. 71. See P. Freund & W. G. Ormerod, Progress
Cool Earth 43, 59 (2015), https://www. (“The secondary process may be any Toward Storage of Carbon Dioxide, 38 manufacturing, food processing, or other Energy Conversion & Mgmt. S199
54. See R.E. Sweatman et al., Industry CO2 EOR industrial process that uses CO2, such as, (1997),
Experience Relevant for Carbon Capture and machining coolant and lubricant, grit science/article/pii/S0196890496002695.
Storage (CCS), Oil & Gas Journal (Dec. 7, blasting, e.g. for smoothing and paint 72. See Oil Change International, Drilling
2009), removal, cryogenic cleaning, quick freeze Towards Disaster: Why U.S. Oil And
volume-107/issue-45/general-interest/ processes, production and use of R744 Gas Expansion Is Incompatible With
industry-co-sub-2.html. refrigerant, CO2 based dry cleaning solvents, Climate Limits 5 (2019), http://priceofoil.
55. See Imperial Oil Limited, Review of perishable shipping container pre-cooling, org/content/uploads/2019/01/Drilling-
Environmental Protection Activities perishable shipping inert environment Towards-Disaster-Web-v2.pdf.
for 1978-1979 2 (1980), https://www. maintenance, beverage carbonation, fire 73. Furthering carbon capture, Utilization, suppression, plant fertilization, horticulture, Technology, Underground storage, and
com/files/DeSmogBlog-Imperial%20 agriculture, silvaculture, aquatic algae Reduced Emissions Act, 26 U.S.C. §45Q
Oil%20Archives-Review%20 production, enhanced oil recovery, water (2018).
Environmental%20Activities-1980.pdf softening, Solvay process, propellant, 74. Id.
(“Technology exists to remove CO2 from pressurizing gas, e.g. for aer osol cans, 75. See International Energy Agency (IEA),
stack gases but removal of only 50% of the inflation gas, e.g. for life rafts, supercritical Storing CO2 Through Enhanced Oil
CO2 would double the cost of power CO2 extraction, semi conductor Recovery 31 (2015),
generation.”). See also Brendan DeMelle & manufacturing, organic solvent, perfume publications/insights/insightpublications/
Kevin Grandia, “There is no doubt”: Exxon aromatics, decaffeinating beverages, e.g. Storing_CO2_through_Enhanced_Oil_

76. See, e.g., U.S. Department of Energy, Conservation Voters (July 16, 2018), com/resources/ccs-database-public/ (last
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage: visited Jan. 3, 2019) (select “China” from
Climate Change, Economic energy-fred-upton-misses-mark/. Country menu and “Large-scale CCS
Competitiveness, and Energy Security (issue 8 8 . See Simon Bennet & Tristan Stanley, US facility” from Category menu).
brief, 2016), Budget Bill May Help Carbon Capture Get 101. See id.
prod/files/2016/09/f33/DOE%20Issue%20 Back on Track, IEA (Mar. 12, 2018), 102. See Gulf Coast Carbon Center (GCCC),
Brief%20-%20Carbon%20Capture%20 GCCC,
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Storage_2016-08-31.pdf. help-carbon-capture-get-back-on-track. GCCC, The Carbon Question: The
77. See id. at 3. html. Gulf Coast Carbon Center Has Got
78. See IEA, Storing CO2 Through 8 9 . See Benjamin Sporton, How Carbon Answers 69 (2010), http://www.beg.utexas.
Enhanced Oil Recovery, supra note 75 at Utilization Will Be a Key Step in India’s edu/files/gccc/CarbonQuestions.pdf.
32. Climate Strategy, Econ. Times (May 9, 103. See Sponsors, GCCC, http://www.beg.
79. See Oil Change International, 2016), https://energy.economictimes. (last visited Jan. 3,
Expanding Subsidies for CO2-Enhanced 2019).
Oil Recovery: A net Loss for utilization-will-be-a-key-step-in-india-s- 104. See Carbon Mitigation Initiative, 2017
Communities, Taxpayers, and the climate-strategy/3024. Annual Report 6 (2018), https://cmi.
Climate (2017), 9 0 . Boundary Dam Carbon Capture Project,
content/uploads/2017/10/45q-analysis-oct-, https://www.saskpower. reports/pdfs/2017.pdf.
2017-final.pdf. com/our-power-future/infrastructure- 105. See id.
80. See id. projects/carbon-capture-and-storage/ 106. CMI Mission, Carbon Mitigation
81. See Joshua Rhodes, The New Federal Carbon boundary-dam-carbon-capture-project (last Initiative,
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joshuarhodes/2018/03/09/the-new-federal- Progress and Deployment 9 (Dec. 4, 2017), @ MIT,
carbon-credits-might-bring-back-some- index.html (last visited Jan. 3, 2019). See
coal/#533bcda25ef4. files/documents/7thMinUAE2017/TG- also About the MIT CC&ST Program,
82. See Matthias Finkenrath, Julian Smith ChinaCCUSprogress.pdf. CCST @ MIT,
and Dennis Volk, International Energy 9 1 . See Press Release, IEEFA, IEEFA report: edu/index.html (last visited Jan. 3, 2019).
Agency, CCS retrofit: Analysis fo the ‘Holy Grail’ of carbon capture continues to 108. See About Us, Global Climate & Energy
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Plant Fleet 23 (2012), https://www.iea. to domestic and foreign projects alike (Nov. index.html (last visited Jan. 3, 2019).
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Capture and Sequestration Retrofits for 9 2 . See Coal 2017, IEA, (Dec. 18, 2017), 110. See IEAGHG, (last
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Coal-Fired Power Plants via CO2 Capture, report-en.pdf.
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84. See Clean Air Task Force, The Role of CCS: Examples of Large-scale Installations 115. See National Carbon Capture Center,
45Q Carbon Capture Incentives in 18 (Dec. 10, 2018), http://cop24. https://www.nationalcarboncapturecenter.
Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions com/ (last visited Jan. 3, 2019).
(2017), implementing-the-paris-agreement-requires- 116. See Our Partners, National Carbon
uploads/2017/12/CATF_FactSheet_45QCa ccs-examples-of-large-scale-installations.pdf. Capture Center, https://www.
rbonCaptureIncentives.pdf. 9 7 . The Potential for Carbon Capture and Storage
85. Jay Faison, What Carbon Capture Means For in China, IEA (Jan. 17, 2017), https://www. (last visited Jan. 3, 2019).
Natural Gas, ClearPath (Feb. 7, 2018), 117. See News release, Arch Coal, Arch Coal potential-for-carbon-capture-and-storage-in- Joins National Carbon Capture Center
carbon-capture-means-natural-gas/. china.html. (May 27, 2009),
86. See Press Release, Carbon Utilization 9 8 . See IEA, Ready for CCS Retrofit: The phoenix.zhtml?c=107109&p=irol-
Research Council & ClearPath, Study: potential for equipping China’s newsArticle_Print&ID=1360107.
Aggressive Carbon Capture RD&D Can existing coal fleet with carbon 118. See Oil and Gas Climate Initiative,
Spur Massive Economic Benefits (July 25, capture and storage (2016), https:// (last
2018), visited Jan. 3, 2019).
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full report, see Carbon Utilization CoalFleetwithCarbonCaptureandStorage.
Research Council & ClearPath, pdf. investments (last visited Jan. 3, 2019).
Making Carbon a Commodity: The 9 9 . See Emily Feng, China Looks to Capture 120. See, e.g., Ed Crooks, Exxon and Chevron Join
Potential of Carbon Capture RD&D Millions of Tonnes of CO2, Financial Times Industry Climate Change Group, Financial
(2018), (May 22, 2017), Times (Sept. 30, 2018), https://www.
carbon-a-commodity-the-potential-of- content/d6ee4558-36d7-11e7-bce4-
carbon-capture-rdd. 9023f8c0fd2e; Ma, supra note 90. 17176fbf93f5; Timothy Cama, Exxon
87. See Alyssa Roberts, On Clean Energy, Fred 1 0 0 . See CCS Facilities Database, Global CCS Mobil, Chevron Join Climate Initiative, The
Upton Misses the Mark, League of Institute, https://www.globalccsinstitute. Hill (Sept. 20, 2018, 12:02 PM), https://
64 C E N T E R F O R I N T E R N AT I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N TA L L AW 1 3 6 . See id. at 18. 5:32 P.M.),

environment/407599-exxon-chevron-join- 1 3 7 . See ExxonMobil, 2018 Outlook for canada/saskatchewan/snc-lavalin-carbon-
climate-initiative; Ron Bousso, In U-Turn, Energy: A View to 2040 (2018), https:// capture-project-saskpower-1.3291554.
