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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión.

Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

Topic 46.

The historical configuration of the US of

America: From independence to the

Secession War. Reference novels: The

Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage

Carmen Valls

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.




-Causes of the Revolution

-The Revolutionary War


-The Constitution

-The Presidents: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James





-Presidents: James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln



-Causes of the War

-Four years of fighting


-The Scarlet Letter

-The Red Badge of Courage



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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.


The 18th C. is the era of the Enlightenment. This new trend means an evolution of ideas.

Philosophers such as Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau defended the separation of

powers, the equality of all men, and the representatives chosen by popular election. Locke

elevates the concept of the government as a servant of the governed.

In the political side, Adam Smith elaborates his theories about liberalism in economy. He

writes a work of economic and social theory titled: Inquiry into the Nature and causes of the

Wealth of Nations, commonly known as The Wealth of Nations.

These principles stated by French and English philosophers were influential and

incorporated in the attitudes of the Colonial intellectual life.



-Causes of the Revolution

The desires of Americans to be independent from Britain arose out of a long series of

disagreements about money and political control.

Britain had had colonies in North America since 1607 ( Massachusetts, New Jersey, New

York, Rhode Island ....) and kept soldiers to there to defend them from attack by the French

and Spanish, and by Native Americans. In order to raise money the British Parliament tried

to make colonists pay taxes.

From 1651, Britain passed a series of laws called Navigation Acts, which said that the

colonists should trade only with Britain. Taxes imposed in the 18th C increased ill feeling

towards Britain. In 1765 the Stamp Act put a tax on newspapers and official documents.

Opposition to this was strong and the following year Parliament had to remove the tax.

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

By then, people in both America and Britain were arguing about who had the power to tax

the colonies.

Some colonists, called patriots, began to want independence from Britain. They expressed

their feelings in the slogan “no taxation without representation”.

In 1767 the Townshend Acts put taxes on certain products including tea. The assemblies of

the colonies refused to help collect the money and Parliament responding by closing them

down. All this caused many more people to want independence. The Tea Act gave a British

company the right to sell tea to the colonists and actually lowered the price for legally

imported tea. On 16 Dec 1773, when ships arrived in Boston Harbour carrying the tea, a

group of patriots dressed up as Native Americans went onto the ships and threw the tea into

the water. After the Boston Tea Party, as the event was later called, Britain passed the

Intolerable Acts, laws to increase her control over the colonies.

More Americans began to support revolution.

-The Revolutionary War

The Continental Congress suggested that Britain and America should make an agreement,

but Britain refused and so, on 4 July 1776, members of the Congress signed the Declaration

of Independence. This document, written by Thomas Jefferson, gave the Americans reasons

for wanting to be independent. It included ideas that were rather new, e.g. that ordinary

people had certain rights that governments should respect. Since the British king George III

refused to accept this, America had the right, and duty, to form their own government.

There were victories and defeats on both sides during the 7 years of war.

Lafayette brought French soldiers to fight on the American side. With this help, the

Americans won a victory at Saratoga, New York.

After the American victory in the battle of Saratoga (1777) and Yorktown (1781), Britain

recognized the Independence of the US in 1783. They signed the TREATY OF PARIS

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

(Versailles) by which the Independence was recognized legally, and it also stated that Britain

retained Canada; Spain received Florida; and France won some West Indian islands: Tobago,

Santa Lucia, and Senegal.


-The Constitution of the United States of America

In 1787 the American statesmen met in Philadelphia and proclaimed the establishment of a

Presidential Federal Republic. Later on, in the same year, the Convention of 55 delegates

met in Philadelphia State House promulgated the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED

STATES OF AMERICA. This was the 1st written fundamental law, and it declared:

a) Separation of powers: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary

Legislative consisted of

-House of Representatives (chosen by the principle of proportion, as reached in the


-Senate (with equal representation of each state, 2)

Executive, consisted of a single person, The President

Judiciary, a Supreme Court was created (9 members)

b) Strong federal government that had the power to declare war and make peace and to tax

and regulate commerce.

Another issue was how to count the slaves for representation and taxation. It was resolved

that a slave was counted as 3/5ths. of a person.

The Constitution did not come into force until 2 years later, that is in 1789 and 22

Amendments were added to it. The 10 first are commonly known as the Bill of Rights.

-The Presidents

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

GEORGE WASHINGTON (Federalist, from 1789 to 1797)

He was the 1st President of the US. He made important contributions since all the decisions

he took set precedence. He chose Jefferson as his Secretary of State, Hamilton as Secretary

of the Treasury, and Henry Knox as his Secretary of War. His vice-president was John

Adams. During his period of rule the bases for the American Capitalism were set. His term

was also marked by an important industrial development. He was elected President of the

US twice, but he refused to be President for a 3rd time.

