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Ethical Scenario – Credit Card Transactions:

As much of an emergency this would be if I was the person in this position. Bottom line
this is not okay to do at any circumstance and there are many ways of transportation these days if
that’s what it had come down to, such as taxies, busses, or carpooling/getting a ride with a fellow
colleague or family member. Even though I would of course pay back the money as soon as I got
it, it still would devalue the trust the company had for me and the trust they had for me being
responsible of the company’s credit card. It is known that these bad days will happen to
everybody and I feel it’s the persons responsibility to be prepared for them, and if it’s really not
possible at the time then your family or close friends are whom would be of best interest to go to.
As they are people you trust and are people that trust you and you taking time to pay them back.
Company funds or credit/debit cards are ultimately used for company purposes only, even when
its staff runs into rough positions. So no overall, I don’t feel that this is an acceptable use of the
company credit card as it is a personal need that should be personally paid.

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