Exxon, Chevron to Join Industry Climate 154. See, e.g., Akshat Rathi, Humanity’s Fight
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AM), Outlook-for-Energy.pdf. technology Can Change That., Quartz (Dec.
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html; Amy Harder, Exclusive: Exxon, content/dam/bp/business-sites/en/global/ failing-one-technology-can-change-that/;
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Axios (Sept. 20, 2018), https://www.axios. outlook/bp-energy-outlook-2018.pdf. Stopped by Turning Air Into Gasoline, The
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Climate Group As Pressure Becomes Too Hard 1 4 0 . See BP, supra note 138, at 5. 155. See Oldham et al., supra note 5.
To Ignore, Forbes (Sept. 28, 2018, 10:00 1 4 1 . See Kate Aronoff, BP Claims to Support 156. See N.A. Spector & B. F. Dodge, Removal of
AM), Taxing Carbon, But It’s Spending $13 Carbon Dioxide from Atmospheric Air, 42
mikescott/2018/09/28/us-firms-join-oil- Million Against an Initiative that Would Do Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. 827 (1946).
industry-climate-group-as-pressure- Just That, The Intercept (Nov. 1, 2018, See also Frank Zeman, Energy and Material
becomes-too-hard-to-ignore/#63fecbe0f1a5. 1:19 PM), https://theintercept. balance of CO2 Capture from Ambient Air,
122. See Membership, Global CCS Institute, com/2018/11/01/bp-washington-state- 41 Envtl Sci. Tech. 7558, 7558 (2007), carbon-tax-initiative/.
institute/membership (last visited Feb. 6, 1 4 2 . See Exxon: The Road Not Taken, es070874m (“The removal of CO2 from
2019). InsideClimate News, https:// ambient air itself was first studied in the
123. See id. 1940s by Spector and Dodge [] using a
124. See The Institute at COP24, Global CCS Road-Not-Taken (last visited Feb. 8, 2019); packed tower with an alkaline sorbent.”).
Institute (Nov. 28, 2018), https://www. Sara Jerving et al., What Exxon Knew About 157. See id. the Earth’s Melting Arctic, L.A. Times (Oct. 158. See Klaus S. Lackner, Patrick Grimes &
the-institute-at-cop24/. 9, 2015), Hans-Joachim Ziock, Carbon Dioxide from
125. What WCA Does, World Coal exxon-arctic/ ; Kathy Mulvey & Seth Air: Is It An Option?, in 24th Annual
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about-wca-0/what-wca-does (last visited Jan. Scientists, The Climate Deception Utilization & Fuel Systems (1999),
3, 2019). Dossiers: Internal Fossil Fuel Industry
126. See A Pathway to Zero Emissions from Coal, Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate 159. See id.
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legislation/ (last visited Jan. 3, 2019). Chevron Australia, https://australia. and Storage 100 (2nd ed. 2017).
130. See About the Carbon Capture Coalition, 164. See Klaus Lackner, Ph.D., Center for
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Research Monitoring and Verification of 165. Center for Negative Carbon Emissions,
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media/1583/co2remove.pdf. Project, Chevron, https://australia.chevron. 166. Job posting, Center for Negative Carbon
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Storage and Innovative Renewables at pdf (last visited Jan. 4, 2019). Capture,
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CCS_EN.pdf. Solar Emissions Savings, ABC News (June 167. See Global Research Technologies, LLC,
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visited Feb. 7, 2019). utilization and sequestration.’”) carbonates.pdf.
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171. See Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities, 2019). the request of two members, GM and
Kilimanjaro Energy, Inc., (filed with U.S. 187. See Presentation, Graciela Chichilnisky, ChevronTexaco.”); A. Sanna et al., A Review
Securities and Exchange Commission Aug. CEO & Co-Founder, Global Thermostat, of Mineral Carbonation Technologies to
6, 2010), Carbon Negative Power Plants And Their Sequester CO2, 43 Chem. Soc. Rev. 8,049,
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172. See Luke Timmerman, Kilimanjaro Energy Plants-And-Their-Impact-On- based mineralisation technology suitable for
Seeks to Pop Loose Trillions’ Worth of Environment-1.pdf. both serpentine and olivine mineral rocks.”);
Underground Oil, Save the World, Xconomy 188. See Graciela Chichilnisky et al., Global Muriithi Grace Nyambura et al.,
(May 2, 2011), Warming and Carbon-Negative Carbonation of Brine Impacted Fractionated
francisco/2011/05/02/kilimanjaro-energy- Technology: Prospects for a Lower-Cost Coal Fly Ash: Implications for CO2
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underground-oil-save-the-world/. and Env’t (2009), (2011),
173. See Akshat Rathi, The World’s First “Negative sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1522281. bitstream/handle/10566/757/
Emissions” Plant has Begun Operation – 189. See id. MuriithiFlyAsh2011.
Turning Carbon Dioxide into Stone, Quartz 190. See Peter M. Eisenberger, Chaos Control: pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y.
(Oct. 12, 2017), Climate Stabilization by Closing the Global 201. See Process for Sequestration of Carbon
the-worlds-first-negative-emissions-plant- Carbon Cycle, 25(5) Econ. Global Env’t Dioxide by Mineral Carbonation, U.S.
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dioxide-into-stone/. The website listed at doi/10.1260/0958-305X.25.5.971. 2006); A. Sanna, supra note 200 at 8,060.
the company’s LinkedIn page is no longer 191. See id. 202. See Klaus Lackner et al., A Review of
active at the time of this writing. See http:// 192. See The GT Solution, Global Thermostat, Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Use of Coal for Power Generation 10 (Sixth
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Geoengineering Research Program,
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2019). Just a Problem. It’s a Lucrative Product, Roll coal that is used as fuel.”); Philip Goldberg
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From Thin Air, Forbes (Feb. 15, 2016, 9:30 US (National Conference on Carbon
AM), dioxide-not-just-problem; RP Siegel, The Sequestration, conference paper, 2001),
lauriewinkless/2016/02/16/extracting-fuel- Fizzy Math of Carbon Capture, Grist (Oct.
from-thin-air/#51da3fb36c17. 10, 2018), See also Herzog, supra note 199, at 2, 5.
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profile/ (last visited Jan. 4, 2019). Eisenberger, Carbon Negative Power Plants, Literature Review 19 (2015), https://
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179. Air to Fuels, Carbon Engineering, http:// 204. See id. at 18. (last Negative%20Power%20Plants.pdf; 205. See, e.g., Anthony V. Palumbo et al.,
visited Feb. 4, 2019). Chichilnisky, supra note 187. Potential for Metal Leaching and Toxicity
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its technology that creates clean fuel from materials/(last visited Jan. 15, 2019). Conference of World of Coal Ash (WOCA),
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raises-11m/. electricity (Nov. 14, 2014), https://www. 206. Abby Kirchofer et al., Assessing the Potential
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183. See Press Release, Carbon Engineering, Carbonation_with_Industrial_Alkalinity_
Carbon Engineering Announces Investment S0896844608002945. Sources_in_the_US/
from Oxy Low Carbon Ventures and 198. See National Academies of Sciences, links/00b495318de6fade8b000000.pdf.
Chevron Technology Ventures to Advance Engineering, and Medicine, Negative 207. See Erin Bobicki et al., Carbon Capture and
Innovative Low-Carbon Technology (Jan. 9, Emissions Technologies and Reliable Storage Using Alkaline Industrial Wastes,
2019), Sequestration: A Research Agenda 171 38(2) Progress in Energy and
carbon-engineering-announces-investment/. (2018), Combustion S. 302 (2012), https://www.
184. Id. chapter/1.
185. See id. (“‘Carbon Engineering’s direct air 199. See Howard Herzog, MIT Laboratory S0360128511000554. See also Ian Power et
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to capture and provide large volumes of Carbon Sequestration via Mineral
atmospheric CO2. This capability Carbonation: Overview and Assessment
complements Occidental’s enhanced oil
recovery business and provides further

Analogues to Engineered Systems, 77 Reviews 2 1 9 . See About Us, Origen Power, https://www. 2 3 5 . See David Chynoweth, Review of
in Mineralogy & Geochemistry 305, 343 (last visited Feb. Biomethane from Marine Biomass 1
(2012), 4, 2019). (2002), 2 2 0 . See Origen Power, Written evidence default/files/Review%20of%20
52b374a049b28000000.pdf?AWSAccessKe submitted by Origen Power, http://data. Biomethane%20from%20Marine%20
yId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expir Biomass%202002.pdf.
es=1549313920&Signature=%2BtuvKGTV CommitteeEvidence.svc/ 2 3 6 . See Orr & Sarmiento, supra note 233.
