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The Politics of Language

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The Politics of Language

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The Politics of Language

How may a student do this between home and school, and maybe even with their
friends. How about at work?

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The Politics of Language

Key terms will be defined throughout the power-point. Follow along and this will also
help with your “Glossary” assignment!

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The Politics of Language

Identity relates to social groups whether that is in the context of linguistics or not.
Have students try to identify with a social group. How does that group change/ effect
More symbols of identity: values and morals, goals, work ethic etc.

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The Politics of Language

Nationism- relates to the documents for official purposed. Example: tax forms, work
documents, etc.
Nationalism- the identity as it relates to the people.

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The Politics of Language

Relate to “standardized testing”

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The Politics of Language

This standard is not good for students because it teaches them that their dialect is
SUBstandard when it is not. Students are also penalized when not using “standard
English” but are not being taught the difference or even how to code-switch.
These variations are not WRONG or SUBstandard due to the fact that ‘standard’
English isn’t considered superior! Also, they should be considered their own dialect
(BECAUSE they even have their own set of rules!).
Students may used different dialects in school versus home environment.

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The Politics of Language

Have students try to relate this to a social standard or trend. EX: bell-bottom jeans or

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The Politics of Language

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The Politics of Language

EX: Ebonics, Southern dialects, etc.

International variations may include Spanglish or even ebonics
One example of a cultural difference is the importance of time, and how that may
effect when they come/ go from school.

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The Politics of Language

Have students try and identify a language that abides by these rules. Example:
high/low texting, high/low email, etc.

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The Politics of Language

Have students try and identify an example to explain difference. Ex: different
languages would be English and French but Southern English and Canadian English IS
STILL English

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The Politics of Language

So what would make people think the Unites States should be an “Officially English”

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The Politics of Language

Ask students to try and relate to any personal or secondary experience.

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The Politics of Language

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The Politics of Language

Ask students where they fall on the spectrum of acceptance and what they deem to
be a quality standard.

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The Politics of Language

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The Politics of Language

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The Politics of Language

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