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Myles Gernale 9/15/2016

Grade 10 – Tamaraw

“The Irony of Death Penalty”

Death penalty is the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally

convicted of a capital crime. Death Penalty should not be carried out, because it is
inhumane and morally wrong to put someone to death.

The Philippines was the first Asian country to abolish death penalty under the
1987 Constitution. But six years after, it has reimposed the death penalty. The
Philippines has overtaken its Asian neighbors and has the most number of deaths of the
convicts. More than 1,200 individuals have been executed through lethal injection. Yet
today, there are no signs that criminality has gone down. And before, one of the Roman
Catholic Church’s reasons for rejecting the death penalty is that an imperfect judicial
system, many people were convicted and could be put on death row which are all
innocent. Killing will only create a cycle of violence ensuring suffering for the families of
the victims.

It is hypocrisy that the government shows murder is wrong by committing a

murder. Most criminals were abused and traumatized in their life. But the crime entirely
depends whether the criminal’s heinous acts are justifiable or not. “Life without Parole”
is a better alternative, because it costs less than death penalty and avoids putting
innocent lives at risk. Sentencing people to die in prison is more sensible for public
safety and murder victim’s families.

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