YIp3luIdREr3DgC9JNo%3D&response- EvidenceDocument/Energy%20and%20 2 3 7 . See Elizabeth Douglass, The Oil Industry’s
content-disposition=inline%3B%20 Climate%20Change/Energy%20 Fight to Kill Renewable Fuels – and Why It
filename%3DCarbon_Mineralization_ Revolution/written/32773.html (last visited May Win, InsideClimate News (Feb. 10,
From_Natural_Analo.pdf (“Bobicki et al. Feb. 4, 2019). 2014),
(2012) estimate that with an average uptake 2 2 1 . See Who Are We? Tim Kruger, Oxford news/20140210/oil-industrys-fight-kill-
of ~5% CO2/mass ash, carbonation of coal Geoengineering Programme, http:// renewable-fuels%E2%80%94and-why-it-
fly ash would offset only ~0.25% (~30 Mt may-win.
CO2) of emissions from coal-fired power 2 3 8 . See Partners, Synthetic Genomics, https://
plants globally.”). we/tim-kruger/ (last visited Feb. 4, 2019). (last
208. See ICSE Sponsors, Institute for Clean 2 2 2 . See Carbon Sequestration Leadership visited Feb. 4, 2019). See also Christopher
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Mineralization, 5(6) Int’l J. of Force_Report_2018-04-04.pdf. from-algae-craig-venter-makes-progress-in-
Greenhouse Gas Control 1,587 (2011), 2 2 3 . See id. at 13. exxon-backed-venture/#59771ca368db. 2 2 4 . See id. at 14. 2 3 9 . See Press Release, SBI BioEnergy Inc., Shell
article/abs/pii/S1750583611001757. 2 2 5 . See id. at 13. Signs Agreement with SBI BioEnergy Inc.
210. See id. 2 2 6 . See Anna Harper et al., Land-Use Emissions (June 26, 2017), https://www.sbibioenergy.
211. See Communiqué: Gambling with Gaia, ETC Play a Critical Role in Land-Based Mitigation com/single-post/2017/06/27/SHELL-
Group (2007), for Paris Climate Targets, 9 Nature SIGNS-AGREEMENT-WITH-SBI-BIO-
sites/ Commc’ns 2,938 (2018), https://www. ENERGY-INC.
pdf_file/geoengineeringcomfeb0107_0.pdf. 2 4 0 . See Biofuels: Turning Trash into Treasure,
212. See Tsung-Hung Peng et al., Dynamic 2 2 7 . See Shell International, supra note 50. Chevron,
Constraints on CO2 Uptake by an Iron- 2 2 8 . See Mitigation Pathways, in Global stories/biofuels (last visited Feb. 4, 2019).
Fertilized Antarctic, in Modeling the warming of 1.5°C, supra note 9, § 2.3.4. 2 4 1 . See Committed to the Future of Bioenergies,
Earth System 77 (Dennis Ojima ed., 2 2 9 . See Summary for Policymakers, in Global Total,
1992), warming of 1.5°C, supra note 8, at 16. expertise/exploration-production/ 2 3 0 . See Carbon Sequestration Leadership committed-future-bioenergies (last visited
213. See Philip Boyd & Cliff Law, The Southern Forum, supra note 222, at 3, Table 2. Feb. 4, 2019); Developing Renewable
Ocean Iron Release Experiment (SOIREE) – 2 3 1 . See id. at 20, Table 2. See also Presentation, Energies, Total,
Introduction and Summary, 48 Deep Sea Scott McDonald, Illinois Industrial Carbon commitment/environmental-issues-
Research II 2,425 (2001), https://www. Capture & Storage Project, (July 11, 2017), challenges/climate-change/renewable- energies (last visited Feb. 4, 2019).
S0967064501000029.C:\Users\Steven Feit\ files/2017/10/f38/mcdonald_ 2 4 2 . See How Eni is Cultivating a Strain of Algae
AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\ bioeconomy_2017.pdf. to Be Used in Biofuel Production, Eni,
INetCache\Content.Outlook\CMD12SI0\ 2 3 2 . Conversion of Carbohydrate Materials to
Boyd_Law_2001_Intro.pdf Petroleum Type Hydrocarbons, U.S. Patent technological-platforms/bio-refinery/algae-
214. Convention on Biological Diversity COP No. 3,936,353 (issued Feb. 3, 1976), (last visited Feb. 4,
10 Decision X/33, UNEP/CBD/COP/ 2019).
DEC/X/33, at 8(w)-(x) (Oct. 29, 2010), US3936353A/en. 2 4 3 . See Shell International, supra note 50. 2 3 3 . See L.B. McKay, Seaweed Raft and Farm 2 4 4 . See ExxonMobil, supra note 137; BP, supra
cop/?id=12299 [hereinafter CBD COP 10 Design in the United States and China note 138.
Decision X/33]; see Jeff Tollefson, UN (1983), 2 4 5 . See Presentation, Wolfgang Heidug, Senior
Decision Puts Brakes on Ocean Fertilization, biblio/6838354; Kimon Bird, Cost Analysis Analyst, CCS Unit, International Energy
453 Nature News 704 (June 3, 2008), of Energy from Marine Biomass, in Seaweed Agency, A look at incentive policies for Cultivation for Renewable Resources BECCS (2013),
news/2008/080603/full/453704b.html. 327 (Kimon Bird & Peter Benson eds., workshops/2014/bioenergy/Combining
215. See Haroon Kheshgi, Sequestering 1987). See also James Orr & Jorge bioenergywithCCSexperiencefromthefield
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Ocean Alkalinity, 20(9) Energy 915 (1995), a Sink for CO2: Constraints from a 3-D 2 4 6 . See id. at 15. General Circulation Model of the Global 2 4 7 . See discussion infra Paved with Good
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216. See David Archer et al., Dynamics of Fossil Pollution 405, 408 (1992), https://link. Solar Radiation Modification.
Fuel CO2 Neutralization by Marine CaCO3, 2 4 8 . See Leo Hickman, Timeline: How BECCS
12(2) Global Biogeochemical Cycles article/10.1007%2FBF00027683 (“The Because Climate Change’s ‘Saviour’
259 (1998), https://agupubs.onlinelibrary. idea of enhancing growth of marine algae is Technology, CarbonBrief (Apr. 13, 2016, not new, in fact, it has been previously 8:00 AM),
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4, 2019). 2 3 4 . See, e.g., Kimon Bird et al., Effects of Marine 2 4 9 . See Summary for Policymakers, in Global
218. See Detailed Description of the Idea, Algal Proximate Composition on Methane warming of 1.5°C, supra note 8, at 20.
Cquestrate, Yields, 2(3) J. of Applied Phycology 207, 2 5 0 . See Shell International, supra note 50.
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2 5 3 . See discussion supra Asphalt Fields and Global Warming, MIT Tech. Rev. (Jan. 22, 2 8 6 . Id.
Black Carbon Skies: A Brief History of 2018), https://www.technologyreview. 2 8 7 . Justin McClellan, David W. Keith & Jay
Fossil Fuels and Weather Modification. com/s/610007/were-about-to-kill-a-massive- Apt, Cost Analysis of Stratospheric Albedo
2 5 4 . See, e.g., Christopher Mims, “Albedo Yachts” accidental-experiment-in-halting-global- Modification Delivery Systems, 7 Envtl
and Marine Clouds: A Cure for Climate warming/. Research Letters (2012), https://
Change?, Scientific American, Oct. 21, 270. Jan Fuglesvedt & Terje Berntsen, Shipping
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43 Envtl Sci. Tech. 9,057, 9,060 (2009), underlying the analysis see Justin
2 5 5 . See, e.g., Julia Crook et al., Can Increasing McClellan et al., Aurora Flight
Albedo of Existing Ship Wakes Reduce Climate es901944r?src=recsys. Sciences, Geoengineering Cost Analysis
Change?, 121(4) J. of Geophysical 271. See id. (2010), http://agriculturedefensecoalition.
