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Raw Data

January 29- Waiting by Kevin Henkes

 Azayvion: Azayvion did not respond to the book and did not seem interested in it. I asked

him what kinds of books he liked and he did not say anything. I asked if he liked pirate

books and he shook his head yes but I do not know if he truly likes those kinds of books

or not. He did not answer any questions that I asked him.

 Alexa: Alexa pointed at the different objects that were the focus of the story. She asked

what happened to the object that never came back and I explained to her that the object

fell from the shelf and it broke, so it could not come back. She seemed troubled by this

but moved passed it quickly. When I asked her what type of books she liked to read she

said fairy books,

February 5- The Magical, Mystical, Marvelous Coat by Catherine Ann Cullen and Giggle,

Giggle, Quack by Doreen Cronin

 Azayvion: Azayvion had the same attitude at last week. He did not respond to any of my

questions and was not paying attention to me reading either. I tried to point out

interesting pictures in hopes of grabbing his attention, but I did not succeed. A lunch lady

walked by and said hi to him then told me that he barely talks to anyone. She said that she

just now got him to say thank you for his lunch. This made me wonder why he was so

quiet, but I was not going to stop trying to get him to talk to me.

 Alexa: There were no fairy books at Jackson Library so I settled on a magical story about

a coat. Alexa thought it was cool how the coat was magical and how each button had a

different purpose. She asked lots of questions in regards to the different functions of the
buttons. Giggle, Giggle, Quack made her laugh out loud several times she thought the

duck was so clever and told me numerous times that she wanted a pet duck. She was

engaged in both books the whole time but squirmed around while I was reading.

February 12- 9 Magic Wishes by Shirley Jackson and Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs: As

Retold by Mo Willems by Mo Willems

 Azayvion: Azayvion was quiet like usual, but this week he recognized me when I walk in

the door of his classroom. I was having high hopes for today, but still no change from the

past couple week. I tried numerous times to engage him in the text, but he was

uninterested. I picked a dinosaur book in hopes that he would enjoy it because it was not

as girly as some of the books I have brought, but there was no change. He shook his head

to all my yes or no questions which lead me to believe that he was not really listening to

me. I will not give up on this kid! I want him to express any type of interest or emotion to

the reading in my time as his reader.

 Alexa: Alexa did not say much during 9 Magic Wishes, except when I asked her about

what she thought of the book and she replied with, “If I had 9 wishes, I would not wish

for what she did”. She then went on talking about what she would get if she had 9 wishes.

She laughed a lot during Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs, she said that she looked

like Goldilocks. She told me that she was not as silly as Goldilocks, though. She told me

that she would not walk into strangers’ house, and I told her that was a good decision.

Today was pretty quiet for both of my readers.

February 19- I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen and Inch by Inch and Leo Lionni
 Azayvion: Azayvion has showed no difference since the first day that we started reading

together. I thought he would enjoy these books because they are unique and have funny

endings. I asked him what he thought happened to Rabbit at the end of I Want My Hat

Back and he said nothing, so I asked him if he thought he got away and he shook his head

yes. He was watching the people in the hallway for the other book and I did not get a

response from him when I asked questions about the book.

 Alexa: Alexa thought these two books were funny. She told me her favorite was I Want

My Hat Back because she thought it was silly that a big bear was crying about a little hat.

When I asked her about what she thought happened to Rabbit she told me that he hopped

away because he was a fast bunny. She liked Inch by Inch because of the ending. She said

that the worm should just inch away for the rest of his life which made us both laugh.

February 26- Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems and The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats

 Azayvion: I started off asking Azayvion if he had a stuffed animal at home that he loved

and he did his usual head nod. I asked him if he went everywhere with it and he shook his

head no, this was the first time he has done that so I was pretty happy. This showed me

that he is comprehending what I am saying, he is just choosing not to respond to me. We

read through the books and I asked him if he liked them and he shook his head yes and I

asked him what he liked about it, and I got no answer like usual. I call today a success

because I got a different response than a nod, I got a head shake for no!

 Alexa: I asked Alexa the same questions and she was very happy to tell me about her

unicorn stuffed animal that she spends all her time with. I told Alexa that the little girl in

the book is a lot like her and that made her really excited to read. When I asked her what

her favorite part was and she said, “When the little girl forgot her bunny in the washing
machine!”. I thought this was an interesting response but it showed me that she was

actively listening to what I was reading as well as following along with the pictures.

March 12- The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister and Leave Me Alone! by Vera Brosgol

 Azayvion: Azayvion was quiet like usual. I have been trying for the past couple of weeks

to get him to talk. Today I asked him what fish he liked best in The Rainbow Fish and he

said nothing. I focused the question a little more, I asked him if he liked the rainbow fish

and he shook his head. That was the only response I got from him when I asked him

questions for both books I read to him.

 Alexa: Alexa’s first response when I pulled out The Rainbow Fish was extreme

excitement. She said she had a fish that looked just like the rainbow fish. She was very

intrigued in the book because of the pictures and when I asked her what she liked about

the book when we finished, she surprised me. I expected her to say that she liked the

pictures, but she told me that she liked how the rainbow fish shared his scales with all his

friends so they could be matching. She said that’s what makes a good friend and I told

her that she was absolutely right. When we read Leave Me Alone, she was giggling

during the whole story. When we got to the part of the story about the wormhole, she was

curious to know what that was so I explained it to the best of my abilities. Alexa had a

great day with finding the moral of the books and asking thought provoking questions.

March 19- Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae and Ballerina Swan by Allegra Kent

 Azayvion: Today was a success! I was able to get Azayvion to talk to me! We were

reading the book Giraffes Can’t Dance and there was a picture with all the different

jungle animals on the page. I pointed to different animals and I asked him what they were
and he verbally answered me! This was a huge step for me because I have been working

so hard to get him to say anything and today, he finally did. He was quiet during the rest

of the story and throughout the next book, but I still count today as a success!

 Alexa: Alexa was her usual crazy self, but today she was extra squirmy. I ignored it and

went along with reading to her. She was asking lots of questions about what was

happening in the book and why. Finally, she said, “Can I get my hypers out please?” and

of course, I let her. She was not loud or obnoxious about it, she just ran the width of the

hallway a couple times and then she sat back down next to me, completely still and silent.

I was in awe of her ability to get her jitters out that quickly and how she was able to focus

after that. She loved the book Ballerina Swan because she loves to dance and she said

that she wished she had a pet swan that she could take to dance class. This reminded me

of when she told me she wanted a pet duck after we read the book Giggle, Giggle, Quack.

April 2- Hide & Seek by Il Sung Na and Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett

 Azayvion: I was hoping to have another success with Azayvion today, but I did not. He

was completely uninterested in both books I had to read. I tried my best to make it as

interesting as possible by using strange voices for the different characters as well as

asking him different questions, but nothing worked. He continued to watch the people

walking around the hallways and did not answer any of my questions I asked about either

book, so I was slightly disappointed that I could not get anything out of him.

 Alexa: Alexa really enjoyed the pictures in Hide & Seek and she mimicked my voices for

the different animals which was really cool to see. She was also matching words with the

pictures in the books. She asked, “What does this word mean?” and I told her that was the

elephant. She smiled and went back a couple pages then pointed and said, “This is an
elephant!”. Sure enough, she recognized what an elephant was and matched it with the

word. I was very excited for her and this discovery! She giggled quite a bit through Extra

Yarn, mainly because she thought it was so weird that she made sweaters for houses and


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