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Myles Gernale

Grade 9 – Tamaraw

Africa – The second and most populous continent of the world. Majority of Flora and
Fauna are found in Africa and even large quantity of minerals such as: gold, silver, diamond,
iron, uranium and much more. Gasses also include Petroleum and Coal. And also abundant
number of agricultural products include cocoa beans, tropical fruits and the typical wood used in
woodworks. Even though Africa is blessed with these valuable assets, Africa is still poor
because its prosperous resources attracted many colonizers such as the greedy ones to exploit
Africa’s resources (or what they call as “Curse of Riches”) in the 1870s and 1900s for their
benefits to improve conditions.

Colonizers include: Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
Due to these colonizers, Africa faced many aggressions throughout its history. Each colonizer
fought each other for the control of land that it destroys infrastructure that keeps building up and
also natural resources in lands. Lack of infrastructure means poor public services for the people.
Some native people of Africa during the colonization era fought against the invader’s which
resulted a massive lack of educated and trained manpower to govern the new countries which
were unprepared for independence. International corporations who reap the resources buy
corrupting influence and power at the government level. Corruption means undeveloped
countries because no work was done to improve the country’s condition but only to improve the
official’s personal gains in various ways.

One word led Africa to its deposition: Colonization. Colonizers exploited the abundant
resources and wars were made between each colonizer and colonizer and native for
control/protection of land. The aftermath of these wars led to loss of manpower to serve their
country and loss of infrastructure to offer public services.

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