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Final review

 What is deviance
o Strayin from the norm
 What is conformity
o Falling in line with the norm
 Are all crimes deviant acts
o no
 Are all deviant acts crimes
o no
 How does deviance affect the group/group dynamics/group norms
o Deviance proliferates
 What is deviance admiration
o People who are admired for their deviance- positive reaction. Ex: civil rights activist,
robin hood characters
 What is rate busting
o Someone overperforms and meet with negative reactions ex: workers in assembly lines
who raise expectation
 What is medicalization in reference to deviance
o Deviance goes from being ppl being diff to being deviant bc they have a deficit of some
sort or medical condition (psych issues- ADD/ homosexuality)
 How does discipline differ from punishment (Foucault concept)
o Discipline as a regiment- forming good habits so you wont come to a place where
punishment would be needed. Discipline is free and comes from within.
 How does this relate to modernity vs previous periods in history
o We self- diagnose and rationalization
 How can deviance boost pro-social behavior
o Inventing things, deviant groups bond together and form new tight knit groups
 What is status inconsistency
o situation where an individual's social positions have both positive and negative
influences on his or her social status.
 Describe role strain
o Two conflicting roles you need to fulfill
 Name several master statuses-statuses most visibly noticeable with little interaction,
identification comes from
o Race, gender, age,
 What is a degradation ceremony
o Common to total institutions, common to means of punishment, implemented by
extremes, most religions have this, military basic training, prisons
 Stigma
o Association that becomes attached to something negative spoil identity, guilty by
association. Escape by face saving-maintianing a good self image, identity legitimization
 What is the first world? Third world?
o Comes from cold war. First- industrial countries, wealthy. Third world- underdeveloped
 What is the contact hypothesis
o Relates to race. More contact you have with a stigmatized outgroup the more accepting
you become if you have external support structure on mutual ground
 What is social learning theory
o Paradigm. Idea that incorporates operant. Extends pavlov’s operant conditioning that
people learn from experience or vicariously through others and exchange of symbols.
People do what they can to max utility with less cost.
 What is differential association
o Subpart o social learning theory in terms of adolescent dev or deviant behavior
o through interaction with others, individuals learn the values, attitudes,
techniques, and motives for criminal behavior.
 Class system from marx and engels
o All based on economics, had 2 classes- oppressors and the oppressed
o Work towards socialism and communism- anti-capitalists bc uneven wealth distribution
o Control over the means of production
o Conflict paradigm
 Classes compete- cooperation is artificial
 Thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis
 Functionalist paradigm
o Emile durkeim thought of society as organs that work together
o Manifest- intended; latent-unintended
 Class system from weber
o We usually look at weber in the present . symbolic interaction. methodological
individualism-whole is sum of its parts- and deep understanding
 Looking glass self
o Mead
 I is the active; me is the cognitive self
o Dramaturgy- social phenomena is a play and we can interpret the parts
 Freud
o Id: pleasure principle
o Ego: delayed gratification
o Super-ego: internatlize social expectations
 Piaget
o Sensorimotor: object permanence
o Pre-operational: glasses have the same amount of water
o Concrete Operational: reversibility
o Formal operational: logic- feather doesn’t break the glass
o Assimilation:fitting new info into old schema and accommodation- changing schema for
new info
 Mead
o Pragmatism: define objects based on their use towards them
o Social behaviorism
 Preparatory: meaningless imitation
 Play stage: sig figs provide modesl that one imitates
 Game stage:taking the rolle of severael others simultaenously
 Cooley
o The looking glass self
 What is the trait that receives the most focus in terms of stratification
o Socioeconomic standing
 Most people in the US self identify as part of which class
o Middle class
 Relative poverty is
o Idea that if you are sufficiently different then you are in poverty
 Absolute poverty is
o More common notion, cannot meet means to survive. More agreement about absolute
 What is the davis-moore thesis
o Also related to economic stratification. Idea that ppl end up with diff income bc fulfil
roles that society diff rewards but why does society do that? Pay doc more than janitor,
need role more, want role more or more investment/specialization in that role
o Communism wouldnt work- functionalist approach. Leisure class in modern society that
 A systematic process for solving diff of opinion about matters of facts
o Science
 Systematic process for solving diff of opinion about matters of values
o Philosophy
 Hawthorne effect
o People know theyre being watched so they change their behavior
o Placebos come in handy
 What method is the gold standard for research
o Experiment bc most control over the factors- can talk about causation instead of
 Independent variable
 Dependent variable
 Who is more likely to abuse their spouse, the husband or the wife
o Equally likely . males are more likely to get arrested for abuse
 What are some factors correlated with having divorced parents
o To experience emotional turmoil, Have a police record, Drop-out of high school, Not
attend college, Not graduate from college, To also get a divorce
 Historical self
o Sense of self has specific time and place
o concept of a self and individual selves take on different forms given variation in cultures
across space/time
 Relational self
o Concept of self changes based on past experiences- each interaction changes your
mental schema
 Ontological self
o Self is inherent, based on biology
 How are scientific theories tested
o Trying to falsify the hypothesis -
 On what are action decisions based
o Facts and values
 Hobbesian problem
o War of all against all
 Bureaucracy- hierarchies
 Iron cage- weber and people behind bars to be the most rational
 Iron law of oligarchy- rule by the few
 Clinards four modes of deviance
o Statistical
o Absolutist
o Reactivist
o Normative
 Weber depicted rationalization as enlightenment period

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