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Andrea Lawley

Professor Cassel

Eng. 1201 Online

12 April 2019

Annotated Bibliography

My essay will attempt to explain how Greek Life influences the college campus

and the students attending the university. I want to know how sororities and fraternities

can be a positive and/or negative influence as well as examine the potential problems (i.e.

hazing). Overall, I’d like to discover if sororities and fraternities are really worth it and

their long-term effects.

Best_Schools. “Joining a Fraternity or Sorority: The Pros and Cons of Greek Life.”,, 26 July 2018,


Editors of Best Schools Magazine Online, published “Joining a Fraternity or Sorority:

The Pros and Cons of Greek Life” on February 12th, 2019 and describe the pros and cons

of joining Greek Life. They explain the con of the price (can be upwards of $1000),

Hazing (can be deadly, hurtful and embarrassing), Alcohol and Drug Use (is increased in

Greek Life members) and Time Commitment (less time to study) but also examines the

positives of networking (future job connections), Philanthropy (can raise sometimes

10,0000), Social Identity and Skills (gain sociability and responsibility) as well as Fun.

The writer’s purpose in writing this article is to show the many things you must consider
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before joining a fraternity or sorority. It shows insight into the thought process of

deciding to join into Greek Life and encourages deep thought into who you are and why

you want to join a sorority or fraternity. The editors of Best Schools Magazine Online

wrote this article and it comes from a credible magazine that is known for its’ accurate

information. This website also has a “.org” ending, which usually indicates a reliable

source. I am splitting my paper up into sections of pros and cons of Greek life. This

source will be able to be used in all eight of my categories as evidence. I will dive deeper

into the specific categories when writing my paper.

Reilly, Katie. “These Are the Students Who Died in Fraternity Hazing in 2017.” Time, Time, 21

Dec. 2017,

Katie Reilly explains in Times, “These Are the Students Who Die in Fraternity Hazing in

2017,” how there are increasing amounts of injuries and deaths from fraternity hazing.

There has been a record amount in 2017 of fraternities and many parents are grieving and

calling for universities to make a change. Maxwell Gruver died from a ritual called “Bible

Study” and was found with a BAC of .495 at the time of his death. Gruver’s mother

believed it was ridiculous that his fraternity brothers tried to make him drink that much and

classified it as murder because “it is impossible for someone to drink that much.” Andrew

Coffey was a junior pledge at Florida State died while having a BAC of .447. His parents

were sad that he died “alone in a room full of people” and were troubled that this issue has

happened many times and people refuse to act. Florida state suspended Greek life

indefinitely. The writer is trying to put a stop to the excessive drinking and hazing that

goes on in university culture and is trying to educate people on the potential harms if this
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behavior continues. This is a credible source because it is with the Time Newspaper and

was written recently on December 21, 2017. The author is credible as well because Kelly

is an experienced reporter for Time. I plan to use this source in the section of my paper

that addresses hazing, drinking and drug use. I am going to show the negatives that Greek

Life can have, but also explain how fraternities are cracking down on the issue.

Tackett, Megan. “Is Going Greek Right For You? - Responsibilities of Joining a Sorority.” We

Are IU, 3 Apr. 2019,


Megan Tackett explains the time commitment involved in joining a sorority in “Is Going

Greek Right For You?” Tackett explains that there are many meetings, you are controlled

by a board, and it can be hard to juggle a job, extracurriculars and a sorority. Some

members can find themselves falling behind in school and other commitments because

they are dedicating most of themselves to Greek Life. You may be fined for not attending

meetings as well. Tackett also explains the cost that goes into Greek Life that can add up

to $8000-$10,000 a year. She explains where this money goes and explains that there are

many hidden fees you are not warned about. The author is writing this to share the honest

truth with readers who are considering joining Greek Life. This is a reliable source as it

come from Indiana University’s Greek Life discussion page and the author has experience

with sororities and the positive and negative sides of joining. This source was also written

very recently and contains information on a wide variety of topics when considering the

Greek Life process. I will use this source in the “Cost” “Politics and Skills” and “Time
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Commitment” section of my paper to thoroughly discuss and provide examples for those


“Grand Valley State University.” Advantages to "Going Greek" - Fraternity & Sorority Life -

Grand Valley State University,


Grand Valley State University explains the skills you will gain throughout your college

experience if you participate in Greek Life in “Advantages to Going Greek.” There will be

lifelong friendships made that can lead to networking and friendships with people from

various backgrounds. A sorority or fraternity can provide a smaller and more inclusive

environment that the 25,000 student campus could. There are many leadership positions

you can take on in a fraternity or sorority and if not that, you can take leadership on by

example. Greek Life can teach you how to take charge without offending others and doing

it in the best way possible. There is also community service involved with the sorority or

fraternities’ philanthropy and that can raise upwards of $10,000. This can also teach you

selflessness and how to take action with event planning in order to do good for others.

