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Name: ____________________________

Date: _____________________________

Station #3 Unions and Intersections

Use the deck of cards to answer the following questions.

1) How many cards are in a full deck (excluding jokers)?

2) How many cards are there in a suit? (The suits are hearts, spades,
diamonds, and clubs)

There are ___________ hearts.

There are ___________ spades.

There are ___________ diamonds.

There are ___________ clubs.

3) How many cards are red?

4) How many cards are black?

5) How many cards are there for each value? (The values are Ace,
numbers 2-10, Jack, Queen, King)

Each value has ____________ cards.

Use the Venn diagram below to answer questions 6- 10

Event A = choosing a face card (Jack, Queen, or King)

Event B = choosing a card of suit hearts (there are 13 hearts in a deck)



9 3

6) What are the elements of the intersection of Events A and B? (The

elements of Event A are given as an example)

A = {Jack of spades, Jack of clubs, Jack of hearts, Jack of diamonds, Queen of

spades, Queen of clubs, Queen of hearts, Queen of diamonds, King of spades, King
of clubs, King of hearts, King of diamonds}

A∩B =

7) How many cards are in (A∪B)?

8) How many cards are in (A∪B)’? (The complement of the union of A and
9) What is the probability of choosing a face card of hearts? (i.e. what is the
P(A∩B)? )

10) What is the probability of choosing a face card OR a card of hearts? (i.e.
what is the P(A∪B)? )

11)Create a Venn Diagram where:

Event A = choosing a black card

Event B = choosing a red card

12) Are events A and B in your Venn diagram mutually exclusive? Why or
why not?
Extension Questions:

13)Create a Venn diagram where:

Event A = choosing a card with a value less than 6 (Ace has value 1)
Event B = choosing a black card

14) What kinds of cards belong to (A∩B)?

15) What is the P(A∩B)?

16)What cards belong to B’? (The complement of B)

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