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2 5 6 . See National Academy of Sciences, 274. See Press Release, UC San Diego, Dr. Final_Report_October_30_2010_
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Warming 448 (1992), https://www.nap. Energy Research Working Group (March pdf.
edu/read/1605/chapter/1. 17, 1978), 2 8 8 . Justin McClellan was employed by Aurora
2 5 7 . See discussion infra, note 302, and object/bb46770853. And see, e.g., Stanford Flight Sciences Corporation until 2015. See
accompanying text. Penner, Assessment of Long-Term Research Justin McClellan, LinkedIn, https://www.
2 5 8 . Douglas MacMartin, Ken Caldeira & David Needs for Coal-Liquefaction Technologies (last
Keith, Solar Geoengineering to Limit the Rate (technical paper, 1980), https://www.osti. visited Feb. 5, 2019). Although Aurora
of Temperature Change, Phil. Trans. of gov/biblio/766251. Flight Sciences is a subsidiary of Boeing
The Royal Society 11 (2014), https:// 275. Stanford Penner et al., Active Measures for (Aurora Flight Sciences, http://www. Reducing the Global Climate Impacts of (last visited Feb. 5, 2019)),
rsta.2014.0134. Escalating CO2 Concentrations, 11(6) Acta Boeing’s links to the author are not
2 5 9 . See id. at 8. Astronautica 345, 345 (1984), https://www. disclosed in the paper.
2 6 0 . See id. at 2 (“This implied framing in 2 8 9 . See Presentation, Carnegie Mellon
existing analyses could have a significant pii/0094576584900456 Electricity industry Center (CEIC), Jay Apt,
effect on perceptions of SRM risks as it 276. Id. Faculty Introduction: Jay Apt 4 (2010),
implies that, once deployed, there is a 277. See Stanford Penner & John Haraden, A
necessity to maintain an SRM deployment Low Cost Technology for Increasing Earth’s content/uploads/2010/10/Jay-Apt-Faculty-
either for millennia or until CO2 Albedo to Mitigate Temperature Rise, 18 Introduction-for-Meeting-at-IST-Lisbon-
concentrations were sufficiently reduced”). Energy 1087 (1993), https://ac.els-cdn. October-11-2010.pdf (“Core funding: A.P.
com/036054429390057K/1-s2.0- Sloan Foundation and EPRI.”).
2 6 1 . Michael MacCracken, The Rationale For 036054429390057K-main.pdf?_ 2 9 0 . McClellan, Keith & Apt, supra note 287, at
Accelerating Regionally Focused Climate tid=5ec9bbdc-8d72-4821-b468-21f0cb62d 2.
Intervention Research, 4(12) Earth’s 9e0&acdnat=1548660114_660e8ddee616d 2 9 1 . See id. at 6 (emphasis added).
Future 649, 652 (2016), https://agupubs. 0a009f658e9db2989b3. 2 9 2 . Id. at 6-7 (emphasis added). 278. See id. at 1088. 2 9 3 . Id. at 7.
epdf/10.1002/2016EF000450. 279. See id. 2 9 4 . See, e.g., Andy Jones, Jim Haywood &
2 6 2 . See Aerosols and Incoming Sunlight (Direct 280. Id. at 1088 Olivier Boucher, Climate Impacts of
Effects), NASA Earth Observatory (Nov. 281. Handwritten annotation to SS Penner, A Geoengineering Marine Stratocumulus Clouds,
2, 2010), Low Cost / No Regrets View of Greenhouse 114 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. (2009) at 1,
features/Aerosols/page3.php. Gas Emissions and Global Warming, 3 J.
2 6 3 . Piers Forster et al., Changes in Atmospheric Clean Tech & Envtl Sci. 255 (1993). (On publication/251437376_Climate_impacts_
Constituents and in Radiative Forcing, in file with authors). of_geoengineering_marine_stratocumulus_
Climate Change 2007: the Physical 282. Interview by Spencer Weart with Wallace clouds(“These simulations also indicate that,
Science Basis. Contribution of Broecker 9 (Dec. 21, 1997), https://www. while some areas experience increases in
Working Group I to the Fourth precipitation and net primary productivity,
Assessment Report of the oral-histories/23909-2 (” Exxon was giving sharp decreases are simulated in South
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate us some money during that period. They America, with particularly detrimental
Change 129, 160-61 (Susan Solomon et al. gave me, like, $30,000 a year for five years, impacts on the Amazon rain forest. These
eds., 2007), to do what I wanted.”). results show that, while some areas benefit
uploads/2018/02/ar4-wg1-chapter2-1.pdf. 283. Wallace Broecker, How to Build a from geoengineering, there are significant
2 6 4 . See Sulfur Dioxide Basics, US EPA, https:// Habitable Planet 274-275 (1985), areas where the response could be very detrimental with implications for the
basics (last visited Feb. 5, 2019). Home_files/How%20To%20Build%20 practical applicability of such a scheme.”).
2 6 5 . See What is Acid Rain?, US EPA, https:// A%20Habitable%20Planet.pdf 2 9 5 . See, e.g., Aditya Nalam et al., Effects of Arctic (last 284. David W. Keith & Hadi Dowlatabadi, A Geoengineering on Precipitation in Tropical
visited Feb. 5, 2019). Serious Look at Geoengineering, 73 Trans. Monsoon Regions, 50 Climate Dynamics
2 6 6 . See id. Am. Geophys. Union 289, 292 (1992), 3,375 (2018),
2 6 7 . See, e.g., Mercè Labordena et al., Blue Skies article/10.1007/s00382-017-3810-y.
Over China: The Effect of Pollution-Control doi/abs/10.1029/91EO00231. 2 9 6 . See Stephen Salter and Alan Gadian, Coded
on Solar Power Generation and Revenues, 285. See id. at 292 (The acknowledgments states: Modulation of Computer Climate Models
PLOS ONE (2018), https://journals.plos. “This work was supported under NSF grant for the Prediction of Precipitation and
org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal. SES 9022738 and EPRI contract RP Other Side-effects of Marine Cloud
pone.0207028. 3236.”) The research by Keith and his Brightening 2 (research proposal, Jan. 25,
2 6 8 . See Strengthening and Implementing the Carnegie Mellon colleague Hadi 2013),
Global Response, in Global warming of Dowlatabadi was part of a multiyear Climatechange/DECC%20coded%20
1.5°C, supra note 17, at 349-52 (Cross- program of research into climate change and modulation.pdf (“Perhaps Brazilians
Chapter Box 10). “integrated energy systems” funded by EPRI watching recent television footage of dying
2 6 9 . See James Temple, We’re About to Kill a at Carnegie Mellon and two other children in Ethiopia and Sudan would be
Massive, Accidental Experiment in Reducing universities. It is Keith’s first published glad to have their own rainfall reduced to
paper on any aspect of geoengineering. 2000 mm a year when necessary.”).

2 9 7 . See id. 3 1 1 . S. Fred Singer, Roger Revelle & Chauncey aircraft-implications-cost-and-feasibility;

2 9 8 . See Jonathan Proctor et al., Estimating Starr, What to Do about Greenhouse Douglas MacMartin, Katharine Ricke &
Global Agricultural Effects of Geoengineering Warming: Look Before You Leap, 5 Cosmos: David Keith, Solar Geoengineering as Part of
Using Volcanic Eruptions, 560 Nature 480 A Journal of Emerging Issues (1992) at an Overall Strategy for Meeting the 1.5oC
(2018), 1, Paris Target, 376 Phil. Trans. of the
s41586-018-0417-3. 695effa8fa73ce3fa6bea331c2f85b107a.pdf . Royal Society (2008), https://keith.seas.
2 9 9 . See Christopher Smith et al., Impacts of 3 1 2 . Id. at 8.
Stratospheric Sulfate Geoengineering on 3 1 3 . David Keith, Geoengineering the Climate keith_ptrs.pdf.
Global Solar Photovoltaic and Concentrating (1998), 324. Zhen Dai, Debra Weinstein & David Keith,
Solar Power Resource, Am. Meteorological tkg/files/16_keith_1998_geoengclimate_s. Tailoring Meridional and Seasonal Radiative
Society (2017), https://journals.ametsoc. pdf; See also, David Keith, Geoengineering Forcing by Sulfate Aerosol Solar
org/doi/full/10.1175/JAMC-D-16-0298.1. (1998) at 5, Geoengineering, 45 Geophysical Res.
