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In the play macbeth the person i would blame for the death of King Duncan is Lady Macbeth

because she is a person that lives for drama and would do anything to help macbeth and her to
become king and queen. And even though the witches and other people might have set off
duncan death to but lady macbeth to me had more of the blame. And the reason why i say that
is because what if the witches was lying and just said macbeth would become king to try to see
how macbeth would react and see what he would do to see it come. But example she was first
brought in the play when she first was reading her husband’s letter. Lady Macbeth instantly
believes that the way to achieve the crown is to kill King Duncan.

One reason why i say that lady macbeth was the one to blame is because in the Act 2 Scene 2,
It says” He is about it. The doors are open, and the surfeited grooms Do mock their charge with
snores. I have drugged their possets,That death and nature do contend about them,
Whether they live or die. That line shows Lady Macbeth is the one to blame because in the
shakespere lady Macbeth was showing that it was a good opportunity to kill King Duncan while
no one is paying attention to them and then they could blame it on somebody else and they
wouldn't be suspected to do it.

Another reason why i say that lady macbeth was the one to blame is because in the Act 1
Scene 7, It says” When Duncan is asleep Whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey
Soundly invite him his two chamberlains Will I with wine and wassail so convince That memory,
the warder of the brain,Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason A limbeck only: when in
swinish sleep Their drenched natures lie as in a death,What cannot you and I perform upon The
unguarded Duncan?” this agains show why i am right about how lady macbeth is the one to
blame because that passage just explained to us that lady macbeth wanted macbeth to kill
duncan in his sleep even though macbeth didn’t want to do it.

And one reason why i say it was lady macbeth fault was because in the story the witches says”
All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! My noble partner You greet with present grace
and great prediction Of noble having and of royal hope,
That he seems rapt withal. To me you speak not.” that to me was slow because what if they
were just trying to set him up to see if duncan die soon. And then they can tell on macbeth or
use it against me it was lady macbeth’s fault because she pushed macbeth into trying
him to do a murder and felt that Macbeth should have all the power over Cawdor.

In conclusion that is the reason why i say that lady macbeth is the reason why all of the drama
happens she wanted macbeth to kill duncan in his sleep even though macbeth didn’t want to do
it. And was showing that it was a good opportunity to kill King Duncan while no one is paying
attention to them and then they could blame it on somebody else and they wouldn't be
suspected to do it.

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