This source is very reputable because it comes from a college and describes the skills they

have seen develop first hand. This source was recently published and contains a wide

variety of information that can be used to explain the positive skills that Greek Life can

help you develop. I am going to use this source within my “Skills and Networking”

section of my paper in order to describe the positive life skills and opportunities that Greek

Life can provide.

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“High Dues, Hidden Expenses: the Cost of Greek Life.” Columbia Daily Spectator,


Rahil Kamath describes the high cost that comes with Greek Life in “High Dues, Hidden

Expenses: The Cost of Greek Life.” Kamath describes how Greek Life is inaccessible to

low-income students and how exclusivity is encouraged with such high dues. One student

described having to contribute three months of working money towards sorority dues. The

burden falls upon those rushing to figure out how they will pay for the dues. There are

many hidden fees as well from formals or having a little. There are many attempts to raise

aid, but all are very futile and don’t completely help the environment become as inclusive

as it should be. This source is very reputable because it reports on statistics from Colombia

University and aims to educate other universities to try to lower sorority costs. It also aims

to educate students who want to rush on the real cost of joining Greek Life. This source

was written recently on October 5th, 2017 and really dives deep into the concept of cost and

examines every aspect of the financial side of Greek Life. I am going to use this source in

my research paper for the “Cost” section and explain where the money goes and explain

efforts of moving towards financial aid.

Kunst, Justin. “Drinking and Drug Abuse in Greek Life.” Amethyst Recovery Center, 5 Nov.


Justin Kunst describes how your chance to fall into habits of drinking and drug abuse

increase when you participate in Greek Life in “Drinking and Drug Abuse in Greek Life.”

“About 50% of fraternity members will struggle with an alcohol use disorder by the time
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they reach the age of 35.” Kunst also describes how 85% if the fortune 500 participated in

Greek Life and describes the positive skills you can gain when you are in a sorority or

fraternity. Researchers believe that alcohol abuse is so high because of peer pressure, lack

of parental supervision, hazing and initiation rituals, curiosity and the ease of accessibility.

Kunst notes the four point solution to stop hazing and explains the case of Piazza who

fatally drank as part of an initiation ritual. This source was written to educate people of the

mass drinking that goes in in Greek Life. There is a lot of pressure and it can become a

very dangerous activity for members to take part in. This is a reputable source at it is a

alcohol recovery website and aims to help people find help and cope with their addiction.

It was written recently and is not bias as it shows both sides of the issue and gives detailed

facts and statistics about the issue. I am going to use this source in the “Hazing, Drinking

and Drug Abuse” section of my essay and I am also going to include the 4 tips that were

suggested to decrease this activity.

Fisher, Rachel. “About the University.” 20 Events Hosted by Greek Life Organizations at

Binghamton That Help Give Back - Binghamton University Blog,


Rachel Fisher describes the many events her sorority put on throughout the year in “20

Events Hosted by Greek Life Organizations at Binghamton That Help Give Back.” Fisher

describes events such as “Rock-A-Thon,” where someone sits in a rocking chair for 48

hours. The event raised over $12,000 for cancer survivors and required a lot of time and

planning. Another event “Dodging for Donations and Date Auction,” a dodgeball
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tournament that raised money for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, brought together 15 Greek

Life Organizations. Lauren Filler, a Delta Phi Epsilon Co-Philanthropy Chair thanks other

Greek life members greatly for their participation, saying “without their help this event

would not have been possible.” This source is credible because the author works in

undergraduate admissions is writing about her first hand experiences in the sorority. It is

posted on a college website with the ending “.edu” which shows that it is a verified

website. Fisher wrote this article to share her positive experiences with philanthropic

events and to give ideas to other colleges and Greek organizations. I am going to use this

website as evidence in my “Time Commitment, Philanthropy and Events” Section of my

paper to explain the hard work and dedication that really goes into joining Greek Life.

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