3 0 0 . See Andy Jones et al., The Impact of Abrupt files/tkg/files/44.keith_.2002. Letters 1,030 (2018), https://
Suspension of Solar Radiation Management geoengoxfordency.f.pdf; David W. Keith,
(Termination Effect) in Experiment G2 of the Geoengineering: History and Prospect, 25 files/sgrp/files/dai_et_al_2018_geophysical_
Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project Annual Rev. Energy Env’t 245, 274 research_letters.pdf
(GeoMIP), 118 J. of Geophys. Research (2000), 325. MacCracken, supra note 261, at 651.
9,743 (2013), https://agupubs.onlinelibrary. pub/breth/PCC/SI2006/readings/Keith_ 326. Id. at 655. geoengr_AnnRevEnergy_2000.pdf. 327. See discussion infra The New Climate
3 0 1 . See Alvia Gaskill, Jr., LinkedIn, https:// 3 1 4 . See CBD COP 10 Decision X/33, supra Denial. note 214; see also Tollefson, supra note 214. 328. See Stephen H. Schneider, Earth Systems
jr-869491105/ (last visited Feb. 11, 2019). 3 1 5 . See, e.g., Geoengineering and the UNFCCC Engineering and Management, 409 Nature
3 0 2 . Alvia Gaskill, Jr., Global Warming Process: Spring 2018 Update, 417 (2001),
Mitigation by Reduction of Outgoing Geoengineering Monitor (May 30, articles/35053203.
Longwave Radiation Through Large-Scale 2018), http://www.geoengineeringmonitor. 329. Singer, Revelle & Starr, supra note 311, at
Surface Albedo Enhancement of Deserts org/2018/05/geoengineering-and-the- 1.
Using White Plastic Polyethylene Film-the unfccc-process-spring-2018-update/; Ying 330. Id. at 8.
Global Albedo Enhancement Project Chen & Yuan Xin, Implications of 331. See, e.g., Haroon Kheshgi, Sequestering
(GAEP) 2-8 (research plan, 2003), https:// Geoengineering Under the 1.5 °C Target: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide by Increasing Analysis and Policy Suggestions, 8(2) Ocean Alkalinity, 20(9) Energy 915 (1995),
globalalbedoenhancementproject- Advances in Climate Change Research 123
53664037. (2017), article/abs/pii/036054429500035F.
3 0 3 . See Alvia Gaskill, Summary of Meeting with science/article/pii/S1674927817300400; A. 332. See Michael MacCracken, Geoengineering
U.S. DOE to Discuss Geoengineering Neil Craik & William Burns, Climate the Climate (conference paper, 1991),
Options to Prevent Abrupt and Long-Term Engineering Under the Paris
Climate Change 2-5 (summary report, Agreement (2016), https://www.cigionline. pdf.
2004), org/sites/default/files/documents/ 333. See Brian Flannery et al., Geoengineering
AlviaGaskillJr/summaryofmeeting GeoEngineering%20Primer%20-%20 Climate, in Engineering Response to
withdoetodiscussgeoengineeringoptions. Special%20Report.pdf. Global Climate Change: Planning a
3 0 4 . See, e.g., Andy Jones et al., supra note 300. 3 1 6 . See SCoPEx Governance, Keutsch Research and Development Agenda 379
3 0 5 . See, e.g., Andy Parker and Peter Irvine, The Research Group, Harvard University, (Robert G. Watts ed., 1997).
Risk of Termination Shock From Solar 334. See NASA, Workshop Report on
Geoengineering, 6 Earth’s Future 456 keutschgroup/scopex-governance (last Managing Solar Radiation (2007),
(2018), https://geoengineering.environment. visited Feb. 6, 2019). 3 1 7 . See People, Harvard’s Solar
2018-earths_future.pdf Geoengineering Research Program, 335. See id.
3 0 6 . See, e.g., Andy Jones et al., supra note 300. https://geoengineering.environment. 336. Lee Lane, Strategic Options for Bush
3 0 7 . See generally ETC Group, The Big Bad (last visited Feb. 6, Administration Climate Policy 70
Fix: The Case Against Climate 2019). (2006),
Geoengineering (2017), https://www. 3 1 8 . About Us, Harvard’s Solar uploads/2014/07/-strategic-options-for-the- Geoengineering Research Program, bush-administration_160635893399.pdf.
pdf?dimension1=division_iup. https://geoengineering.environment. 337. Id.
3 0 8 . The CNA Corporation, National Security (last visited Feb. 6, 338. See NASA, supra note 334, at 11.
and the Threat of Climate Change 6 (2007), 2019). 339. Id. 3 1 9 . John Dykema et al., Stratospheric 340. Id.
National%20Security%20and%20the%20 Controlled Perturbation Experiment: a 341. Id. at 13.
Threat%20of%20Climate%20Change.pdf Small-Scale Experiment to Improve 342. Id.
(“Climate change acts as a threat multiplier Understanding of the Risks of Solar 343. Id.
for instability in some of the most volatile Geoengineering, 372 Phil. Trans. of the 344. See ETC Group, supra note 307.
regions of the world.”). Royal Society (2014) at 5, https:// 345. See Jason J. Blackstock et al., Novim,
3 0 9 . See, e.g., Carroll Muffett and Carl Bruch, Climate Engineering Responses to
The Pervasive, Persistent, and Profound Links rsta.2014.0059. Climate Emergencies (2009), https://
between Conflict and the Environment, 12 3 2 0 . See id. at 6, 9 and Table 1 (row 1).
Sust. Devpt. Law & Policy 4 (2011), 3 2 1 . See id. pdf. 3 2 2 . See SCoPEx, Keutsch Research Group, 346. See id.
cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://scholar. Harvard University, https://projects. 347. See id. at ii. (last 348. Id. at viii.
ontext=sdlp; Christian Webersik & Marc visited Feb. 6, 2019). 349. Id.
Levy, Reducing the risk of conflict recurrence: 3 2 3 . See, e.g., Jordan Smith, John Dykema & 350. See Carbon Mitigation Initiative, supra
The relevance of natural resource management, David Keith, Production of Sulfates Onboard note 104.
in Governance, Natural Resources and an Aircraft: Implications for the Cost and 351. See Steven Koonin, Climate Science Is Not
Post-Conflict Peacebuilding 41, 45-49 Feasibility of Stratospheric Solar Settled, Wall Street Journal (Sept. 19,
(Carl Bruch, Carroll Muffett & Sandra Geoengineering, 5 Earth and Space Sci. 2014, 12:19 P.M.),
Nichols eds., 2016). 150 (2018), articles/climate-science-is-not-
3 1 0 . Keith & Dowlatabadi, supra note 284, at publications/production-sulfates-onboard- settled-1411143565.

3 5 2 . See Steven Koonin, A ‘Red Team’ Exercise 3 6 1 . See Robert C. Stowe, Harvard Project The Center for Media and Democracy,
Would Strengthen Climate Science, Wall Conducts Research Workshop on Governance SourceWatch, https://www.sourcewatch.
Street Journal (Apr. 20, 2017, 6:49 of Solar Geoengineering, Belfer Center for org/index.php/David_W._Schnare (last
P.M.), Sci. and Int’l Affairs (Oct. 26, 2018), updated Nov. 2, 2017).
articles/a-red-team-exercise-would- 371. Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy,
strengthen-climate-science-1492728579. harvard-project-conducts-research- The Center for Media and Democracy,
3 5 3 . See Robin Bravender, Pruitt Aide Wanted to workshop-governance-solar-geoengineering. SourceWatch, https://www.
Fast-Track hire of Obama Official, E&E 3 6 2 . See Harvard Project on Climate Agreements,
News (June 13, 2018), https://www.eenews. Belfer Center for Sci. and Int’l Jefferson_Institute_for_Public_
net/stories/1060084277. Affairs, Policy#Funding (last updated Nov. 14,
3 5 4 . See The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Task project/harvard-project-climate- 2018).
Force on Climate Remediation agreements#funding-&-partnerships 372. See Thomas Jefferson Institute, supra
Research, Geoengineering: A National (last visited Feb. 6, 2019). note 369; see also Martin Lukacs, Trump
Strategic Plan for Research on the 3 6 3 . See id. presidency ‘opens door’ to planet-hacking
Potential Effectiveness, Feasibility, 3 6 4 . See A. Atiq Rahman et al., Developing geoengineer experiments, The Guardian
and Consequences of Climate Countries Must Lead on Solar Geoengineering (Mar. 27, 2017, 1:05 PM), https://www.