JOHN ADAMS (Federalist, from 1797 to 1801)

John Adams was elected President in 1797. Jefferson became vice-president. This period

was marked by strained relations with France. In this year the conflicts with the Southern

States began. He was not re-elected

THOMAS JEFFERSON (Republican, from 1801 to 1809)

He was an important member of the Continental Congress and wrote most of the Declaration

of Independence.

He became the leader of a group who were to form the Democratic-Republican party. As a

Republican he reacted against the centralism of the Union. He was an advocate of states’

rights and freedom for the farmer.

His main concern was the foreign affairs and especially the territorial expansion. In 1803 he

ordered the purchase of Louisiana, and the Slave Trade officially stopped being legal.

His darkest hour was an embargo he authorised in all American export, due to the fact that

Britain and France had imposed orders and decrees that limited American trade with Europe.

Jefferson inaugurated the period of the “Virginia Dynasty” Presidency.

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

JAMES MADISON (Republican, from 1809 to 1817)

He is sometimes called “Father of the Constitution” because of his work at the

Constitutional Convention in 1787. During the period he ruled, commercial restrictions to

force France and Britain to respect freedom of the seas were approved. American relations

with both Britain and France degenerated.

He started the War of 1812 against Great Britain, and it was called “Mr Madison War”.

During the war, US soldiers attacked Canada, but without success. The British captured

Washington, DC, and burned the Capitol and the White House. American successes,

however led to Treaty of Ghent ,Belgium (1814) which ended the war.




The years after 1815 were marked by a surge of nationalism throughout the country, an

enhancement of national power.

The American government had decided to create new states which entered the Union on an

equal basis with the other states. The 13 original states were soon outnumbered by the new

admissions of the 19th C. Five new states were created by 1816: Kentucky (1792),

Tennessee (1796), Ohio (1803), Louisiana (1812) and Indiana (1816). More admissions

were accepted during the following years.

This expansion was made by a remarkable increase in the American population. This

increase was aided by immigrants who poured into the US during the 19th C , attracted by

the prospect of land, economic prosperity and a high degree of religious and political



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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

JAMES MONROE ( Republican,

Republican from 1817 to 1825)

During his ruling the major crisis on the question of the expansion of slavery arose. It was in

1819 when Missouri applied for the Union. The problem was that this territory expanded

both to the North (free states) and to the South (slavery). The question was whether to admit

the territory as a free state or as a slave state. In 1820 with the COMPROMISE OF

MISSOURI , Missouri entered the Union as a divided state: the northern part of the line 36

30’, entered as a free state. The southern part entered as a slave state. The number of states

rose to 23 by then.

Monroe also bought Florida from Spain in 1819.

In a speech in 1823 he stated his Monroe Doctrine, that countries of Europe should not get

involved in the affairs of the countries of North and South America, and, in exchange for

this, the US would not get involved in European affairs. It was summarized in the sentence:

“America for the Americans”

All in all, his time as President was called the ‘Era of Good Feeling’.


Democrat, from 1829 to 1837)

He won a resounding victory in the elections, which meant the end of the presidents from

Virginia and the coming of popular democracy. The suffrage was expanded. During his term

the following changes took place:

-Political transformation

It was based on a two-party system: Democrats and Republicans.

The Democrats wanted freedom of state, a society more equal, and economic liberalism

The Republicans were more conservative.

-Demographic growth

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

In 1820 there were 9 million inhabitants, and in 1860 there were 32 million (mainly due to

European immigrants)

-Economic development

Labour was required for factories, and gold fever started (search for gold)

-Territorial expansion

Oregon, Texas, New Mexico and California annexed the Union

With the admission of Nebraska the compromise of Missouri was broken. Nebraska was

divided into 2 territories: Kansas and Nebraska, and they had to sort out the question on


ABRAHAM LINCOLN (Republican, from 1861 o 1865)

He was a Republican and anti-slavery politician. He won political support in the Northern

States because of his speeches against slavery, but this made him unpopular in the Southern


The American Civil War started soon after he became President.


-Causes of the War

The American Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states from 1861 to

1865. There were two main causes of the war. The 1st was the issue of slavery: should

Africans who had been brought by force to the US be used as slaves. The 2nd was the issue

of states’ rights: should the US federal government be more powerful that the governments

of individual states?

