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Managing Impulsivity Mini Lesson

Mrs. Lawrence-Brooks
Kindergarten Class

2 mins
How do you usually solve a problem? TPS: Tell your partner how you usually solve a problem.

1 min
Today we will watch a video about a boy named Chris who encounters a problem in his

3 mins
Show video:

5 mins
Discussion Questions:
What was Chris’ problem in this video?
How did he feel when he saw Maria in his seat?
What did Chris do to solve his problem?
What suggestions did his teacher give him about solving his problem?
Think to yourself, have you ever had a problem like Chris?
Now think of a way you could manage your impulsivity when faced with a problem.

2 mins
When you manage your impulsivity, you think things through. In the video, we saw Chris act
impulsively by telling Maria she had to get out of his chair. If Chris had taken the time to think
about how he could ask Maria nicely, he would not have acted impulsively.
When we manage our impulsivity, we stop and think. (Show hand gestures for stop and think).

2 mins
Group Activity: Have students in groups of 4-5 students
You will work with your groups to come up with a poster that shows how to manage your
impulsivity. Think about what that would look like.

10 mins
Now we will write and draw a detailed picture about what managing impulsivity looks like.

5 mins
Student teams will share their posters. Posters were hung around the classroom.

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