Remediation Technologies (2011), Research, 556 Nature 22 (2018), https:// north/2017/mar/27/trump-presidency-
uploads/sites/default/files/BPC%20 03917-8. opens-door-to-planet-hacking-geoengineer-
Climate%20Remediation%20Final%20 3 6 5 . See Institute of Economic Affairs, The experiments; David W. Schnare,
Report.pdf Center for Media and Democracy, Presentation on Climate Change and
3 5 5 . See Press Release, Bipartisan Policy Center, SourceWatch, https://www.sourcewatch. Geoengineering before Gov. Tim Kaine’s
Blue Ribbon Task Force on Climate org/index.php/Institute_of_Economic_ Climate Change Commission (May 2008),
Remediation Releases Report Calling for Affairs#Funding (last updated Jan. 18,
Federal Geo-Engineering Research Program 2019); Institute of Economic Affairs, php?s=s&find_article_
(Oct. 4, 2011), DeSmogBlog, https://www.desmogblog. author=3&keywords=&l=18.
press-release/blue-ribbon-task-force-climate- com/institute-economic-affairs (last visited 373. See The Impacts of Global Warming on the
remediation-releases-report-calling-feder/. Feb. 11, 2019); International Policy Chesapeake Bay: Hearing Before S. Comm.
3 5 6 . See Bipartisan Policy Center, Annual Network, The Center for Media and On Env’t. and Pub. Works, 110th Cong.
Report – New Heights: Shaping the Democracy, SourceWatch, https://www. (2007) (statement of David W. Schnare,
Perspective 65 (2012), https:// Senior Fellow for Energy and the Policy_Network (last updated Oct. 11, Environment, Thomas Jefferson Institute),
sites/default/files/BPC%202011%20 2017); International Policy Network,
Annual%20Report.pdf. DeSmogBlog, https://www.desmogblog. files/0/3/03243e1e-cf11-4bfb-b11b-3baed7
3 5 7 . See, e.g., Lydia DePilis, At the Bipartisan com/international-policy-network (last cdc751/01AFD79733D77F24A71FEF9DA
Policy Center, Is Cash the Real Divide?, visited Feb. 11, 2019); see also Exxon FCCB056.schnaretestimony.pdf.
Washington Post (Aug. 15, 2013), Mobil Corporation, 2006 374. See David Schnare, Climate Change and the Contributions and Community Uncomfortable Middle Ground: The
wonk/wp/2013/08/15/at-the-bipartisan- Investments 3, http://research. Geoengineering and “No Regrets” Policy
policy-center-is-cash-the-real-divide/?utm_; Alternative (Thomas Jefferson Institute,
term=.f4ec3953312d); Lee Fang, Think Exxon Mobil Corporation, 2004 conference paper, 2008), http://www.
Tank Releasing Rival Bangladesh Safety Worldwide Contributions and
Accord Receives Funds From Walmart and Its Community Investments 5, http:// speech.pdf. For a longer discussion of these
Lobbyists, The Nation (July 9, 2013), research.greenpeaceusa. relationships, see David Appell, Strange org/?a=download&d=4389. Bedfellows? Climate Change Denial and
tank-releasing-rival-bangladesh-safety- 3 6 6 . See Colin Robinson et al., Climate Change Support for Geoengineering, Yale Climate
accord-receives-funds-walmart-and-its- Policy: Challenging the Activists, 62 Commc’ns (Oct. 30, 2013), https://www.
lobby/. Institute of Economic Affairs
3 5 8 . See, e.g., Ken Silverstein, Bipartisan Policy Monographs (2008), https://papers.ssrn. strange-bedfellows-climate-change-denial-
Center—How a Washington Think Tanks com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1313624. and-support-for-geoengineering/.
Advocates for Political Unity and Its Top 3 6 7 . See Julian Morris, Which Policy to 375. See Schnare, Climate Change and the
Donors, Edmond J. Safra Center for Address Climate Change? (2008), https:// Uncomfortable Middle Ground: The
Ethics, Harvard University (2013), Geoengineering and “No Regrets” Policy publication/242088799_Which_Policy_to_ Alternative, supra note 374.
lobbying-center; David Halperin, Keystone Address_Climate_Change. 376. See Geoengineering, Hearing Before H.
Pipeline Not a Big Deal—Say Interests 3 6 8 . See id. at 8 (“If it is agreed that some Comm. On S. and Tech., 111th Cong. 33
Supported by Oil and Gas Industry, Republic investment should be made in (2009) (statement of Lee Lane, Co-Director,
Report (May 13, 2013, 9:50 A.M.), geoengineering, both theory and evidence American Enterprise Institute suggest that such development should be Geoengineering Project), https://www.
keystone/. carried out by the private sector.”).
3 5 9 . See Explaining Direct Air Capture, 3 6 9 . See Thomas Jefferson Institute, Annual 111hhrg53007/pdf/CHRG-111hhrg53007.
Bipartisan Policy Center (Sept. 12, Report 2008 8-10 (2009), http://www. pdf.
2018), 377. See id. at 37.
explaining-direct-air-capture/. Report_2008.pdf. 378. See American Enterprise Institute, The
3 6 0 . See Case Studies: Real-world Companies 3 7 0 . See, e.g., David Schnare, Opinion, Four Center for Media and Democracy,
that are Pioneering Direct Air Capture Truths About Climate Change, The SourceWatch, https://www.sourcewatch.
Technology and Market Applications of Jefferson Journal, Nov. 3, 2008, http:// org/index.php/American_Enterprise_
Carbon Dioxide, Bipartisan Policy Center Institute#Funding (last updated Jan. 24,
(fact sheet, 2018), https://bipartisanpolicy. php/345; John Schwartz, He Sues to 2019); see also Exxon Mobil
org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Case- Discredit Climate Scientists. Now He’s Being Corporation, 2014 Worldwide
Studies-Real-world-Companies-that-are- Sued by His Allies, N.Y. Times, July 11, Contributions and Community
Pioneering-Direct-Air-Capture-Technology- 2018, https://www.nytimes. Investments 1, http://cdn.exxonmobil.
and-Market-Applications-of-Carbon- com/2018/07/11/climate/climate-emails- com/~/media/global/files/worldwide-
Dioxide.pdf. group-lawsuit.html; David W. Schnare, giving/2014-worldwide-contributions-

3 7 9 . See Ian Sample, Scientists Offered Cash to 3 9 6 . Mitigation Pathways, in Global warming Boom 7 (2018),
Dispute Climate Study, The Guardian of 1.5°C, supra note 9, at 122 (internal content/uploads/2018/04/Fueling-Plastics-
(Feb. 2, 2007, 10:11 AM), https://www. citations omitted). Untested-Assumptions-and-Unanswered- 3 9 7 . Sven Teske, Achieving the Paris Questions-in-the-Plastics-Boom.pdf.
feb/02/frontpagenews.climatechange. Climate Agreement Goals: Global and 409. See Garret Herring, Amid Global Battery
3 8 0 . See, e.g., Event description, AEI, How Regional 100% Renewable Energy Boom, 2019 Marks New Era for Energy
strong is the conservative case for a carbon Scenarios with Non-Energy GHG Storage, S&P Global (Jan. 11, 2019),
tax? (Nov. 14, 2018) Pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C (2019),
events/how-strong-is-the-conservative-case- marketintelligence/en/news-insights/trendin
for-a-carbon-tax/. springer/media/press-releases/corporate/ g/9GIYsd7qF8tNpiopwH7KSg2.
3 8 1 . See Sample, supra note 379. achieving-the-paris-climate-agreement- 410. Id. (citing analysis by Wood Mackenzie).
3 8 2 . See Search results: “geoengineering project”, goals/16443362. 411. Teske, supra note 399, at 473.
AEI, 3 9 8 . Sven Teske, Trajectories for a Just Transition 412. See Infographic, Meister Consulting Group,
ring+project%22 (last visited Feb. 4, 2019). of the Fossil Fuel Industry, in Achieving the The energy world is undergoing massive
3 8 3 . Event Description, AEI, Geoengineering: A Paris Climate Agreement Goals 410, transformation (Mar. 2015), https://web.
Revolutionary Approach to Climate Change Table 9.2 (Sven Teske ed., 2019).