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

The North and the South were very different in character. The economy of the South was

based on agriculture, especially cotton. Picking cotton was hard work, and the south

depended on slaves for this. The North was more industrial, with a larger population and

greater wealth. Slavery, and opposition to it had existed since before independence 1776,

but, in the 19th c. the abolitionists, people who wanted to make slavery illegal, gradually

increased in number. The South’s attitude was that each state had the right to make to make

any law it wanted.

Many southerners became secessionists, believing that the southern states should secede the

Union (= become independent from the US).

As Abraham Lincoln was against slavery, the southern states began to leave the Union in

1860. There were then 34 states in the US. 11 of them (South Carolina, Mississippi,

Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Lousiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and South

Carolina) left the Union and formed the Confederate States of America, often called the


Jefferson Davis became its President.

-Four years of fighting

On 12 April 1861, the Confederate Army attacked Fort Sumter, which was in the

Confederate state of South Carolina but still occupied by the Union army. President Lincoln

could not ignore the attack and so the Civil War began.

The Union army tried to take control of the South. After the battle of Gettysburg in 1863, in

a speech known as the Gettysburg Address, President Lincoln said that the North was

fighting the war to keep the Union together so that ...’government of the people, by the

people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth’. In the same year he issued the

Emancipation Proclamation which made slavery illegal.

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

On 9 April 1865, when the South could not fight any more, General Robert Lee surrendered

to General Grant at Appomattox Court house in Virginia.

A total of 620 000 people had been killed and many more wounded.

John Wilkes Booth, an actor who supported the South, decided to kill President Lincoln. On

14 April 1865 he approached the President in Ford’s Theatre in Washington and shot him.

The killing of President Lincoln showed how bitter many people felt. The South had been

beaten, but its people had not changed their opinions about slavery or about states’ rights.

During the war, the differences between the North and the South had become even greater.

The North had become richer. In the South, cities had been destroyed and the economy



-The Scarlet Letter

It was written by the US writer Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850. The story is about Puritans in

17th c. New England. Hester Prynne is found guilty of adultery and is made to wear a scarlet

(= red) letter “A” on her dress. There have been 3 film versions, including one in 1995 with

Demi Moore as Hester.

The main characters are:

-Hester, she is the main character and the adulterous woman who wear the letter “A”

-Pearl, she is Hester’s daughter, fruit of her adultery

-Chillingworth, he is Hester’s husband

-Arthur Dimmesdale, a pastor, Pearl’s father

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1809 in Salem, Mass. One of his ancestors was a judge of

witchcraft trials. Consequently he had a mood of sin and guilt. These are the recurring

themes in his works. His novels are set in New England during the time of the Puritans.

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.

Opposite to the optimistic philosophy of the Transcendentalists, he had a tragic vision of

life. His hero is always a man alienated from society with a hidden sin.

Other works are The House of the Seven Gables (1851). His best-known collections of short

stories are the two volumes of Twice-Told Tales (1837, 1842).

-The Red Badge of Courage

It was written in 1895. It is the story of a young boy, Henry Fleming, who joins the army

when he hears that there is a war in his country. This is the Civil War of the US. His major

concern as a soldier is to cope with fear of death, and to preserve his esteem within the

regiment. At first he is flooded with fear and wants to come back home. He meets two brave

soldiers there: Jim, who is killed in the war, and Wilson.

Later Henry becomes an aggressive soldier. He is encouraged to fight and becomes the flag

bearer. He has constructed his own mental defences against fear. The story has a happy


Stephen Crane (1871-1900) was a US journalist who wrote poems and realistic novels. His

ancestors were soldiers and this influenced his work. He rebelled against the dogmas of

vices: novel, theatre, baseball, tobacco and alcohol.

This novel, which is a psychological portrayal of fear, is an attempt to achieve with words

what the Impressionists achieved with painting: to capture discrete moments. The theme of

war had hardly been treated before by the American realists; The Civil War fascinated his

generation because it was their own war, and not a war against Europeans.

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46. La configuración histórica de los Estados Unidos de América: De la independencia a la guerra de secesión. Novelas de
referencia: The Scarlet Letter, The Red Badge of Courage.


The importance of the 1770s and 1870s was the emergence of the United States of America

in a form that we can recognise today.

It's important to develop our students' interest in American literature and history in order to

understand the social characteristics, religious believes and political evolution of this

country, the United States, with such a huge influence in our culture nowadays.


Berryman, J. 1950. Stephen Crane. Methuen, London

Cunliffe, Marcus, 1970. The Literature of the United States. Penguin

Encyclopædia Britannica

Guide to British and American Culture. Oxford, 1999

James, H. 1956. Hawthorne. Ithaca.

Ousby, Ian. The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English.CUP

The Norton Anthology of American Literature

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