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Debate, Gun control in the USA

Hello, my mame is Rubén Gómez, English teacher and Student from CECAR UNIVERSITY. After
Reading the dabate, and watching the videos, I think that, I completely agree with the Gun
control and therefore, with the arguments presented in the first video. There are many facts to
be considered first; in one hand, is that gun regulations won't asure a decrease with injured or
dead people, as seen in other countries like Russia or in other states from USA like Chicago,
that have strong regulations with guns; but here I think that people get guns because they are
allowed in the whole country. On the other hand, the statements given by Trumph about the
question asked by the journalist on gun control after Las Vegas shooting is not an enough
rational statement because What is the point of fighting violence with more violence? That
would be a never ending cycle of massive deads and injured people as we can see so far, free
access to have guns as the second amendment stablished as a right for people to keep And
bear guns should he gulated, Maybe it's right to let people have a gun to defend their families,
But this issue Is clearly out of control, there is no safety guarantee, if anybody buys a gun is
because they want to use it, perhaps if they get on a fight ir argue with Simeone, they Will
Think on use the gun to solve their differences or as retaliation; that is the Main problem I
found here for this case. As a final statement I just see that the problem is that USA
governmet doesnt want to admite that actions Must he Made to control guns; in a society
without Guns allowed to the public there will hardly be such cases, But introduce or give them
free access to guns and just watch caos Beging sooner or lateral, because in the end it’s a
matter of human Nature.

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