(June 3, 2008), 3 9 9 . Christopher J. Smith et al., Current Fossil
geoengineering-a-revolutionary-approach- Fuel Infrastructure Does Not Yet Commit Us uploads/2015/03/MCG-Renewable-Energy-
to-climate-change/. to 1.5 °C, Nature Communications Revolution-Infographic.pdf. (Meister
3 8 4 . See Search results: “geoengineering project”, (2019) at 6, Consulting Group was acquired by
supra note 382. articles/s41467-018-07999-w.pdf . Cadmust Group in 2017.)
3 8 5 . See J. Eric Bickel & Lee Lane, An 4 0 0 . Id. 413. Id.
Analysis of Climate Engineering as a 4 0 1 . See Press Release, Carbon Tracker Initiative, 414. See id.
Response to Climate Change (2010), 42% of global coal power plants run at a 415. See Greenpeace, Energy [R]evolution: A loss, finds world-first study (Nov. 30, 2018), Sustainable World Energy Outlook
publication/fix-climate-climate-engineering- (2007),
assessment-bickel-lane. global-coal-power-plants-run-at-a-loss-finds- archive-international/Global/international/
3 8 6 . See J. Eric Bickel & Lee Lane, Climate world-first-study/. planet-2/report/2007/1/energy_
Engineering, in Smart Solutions to 4 0 2 . See Muyu Xu & David Stanway, China revolution-2007.pdf [hereinafter Energy
Climate Change: Comparing Costs and Launches Subsidy-free Solar, Wind Power Revolution 2007].
Benefits 9 (Bjørn Lomborg ed., 2010). After Project Costs Fall, Reuters (Jan. 9, 416. See Greenpeace, Energy [R]evolution: A
3 8 7 . Event Description, supra note 384. 2019), Sustainable World Energy Outlook
3 8 8 . Event announcement, AEI, Evaluating the us-china-energy-renewables/china-to- (2010),
Geoengineering Option, http://www.aei. launch-non-subsidized-pilot-solar-wind- research/greenpeace-energy-r-evolution/.
org/events/evaluating-the-geoengineering- power-projects-idUSKCN1P30ZQ; Vincent 417. See id.
option/ (last visited Dec. 21, 2018). Shaw, China Unveils an Ambitious New Push 418. See id.
3 8 9 . See Allen McDuffee, When Newt Gingrich on Grid Parity Solar, PV Magazine (Jan. 419. See, e.g., Auke Hoekstra, Photovoltaic
joined AEI, Washington Post (Nov. 16, 10, 2019), https://www.pv-magazine. Growth: Reality Versus Projections of the
2011), com/2019/01/10/china-unveils-an- International Energy Agency – With 2018
blogs/think-tanked/post/when-newt- ambitious-new-push-on-grid-parity-solar/; Update, Steinbuch (Nov. 19, 2018),
gingrich-joined-aei-from-the-file- China’s Solar, Wind Power Stocks Surge as https://steinbuch.wordpress.
cabinet/2011/11/16/gIQA8dZ6RN_blog. Beijing Promotes Green Energy, Economic com/2017/06/12/photovoltaic-growth-
html?noredirect=on&utm_ Times (Jan. 10, 2019, 8:23 A.M.), https:// reality-versus-projections-of-the-
term=.8656da88f1d0. international-energy-agency/.
3 9 0 . See Newt Gingrich, Stop the Green Pig: news/renewable/chinas-solar-wind-power- 420. See Energy Revolution 2007, supra note
Defeat the Boxer-Warner-Lieberman Green stocks-surge-as-beijing-promotes-green- 417, at 42 (Table 7).
Pork Bill Capping American Jobs and Trading energy/67465258. 421. See Greenpeace, Energy [R]evolution: A
America’s Future, Human Events (June 3, 4 0 3 . See Press Release, Carbon Tracker Initiative, Sustainable World Energy Outlook
2008, 10:51 AM), http://humanevents. 40% of China’s coal power stations are 2015 86 (Table 6.1.1) (2015), https://www.
com/2008/06/03/stop-the-green-pig-defeat- losing money (Oct. 11, 2018), https://www.
the-boxerwarnerlieberman-green-pork-bill- Global/international/publications/
capping-american-jobs-and-trading- stations-are-losing-money/. climate/2015/Energy-Revolution-2015-Full.
americas-future/. 4 0 4 . See Tim Buckley & Kashish Shah, IEEFA pdf.
3 9 1 . See Geoengineering: Innovation, Research, and India: Removing the Roadblocks to Accelerate 422. See id.
Technology: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Renewable Energy Development, IEEFA 423. IRENA, Renewable Energy Capacity
Env. and Subcomm. on Energy of the H. (Dec. 4, 2018), Statistics 2018 21 (2018), https://www.
Comm. On Science, Space, & Tech., 115th removing-the-roadblocks-to-accelerate-
Cong. (2017), renewable-energy-deployment/. Publication/2018/Mar/IRENA_RE_
legislation/hearings/subcommittee- 4 0 5 . See Ankush Kumar, India to Bid Out 500 Capacity_Statistics_2018.pdf.
environment-and-subcommittee-energy- GW Renewable Energy Capacity by 2028, 424. See Joshua S Hill, PV Market Alliance
hearing-geoengineering. Economic Times (Jan. 7, 2019, 1:52 Claims 2018 Solar Installations Reached 98
3 9 2 . See Mike Orcutt, Why This Geoengineering P.M.), https://energy.economictimes. Gigawatts, CleanTechnica (Jan. 25,
Pioneer’s Worst Nightmare Is a Trump Tweet, 2019), https://cleantechnica.
MIT Technology Review (Nov. 7, 2017), bid-out-500-gw-renewable-energy-capacity- com/2019/01/25/__trashed-13/ (Reporting
https://www.technologyreview. by-2028/67418119. estimates from PV Alliance, Bloomberg
com/s/609379/why-this-geoengineering- 4 0 6 . See, e.g., Levelized Cost of Energy and New Energy Finance and Wood
pioneers-worst-nightmare-is-a-trump- Levelized Cost of Storage 2018, Lazard Mackenzie).
tweet/. (Nov. 8, 2018), 425. See Lee Miller & David Keith, Observation
3 9 3 . Strengthening and Implementing the Global perspective/levelized-cost-of-energy-and- Based Solar and Wind Power Capacity Factors
Response, in Global warming of 1.5°C, levelized-cost-of-storage-2018/. and Power Densities, 13 Envtl. Res.
supra note 17, at 316. 4 0 7 . See id. Letters (2018) at 9, https://iopscience.iop.
3 9 4 . Id. at 316-317. 4 0 8 . See Center for International org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aae102/pdf.
3 9 5 . See Summary for Policymakers, in Global Environmental Law (CIEL), Fueling 426. See Mark Jacobson, Stanford School of
warming of 1.5°C, supra note 8, at 16. Plastics: Untested Assumptions and Earth, Energy & Envtl. Sci., https://
Unanswered Questions in the Plastics
(last visited Feb. 7, 2019).

4 2 7 . See Mark Z. Jacobsen, Response to Miller and 4:00 P.M.), co/2018/02/03/all-electric-ferry-cuts-
Keith “Observation-based solar and wind news/articles/2018-11-14/china-is-about-to- emission-cost/; Norled to Build World’s First
power capacity factors and power densities” shake-up-the-world-of-electric-cars- Hydrogen-electric Ferry, Electric & Hybrid
(Environmental Research Letters, 2018) (Oct. quicktake. Marine World Expo 2019 (Jan. 2019),
3, 2018), 440. Charles Morris, Oil Industry Analyst Ponders https://www.
efmh/jacobson/Articles/I/ ‘Elon Musk Effect’, CleanTechnica (Jan.
CombiningRenew/18-RespERL-MK.pdf. 24, 2019), https://cleantechnica. industry-news.php?release=8ce87bdda85cd4
4 2 8 . See Lee Miller & David Keith, Climatic com/2019/01/24/oil-analyst-ponders-the- 4f14de9afb86491884.
Impacts of Wind Power, 2 Joule 1 (2018), elon-musk-effect-tesla/ (quoting analyst 448. See The Beam, The World’s First Electric Steven Schork). Autonomous Container Ship to Set Sail in
climatic_impacts_of_wind_power.pdf . 441. See Sunil Kumar Agrawal, India’s Shift from Norway, CleanTechnica (Aug. 23, 2018),
4 2 9 . Leah Burrows, Wind Farms Will Cause More Conventional Transport to Electric Vehicles,
Environmental Impact than Previously Intelligent Transport (Nov. 15, 2018), the-worlds-first-electric-autonomous-
Thought, Harvard Gazette (Oct. 4, container-ship-to-set-sail-in-norway/.
2018), transport-articles/73491/india-framework- 449. See Stas Margaronis, Maersk Says Batteries
story/2018/10/large-scale-wind-power-has- electric-vehicle/. Could Be Deployed on Container Ships by
its-down-side/. 442. See Srinivas Cherla and Amit Garg, 2020, Ajot (June 27, 2018), https://www.
4 3 0 . See Expert Reaction to Research on Climatic UNEP DTU Partnership, Study of
Impact of Wind Power, Science Media Electric Mobility in India (2017), batteries-could-be-deployed-on-container-
Centre (Oct. 5, 2018), http://www. ships-by-2020. Uneprisoe/Publications-(Pdfs)India- 450. See Evan Gaj, The Electric Aircraft Is Taking
research-on-climatic-impact-of-wind- Transport%2FReports%2FStudy-on- Off, Techcrunch (July 8, 2018), https://
power/; Greg Alvarez, Fact Check: No, Wind Electric-Mobility-in-India_Final.ashx). And
Turbines Do Not Cause Global Warming, see Sharmistha Mukherjee & Ketan aircraft-is-taking-off/.
Into the Wind (Oct. 4, 2018), https:// Thakkar, Two Wheelers to Lead Electric 451. See Alwyn Scott, Boeing-backed, Hybrid- Vehicle Market in India, Economic Times electric Commuter Plane to Hit Market in
turbines-not-cause-climate-change/. (Sept. 19, 2018, 10:14 AM), https:// 2022, Reuters (Oct. 5, 2017, 7:20 A.M.),
4 3 1 . Mark Z. Jacobsen, Response to Miller and
Keith “Climatic Impacts of Wind Power” two-wheelers-to-lead-electric-vehicle- aerospace-hybrid/boeing-backed-hybrid-
(Joule, 2018). Available online at: http:// market-in-india/articleshow/60739035.cms. electric-commuter-plane-to-hit-market-in- 443. Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2022-idUSKBN1CA16A.
Articles/I/CombiningRenew/18-RespMK. Electric Buses in Cities 3 (2018), https:// 452. See Lianne Kolirin, EasyJet Plans Electric
pdf. Planes by 2030, CNN (Oct. 30, 2018),
4 3 2 . See, e.g., Large Scale US Wind Power Would other_uploads/images/1726_BNEF_C40_
Cause Warming that Would Take Roughly a Electric_buses_in_cities_FINAL_ easyjet-planes-intl/index.html.
Century to Offset https://www.sciencedaily. APPROVED_%282%29.original. 453. See Agence France-Presse, Norway Aims for
com/releases/2018/10/181004112553.htm; pdf?1523363881 (noting that the global All Short-haul Flights to Be 100% Electric by
How Wind Power Could Contribute to a electric bus fleet included approximately 2040, The Guardian (Jan. 17, 2018, 7:45
Warming Climate. https://www.sciencenews. 385,000 buses in 2017, with 99% in China P.M.),
org/article/how-wind-power-could- and numbers rising rapidly).. world/2018/jan/18/norway-aims-for-all-
contribute-warming-climate; Wind Turbines 444. See Matthew Keegan, Shenzen’s Silent short-haul-flights-to-be-100-electric-
Contribute to Climate Change, Study Finds. Revolution, The Guardian (Dec. 12, 2018, by-2040. 6:00 A.M.), 454. See Mitigation Pathways, in Global
wind-turbines-contribute-to-climate- cities/2018/dec/12/silence-shenzhen-world- warming of 1.5°C, supra note 9, at §
change-study-finds-1.777393. first-electric-bus-fleet.
4 3 3 . See Kevin Loria, A New Study on the Side 445. See Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 455. Kate Dooley et al., Climate Land
Effects of Wind Energy Is Almost Begging to Be supra note 445, at 2. Ambition Rights Alliance, Missing
Misused By Climate Change Deniers, 446. See Matt Bohlsen, The Electric Truck Boom Pathways to 1.5C: The Role of the
Business Insider (Oct. 4, 2018), https:// is About to Begin, Seeking Alpha (Sept. 21, Land Sector in Ambitious Climate 2018, 6:27 P.M.), https://seekingalpha. Action (2018), https://www.
wind-power-cause-local-warming-2018-10 com/article/4207663-electric-truck-boom-
(originally titled “Climate effects of wind begin; Executive Analysis of Electric Truck report.
power cause local warming”). Market, Forecast to 2025, Report Linker 456. See id.
4 3 4 . See, e.g., Anthony Watts, Harvard: Wind (Dec. 2017), 457. See id. at 15 and 17.
Power Will Create Significant Warming of p05281649/Executive-Analysis-of-Electric- 458. See id. at 5-8.
0.24C, Plus Eat Up 5 to 20x More Land Truck-Market-Forecast-to.html. See also 459. Malte Meinshausen and Kate Dooley,
Than Thought, Watts Up With That? Brett Williams, 9 Futuristic Trucking Projects Mitigation Scenarios for Non-Energy GHG¸
(Oct. 4, 2018), https://wattsupwiththat. That Will Compete With Tesla’s Semi, in Teske, supra note 399, at 79-93.
com/2018/10/04/harvard-wind-power-will- Mashable (Nov. 16, 2017), https:// 460. See id. at 80.
create-significant-warming-of-0-24c-plus- 461. See id.
eat-up-5-to-20x-more-land-than-thought/. trucking-projects-roundup-nikola-daimler- 462. See id.
4 3 5 . See discussion and accompanying notes volkswagen/#JYlAJK4zsPqs. 463. Teske, supra note 399, at 478.
supra Asphalt Fields and Black Carbon 447. See Jess Smee, Are Electric Vessels the Wave of 464. See Jean-Pierre Gattuso et al., Ocean
Skies: A Brief History of Fossil Fuels and the Future in Shipping?, DW (Dec. 20, Solutions to Address Climate Change and Its
Weather Modification and Paved with 2018), Effects on Marine Ecosystems, 5 Frontiers in
Good Intentions: The Danger and vessels-the-wave-of-the-future-in- Marine Sci. (2018), https://www.
Distraction of Solar Radiation Modification. shipping/a-43046309; Kyree Leary, China
4 3 6 . Teske, supra note 399, at 473. Has Launched World’s First Electric Zero- fmars.2018.00337/full
4 3 7 . Johannes Pagenkopf et al., Transport Emissions Cargo Ship, Futurism (Dec. 5, 465. See Kate Dooley et al., supra note 457.
Transition Concepts, in Teske, supra note 2017),
399, at 140 (Figure 6.10). launched-worlds-first-all-electric-cargo-
4 3 8 . See, e.g., CIEL, supra note 410, at 6-7 & ship/; Fred Lambert, All-electric Ferry Cuts
notes 44-59. Emissions by 95% and Costs By 80%, Bring
4 3 9 . See China Is About to Shake Up the World of In 53 Additional Orders, Electrek (Feb. 3,
Electric Cars, Bloomberg (Nov. 14, 2018, 2018, 1:57 P.M.) https://electrek.
© S E A Q 6 8 V I A P I X A B AY
How Geoengineering Threatens to Entrench
Fossil Fuels and Accelerate the Climate Crisis
Fuel to the Fire: How Geoengineering Threatens to Entrench Fossil Fuels and Accelerate the Climate Crisis investigates the early,
ongoing, and often surprising role of the fossil fuel industry in developing, patenting, and promoting key geoengineering
technologies. It examines how the most heavily promoted strategies for carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation modification
depend on the continued production and combustion of carbon-intensive fuels for their viability. It analyzes how the
hypothetical promise of future geoengineering is already being used by major fossil fuel producers to justify the continued
production and use of oil, gas, and coal for decades to come. It exposes the stark contrast between the emerging narrative that
geoengineering is a morally necessary adjunct to dramatic climate action, and the commercial arguments of key proponents
that geoengineering is simply a way of avoiding or reducing the need for true systemic change, even as converging science and
technologies demonstrate that shift is both urgently needed and increasingly feasible. Finally, it highlights the growing
incoherence of advocating for reliance on speculative and risky geoengineering technologies in the face of mounting evidence
that addressing the climate crisis is less about technology than about political will.

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Washington, DC 20005 USA
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